Why Russia will Defeat the United States

Like many boys in the 1980s, I dreamed of being a “Wolverine.”  If you hail from Generation X or you are a late-stage Millennial, you know that is not a reference to a Marvel superhero with retractable metal claws.  It is a reference to the teenaged freedom fighters in the movie Red Dawn.  Raised on a steady diet of American patriotic zeal and a hatred for communism, boys my age fantasized of killing Russian invaders.  Those days are long gone.  The United States is no longer the “good guy,” and Russia is no longer the “bad guy.”  We are the Marxists, now. 

If we go to war with Russia, which I suspect will likely happen, Russia will win.  The reason is simple: ideologies never defeat national identity.  This has been true throughout time.  Whenever an ideological army attempted to conquer a defined people, the defined people have always won.  Even within the ideological proxy wars of the 20th Century, fighting was defined as contests between peoples.  Communist North Vietnam framed its war with South Vietnam as one in which Vietnamese patriots fought European-American imperialism and manipulation.  The Soviet Union was trounced in the early years of World War II for a multitude of reasons, but one of those reasons was that early propaganda tried to frame the struggle as one between fascism and communism.  Soviet peasants could care less about the global proletariat.  When the political messaging was re-framed within the context of a “Great Patriotic War,” Russians galvanized and hardened their resolve.  Many such examples exist. 

Today, there is no American people.  The United States has been intentionally redefined.  American identity is rooted in post-nationalism.  It is ideologically globalist, combining the totality of the economic coin – Marxist on one side, free market capitalist on the other.  In so doing, American political and cultural leaders have created an ideology that supplants God with Cultural Marxist societal elements – from homosexuality and transgenderism to subjectivity versus objectivity in all facets of decision making (e.g., “Common Core” math).  Simultaneously, free market capitalism has been weaponized as a democratization process, creating a world of consumers addicted to cheap trinkets and material comforts that transcends sacrifice for one’s national best interests.  This is evident from outsourcing manufacturing to the importation of cheap labor en masse.  The United States that you once knew is dead.  The guardians of this new American dystopia – the DOJ, FBI, IRS, and DOD – will target those who question the paradigm shift.  Consequently, J6 protestors are hunted with impunity while the antifa – i.e., those who fight most violently for this new ideological state – are protected from prosecution. 

Russia, generally speaking, has none of these problems.  Russians know they are Russian.  Russians are not seeking a globalist new world order.  Russians prefer a world order led by Russians, but in the absence of that power, they would be happy to have a regional hegemony that protects Russian interests.  In other words, unlike the globalist ideologues that lead Americans and their Western allies, Russians are nationalists.  In a war, you need nationalism to win.  If you think I am wrong, consider the U.S. military’s current struggles to recruit.  It dovetails with a drop in patriotism.  It turns out that the U.S. DOD never realized that transgender black dancers with a victim mentality do not volunteer to fight for a country they perceive to have oppressed them; misguided patriotic Southern White boys do – and less of them now want to be part of it.  Putin’s military leadership enjoys no such confusion.

As I write this, American political actors on both sides of the aisle are seeking an expanded war with Russia.  I suspect this is predicated on a misguided attempt to bridge a deeply divided United States.  They are so clueless as to how much they have damaged the country, that they likely believe a war with Russia would reunite a divided people.  It would not.  The United States is a shattered piece of glass, of which, even if there were an attempt to glue her together, the outcome would not look like the original.  The scars of modern policies are permanent. 

Our ideologically hardened decision makers have placed all their chips on “black,” so to speak.  They have demonized and vilified its most ardently loyal janissary class – White men.  They especially targeted Southerners.  Our political overseers will attempt to justify their attacks as necessary for a changing world.  The mantra can be captured in the following few lines: “The United States is getting ‘browner,’ so you just need to come to grips with that White man.  You can no longer be in charge in a post-White world. In order to prepare our next generation of leaders, we need to supplant your values with their values.”  To do this, the U.S. adopted a policy of warfare against heterosexual White people, especially men.  There is no walking such an idea back and White Men know that fact.  By contrast, Russia is not intentionally surrendering Moscow to other nationalities to achieve a globalist objective of inclusion.

Some will point to the sluggish military achievements of Russia in Ukraine.  That struggle – Ukrainian nationalists (led by a globalist government in Kiev) versus Russian nationalists – is important to consider in the totality of a future struggle between the globalist West and nationalist Russia.  The two scenarios are incompatible. 

Russia is well entrenched in Ukraine.  For months, we have read that the Russians are collapsing before Ukrainian resolve.  The United States government passed a massive spending bill to support the Ukrainian military and resistance.  The European Union made similar overtures, with various states passing laws, resolutions, and offering both financial and material assistance to Ukraine.  Yet, Russia persists in its reorientation of Ukraine.  Despite overwhelming global support for Ukraine, Russia is achieving nearly every strategic objective it set forth.  They are bleeding the Ukrainian military dry – depleting it of a generation of warfighters.  They are systematically attacking the Ukrainian infrastructure for war.  The Russians have deprived Ukrainian access to the sea.  Kiev can be hit at will, and Putin occasionally reminds Zelenskyy of this fact. 

Russian separatist regions have effectively defected from Ukraine.  Russia controls Ukrainian wheatfields by virtue of encirclement.  The Russian military has carefully dismantled entire Ukrainian armies.  Russia did something we have not seen in more than a century: they executed a carefully constructed, methodical siege war on a modern state. 

American strategists believed the Russians would blitzkrieg into Ukraine.  They were wrong.  When they tried to goad Putin into a mistake – mocking his lack of progress – he ignored them.  Putin is no fool.  While enjoying regional air superiority, Putin was not about to put the Russian Air Force into an air space that is protected by some of the most advanced anti-aircraft missile technology in Eastern Europe.  Rather, Putin slowly but surely, moved his army into positions that were clearly intended to wipe out Ukraine’s air defense capabilities.  Once he has freedom of air movement, I suspect Kiev will either capitulate or look like Dresden.  Senior American military officials are beginning to see these deliberate acts for what they are – after months of failing to recognize the moves.  Therein lies the problem. 

The United States lacks the right frame of mind to comprehend the Russians and, consequently, is incapable of beating Russia in a conventional war.  The Americans have spent the past two decades fighting stone aged mountain men and suicide bombers – Afghan, Iraqi, and/or Muslim Nationalists.  American globalist ideologues were defeated.  Russia has prepared for a different war. 

Returning to the American lack of nationalist “self,” it is understandable that American hubris would resonate during a time when it lacked global competitors.  The United States is an accidental empire.  It ascended to superpower status in the vacuum created by European fratricide.  Two world wars that impacted imperial states in Europe led to massive societal and political shifts.  Suddenly, Europeans were inundated with modern democratic values where previously, socially stratified order existed.  Having lost two successive generations of war fighting men, Europe lacked the stability of strong patriarchal guidance.  The result: by 1950, Europe was a hyper-feminized continent.  The U.S. simply entered into the power void with a nuclear weapon.  Even when the Soviets challenged American power and prestige, the impact of World War II on the Soviet Union ensured it could never truly compete with the United States.  Lacking a genuine competitor, the United States exited the 20th Century at the top. 

The problem that resulted shortly thereafter was a misinterpretation as to “why” the American Empire emerged as a superpower.  Americans across the political spectrum believed their freedoms led to their ascendency.  Correspondingly, they naturally assumed more freedom meant more power.  This expanded to degenerate, immoral concepts – such as sexual “freedoms.”  With the erosion of racial identity among the majority of Americans – Whites – they invited People of Color to join with them in a post-racial power sharing coalition.  They never understood that People of Color are not inclined to share power when they get it.

These concepts intertwined with a belief that the democratic United States defeated the anti-democratic Soviet Union.  Thus, there became a movement within the U.S. and the rest of the West to spread democracy internally – within the republican United States – and externally, especially the Islamic world.  More freedoms and more democracy were the assumed twin pillars of American power.  Few Americans ever considered how easily freedom without national identity can be exploited to destroy a power from within.

The real strength of the United States was evident in its period of greatest expansion, the late 19th and early 20th Centuries.  A homogenous White Christian patriarchy led a backwater country on a faraway continent into a world power.  The foundation having been set, that same homogenous White Christian patriarchy enjoyed a post-World War II power vacuum after its victory.  The Cold War forced the White Christian patriarchy to imbue a sense of American patriotism in the people as a means of protecting elites from being overrun by ideological zealots while surrendering its monopoly on power, hoping such a concession would invest others in the same objectives White Christian men held.  They were wrong.  Still, that was hard to recognize in the earlier days of our political shift. 

Although an anti-American malaise manifested in the aftermath of Vietnam, patriotism was re-established under Reagan and hit its zenith during the First Gulf War (1990-1991).  Having won the Cold War, the misinterpretation of victory emerged in a political hangover phase.  Without the sobriety of a White Christian patriarchy, an effeminized and non-White political class adopted an interpretation for American success that differed from reality.  Amorphous concepts like freedom, inclusion, and diversity replaced patriotic nationalism grounded in hard work, cultural homogeneity, morality, and personal agency.  It was only a matter of time before the United States collapsed under the weight of a democratization process weaponized by non-Whites, women, homosexuals, and a coalition of “others.”

Lacking any sense of the values that made the United States a powerful country, the chief decision makers of modern American politics now seek an attempt to finally kill off that which stands in their way.  They need to turn a nation-state into an ideological one.  They are mostly there.  White resolve is getting attacked throughout the West – but it is not dead.  Still, while ideologues go to war against nationalist citizens, Russia patiently waits – growing stronger and more nationalistic.  The Russians know all they need to do to defeat the United States is take out one aircraft carrier to win a war against an effeminate electorate.  The sight of body bags is a time-tested means of collapsing American political will.  Black politicians will not vote to continue any war that may place black boys in harm’s way for George Washington, the slave-holder’s country.  Female politicians will not continue any war whereby they must endure calls from distraught mothers.  Meanwhile, White citizens will not support a war on behalf of a country that has now defined them as an enemy class, even if White male politicians vote to continue hostilities.  As you can see, the United States lost before the Russians won.

Russian politicians work for Russia, even when self-interest intersects with patriotism.  American politicians work for corporations whose self-interests are contrary to patriotism.  These two types of political classes could not be more different.  An outcome of any war is inevitable.  Russia will defeat the United States.


  1. “ideologies never defeat national identity.”

    True in the final analysis, but possibly misleading for some of our readers wondering how Lincoln’s proposition nation ideology ever defeated the strong national identity of the South. It only makes sense when you understand that the ULTIMATE national identity and ideology is the axis on which the twin poles of capitalism and world revolution revolve.

    1. Hello German Confederate,

      I think the defeat in 1865 had a lot more to do with the pragmatic and proximity of two somewhat similar nations at the time. The Yankee metamorphosis into what it would ultimately become had not yet fully entrenched itself. The two – North and South – were effectively Anglo states, of which the South was still building its unique identity and the North its own. I would argue that Reconstruction did more to solidify a Dixie Identity than the war or anything priori to it. Either way, I can assure you, a second Civil War would not go as the first did.

      God Bless,
      Padraig Martin

    1. Hello Zippo,

      Absolutely agreed. However, I suspect that the powers in DC are less likely to start a war with China than Russia.

      God Bless,
      Padraig Martin

  2. A sobering assessment and in agreement with the main point that Nationalism beats Ideology. But Nationalists are still animated by ideology…it is the combination of the two that makes them unbeatable. Not to unnecessarily parse, with or without the capacity for American Nationalism for the reasons you very well outlined, ideology needs to be reclaimed. I believe there still is a latent and most likely regional nationalism that can still be leveraged (Southern, New England, Far West, etc.) and a genuine ideology will be essential (not a thin political platform, but a vision accounting for the totality of people’s existence and purpose).

    Forgive the lengthy quote here from Erik von Kuehnhet-Leddihn on the subject. (Leddihn described himself as an extreme conservative arch-liberal and declared himself a monarchist and an enemy of all forms of totalitarianism.)

    “… One ideology is not as good as another ideology, just as, one religion is not as good as another. The People’s Temple supporters, the Thuggies of India, are not as good as the Quakers.

    Yet missing from the conservative argument is the hard fact that man is an ideological animal…no society could ever exist without an ideology…ideology cannot be fought with non-ideology. Pick any man at random, put him on a couch, and question him methodically. Soon the dim outline of an ideology will emerge, although its profile might be low, its contours barely distinguishable, its content contradictory…

    Ideology is a coherent, logical presentation of human existence; it is intellectual, yet it also speaks to the heart. But Anglo-Americans dislike ideology. What then is the alternative?

    American conservatives have carefully avoided offering to mankind an ideology—or a utopia. There are three kinds of utopias: those that cannot be realized, those that are feasible but cost a disproportionate amount of labor, suffering, and sacrifice, and those that can reasonably be established by sober reflection and honest effort.

    …As a result of their self-imposed inhibition, American conservatives, while brilliant in their critique of modern ills—pseudo-liberalism, socialism, communism, Jacobin democracy, egalitarianism, permissiveness, egotism, pacifism, progressivism, and goodness knows what other aberrations—have not provided the United States or the rest of the world with an alternative, with a blueprint for the future, with a picture of the desirable shape of things to come that could engender a real enthusiasm among the young….There will never be Paradise on Earth, Edenism is nonsense, but there might conceivably be a better future.”

    1. Hello Lancelot,

      I agree with the notion that someone has to fight for an ideal, but an ideal devoid of Nationalist tribalism can only go so far. As such, any “conservative” alternative ideology that seeks to be effective must be found within the framework of Nationalism. It is this reason that I think the NSDAP was so successful and why so many enemies ganged up on Germany as quickly as they did.

      Thank you for the contribution!

      God Bless,
      Padraig Martin

  3. Identity Dixie’s “podcasts” has really dropped the ball in these troubled times. Where’s “Rebel Yell”? Where are others? Or even new voices? Podcasts are an awesome means of encouraging faith, knowledge and courage. Just saying.

    1. Hello W. Prentice,

      A new podcast is in the works and will launch soon.

      Thank you for the outreach! It’s coming.

      God Bless,
      Padraig Martin

  4. Excellent article. I saw a news clip Monday at Washington DC. People were asked if they were patriotic. Among them were a homosexual and 2 non whites. You can imagine their answers. I have no connection to those people and would not fight on their behalf.

    1. Hello Dogface,

      I can only imagine the insightful strategic thought they provided regarding patriotism – LOL.

      Thank you for the contribution!

      God Bless,
      Padraig Martin

  5. I agree with most of what you wrote but if we go to war with Russia, the left will turn 180 degrees from their past stance on war. I believe it will be the same as their turn on covid vaccines. During the campaign, most dem candidates, if not all, swore they would NEVER take Trump’s vaccine. Once biden was selected they turned on a dime, and instituted a massive marketing and fear campaign in favor of the vaccines.

    A war with Russia will be a war the left wants, unlike the previous wars in the desert. They will go all out. If you’re a teevee watcher, especially sportzball, you will spend all of your time watching pro war recruiting drives. All the starz and athletes will be doing their part to encourage men to fight. The half-time shows will be “all War”. ESPN will be pushing war instead of racism. “we’re all in this together”. Sound familiar? Colleges will have pro war drives. They’ll do things like having all the women hand out white poppies(?) to any male student with the nerve to still be on campus, and not doing their duty by dying in Russia. They will be just as shameless as during covid. They WILL influence public opinion just as much as they have the past two years since they turned Trump’s vaccine into biden’s vaccine.
    Will the troops win? Will they be effective? Can we maintain the logistics? Will it go Nukular? I’ll refer back to your assessment.

    1. Many boys wanted to be Wolverines? LOL I have two in the military and they are damn sure not there, according to my boys.

      1. Hello Jaybo,

        That is sad. When I was in the Marines, an entire generation was raised wanting to fight and kill communists. Our youngest son just left the Army and had a similar experience – a lack of young men who wanted to be “Wolverines.”

        Thank you for the compliment.

        God Bless,
        Padraig Martin

    2. The same people who never would have taken Trump’s vaccine, lined up around the block for the Biden vaccine.
      The irony here is that by stealing the election they changed the mass formation and are now injected with a substance that will probably cause them to be permanently disabled or even to “die suddenly”

    3. Hello Zook,

      I agree that any war started by a leftist will get the media’s full support. Ironically, the democrats are now the pro-war party. That stated, I am not sure it will have the same galvanizing effect on the public as the past. Young people do not watch TV as they once did, and there are so many alternative influencing tech options, I think they may try to support war, but it would still fall flat.

      Thank you for the contribution!

      God Bless,
      Padraig Martin

    4. “They’ll do things like having all the women hand out white poppies(?) to any male student with the nerve to still be on campus, and not doing their duty by dying in Russia.”

      The war won’t last that long.

  6. Many boys wanted to be Wolverines? LOL I have two in the military and they are damn sure not there, according to my boys.

  7. What else would anyone expect from the Jews as they yearn for the “good old days” of their Messiahs – Lenin and Stalin?

  8. Several comments:
    Nazi Germany was not a nationalistic defined state?
    Nobody in our “leadership” is trying to war with Russia for unity. They are wanting us to be destroyed. That is what are real Davos leadership wants, we are the only armed country on the planet and THAT is why we must be destroyed.
    And I will laugh if you say it’s the Jews. Research Klaus Schwab his father was a nazi supreme.

    1. Klaus Schwab is a Rothschild.

      This was an excellent piece and spot on. As an 11B from the 101st is going in to battle, just what is he fighting for? Dad’s business got shut down and is bankrupt, mom is on 5 anti-depressants, his brother is on meth, and his sister is birthing her 4th pickaniney by 4 bucks.

        1. That is correct, Jaybo.

          Schwab is not Jewish. He is Swiss-German. Although he was born in Germany, his father was imported into Germany to run a manufacturing facility and was under scrutiny throughout their time during NSDAP Germany because of anti-NSDAP activities and a mother who refused to suppress her Swiss accent. Neither he nor his father were “Nazis.” Ultimately, the family returned to Switzerland.

        2. Schwab was sponsored and mentored by Kissinger- the actual Architect of the WEF.

          Schwab is a jannisary.

          Jannisaries were usually orphans, and Schwab’s fatherland and people were murdered.

          He was broken and remolded, as a tool.

          (Plus, his mother is a Rothschild daughter.)

  9. I would suggest you LISTEN TO THE LORD,HES NOT ON AMERICAS SIDE,you have allowed your hero’s to murder to many of your neighbors for what could be stolen or looted,HE hates that,Your country is full of demonic evil,and their your HERO”S,the police gangs and military,HE hates them,their all sick perverted people ,you see it and love them anyway,JUDGMENT HAS BEEN DECIDED ON AMERICA,the world will now be allowed to destroy you,YOU were given time to stop and reel in the devils you love ,BUT you became more EVIL just like them..YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW,and NOW your worse then SODOM AND GEMORRA…

    1. Hello Arizona,

      I agree with you and I have written on this topic before.

      Thank you for the contribution!

      God Bless,
      Padraig Martin

  10. We have hundreds of thousands of Cubans where I live that have been coming here since the 50’s. Good luck with that aspect. Plus how will it happen? A 1/2 million russians invade new england without being tracked by satellite? With aircraft as well? Wolverines indeed. Good luck with texas and the Midwest and those gravel driveways in southern states. I dont buy it. Not impressed with russia and Ukraine.

    1. Hello Tony,

      The Russians would never have to step foot on American soil to defeat the United States, and my article does not suggest they would. Reading the whole article, you will see the reasons Russia will win an engagement, which I suspect would be in the Baltic region, due to provocations by NATO allies. Furthermore, most of those I know in the South would support a Russian invasion over continued Washington rule.

      God Bless,
      Padraig Martin

  11. Russia will win….unless the idiot ideologues writing the scripts for Senile Joe become hysterically desperate and launch a nuclear strike. Don’t rule it out. At this moment in time, we have no idea who actually controls the nuclear launch codes. It’s not Senile Joe, that’s clear. But the launch codes potentially have be issued in lightning speed, meaning there will be no time to track down Hillary (passed out drunk) or Obama (passed out with a male lover).

    Anyway, here are three comparisons I like to make. Please indulge the six links.
    1. Russian Spetsnaz recruiting video:
    2. American Army recruiting video:
    [Pause 12 seconds in: what key military demographic is 100% MIA?]

    3. Modern Russian musical culture: Beloe Zlato [White Gold]
    [Please go to their YT channel and click “play all.” Just let it play in the background for a while. The language barrier is no barrier, you will understand everything.]

    4. Modern American musical culture:
    Cardi B: Wet A$$ Pu$$y (Biden fawned all over her in an “interview.”)

    6. Russian Military Cathedral (Newly built outside Moscow)

    7. Air Force Academy Builds Pagan Chapel

    1. Hello Matt,

      I had a chance to look at the links you provided (some of which I had already seen) and you are 100% accurate. If two sides could not be more further apart, look at the modernist degeneracy of the United States coupled with an increasingly nationalistic and Christian Russia. I politely disagree with the idea that we will go nuclear, only because the narcissists in charge know they would not survive such an exchange – even in a fortified bunker. They will do everything short of firing a missile.

      Although, given the Left’s bizarre climate religion, they may see the elimination of earth’s population by means of a nuclear winter as the reset they desperately desire. Anyone who advocates for the mutilation of one’s own genitals – as well as those of the children – and the idea that “gender” is fluid, cannot be trusted. The Left is completely insane, so they might just launch after all.

      Thank you for the contribution!

      God Bless,
      Padraig Martin

      1. God Bless you too Padraig.
        Maybe someday we can meet here in Free Florida.
        I live in Clay County, up in the NE.

  12. I was not clear above:
    “Russia will win….unless the idiot ideologues writing the scripts for Senile Joe become hysterically desperate and launch a nuclear strike.”
    What I should have said is that a massive nuclear exchange will destroy us all.

  13. I have a good (white) friend who is moving to Saint Petersburg. Not the one in Florida. He’s been studying the language for two years and is now fluent. The wife and I intend to visit at Christmas and New Year’s with an eye to possible relocation. I am thinking of my (white) grandchildren and of what place they have the best chance of a decent future.

    1. Very good idea. Even Wilmot Robertson (“The Dispossessed Majority”), who considered the Russians a race distinct from Whites, alludes to Russia’s being the last best hope for their survival beyond the demise of the West. I’m too old or I’d go too! Say hello to Ed Snowden for me.

    2. Hello NIdaho Catholic,

      I have worked extensively in Russia and the former Soviet Union. My career was initially based on the region. I strongly recommend that any American who wishes to relocate, at least visit several times, first. I love the Russian people but understanding their mindset and cultural idiosyncrasies takes time for westerners. Otherwise, I wish you the very best.

      Thank you for the contribution!

      God Bless,
      Padraig Martin

  14. I am reminded of a Vietnamese friend who was a kid in “South” Viet Nam during the war. He said they had a rice paddy and some ducks and pigs and were just trying to get by. Communism? Capitalism? Democracy? Dictatorship? They didn’t know what the hell anybody was even talking about. History from the people who were there is always wildly different than what we are taught. There is a YouTube video of 2 Confederate Veterans being interviewed back in the 1920’s and to your point, all they talked about was fighting the “Dutch” by which they meant the largely ethnically German Union Army. The Confederate were Scotch-Irish mixed up with a bunch of Cajuns.

    1. I am from Alabama originally and the South is mostly English, and by the way, Scots-Irish are mostly Germanic stock from Anglo-Saxons. (English) They didn’t speak Gaelic, they weren’t catholic and were known as enemies by the highland Scots.

      1. Sorry, The South WAS mostly English. Scots-Irish is just another derivative of English peoples.

        1. Hello Brazos,

          The book, “Cracker Culture,” explores the origins of the South. The prelude to the book argues that about 60% of the Carolinas were settled by the Irish in the 18th Century – neither Scots, Scots-Irish, nor English. The Scots-Irish confusion comes from two points: (1) most of the Irish lacked advanced ports to leave that which would be called Southern Ireland, so they left via Northern Irish ports. (2) The 18th Century Irish were not nearly as wedded to Catholicism as later Irish would be. It was not the defining legacy it became later, as evidenced by heroic Irish figures like Wolfe Tone.
          Since they arrived primarily as indentured servants to the Carolinas, they entered Presbyterian and predominantly Methodist homes. Methodism sharing some similarities to Catholicism, they eventually seem to have embraced the faith in the South and melted into the population over time. Anglo concentrations tended to be more coastal, where land and trade was more expensive.

          Thank you for the contribution!

          God Bless,
          Padraig Martin

    2. Hello Mikey,

      I agree with you. That is actually a facet of most politically complicated, wartime scenarios. Those on the ground do not have the same 30,000 foot view that is provided by political actors at the time or historians studying events later. They just want to live.

      Thank you for the contribution!

      God Bless,
      Padraig Martin

  15. Agree as I am 53 years old. A nuclear exchange will end everything we thought about in the cold war. A $5000 custom build aint worth a damn if they take out (name a city). The Russians have their hands full expending resources. We shall see what they can muster if they want to get sporty without nukes. Playing this game for decades. They said Reagan would start WWIII.

  16. The Democrats will never let it go nuclear. A tit for tat wiping out blue hive cities would destroy their power base and shift the nation Red for a hundred years.

    1. It will go nuclear but the ruskies will not nuke any blue hives,
      Too bad.
      God hates fags & so do I
      AINO must be cleansed from the inside.

    2. Hello Grunt,

      I agree, but largely because I think they lack the stomach for the loss of modern luxuries provided by urban environments within their ivory towers.

      Thank you for the contribution!

      God Bless,
      Padraig Martin

  17. When you talk about nations winning or losing, you are not grasping the real situation. It’s not nation vs. nation, it is a group of rootless cosmopolitans who control much of the world trying to get control of the remainder.

    No army is going to be driving on a capital, due to nukes. No territory controlled by the cosmopolitans will change hands for the same reason. Every tax dollar they squeeze from us to pay for the war is a benefit to them, as it makes us colder and hungrier, therefore easier to control. Each of those dollars ends up in the pockets of their supporters in the MIC.

    People miss the fact that the big winners of the Ukraine fiasco have already been determined: those cosmopolitans, who have managed to force Europe to trade with their clients for expensive petroleum and gas rather than with Russia. Russia gets a few wheat fields.

    It is more likely that Russia will suffer negatives like a coup or similar dustup that just happens to put a globalist in charge than the West is to have a shuffle of leadership resulting in someone of our kind in charge.

  18. Russia has its problems too. Islam problems all the Russian muslim ethnic states are Sunni. Yet Russia backs Iran the leader of Shia islam. Putin has problems! Iran will not like him talking to their arch enemy the Saudis.

  19. The current divide and ongoing divide in America is NOT a racial divide but rather over ideology , , values, politics , geographical, religious divide. Even Brad Griffin over at Occidental Dissent recognizes this though he doesn’t welcome it with open arms. None the less he concedes that it is the case. I have said for sometime that we are becoming less and less polarized by “race”, and it will continue. The bottomline is the ideas of “Whiteness”, “Blackness” and “Browness” are social constructs. The quicker you accept this fact tue quicker you can accept the real reality we face. A free South will not be a White ethno-state, and other races will be apart of whatever new state we end up with. If they are Christian, and are anti-Liberal and are traditional in their views then I consider them a brother and sister. The real fight is against Liberalism and people who hate Christ. Here is the article.


    1. “The bottom line is the ideas of “Whiteness”, “Blackness” and “Brownness” are social constructs.”

      Sounds like a core tenet of liberalism. If I say that lions and tigers are separate species, even though they had a common ancestor in the cat family, am I just being a social construct bigot?

      The best way to ease racial tensions is to recognize that races DO exist. I’m not an evolutionist, but I do believe in speciation. Without these premises you may have a state, but you’ll not have a nation.

    2. Hello Orthodox Slumlord,

      Obviously, we disagree. Race and ethnicity are extraordinary contributors to nearly every facet of the human condition – from genetically inherited diseases to how we process information. Race cannot be decoupled from decision making, which is why the left-right paradigm within the neo-liberal world order is fracturing so badly. Outliers, such as Flores, do not make the whole. More likely, Hispanics who generally have a great deal of disdain for issues such as transgenderism, are a bit scared that it will impact their communities, where before it was a mostly White phenomenon. Race is probably the most important factor in how someone will vote, as evidenced statistically in every election.

      Still, thank you for the contribution!

      God Bless,
      Padraig Martin

  20. Remarkable. A stellar summation- and you, Mr. Padraig, display such class in your replies.

    What struck me is this:
    “…previously, socially stratified order existed. Having lost two successive generations of war fighting men, Europe lacked the stability of strong patriarchal guidance. The result: by 1950, Europe was a hyper-feminized continent. ”

    The great David Goldman said that they learned the secret to victory in the American Civil War:

    Kill 1/3 of the fighting age males of two generations- first the fathers, then the sons- and you will have “Peace.” (That is, Victory.)

    Thus, WW1 and WW2.

    Follow this with legitimization of the authority using the Purim story, repeating the culture war strategy of Esther- betray the small king one’s in bed with to the larger king, marry the larger king- Esther has married Uncle Sam.

    Esther has become queen, ruling behind the throne of the world’s greatest power.

    Thus is culture war, the ancient war without weapons. An implacable minority must use different means- such as getting one’s enemies to kill each other. And how? By telling them stories.

    1. Addendum:
      Stories are the human operating system. It can be hacked- for instance, by telling others stories about your leaders, or ancestors, or people, or nation; even about things that never happened, or post-war rumors spread by law clerk at a bureau meeting about things said, but not written, and heard only by him.
      (Wannsee, 1942, Richard Kirtchener.)

      1. Woops. I forgot the biggest one- stories about their God. That theirs must be the highest of them all.

          1. Hello Alzaebo,

            I see nothing for which you feel you should repent or overstepped any bounds. We appreciate your contribution to our site through commentary.

            God Bless,
            Padraig Martin

          2. THEIR God is not my God (as my God pointed out in John 8:44)… so I’m not offended.

    2. Hello Alzaebo,

      Thank you for your kind compliments. Regarding the first strategy posited, that makes a great deal of sense. Total War requires the elimination of fighting capacity. War making requires men. The Esther analogy, however, is extremely interesting and appropriate, given her ethno-religious background.

      Thank you for contributing to the discussion of this article.

      God Bless,
      Padraig Martin

  21. Great writing, I liked the line: “As you can see, the United States lost before the Russians won.”

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