
Juneteenth: the most ludicrous holiday of all time? Perhaps.

I believe it should at least be in the nomination, if not the winner.

It is currently in the running for this coveted title because this one day demonstrates the sheer insanity of our society like no other holiday.

A major federal agency recently sent out a memo on Juneteenth. I could not help but get a laugh out of it:

Juneteenth is celebrated on Monday, June 19 this year. It is the oldest known holiday honoring the end of slavery in the United States.

The Feds

The day just became a federal holiday only two years ago (on June 17, 2021 as a political ploy by Joe Biden). Before then, no one even knew what it was, save for a select group of about 100 blacks in Texas. There never was a federal holiday honoring the end of slavery; they are rebranding this day as something it never was.

Continuing on:

On Jan 1, 1863, then President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation outlawing slavery in the confederate states.

The Feds

The Feds are trying desperately to relate this holiday to the holy grail Abe Lincoln, so that no normiecon can speak bad against it.

I noticed this tactic last year: If something is related to Lincoln, then Team Red cannot say anything bad about it.

But what this day is actually about is followed up later in the memo:

On June 19, 1865. Union Army General Gordon Granger led thousands of federal troops to Galveston, Texas to announce that the slaves are freed. Therefore, we commemorate this day of the enslaved African Americans from 1865.

The Feds

That is more than I ever cared to know about a Union general and this holiday, but there you go. We don’t celebrate the day they were freed, just the day some Union general told them so in Texas.

Many around the country continue to celebrate Juneteenth 151 years later. Most people like to host cookouts, parades, and social gatherings to celebrate.

The Feds

No one did any of this, ever, but they are trying to make it seem like they did/do.

This holiday is some literal Ministry of Truth screwing of the mind. They are rewriting history to make it sound like we were always at war with Eastasia everyone has always celebrated Juneteenth.

“We’ve always done cookouts for the Union general. Don’t you remember that while growing up? Your parents did it. What’s wrong with you? Are you going insane?”

We are at that stage of collapse (complete insanity), it seems.

“Holiday” is supposed to stand for “holy day”. The secularization of the word just gets worse with each new “holiday”.

Since all holy days are supposed to involve worship or thanks, this day must then be the worship of the blacks, which fits our state religion. Jared Taylor recently just wrote a humorous article on this very subject. Find it at Unz here: We Have a State Religion.

Even the name is hilariously dopey. It is an improper English pronunciation of June and nineteen, said with the slang of a black Southern individual.

You really cannot make this stuff up. The elites really do hate us.

Happy upcoming Juneteenth, all. May the worship of the black notification of emancipation be with you.

Let us go eat a grilled hot dog and salute Gordon Granger for sharing the news, I guess.

-By Kaisar


  1. Even blacks see through the con. It’s another white liberal self congratulating ploy. The same thing Malcom X warned his people about. Sadly, black nationalists sold themselves for the quotas and handouts. Eventually it will backfire on the Libs. Like feeding a hungry bear one hot dog at the time, and at one moment you realize you are out of the hot dogs.

  2. Don’t rain on my parade! After nearly six decades my birthday is finally the national holiday that it deserves to be…

    Thanks be to Brandon!

    1. You lucky bastard. But fair enough, I will celebrate Ed’s birthday for the holiday next year. That is better than what we have currently, so I’ll take the upgrade.

    1. I have noticed that in formal settings many, many whites avoid using the word and just say “our new federal holiday” or something similar. If they do say it, they say it in almost a hushed manner. It’s hilarious.

      It certainly is not a word I would choose to say voluntarily.

  3. As a kid I remember Black people coming from as far as Chicago and Detroit to celebrate June 19th (Juneteenth as they called it) This was long before it was made a federal holiday. Many in my neighborhood called it Ni*ger Fest. Our parents warned us not to be out and about during that time. I was thinking it was Donald J. Trump who made it a national holiday.

    1. I was laughing when I read your post. I had to check, and to my surprise it was actually Joe who made it into a national holiday. But your suspicion was justified.

  4. The Blacks here are busy shooting each other and raping/robbing Whites but since they grill and shoot large fireworks they might just do it on the 19th.The local CBS Jewish news affiliate showed a pathetic Juneteeth parade outside a nigra church.Try as they might not to show a wide view a few seconds into the footage it shows about 12 nigs at 3 tables with 2 horses riding by and 2 stationary cars(one with an old fat nigress doing a darn good impression of Queen Elizabeth’s cupped hand wave).Very staged and done by the usual professional/political Blacks who either get paid or have nothing else going on.If there was no Jewish media to amplify they would have no Juneteeth events at all.If there were no Whites to hate they also would have no events celebrating Black nonsense.Its all Jewish driven and that is an absolute fact.Christ is Lord and He is coming soon.

  5. What if they had a holiday, and nobody came?

    My idiotic employer, Warlabs, Inc., has made Juneteenth a celebrated affair for three years now. We have not a single black employee at my facility (out of 300+). Yet my employer hosts an unironic celebration buffet each June for all the pasty-White pale males and fey little yellow fellows who toil in classified labs developing software for high tech weapon systems that enable the military to snuff enemy combatants from half a world away in their sleep.

    God, I hope they serve us watermelon as part of the spread this year.

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