Techno-Liberal Society and Its Discontents

The recent passing of Ted Kaczynski, also known as the Unabomber, caused a great deal of reflection on my part. Not because of his tactics, which I do not support, or even his overall ideology, which is fascinating, but rather the event that finally set him down his path.

To understand the mind of Kaczynski, we must first briefly examine his life. Born in 1942, Kaczynski showed exceptional intellectual ability from an early age, especially in mathematics, a field he would later specialize in. Eventually, he earned a bachelor’s degree from Harvard University and later a master’s degree and PhD from the University of Michigan. It was at Harvard University where one of the most pivotal events of his life occurred, as he would be subjected to a highly unethical psychological experiment by Henry Murray. It was during this event when Kaczynski was asked to write a personal essay about himself. Another student, who was involved with the experiment, used this essay as ammunition to belittle him. The project, one that has been alleged to be part of the CIA’s Project MKUltra, put additional strain on him (and Kaczynski already had mental health problems) and helped cement his hatred of authority.

To understand why this was so important, we must go back to the year Kaczynski was born – 1942, and understand that era. Beginning with the New Deal Era and going into overdrive with World War II, this period is marked by an extreme trust placed in “credentialled men.” As hard as it is to believe now, from around 1933 until the end of the Vietnam War, the “experts” were largely considered as people who could be trusted, especially with managing American society. This is especially true for psychologists, a profession that has long been rife with abuse, particularly in the service of leftist causes. What happened to Kaczynski is more than a single unethical experiment in an era with many unscrupulous psychological experiments, it was the shattering of the world he grew up in.

Losing his faith in the “society of experts,” Kaczynski eventually quite his job as a professor and soon moved to a small cabin in Montana without electricity or running water. It was here that he prepared to learn survival skills and live off the land, embracing the antithesis of the “expert driven technological society.” However, he soon realized this would not be possible. Upon witnessing development and deforestation near his cabin retreat, he was hit with a startling revelation: the society he had fled from had found him. It was impossible to truly escape and forge his own path. It was at this point that Kaczynski decided that he must go on the offensive.

While I do not support his tactics, the crux behind his bombing campaign does reveal a driving tendency within techno-liberal society – the alliance between technology and the liberal worldview. With techno-liberalism, one of its great strengths is its ability to tolerate many different people within its own understanding of the world. So, while most other systems were built and codified with respect to a particular ethnicity or religion, a techno-liberal one is the opposite – it’s geared toward assimilating the most amount of people into its ideology. Nevertheless, this tolerance comes with a catch, while techno-liberal society is very efficient at extending tolerance within its own framework, it is incredibly harsh and unforgiving to those outside of its administration, especially those who actively resist their assimilation.

Additionally, much of techno-liberalism is based off of profitability (note: certainly not all of it). It is currently Pride Month in the United States. We can observe and review the larger sinful and degenerate ramifications of Pride Month, but we should also understand its proliferation with respect to economics. Outside of college-educated, liberal, White women seeking attention by claiming to be bisexual, it is very clear that homosexuals are a very small minority. So, why do so many corporations, even those with a conservative customer base, go out of their way to celebrate Pride Month? After all, blacks make up a far larger portion of the population, but Black History Month is nothing compared to Pride Month. Of course, part of it is wealth; homosexuals have much more disposable incomes, but this is only part of the story. Asians, although a small minority, are also wealthy, and also have more disposable incomes. Why aren’t major corporations pandering to Asians? The reason is that Asians tend to be very thrifty, while homosexuals are not. The homosexual lifestyle promotes hedonism, and this results in higher spending habits. Thus, they are a profitable customer base. This is even more true for transexuals. They are an even smaller minority than homosexuals, and the money they spend regarding their delusions is also very lucrative. Therefore, both groups are handsomely rewarded within a techno-liberal society. By encouraging more people to embrace degeneracy, the techno-liberal society hopes to create even greater profits (and customers).

For those outside this system, techno-liberal society, despite its claims of permissiveness, is utterly ruthless. Ted Kaczynski soon learned that not even moving to an isolated part of Montana would allow him to live the kind of life he wanted – it simply was not profitable. We can also observe this regarding radical Islam. Contra to what many neoconservatives brattle, Islamic radicals are not motivated by a hatred for John Wayne, baseball, and American apple pie; nor are they, as liberals and libertarians like to point out, motived by American/Western imperialism. Rather, they are driven by the horror of witnessing their cultures embracing Western degeneracy. Remember, techno-liberal society attempts to conquer all and remake the world in its own image (as this makes it easier to make money). Consequently, not even living in an Islamic nation can assure Muslims that are able to preserve their culture. No wonder the late Ted Kaczynski and radical Islamists consider(ed) themselves in a life-or-death struggle.

We can also observe techno-liberal society’s genocidal hated of Dixie and our people. As a traditional Christian society, we understand that there are more important things in this life than money. When Dixian states began passing laws restricting infanticide, the techno-liberal society and its corporations tried to threaten our states by withdrawing money, funding, prestige, jobs, etc. Thankfully, these threats were ignored. A similar punitive response occurred (and continues to do so), when the South attempts to restrain the homosexual movement and its desires to corrupt children. Major events have been pulled from Dixie, and Disney has canceled projects. But that is okay. Disney bringing more jobs to Florida really means importing Indians and Californians to dilute the votes of old Florida. But even more important, by rejecting the profit-driven logic of techno-liberal society, Dixie has sent a message that some things matter more than money. The lives of our children certainly qualify. The souls of children are even more important. By making these decisions, Southerners are rejecting the underlying premise of the techno-liberal society, making us harder to assimilate. As a result, they declared war on us.  

To the techno-liberal, they cannot conceive of a society that is not driven by a pure profit motivation. This is why they will seriously argue that all Putin wants to do is make money for himself and his friends. This is preposterous, if this was the case, all he would have to do is keep the oil flowing. The idea that he may want to restore Russian national honor is foreign to them. This is also why they contend that the only reason states like Tennessee or Texas are not sending gun control politicians to Washington is because the National Rifle Association has “paid them off.” To understand that Southern politicians genuinely care about self-defense, as a principle, is incomprehensible to the techno-liberal society.

Dixians are discontents within the American techno-liberal society. Our traditional moral order considers some things as far more important than money. Because of that, we must be crushed. Again, I do not approve of Ted Kaczynski’s tactics, but it must be understood that he was also a discontent of the techno-liberal order. It would not let him live a simple life, even in Montana. And, it will not allow us to live as traditional Southerners, just as it will not allow Muslims to live as traditional Muslims (or any other group for that matter).

We understand that life is more sacred than money. That is why we are targeted by techno-liberalism.


  1. Excellent article at explaining WHY our enemies will never ‘leave us alone’. Solzhenitsyn elaborated further on the nature of communism:

    “You have to understand the nature of Communism. The very ideology of Communism, all of Lenin’s teachings, are that anyone who doesn’t take what’s lying in front of him is considered a fool. p. 41.

    The whole world can read; everyone is literate, yet somehow no one wants to understand. Humanity acts as if it does not understand what Communism is, as if it does not want to understand, is not capable of understanding. It is precisely because its essence is beyond comprehension, perhaps, that Communism is so difficult to understand. p. 54. This is something which is almost incomprehensible to the human mind: a burning greed for profit that goes beyond all reason, all self-control, all conscience, only to get money. pp. 12-13. It is a system where the constitution has never been adhered to for one single day; where all the decisions are reached in secrecy, among a small, irresponsible clique and are then flung down on us and on you like a bolt of lightning.” p. 38.

    Solzhenitsyn, ‘Warning to the West’, trans. The Bodley Head Ltd.

    1. Karl Marx wrote an essay for a now defunct New York newspaper entitled “Formed Emmigration”

      In it, he remarks something along the lines of “any people, race, or class that is not compatible with the new way of life shall be purged in the revolutionary holocaust”

      Holocaust is a term that’s actually used in Eastern Orthodoxy, as well as traditionalist Judaism to-date. It means something like “burnt sacrifice”

      That’s how communism justifies killing like 100 million people in the 20th century, and its why liberalism today justifies any amount of suffering or misery– those who perish are seen as akin to a religious sacrifice to bring about the future utopia

      1. Yes! Again, Solzhenitsyn understood this first hand:

        “You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism created the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators. The worst genocide in history wasn’t the Holocaust … in fact, it was perpetrated by members of the very same group of people who claim they were the victims of one. Without Jews, there never would have been Bolshevism. For a Jew, nothing is more insulting than the truth. The bloodthirsty Jewish Terrorists have murdered sixty-six million in Russia from 1918-1957”.

        Alexander Solzhenitsyn, ‘200 Years Together’, (see p. 403, Gerard Menuhin’s “Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil”)

  2. This techno-liberal society is the same society our fathers fought against. As President Davis said, “All we ask is to be left alone.” From the industrialized yank, who took it upon himself to move South and bring his proto-globohomo worldview as a carpetbagger.

    Years go by, and the names change, but the fight remains the same.

  3. The thing about techno-liberalism or Liberal Modernity is that it sincerely believes its ideology is unstoppable and will become the dominant philosophy of the planet and the hope for utopia will be realized. I suppose an early feature of this was Star Trek with its one world government without classes, nations, or money. That is why I always rooted for the Klingons because at least they had a warrior code of honor and was not just the United Nations conquering the universe for the good of multiracial diversity and liberal democracy and LGBTQ empowerment.

    After all what are the primary ideological exports the United States exports to the world: LGBTQ advocacy, anti-White racism, and miscegenation! You have American embassies flying the Gay rainbow flag!

    TK felt boxed in by technology moving into the pristine area he has staked for himself in Montana. That is much like White flight. You cannot flee forever as the powers that be are working night and day to ensure there no more “White Havens” to flee to. Does White Fight begin when White Flight ends?

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