The Vaxx Swan

Looking at the extremes of what the future could look like, the best case is that the financial and political class will set aside their squabbles and pull up from the nosedive. Most will only remember the last few years with a quickly fading recollection of how high gas prices were. The lumbering devolution will drag on without drama, just slow decline. The worst case is true calamity for America and the West, as explored in several recent articles on Identity Dixie. Like the Civil War, when/if 2.0 does go off, many of the factors sketched out would come into play, and if there is a history to be written in the future, it will be just as complex to put the finger on “The One Thing.” 

Regardless, with either scenario, in the near term, what does seem certain is that the political order within nations is going to radically change. Politics and factions will become more divided and radical. Internationally, the geopolitical alignment will continue its speedy shift in a once-in-a-century pivot as well. 

And supercharging the pace of these changes has been the war in Ukraine, which was from the beginning a provoked fight, long in planning, and in recognition of this international reordering of alliances and allocation of resources. The fighting in the Ukraine has always primarily been about waging an economic war with Russia enroute to China. 

If you doubt that, simply look at the intent of the sanctions and the response to those sanctions by Russia. The targets have been bank accounts, not body counts. Again, like the American Civil War, at the highest level, it too was an economic war for dominance. The financial starvation of the South was the most devastating weapon used against it. The South’s desperate effort to sustain trade with Europe as a means of financing the war effort was its last chance. Unlike Dixie, Russia was prepared for the fight.

For us today, this unfortunately means neither side can afford to lose. Rather than being driven by a noble cause and patriotic fervor, economic concerns are the only stakes the political and financial ruling class care about, and they will burn it all down or betray totally for a temporary negotiated resource settlement. We’ll be lucky if Washington decides to table things for a while and wait to resume until after the midterms. 

But will there be midterms?

There is a Black Swan that has the potential to upset all the careful and clever plans and machinations of the myopically focused strategists in Washington and Brussels. Of all the worst-case scenarios discussed here at Identity Dixie, the one that is most imminent and most fraught with unintended and unmanageable global consequences, is an actual pandemic. 

Taking Them at Their Word

Did the long list of public officials and high visibility people really inject themselves with the vaccine on television or was this cynical theater to manipulate? 

I believe we should take them at their word. This includes the entire Davos and World Economic Forum crowd. The commitment of the true believer is what makes them so pernicious and dangerous. I do believe Biden, Trump, and Klaus Schwab are fully vaxxed. 12 billion doses have been given with millions more given each day. Let those numbers really sink in. 

For the majority of countries, and certainly all the First World ones, a rough average shows that about 70% of their populations report being fully vaccinated. While some countries have not used the Moderna and Pfizer mRNA type of vaccines (most notably and importantly, Russia with their Sputnik V technology), aside from some African nations, the unvaccinated are in a distinct minority (in the United States 66% are fully vaccinated). 

Here’s why this all matters and why it might be the Black Swan event that puts an unpredictable spin on the economic and shooting wars, as well as, the political realignments taking place. 

Regardless of the severity and legitimacy of Covid in the beginning, the avalanche of data coming in now proves that not only won’t the vaccine protect you from Covid, but because of how it works, it makes your natural immunity incapable of adjusting to the mutations of the virus. The FDA conspired with Pfizer to bury data like this. But, it’s coming out. Insurance companies report a 40% increase in excess deaths, 300% increase in cancers, military records reveal the same, and more, and more. Watch this. I chose a mainstream source to illustrate that it’s not the fringe becoming alarmed about what this means.  

The Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) is killing otherwise healthy but vaccinated people in their sleep and while mashing potatoes. This is only the beginning of the attempts to mask the reality of what may be coming in order to control the panic…and outrage. 

The fully vaccinated are in an unbelievable nightmare scenario: either routinely get boosters that scramble to match the variant of the day (and which will still fail) or likely succumb to the mutation that your natural immunity would likely have been able to fight. If during this fall and winter a harsher mutation of Covid emerges, the trend indicates it will affect those who have had the mRNA vaccine very hard. The phrase “mass die off” is being used more and more by those closer and closer to the mainstream.

Because of the difference in the vaccine type used in Russia and other countries, the impact could be much less severe. The balance of power in the world has the potential to shift very quickly if a bonafide pandemic in fact breaks through and disproportionately affects only one side.  

If it happens before the midterm elections, would there be an election held? Would it be virtual? Do you think the results would be accepted? If the response is lockdowns, will those be enforceable…will anyone care? Will an equally impacted military, already not on par with its peers, be able to respond to the opportunistic military moves of Russia let alone China toward Taiwan, Australia, or Japan? 

Yes, this seems so wildly implausible and unthinkable, your sane response is to scoff and dismiss. But perhaps you should take a few minutes to at least understand how to bury your neighbor if asked to help. The reality is the State is neither coming to enslave you or save you.


    1. German Confederate…Russia and China have spoken openly for years about detaching economically and culturally from the West and without either acting as a ruthless hegemon. We shall see. Russia seems to be anchoring their currency to real things vs. purely fiat money. I suspect they have several plans ready depending on the response from the West. If the EU collapses and countries are free to realign, I think Russia will absolutely take advantage of the opportunity. With regard to a possible GIANT problem coming….here is the full testimony of two doctors at a Tennessee subcommittee meeting. Mind boggling.

  1. FWIW, China does not administer the mRNA type of vaccines to their citizens, period.

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