Murder is Not Bravery

Dylann Roof was not a hero; he was a psychopath.  No real man celebrates the assassination of innocent people in prayer and bible study.  If Roof were a true hero, he would have hunted down the meth dealers that target his people.  But, meth dealers are armed.  The goofy character with an Amish bowl cut was too cowardly to act on behalf of his people – so are those who celebrate his memory.

The rest can be said of all of them.  These pathetic loser scum who murder unarmed people in churches, supermarkets, and synagogues because they are easy targets are not brave.  They claim to be fighting for you.  They are not.  If they were warriors, they would hunt down the thugs who sell your women into sexual slavery, the pimps who peddle rotten decadence to your children, and the dealers who market opioids to your family, inviting them into a torturous life of drug addiction. 

They would not do that with a gun, they would do it with a more lasting, effective measure.  They would contribute to an enduring Nation.  They would build institutions that can withstand the corrosive effects of Marxist modernity. 

Brave men would stand down drug dealers in their towns.  Brave men would ensure drag queens did not read to their children.  Brave men would stand as morally upright examples of their people, heritage, and culture.

Killing Jews because they are Jews, killing Blacks because they are Blacks, killing Mexicans because they are Mexicans – none of that is brave.  None of that is enduring.  It is not to be applauded.  These are the acts of selfish psychopaths looking to go out with a “bang.”  They consider themselves martyrs to a cause.  They are not martyrs to anything, but themselves.

The Alt-Right is full of old men who encourage young men to get angry to the point of violence.  The old men have few years left.  The young men can become the building blocks of something greater than themselves.  Encouraging boys to be violent is easy.  Old men have always sent young men to fight their wars.  The exploitation of emotional distress and testosterone, coupled with feelings of abandonment and victimization, pull a trigger.

This movement needs to be more than angry young men stewing by a keyboard, prodded by their leaders to “do something” until they buy a rifle.

Identity Dixie is not that.  We want young men to build something, beginning with themselves.  We want them to become pillars of society.  We see a future that is bright for the Southern People – led by Christian families who maintain conservative values and traditions.  We see a South led by families who love their children and communities. 

And lest we be accused of some “cuckery” by a keyboard kommando, a fat Nazi, or a repulsive recluse, let me remind the readers that more than half of our organization has either military or law enforcement service with advanced combat and tactical experience.  We need not prove our bravery to you.  Rather, we will stand down the forces of evil by building something stronger than you could ever have conceived in your marginally intelligent minds.

Bravery is not killing old black ladies in a church.  Bravery is not shooting unarmed Mexicans in a Walmart.  Bravery is not murdering Jews in a synagogue.

If you call that bravery, you do not know the meaning of the word.  While you use your partially-read copy of Mein Kampf as a pathetic photo prop, we build a generation of men, bound together by a fraternal love of the South.  We do not want men who will kill unarmed civilians.  We want men who will stand side-by-side and rebuild a South we know can be built.

While you fedpost your way into mass murders, we will try something different.  We will build a movement.  After you are long gone, ours will endure – because that is the Southern Nation we envision.

We do not want a Southern Nation that venerates the murder of people in prayer.  We want a Southern Nation composed of honorable men, not pathetic cowards who get fat in front of German pagan imagery.  We want a Southern Nation that encourages our future generations to pray to the one true God and His Savior, Jesus Christ.

We want a Southern Nation that will be blessed by the Lord for generations to come. While you build armed cowards, we build an enduring Christian Nation. We will win because we are brave.


  1. My educated guess is that we’ll continue to see an increase in the frequency of these senseless mass shootings for the foreseeable future. For every Dylann Roof or Patrick Crusius (et al) out there, there are probably a thousand or more like them lurking in the shadows. The vast majority of whom will never cross that fateful line of course, but a few invariably will. The left isn’t wrong about that; they are wrong (dead wrong) about the circumstances which create these lunatics. “White Nationalists” might well throw fuel on the fire, but they don’t create these soulless heathen murderers. They are spawned in highly dysfunctional, fatherless homes, which are of course a direct result of the so called sexual revolution. Had Patrick Crusius a real father, instead of a drug-addled alcoholic absentee who got into (drug induced) Eastern mysticism during (and even before) Patrick’s formative years, the El Paso shooting (or another shooting more or less equivalent to it) might still have occurred, but not at the hands of Patrick Crusius…

    1. Agree; there’ll be more violence. As society decays and stress grows the less stable will crack. Posting these disavowals is probably unnecessary, our allies disavow already and our enemies don’t care. Unless it’s just to troll Fed posters. On that note, who are all these commenters praising Roof, etc. I don’t recognise any of them.

      1. Roger United:

        Are these dipshits all gone by now (jerking my head left and right to detect one – ha, ha.)? I would say (to your question, “who are these persons I don’t recognize?”) that they are one of two things – either they are “true believers” in their assertions about the “sainthood” of mass murders, and/or (not necessarily just “or”), they are infiltrators trying to draw out the worst of the lot for purely nefarious purposes.

        I agree with you that this time and effort spent trying to distance ourselves from these morons would probably be better spent essentially ignoring them as the stupid-ass half-wits they are. And if they are Fedgov infiltrators, the more stupid-ass they are, in my books.

        In any case, I really have no influence on what is posted or not posted here. But if I did have such influence, I would strongly advise to ignore these idiots altogether and move on.

  2. I have a hard time blaming the reactionaries instead of the situation we are in where a democratic political solution is no longer possible due to the massive shift in demographics. With that said, these individuals could and should have picked targets with a better political effect. I understand that you don’t agree, but it does bring awareness.

  3. Saint Roof and Saint Crusius have contributed more in their short lives than you have in yours. Just keep banging out useless tripe while the muds invade and steal all our people have built. What a weak pathetic loser to disavow the few men of action who fought in their own way for your cause. You have shamed us all with your limp wristed inaction.
    They will be remembered. You will not.

  4. HAIL ST. ROOF. you are nothing but some nutless talker on the internet.

  5. On the Day of the rope, the first who hang are the inaction pushers like you hunter, kike enoch , Jesse dunstein , Chris Cantwell, anglin and the rest of you movement faggots

  6. On the Day of the rope, the first who hang are the inaction pushers like you hunter, kike enoch , Jesse dunstein , Chris Cantwell, anglin and the rest of you movement faggots

  7. Not again.This same writer was telling us all to look the other way and keep quiet about the Jews 150 year march of destruction through White Christian America.Now he is moaning about the handful of Whites that at least fought back.Who cares if they were in a church,thats their damn launching pad to hate Whitey,they care as much about praying as Martin King did.As far as I can see Dixie is crumbling even farther because of the Satanic Jewish design and I see no signs of this fantasy gentlemans nation you are rebuilding in your mind.You remind me so much of those guys who replay old military battles hoping somehow they can go back in time and be the hero…but hey,its all in your head.Our beloved land,people,culture and accent are disappearing.Our kids are brainwashed to hate their ancestors and themselves.So whats your contribution to reverse even a thousandth of this madness,yep,to bitch about Dylann Roof.I read what he wrote about his motivations and it sure made a lot more sense than your constant school marming about “building a strong Dixie”.So the young patriot is a murderer huh?I suppose if Zionist Uncle Sam sent him to kill it would be fine and proper with you but if he dares think for himself and decide who his real enemies are then you call him a crazy.Maybe you should stick to historical pieces about battles long lost because your advice sucks.I just don’t understand you at all,you only seem to criticize decent Whites and try to divide.Do you and Lindsay Graham have the same handler perhaps? p.s.I vow to never read your articles again,its not good for a healthy psyche.

  8. And how many meth dealers have you hunted down?You know full well that you are advocating the same kind of vigilante justice you condemn in Dylann Roof except that your violence would be useless and do nothing to challenge those who purposely wreck our people.At least Roof sent a political message.I really must conclude that you are working for the other side.You seem to hate Hitler but your reasons seem to be the same as the Jews anti-White propaganda.Hitler is loved because he defended Whites,he saw the Jews of less than 1 percent controlled his nation.The whole evil demon Hitler stuff is obvious nonsense that only low IQ dupes would believe.How about attacking the Jews who enslaved the nigger and brought him to Dixie because he knew it would lead to chaos.I never see you attack slavery or the Jews who ran it.How your precious Jews in the Confederacy,do you ever call them demonic for enslaving Blacks?Or is your hate just reserved for fellow Whites.I love the CSA but I’d love it even better if they had realized that Jew propagated slavery hurt 96% of White Southerners.Weren’t the nigger slaves innocent victims just like your precious church niggers and mall beaners?When you want to preach about violence how about an article on hate crimes against Whites,its an epidemic you know.And of 36 mass shootings in the last month or so 34 were done by your beloved Blacks(this fact is in Breitbart,Gateway Pundit,Daily Caller,Zero Hedge etc).You don’t give a flip about White people or the South or Christians,thats obvious to any rational person who has read your blather.So go tell your handler you are cut out for this role,you just hate Whites to damn much to disguise it.

  9. One readily observes that the inferior fedposters do not use their real name, for they are cowards. That is also why they accuse everyone else of cuckoldry and cowardice: it’s simply projection.

  10. If any of you Roof worshipers read Mein Kampf you would know that Hitler tried violent revolution and it didn’t work. He got thrown in jail for it, then reexamined his strategy and came to power through support of the masses. The truth is already on our side, violent acts will only make things worse for our people. You can accomplish far more in a lifetime of spreading the truth and activism than 10 minutes of shooting. That is what takes bravery and commitment. Develop some low time preference and stop thinking like a nigger.

    1. Agreed. But then again, these wastes of organic matter are not in it for the Cause, they’re in it for the attention. Hence the shootings and the always commiting suicide or getting caught. Their face MUST be on CNN.
      Truly selfless fighters would do what the Chans do in their best threads: expose pedo rings but never taking credit cos they’re just anons.

  11. Saint Roof’s heroic action is closer to God than the ink of the philosophers and braaps of some internet blog-hog.
    -Julius EBowlther

  12. You can disavow violence but violence won’t disavow you. Roof messed up his target selection.

  13. You can disavow violence but violence won’t disavow you. Roof messed up his target selection.

    1. No he didn’t, he delivered a crippling blow to the South Carolina BLM. He knew exactly what he was doing.

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