Ten Plausible Civil War Scenarios

The United States is dead.  It is a walking shell of its former self.  Anyone who denies that fact should watch the absolute inability – or more likely, unwillingness – of the government to stop the mass carnage of the antifa/BLM riots of 2020.  More federal agents were killed by antifa during the summer of chaos than those at Fort Sumter in April 1861.  The aggressive prosecution of the legitimately mostly peaceful protestors of January 6th is a clear indication of a state apparatus in freefall.  They have lost power and they know it.  Attempting to reassert control by targeting constitutional conservatives and naïve Civic Nationalists is simply low hanging fruit on a rotten tree.  Consequently, the final collapse is likely a few short years away. 

Given the current climate, I think it is useful to consider how the catalyst of this collapse might appear.  I suspect a civil war is inevitable.  The following are effectively ten daydreams.  I am not advocating for any particular scenario.  It is the stated position of Identity Dixie that we seek a peaceful secession, one that empowers the Christian South to separate without bloodshed.  Unfortunately, looking at world events, I suspect that will not happen.  Here are ten plausible civil war scenarios:

1. Red Flag Laws Trigger a Response

Of all the scenarios, I believe this is the most likely to occur.  It is also the ugliest disintegration scenario because it will likely involve multiple shootings in areas throughout the country without any organization. In this scenario, Red Flag Laws are passed and immediately weaponized by leftists to disarm conservatives, regardless of their flavor.  Eventually, someone will refuse to comply, and that event will go beyond a standoff.  This will excite some locals and then the gloves come off.  County sheriffs will have to decide whether they will support federal overreach or local citizens.  This becomes an almost immediate collapse of the United States, likely along red-blue divisions.

2. Abortion Triggered Breakdown

For years, the 1973 Supreme Court decision of Roe v Wade has hovered above the Left-Right divide.  To leftists, the decision is sacrosanct.  They deeply believe that murdering babies in the womb is a good thing.  To them, it is an absolute.  For the political Right, however, the positions have been nuanced.  Members of the political Right range from anti-government “pro-choice” libertarians to Christians who see abortion as murder.  Regardless, if Roe is reversed (which I think it will), this will send a signal to radical leftists who will use violence to change the Supreme Court.  When they succeed with the help of the federal government with whom they work closely, this will trigger anti-government action by a handful of angry folks – likely Christian Nationalists – who will see the assassination of Supreme Court Justices for the obvious power grab that it is.  The signal to kill SCOTUS Judges will come from the Democratic Party leadership in the form of an unpassed or watered-down SCOTUS security bill.

3. War

There is no appetite for war anymore.  The United States government’s deep hatred toward its once most loyal and patriotic demographic – White men – has effectively handcuffed the ability of the U.S. to launch a war, let alone win one.  Unlike a unified Ukraine, which has mounted a solid enough defense against Russia, more than likely, I suspect at least a quarter of the United States would support an invasion by a foreign adversary, depending upon who that adversary may be.  In fact, many high-profile leftists have openly expressed support and a desire for Communist China to invade the U.S. on social media.  If Putin attacked the United States as a Christian liberator of White people, I believe he would have a very ready fifth column of combat veterans.

4. Another Stolen Election

There is no universe in which Biden won the election fairly in 2020.  The number of absurd anomalies, late night voting shifts, ballot stuffing, etc., is very clear that something was not above board.  More than fifty percent of Republicans and close to thirty percent of Democrats believe the election was not legitimate in some way.  Despite the media’s attempts to claim that “the courts rejected Trump’s election fraud complaints,” the truth is very different.  The courts never admitted the arguments at all.  There is a difference – and it is one that smells of fear.  If the election was legitimate, the courts would not have been scared of hearing the arguments and seeing the evidence.  Many strongly believe that the stolen White House was an assault on the Constitution and the country.  If it happens again, such as 2024, watch out.  January 6th will look like a walk in the park.

5. A Southern State Goes Black

Black people are part of the South.  They are approximately 25-30% of the population of nearly every Southern state.  Proximity breeds familiarity, if not contempt.  Consequently, Dixie has done a remarkable job managing its black population over the past two centuries, despite periodic setbacks imposed by Yankee federal agents.  Recently, the Democratic Party woke-up and realized that black candidates were the way to win in the South.  Despite claims to the contrary by “color-blind” Republicans, blacks vote black – period.  They do not care who the candidate might be.  Blacks are also genetically inclined toward communism.  This is apparent whether they are in the United States, the Caribbean, or Africa.  With the surge of Yankee transplants who are leftist, a coalition of blacks voting as a unified bloc and Yankee transplants can elevate an extremist black candidate to a position of power within a given Southern state.  If that happens, unencumbered by procedural rules and order, a black governor will quickly get to work dismantling Southern heritage and White rights within the state.  That may lead to a dramatic response to curtail Marxist authoritarianism.  Such an event could rapidly lead to a race war within that state, ultimately spreading throughout the United States like a wildfire, which is already primed for conflict.  Watch Georgia closely on this one.

6. Leftist Power Grab

The only rule within which leftists operate is the rule of power accumulation.  They frequently trounce Republicans who try to play the silly highroad game.  This is the real reason they hated Trump.  He did not play by the typical standards of a common Republican candidate.  If the Left sees that it is about to get completely trounced politically, they will likely act to consolidate power quickly.  This would likely involve another mass hysteria campaign, such as the manufactured Covid crisis, but on a bigger scale.  Unlike 2020, however, when seventy-six million Americans believed their vote counted, no serious person believes voting matters anymore.  If they see this happen again, expect a different response than “voting harder.”

7. Rightwing Power Grab

The closest thing we have to Spanish General Francisco Franco is probably Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.  A highly educated, former naval officer, who served as a J.A.G. attorney for the S.E.A.L.s, DeSantis has the bona fides and experience necessary to fundamentally transform the U.S. government, if he wanted to do so.  A lot would depend on the team he brings with him.  If DeSantis were to win the presidential election in 2024, unlike Trump, he would know how to clean out the very large rats’ nests residing at the FBI, CIA, DOD, and DOJ.  Just like they did with Trump, the federal government would relaunch the antifa and BLM on the incoming administration and its supporters.  Unlike Trump, DeSantis would not hide in the White House basement eating cheeseburgers while the country burned down.  In fact, DeSantis is reported to have complained openly about Trump’s inaction.  The likes of traitorous Mark Esper and Marxist Mark Miley would not be around to tacitly support the carnage by refusing to deploy the National Guard.  I strongly believe that DeSantis’ real reason to create a Florida State Guard is a cover to build a loyal officer cadre through carefully constructed interviews – the likes of whom he can bring with him to Washington when the time comes.  When that happens, and DeSantis goes to work, watch the empire shudder.  The full weight of globohomo extremists will fight back – from the halls of Langley to the streets of Portland.  I suspect DeSantis would encourage the Right to fight back – Spanish nationalist style.

8. Political Secession

In this scenario, which is becoming more likely by the day, a state or group of states choose to ignore the federal government and effectively secede from the United States, if not officially, at least in all but name.  This will occur when some outrageous law is passed, such as a requirement of Christian churches to endorse homosexuality or lose their tax-free status.   When those states do so, the Left will demand compliance.  We have seen the Left’s reaction to the trucker strike in Ottawa and their outrageous calls for violence against the peaceful truckers.  You can bet they demand action against Texas, Florida, or Alabama when one of those states chooses to ignore the federal government over something like transgender surgeries for little children.  Sending in the federal government to enforce compliance will likely get met with an equal show of force by a state’s national guard – and a concerned local citizenry.

9. A Mass Infrastructure Collapse

The recent attempts to pass an infrastructure bill were laughable.  They had nothing to do with physical infrastructure.  It was mostly a handout to Far Left causes and companies.  The United States is on the brink of a massive infrastructure collapse.  Whether that occurs because of a solar flare induced electromagnetic pulse, a systematic failure, or a purposely induced energy crisis, does not matter.  If the electricity were to shut down en masse, we no longer have the means or societal glue to respond to it.  When the power shut down for fifty million people in the US and Canada in 2003, there was no noticeable crime wave, and the power was restored the next day for most people.  By contrast, the next big catastrophic failure will likely take longer to fix and trigger events of violence never seen before.  The contagion of violence will be hard to manage as the U.S. descends quickly into anarchy.

10. A Real Pandemic

Covid was laughable.  Contrary to the scary numbers CNN likes to promote, less people died of Covid without underlying conditions than the annual flu.  Covid was a manufactured crisis used to disrupt the thriving Trump economy and change election laws.  It worked.  The real story about Covid, however, was its origins.  Covid-19 was a laboratory manufactured disease.  We now know that Ukraine was hosting a number of “gain of function” biomedical labs.  Any one of these various diseases could be released and be far deadlier than Covid.  The truth is that we do not know.  Since we already saw the supply chain collapse related to Covid, think what would happen if a new disease emerged that was actually deadly.  Food and supplies would come to a halt.  Entire populations would get wiped out.  The U.S. would struggle to respond in its already weakened, disjointed state.  Armed communities would likely become the new order.  Those without arms would become slaves or victims.

In sum, I believe we are on the precipice of collapse.  The United States is just waiting for a shove.  A civil war is likely – it is just the “how” and “why” that we are awaiting.  Personally, I will do everything I can for my kith and kin to weather that which is coming.  I urge you to do the same.  Meanwhile, if you have thought about any of these scenarios or other scenarios, I would love to read your thoughts in the comment section.


  1. The very fact that Georgia may(legitimately or not) elect a Marxist black woman who looks straight out of the projects should trigger a conversation among we in the rest of the State want to keep being governed by Atlanta.
    Either a return to the county unit system is in order, or failing that, a break away movement to create our own State.

    1. Hello Robert Tombs,

      As someone with a lot of family in Georgia, I 100% agree. Thank you for reading ID and contributing to the conversation.

      God Bless,
      Padraig Martin

    2. The State Legislature and Congress have to approve a new state. Good luck with that.

    3. So now you people want to secede from your own state. Perhaps this is a sign that you put it off too long. Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll be able to vote your way out of this.

  2. I say let it come. The sooner this transcontinental nightmare collapses like a cheap house of cards the better.

    1. Sadly, I see secession as the answer to our present distress. However, the seceding parties may not all be southern in geography or culture. States that love freedom will eventually cast off the corruption in Washington.

      1. NH might well be one of those seceding states. NH was the only state to refuse the fed covid money.
        Remember, when it comes to the federal government, Just Say No.

    2. I am with you, Maximus,

      Thank you for reading ID and contributing to the conversation.

      God Bless,
      Padraig Martin

  3. All these scenarios may be plausible … maybe. The question I have is: CAN there be an independent nation or people truly free of the usurious, micro and macronomic reach of an international financial and technocratic power? Is there an independent Russia and China maneuvering for true hegemony, or are they just the designated successors to a West that’s become a dry husk with all the vital juices sucked out of it by their masters? Don’t misunderstand me. I love the thought of secession, but it’s not just a secession from a degenerate union of Northern states in the Western Hemisphere. This video gives a glimpse of what we’re up against. It’s much worse than that from which the Confederate States tried to withdraw.


    1. Very good question, German Confederate.

      I think Russia is showing the world that it can be done – to a point. The better model would be the Middle East, where many of those states sell their natural resources (oil/gas) but preserve their cultural standards. As always, thank you for reading ID and contributing to the conversation.

      God Bless,
      Padraig Martin

  4. This country is under judgement, 2021 stats say 1 in 5 children aborted. God will sort this country out. Whether he destroys it first is up to Him.

      1. DtheW,

        Always a good thing when I see you make a remark somewhere in the blogosphere.

        – DAN III

    1. I agree, Jaybo!

      I have written about this and I think the United States will end, soon. Can Dixie depart before the fall? That is the question.

      God Bless,
      Padraig Martin

  5. I think another scenario is the collapse of the USD as global reserve currency. When this happens you will see hyperinflation that decimates the US economy. Welfare programs, social security, federal pensions will stop paying. People will hit the streets looting and rioting worse than we have seen because masses will be unemployed and stores will be bare.

    1. *THIS* All hell breaks loose when the economy tanks and food can’t be found or afforded. I could see the inner city “youths” rampaging into the suburbs/rural areas in search of food, police would be useless and armed citizens band together to defend their homes.
      Throw a natural disaster or power outages on top of that and it gets really crazy.

    2. That is highly likely, Chris.

      Thank you for reading ID and contributing to the conversation.

      God Bless,
      Padraig Martin

  6. Mr. Martin, no federals were harmed at Ft. Sumter except for some killed by their own exploding cannon. They were allowed to march out with honour and go home.

    1. Hello Sir,

      Yes, this is why I stated that point. The illegal federal occupation of sovereign South Carolinian territory resulted in two accidental deaths, but none were killed from our firing upon the fort. By contrast, two federal officers were killed by leftist radicals in 2020, and a right-wing protestor was assassinated. The difference in federal response was extraordinary. One Republican president chose to invade a free people – murdering, raping, and pillaging them into submission; one Republican president hid in the White House and did next to nothing.

      Thank you for reading my article and adding to the discussion.

      God Bless,
      Padraig Martin

  7. DeSantis has thoroughly demonstrated his commitment to Zionism. By definition, Zionism is incompatible with America First and the diametric opposite of GOD FIRST! Place your hopes where you will, but I will expect that under DeSantis .gov will remain territory occupied by the Synagogue of Satan.

    1. Hello Al,

      I agree with you that Zionism is absolutely opposite of God First. Zionism is predicated on a complete rejection of Jesus Christ. In fact, the beliefs of Talmudic Jews are abhorrent to God. I would caution about DeSantis’ supposed Zionism. I am not so sure they are genuine. He was raised in a Sedevacantist household. Thank you for reading ID and contributing to the conversation.

      God Bless,
      Padraig Martin

      1. I think people are too knee-jerk about DeSantis’ Zionism. The fact is in this world currently you can’t be a political leader without giving lip service to Occupied Palestine, especially a nationalist leader. Especially especially a politician in Florida, which serves as America’s Jewish retirement home.

        I’ve noticed an elevated campaign against DeSantis from the AF figures I’ve always strongly suspected are infused with Trump campaign cash yet many of the commentators I respect as mature and nuanced are supporting him. Of course he’s getting some support from a number of establishment conservatives who I hate, but that could be a sign that certain factions are taking seriously the dire situation in this country. The fact is to avoid an epic disaster we’ll need a competent and strong leader it’s not just Christian / White nationalists that could benefit from supporting DeSantis. In my opinion Trump has burned all credibility so we better hope ol’ Ronnie is our guy.

        Anyway, I’ve heard about this blog a lot and finally came here by way of 7homas777’s Telegram. I’ll leave a tap open!

        1. Hello AstralTurf,

          I agree with you and hold similar suspicions.

          Thank you for reading ID. I look forward to reading more of your comments on future posts.

          God Bless,
          Padraig Martin

  8. I believe any scenario outlined in the blog author’s essay is plausible….IF Patriots and Traditional American Citizens ORGANIZE !

    On 19 April 1775 upwards of 70 colonial militiamen were summoned to Lexington Green by militia commander Captain John Parker. These ORGANIZED militia stood on Lexington Green to defy the Crown’s intent to confiscate citizen weapons and ammunition, i.e., musket, ball and powder. In other words….GUN CONTROL !

    In today’s Amerika, I doubt that any one Patriot could summon even 10% of the numbers of militiamen gathered on Lexington Green that early morning of 19 April 1775. I hope I am wrong, but I do not believe so.

    There is no “voting” our way out of this continuing coup d’etat by the domestic communists within this former United States. The enemies domestic, communists, have captured every level of government, legislative, judiciary and executive entities. Only the force of arms will save what is left of this once, great country.

    Organize as best you can.

    Verify your zero.

    Make Peace with your Family and your God.

    And do not forget….Sometimes, Violence is the Answer !

    – DAN III

    1. Hello Delta3Two,

      We agree. Organizing is critical – and it has to come first.

      Thank you for reading ID and contributing to the conversation.

      God Bless,
      Padraig Martin

    2. Some of us have been Organizing for Decades. Prepping, Training, doing our area studies, Threat Assessment lists, building local intel/barter networks. We don’t go to protests anymore, or write letters to DC. We have ceased trying to save *unworthy* neighbors, family and friends. We don’t post often on the web, or give interviews. We avoid all factions/limbs of the Leviathan. But we are still here, and ready to go to the Green when the time comes. Pray that it comes soon. Do not give up hope.

  9. Your entire blog post scares the bejesus out of me, but I can’t find fault with it, because I believe you’re correct. I’ve long thought that this country is headed towards another Civil War. It’s just a matter of time. I expect I will be one of the first to go, or at least be in the first onslaught, since I’m a woman with no support group. Whatever. I relish that thought and am not afraid, because my suffering will be at a minimum. I won’t have to continue to live through the continuing carnage while things sort themselves out.

    1. Hello Laura,

      I pray there would be no such suffering for you at all. Let’s pray that cooler heads prevail and we peacefully separate the Christian South from the rest of the insanity.

      Thank you for reading ID and contributing to the conversation.

      God Bless,
      Padraig Martin

  10. Another very good piece by the guy who should be on air. Hopefully you can hook up with ALL right wing podcasts including Abbeville Institute ( see them on Youtube. )

    My 2 cents from the peanut gallery =

    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Possibly.
    4. Yes.
    5. Yes “but,” whites would leave that southern state for another and the black run one would crumble.
    6. Yes.
    7. Possible, but 1. There are a lot of white hats doing stuff now. 2. Military is still in control.
    8. Very likely.
    9. ? Maybe ?
    10. God’s in charge. He’d have to “allow” such a thing – not in prophecy.

    Sum up = Pray. Prep. “CONTROL” all southern communities and form militias with only people you know. KNOW the Fed’s will try to infiltrate all militias. Get off of Facebook etc.

    Push the “restructuring of America.

  11. Hello Josey Wales,

    You wrote “Sum up = Pray. Prep. “CONTROL” all southern communities and form militias with only people you know. KNOW the Fed’s will try to infiltrate all militias. Get off of Facebook etc.” Excellent advice. As always, thank you for contributing to the conversation.

    God Bless,
    Padraig Martin

      1. Red flag gun laws are unconstitutional. The Supreme Court has already ruled on that.

  12. Very well written and thought out. I agree wholeheartedly. Your words echo my thoughts that I’ve had for some time now. I am stuck in the north east and live very deep behind enemy lines. My Wife has strong family ties here. If and when it does kick off, I will be among the many refugees heading to safer grounds. A terrible plan I know. Thank you for the great essay.

  13. Well thought out and stated. I, for one, however, have a greater belief in bigfoot than in peaceful secession. The precedent has been set, and the SCOTUS has previously ruled that states do not have a right to secede from the union. Those of us with a “proper” understanding of the Confederation in which we live are very few. The rest use words like “democracy” with no actual understanding of what it means.

    I’ve been ready for CWII for a couple decades, and see it as inevitable. I don’t relish the process, but look forward to the victory. I view it as a situation in which we should rip off the bandage quickly so we can get on with the restoration of our Republic, then set right things in other failed “democracies” in need of a cure. Our true fight may not be against flesh and blood, but we generally know who make up the principalities and rulers of the dark world.

  14. IMHO Number one reason is the coming economic apocalypse. QUADRILILLIONS in fiat debt backed currencies around the world are about to hyperinflate to there intrinsic value: 0

  15. Secession is not enough.

    Once seceded from the Union, the newly independent State(s) must quickly put laws into effect that will make it too onerous for leftists to stay.

    Laws like mandatory military service. No voting rights for civil servants or anyone unemployed or on welfare.
    Term limits on political office.
    No subsidizing of the arts or academia. Mandatory death sentences for certain crimes and a maximum of one appeal.

    These and a host of other laws will prevent leftists from wanting to migrate to the newly independent States and will pressure those already there to leave.

    1. There is a lot of truth to what you wrote, Quintillius. Attrition works, … only if you have strong laws in place AND the will to enforce them. We saw this in my State in 2008, just days before our immigration law was to go into effect – illegals were making their way out, quick, fast and in a hurry. Then the 10th Circuit placed an injunction on the law only mere hours before it took effect (and later gutted it of its teeth), and they all came back. Meanwhile, and as I’d predicted would happen a year before the fact, all the surrounding States started consulting with our legislators and making their own laws modeled after ours, for fear that our illegals would flood their States.

      We’re also going to need a well-manned and well-equipped Navy and an Air Force, and I’ve personally seen no discussion of how or by what means we are to achieve that as yet.

  16. I think you missed at least one possibly a few more triggers.
    – Economic collapse. A devalued currency, wiped out stock market and savings, worthless federal script notes, a run on the banks and a buying of deposited funds. After a bit of this the EBT cards all stop working too when the corner store opens to sell liquor at 8am. In this one, it is not just the dindus who go bezerk, anyone who lost everything in the markets, bank failures, real estate collapse will likely be a little agitated and desperate.

    – A large subgroup, sensing weakness, goes for broke and tries to carve out a piece of territory for themselves It could be black nationalists in large swaths of the old South. It could be one or more American Indian tribes sitting on larger reservations and realizing that much of their traditional lands in the west are sparsely populated. It could be the moslems. Someplace where they have large numbers camped upon a weak liberal state and maybe a defunded urban police force. If the declared a no-go caliphate in Metro Minneapolis, does anyone seriously think anyone at local, state, or the federal level will summons and utilize adequate armed force to stop them?

    – The looming food crisis? thats not likely to be a stabilizing event either. A self inflicted fuel crisis with summer here in the hot states and winter coming in the north. The problem is that everything is failing at once and everything impacts everything else. In truth, we are likely to see almost everything on your list as well as mine come to pass at some level. The real question if what specifically comes first and when.

    1. Probably a good summation – all the scenarios seem to be interconnected – none are stand alone. And different regions will be affected to different degrees by the same events.

    2. Hello Mike,

      I agree with you. Those are plausible scenarios that I did not include, but add value to the discussion. Conversations like this are important, because it prepares our people for the future.

      Thank you for reading ID.

      God Bless,
      Padraig Martin

  17. It’s Inevitable, The DemoKrauts and RINO Traiotrs have seen to that.

    Tickty Tickty Tock..
    Be GD Ready to Rock.

    ISR Now while ya still can.

    Local Local Local

    Be Careful out there.

  18. Economic collapse is, I think, the most likely scenario. People will be angry, hungry, and fearful of what the future may bring. And they will be looking for those responsible. It will be a bad time to be a politician, banker, billionaire, and especially a police officer. What shakes out in the end will either be a restored Republic or Bosnia times Rawanda.

  19. “They have lost power and they know it. Attempting to reassert control by targeting constitutional conservatives and naïve Civic Nationalists is simply low hanging fruit on a rotten tree. Consequently, the final collapse is likely a few short years away.”

    That makes no sense at all. The ability to utterly crush a peaceful uprising as a lesson to the rest of the herd with no pushback _IS_ power. Being able to commit acts of violence upon others with no violence done back in return is the ultimate power, perhaps the only real power.

    The bolsheviks are firmly in control, and it is not going to conveniently lapse so everyone can indulge in their fantasy.

    Any theory that leads to the conclusion that we can just coast to victory without teaming up with our neighbors should be immediately discarded as pure fantasy for weaklings to cope with the harsh reality. The reality is that we are not voting our way out of this, we are not SHTFing our way out of this, and we certainly aren’t going to be given the solution by our enemies.

  20. “The bolsheviks are firmly in control, and it is not going to conveniently lapse so everyone can indulge in their fantasy.”

    I completely agree with you, which is why I’ve tried to communicate how much more difficult it would be to secede now than in 1861 — however appealing the ‘fantasy’ is. Still, as far-reaching as their power is, it’s my hope that even as Satan’s reach exceeded his grasp in desiring to be as God, their machinations could also be toppled by a solar flare or a mega-sized asteroid.

  21. I am in my 70s, veteran and able and willing to fulfill my oath. Having led a good life, like many others, we oldsters willingly can lay down lives for the freedom of our grandchildren, and nation!

  22. 11) CCP in n mex and cartel assault n and take over small border towns establishing fobs to garrison legions of mena muslims, haitians and hispanics before moving east.

  23. The Bible predicts a ” kingdom against Kingdom ” scenario in the last days . The King James translated the Greek word ” Ethnos” as Kingdom when it very clearly is the root word for ethnic group . My money is on the race war .

    1. Robert,

      That makes a lot of sense, especially when framed within the Biblical sense.

      God Bless,
      Padraig Martin

  24. Sars Cov 19 was a scamdemic. The fact the only way to “catch a virus” is by injection. There is no such thing as airborne contagious viruses, especially considering viruses are not a living thing. Viruses are nothing more than solvents/soaps that cleanse cell Toxicity when a person becomes extreme toxic where the body must rid of the toxins (hence what a cold and flu is). The whole idea of a virus contaminating anyone is based on GERM theory (that viruses cause disease) which is NOT true. Viruses are TERRAIN dependent and come from within, not from without!

  25. Sorry, but you’re incorrect. I studied virology in college. Viruses can be airborne, or in solvents such as water. Colds are caused by viruses, most notably the rhinovirus. Viruses exist outside the body in an encysted form, until they find a host, where they come out of their cyst form, take over the cell, and replicate.

  26. Anything could happen. The future is highly unpredictable and full of surprises. Who knows what will happen, but I can tell you that #10 is a lot more of a threat than most realize. The world is sitting on a powder keg in that regard and who knows how many will be killed. The Black Plague killed 25% of Europeans, but the next big one could easily kill 50%, 90% or 99.9%.

  27. #11 Slow death of an ethnic group from simple subfertility and miscegenation. That’s all it takes. I look at my own hometown change during my lifetime and see Dixie dying before my eyes.

    1. Tragically good point, Bill.

      Thank you for reading ID.

      God Bless,
      Padraig Martin

  28. Desantis is/was a SEDE? Sandborns crowd? No way!!!

    Rival sede’s say Sandborn is a Jew

    1. I doubt Sandborn is a Jew. That would have to be an extraordinary leap. Regardless, yes, DeSantis’ family are Sedevacantists (or were), and Sedevacantism explicitly comes with the belief that the reforms of Vatican II were immoral, to include attempts to bridge the Jewish and Catholoc faiths.

  29. Great piece. Do you really think there is much of a difference between state police and the Feds?

    1. Hello Hi-Ya,

      At this point, I do not. However, some states, such as Florida, elect their local Sheriff, and he has overwhelming power. We saw this in FL during the 2020 George Floyd riots, when elected local sheriffs overruled city and county councils – then defended the cities and countiea from rioters. Those areas ignored federal prosecutors and the Florida AG prosecuted the AntiFa to the fullest.

      Thank you for reading ID and contributing to the conversation.

      God Bless,
      Padraig Martin

  30. Congratulations on the number of comments this article generated, Mr. Martin. Must be somekind of a record.

    1. Hello Mr. Morris,

      Thank you for the compliment. The amount of engagement is highly encouraging. Hopefully, we begin breaking hundreds, then thousands.

      God Bless,
      Padraig Martin

  31. If the Christian south secedes what happens to those who are not Christian, will they be allowed to practice their own religion, practice no religion at all, forced conversion or burned at the stake? Lots of things to consider when secession is the topic, we gotta have a plan of some kind here.

    1. This is a good question addressed successfully (and sometimes not at all successfully) by many people groups in history. I’ll offer the following as an evidence of intent by one of those groups:

      “National Socialism … is itself practical Christianity, a national realization of love for one’s neighbor … for trust and fidelity, and above all, for service. Expressions such as these are not vain words; they are backed by deeds, and by deeds of a greatness never before experienced in such a manner in the history of nations, or indeed in the history of brotherly love. The National Socialistic Movement has succeeded in restoring to order and discipline a People standing on the brink of universal deterioration, and divided into hostile classes by a wild and lawless propaganda of hate … and after an era in which each wished to be master and assert his own rights. … “Free” modern man thinks that the service and devotion which Christian love entails … is something degrading, undignified, insulting … something injurious to man’s pride and reducing him to the status of a slave. … Service and devotion to the community do not exclude liberty and honor, but include them. … We know too, the meaning of the words, ‘whosoever smiteth thee on the right cheek, turn to him the other also’. According to the context of the Sermon on the Mount, it simply means that the love which gives and forgives, not the justice which repays, is the mainstay of moral life.” pp. 41-2.

      Prof. D. Cajus Fabricius, ‘Positive Christianity in the Third Reich’, Third Reich Originals

    2. Hello JimBob,

      It is my desire that those who wish to follow a different faith may do so, however, they would have to respect Christian holidays, iconography (i.e., Crosses), and prayers. All children would be required to start and end the day with a Christian prayer in school. Those who do not subscribe to the faith would stand respectfully silent. This would occur at meal time, as well. All political positions and bureaucracies would only be open to Christians. Jobs would be allowed to discriminate on the basis of Christian or non-Christian identity. In effect, any faith that is not openly hostile toward Christianity is welcome to stay in the Christian South, but they would effectively be relegated to a subordinate societal role.

      Thank you for the question.

      God Bless,
      Padraig Martin

  32. Sorry, I disagree. Socialism has NEVER been successful, whether you call it National or any other descriptive word. IT DOESN’T WORK, and it for darn sure won’t work in THIS country. For examples, see Venezuela, Cuba, Germany or any other socialist country. These countries were once rich and diverse, and now they are a shadow of themselves. Human nature does not give itself easily to the idea of communistic living, because people are different. Socialism is based on the premise that everyone works for the good of the community, and it fails because not everyone does. It fails because some people are lazy and others are not, and eventually, those that are not begin to resent those that are. Yes, sure, it’s a nice thought, but it won’t work. It never has. And it never will.

    1. Hello Laura,

      The German definition of “National Socialist” in the 1930s and the economic “Socialism” of modern, primarily WW-II Marxism were different. I studied extensively the German model of the NSDAP and wrote one article on it – but I should probably write a more extensive examination of the economic model. Anyway, if you are interested: https://identitydixie.com/2021/03/11/whats-the-solution/

      I really appreciate your continued engagement – disagreements or not.

      God Bless,
      Padraig Martin

  33. I would let your comment pass Laura, except that the purpose of this forum (as I understand it) is that we might educate one another. If you confuse the terms socialism and Marxism then I agree, it won’t work. However, I distinguish sharply between the two.

    In an alleged 1923 interview with Hitler, George Sylvester Viereck recorded the following conversation:

    “Why,” I asked Hitler, “do you call yourself a National Socialist, since your party program is the very antithesis of that commonly accredited to socialism?” “Socialism,” he retorted, putting down his cup of tea, pugnaciously, “is the science of dealing with the common weal. Communism is not Socialism. Marxism is not Socialism. The Marxists have stolen the term and confused its meaning. I shall take Socialism away from the Socialists.” … “Marxism has no right to disguise itself as socialism. Socialism, unlike Marxism, does not repudiate private property. Unlike Marxism, it involves no negation of personality, and unlike Marxism, it is patriotic. … We are not internationalists. Our socialism is national.”

    George Sylvester Viereck

    The historical reality is that National Socialism worked so well in Germany for about twelve years that Hitler was named Time Magazine’s Man of the Year in 1938. By way of contrast, the majority of citizens in today’s so-called democracies reject their so-called elected representatives. Sadly, Germany today is a communist satellite and not a truly socialist country.

  34. Socialism is defined as the following….
    1) Any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods.
    2) A system of society or group living in which there is no private property.
    3) A system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state.
    4). A stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done.
    5). A social system or theory in which the government owns and controls the means of production (as factories) and distribution of goods.

    Since you think socialism is not Marxism (which it is), we’ll leave out definition #4.

    That leaves the other 4, which I still maintain, will not work, and never have. Sorry, but I will never agree with you that socialism is a good thing, especially if you continue to quote what a madman has said about it. Forgetting what Hitler did to the Jewish people, since it is not apropos to this discussion, my entire argument is still valid. Those who will do the work will not support those who do not for very long. Human nature doesn’t work that way. And having a government that owns EVERYTHING rubs against the grain. Why bother working? Why bother creating, if one is not able to take pride in one’s creation. Socialism takes all of that away. And it’s why it has never worked. It’s a fine theory and nice to think about but it will never realistically happen.

  35. Sorry. You can post all the videos you want, all the articles on socialism you can find, and it won’t change my mind. Socialism has NEVER WORKED as a stable platform…. EVER. And I trust my eyes more than I do any other person’s words. It will not work. It never has. And it’s not going to change now. And the definition of insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, expecting different results. Venezuela, Cuba, Germany all tell me that socialism DOES NOT WORK.

    1. I’m sorry you feel that way Laura, but I’ve run into the same recalcitrance even in my own family. I accept that I can’t change your mind and bear you no ill will. I can only hope you’ll continue the search for historical truth and be open to what you may find.

  36. Yes, well, we’ll just have to agree to disagree on this
    You’re looking for a utopia, where none exists. At least, not in this world, and not until Christ comes again. Then, what you espouse may exist. But not ever, with the way things are now, no matter how much you wish it to. God bless.

  37. Quite honestly, I’m surprised that no man, or men, have not taken matters into their own hands and tarred and feathered any of these “educators” pushing sexual indoctrination onto pre teens. The latest one is a female in Bellingham, Washington who wants to hold such a class at an adult boutique that she owns. For kids as young as 9. If I took a 9 yr. old into an adult emporium, I’d likely go to jail, if I wasn’t beaten to death by the father first. Does being a teacher give this groomer special status? This kind of thing might be a spark, also. Extra judicial justice for one of these pedos, head on a spike type thing, leading to mostly peaceful protests, and the backlash.

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