Many people in the Southern Dissident Right tend to either be fascists, modified national socialists, Christian fundamentalists, paleoconservatives, or some sort of rightwing anarchists. But one thing unifying them is their nostalgia for the Confederacy and their hatred of Yankees. I understand the hatred, because when I first started learning about Florida’s history my hatred for the American (mercantile) Empire grew.
The biggest issue I have with this mentality it is simply a reactionary scar from the liberal strike on Dixie. Today, Southerners call for separation, which I understand, but it leads to a similar issue modern anarchists have, they simply want to separate and then don’t have much after that, except the sterile worship of the past. I consider myself a “Southern Supremacist,” and for the simple fact that the culture of the South cultivates the warrior tradition, and that warrior culture even survived the atomization and destruction the mammonistic federal government. New England died because it is the epicenter of liberalism today, the Midwest is slowly becoming “standard American” i.e., basic West Coast accents popping up more and more, and much of the East Coast is mostly dead from the hordes of Mexicans, Guatemalans, and other Central Americans.
I firmly believe it is our duty, as Southerners, to liberate our ethnic cousins in the North and West. Some will cry, “But desegregation came from the Yankee!” In turn, we should reply with, “They simply didn’t know.” They lost racial cohesion and consciousness due to liberal programming and from not being around non-Whites. Until the great migrations of blacks raced to the North, the majority of Yankees only knew what the newspapers told them. Liberal humanism conditioned them to accept “universal rights” and their own destruction.
The Northerners are part of our family, even the Canadians. Everyone has had family members do harmful things to the family. You don’t throw them in the dirt and leave them to wallow, you try to teach and help them understand their actions and, more importantly, how to be better.
I have an aunt that was an opiate addict, she stole, lied, and cheated the family. We didn’t abandon her, we forced her to be fixed, as hard as it was. Now, she is a mother. She is still flawed, as we all are, but she is much better and has corrected many of the issues in her life.
I view the liberal North the same way. Most Whites can be fixed, we need a folkish state that protects, nurtures, and creates “new men” for a new North America. The South is the only real culture in North America and in a real, sizeable form. It is my belief, even if it is a minority opinion among Southern Nationalists, that the South should take the duty to liberate our culturally disabled and wayward brothers on the continent.
The modern state has separated itself from the folk and its blood, it is our duty to replace the state and create one anew. The staging grounds of neo-Carthage’s fall is soon, and it is our duty to save our people. Southern Imperium is our duty, our drive, our future. A Dixie-dominated future awaits.
-By Baron of Pinellas

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
A nice change of sentiment to see on here, since I’m from New England and my father Midwest.
The “Yankees,” of yon and thither 🙂 are all gone now. Time passed and satans NWO has done one heck of a job destroying the south and all of America while we sit like frogs in boiling water listening to entertainers like Alex Jones but not DOING anything to save ourselves. I’ve heard almost every episode of every podcast and read every alt media news site for about the last 16 + years … and I have yet to see / hear ANY of them EVER mention so much as a peep about ANY “solution.” Especially THE solution. See, they don’t care about the 90 + % of their audiences ( white patriots ), they don’t want to offend the 10 % that MIGHT buy some supplements and not call them some “ist” name.
We NEED a plan. A manifesto. A blueprint if you will of ( as near as we can get to ), the perfect south. Share that blueprint with fellow white Christian patriots from ALL of America … and even certain areas of the world. As we restructure into so many different Republics, we need a strong smart well funded well fortified unreconstructed all white very enlarged CSA II … wherein we can reestablish every scintilla of lost culture which includes more monuments than there were before the baboons and wiggers tore them down.
And yes, most whites can be saved. Think how their demise began. They had big families back then. Dad got killed in the war so they had no upbringing. Carpet baggers etc stole what they had and forced a lot of crud on them. How were they to pull themselves up from that?
Now any movie / show you watch is nothing but brainwashing that whites are weak and stupid – darkies are strong and smart and men are weak and stupid – women are strong and smart. Even in comedies – see the movie CHIP’s. The sick possessed Jews can’t be allowed anywhere near CSA II’s film industry! Or academia, government, business … or anything I guess!?
There is a great parallel to the Old South out west here, there was a back to the land organic farming/ranching mindset growing here before covid, I believe the chemical pesticide big AG powers were afraid of the movement and it has become part of the catalyst for the not so great reset east of eden here.
They were losing control of us.
Their Farms ranches orchards were all worked by imported Mexicans which is another similarity to the Old South and big AG.
Edit: The Ranchers here are banding together and I’ve read that they are building their own meat processing plant now.
We have immigrants here that came after the WBTS, We had the Ludlow massacre where 1300 Italian family members were Gatling gunned down by the Pinkertons, they didn’t want to work the Lead mines in Colorado and be owned by the company store. All the Mines from W.V to Washington State had striking workers replaced by Africans after the illegal war on the Southern people. I Do know the New England puritans came out here starting from the Gold Rush in 49 in Great number, I really Don’t like them for the most part, they settled SF and somewhat Seattle and surrounds.(the Yukon Gold rush?) Most people I know here in the NW are Northern Europeans, that came here through the Dakotas.
Hard Working, military veterans who really were fooled by the usurpers of our Great Bill of Rights.
“ Until the great migrations of blacks raced to the North, the majority of Yankees only knew what the newspapers told them. ”
There is more to it than this. Look at the Yankee stance on homosexuality or feminism. Even before we got hit with trannymania they were big on genderbending. Even with the same Bible we have, they claimed that slavery was immoral. There were even some areas where more men voted for Hilary than Trump. Think about that. A majority of white men voting for Hilary.
They are not like us psychologically. They are descended from extremist Puritans and those underlying traits are still in their blood today.
Yep. The apple doesn’t fall far, as they say.
@ Bill Hill
During the hay day of Gold, whisky, woman and song in S.F, homo sexuality ran rampant, New England puritans whom were the main body of people who migrated there, turned it into a Modern day sin city, Paris of the new World from day 1. The Large numbers of them replaced the Original Spanish settlers, and marked the beginning of western expansion. (1848) I’ve read, that before the WBTS Jefferson Davis was trying to tie the North and Souths economy together by Rail, but his Northern counterparts insisted on going west in complete disregard of the Southern people. Another straw put on the camels back.
Have no need for or any kinship with people north of the Mason Dixon, not my people. I don’t want to liberate them, I just want them to leave me alone.
Liberation is Yankee language, and in the South we have heard it before. It’s the language of dictators and other tyrannical regimes.
We are Southern Nationalist, simple and plain. What happens outside of our restored borders will not be our concern.
Thanks for expressing your philosophy.
My sentiments exactly, sir; I could not have stated it better had I tried.
Thanks for stating the Southern Nationalist perspective on this so accurately and so well!
you have a pure reactionary mindset, the person who wants to be left alone will always lose to the person who wants to win. most whites even up north voted trump, only the cities like jew york and others voted blue. I would hardly call the cities even Yankee at this point, it is filled with Culture distorters and alien races to the point where it isn’t Yankee. The south has a horrible scar it won’t let heal which creates a victim mentallity, Southerners as the last bastion of an American Civilization needs to save our mentally ill brothers, most Yankees are either non ideological/lemmings. think about what William Luther Pierce said, they are our people, they are mentally ill, casrtrated, made to hate themselves. they need saving and this mentality of “leave me alone” is a loser, slave mindset. Get up and save your people.
First of all, northerners are emphatically NOT “my people.” Secondly, I’m definitely a reactionary, you got me there. A “pure reactionary?” Well, thou sayest. Thirdly, and finally, that you appeal to Trump voters as some sort of indication or other that we are in fact the “same people” is apparently more telling than you know. Quite obviously, the majority of Northern whites who voted for Mr. Trump did so (in both elections) only because the Democrat candidate was so horribly bad.
You’d best come to understand who your true enemies are, is all I have to say to you at this point, sir. With all due respect.
I always respect your pieces, comments, and positions taken.
That said, you may want to familiarize yourself with some of the work of Bill Potter, who’s of Northern birth, but Southern heart. He’s made a lifetime of studying the demographic composition of the Union and Confederate armies. He points out (Birthplace or Heart?) that “more than 296,000 Southern-born white men fought for the Union in the War for Southern Independence.” Conversely, “About 32 northern-born men served as generals for the Confederacy—eight from Ohio, six from New York, four from Massachusetts, one from Maine etc.” In addition, he draws attention to “a small number of memoirs or biographies of those individuals who fought and died for the Confederacy, but had no genetic or geographical stake in the Cause.”
Understanding who our true enemies are is a point well-taken. It’s just not as cut and dried as many might wish it were.
Very interesting, sir. I promise to look into Mr. Potter’s work based on your recommendation.
Upwards of 296,000 “Confederate Defectors,” if I may so call them, is a HUGE number – enough indeed to have easily turned the tide of the war. I wonder what they would think seeing what the U.S. have become in 2022?…
Thank you for the relevant info, sir!
Many of the Ohio “copperheads” were Dixians on the wrong side of the river, which ended up being the political border. It got that way because many of the early settlers to the area were Virginians, claiming their land grant in the Virginia Military District after winning independence from Britain. That accounts for how there were 8 from Ohio and only 6 from New York. The others are such small numbers as to not even count. It’s just a NAXALT argument.
Assuredly there are many Yankees, and even though they might have white skin, vote Trump, and act conservatively, it only takes a brief conversation to understand that we are not the same. The mental disturbances that afflict them only amplify our culture separation.
A grand coalition is a terrible strategy and doomed to failure.
However, regional movements, ending the peaceful separation of now “unified” American republics, is achievable.
“Loser” mindset is laughable, a charge usually coming from subversives, or non player characters. The most powerful animals in the wild are those that have little interaction with other wildlife, until they choose to subdue the weaker. We are in it to win it.
Identity Dixie is not WN , not ever. We seek the peaceful dissolution of the US, to secure the peace and prosperity of our Southern children in Christ honoring independent confederated States.
The beauty of this article, and I’m happy it was published, allows those distinctions to be clarified.
Hats off to the Tidewater Tyrant.
Honestly I believe the root of liberalism is in most Americans hearts, the goal is to save them from the mammonistic curse and show them the folkish way of existing. I don’t believe the north’s culture is good or is suposed to live. I wasn’t making that arguement, my arguement was in the same vein that we should “Dixify” many northern states through imperium.
The Second independence war was causes by the simple battle over Blood over Money. the North represented Money and it still does, but it is because it is built upon faulty structure. It’s Mammonistic, Capitalistic system of worshipping money over Folk. all they need to do is simply be educated. Expelling the culture distorters, the foreigner and the subversive in hope of saving many of the states is very possible. The south is very sick aswell as the North even if the North is in an later stage of liberalism. We suffer from egalitarianism, Negrophilila and Zionism down here. they can easily be remendied but people act like it is a core component of the South. Same with the bug man liberalism of the North. It can be fixed.
No. Liberating us from the North.
The North has never been the same country as us. It never will, or can be. The Northern People care nothing for the U.S., outside of the sixteen Northern States. Period.
They express these sentiments, on a continual basis, on social, and in public media.
If you mention secession to the Northern People, as a solution to,”their problems”, whatever those might be, they laugh and say; “Who are we going to secede from, ourselves?” They instinctively recognise that they ARE the system, they ARE the government, they ARE the empire. They ARE “America®, as THEY, not we, define it.” And we are their lesser and inferior subordinate subjects, unfit to live in THEIR country, or to even live at all. NOT their “fellow Americans.”
The South wasn’t fighting against a corrupt government that had overstepped the Constitutional limits upon it. It was fighting against sixteen corrupt, Northern state governments, led by Puritan Massachusetts. This is why flying any Southern flag as a symbol of “resistance to the federal government,” is nonsense. Especially in any of the sixteen Northern States.
When I fly the Texas flag, alone or with other Southern flags, it’s not symbolic of resistance to some nebulous governmental entity. It means that I recognise Texas and Dixie as THE legitimate Nation(s), and I do not recognise either the Northern People(s) and Nation, or their self proclaimed right to rule over me.
Southern Nationalism is about the Southern Nation and People. Not ever about the North. Except in how to remove it from the Southern political equation. Period.
End Reconstruction. End the War. Deo Vindice.
Getting the Southern movement involved with Yankee White Nationalists is a sure way to defeat our movement. The South is something much larger than a Yankee notion. Remember, these people have always been wrong about everything and have always blamed us for everything bad. It is true some Yankees are salvageable (but not because they are WN). I know quite a few good such people. They have salvaged themselves, the only way it can be done. And not because of race but because the South still has strong attraction as a civilisation.
Dr. Wilson wrote:
Quite so, sir, and, Hear, hear!
Indeed, not only have they always (and ever shall, for that matter) “blamed us for everything bad,” but they also count themselves the arbiters of … what is “bad” and what isn’t bad. E.g., slavery, et al, which of course was not inherently “bad” (see Padraig Martin’s recent article on the subject), but Yankees think it was, so there you go. This is, at bottom, what James Owen so effectively and so presciently alludes to below. …
Part II
To the Northern People, the problem is not the so-called “federal government.” It never was, or will be, as long as they can maintain their dominance over it. No, the problem is all of the people in the Southern and Western States, that refuse to submit to the will of the Northern People, as expressed through THEIR agency, the selfsame “federal government.”
When any discussion of politics, or anything at all, pertaining to America, comes up, the Northern People always start from the assumption that they and their sixteen Northern States, have ruling authority over the other states in the so-called “Union.” And that the other states are THEIR inferior colonial and federal property, and that the people residing therein, are their subordinate subjects, at best, or else are little better than talking animals. But certainly not their fellow citizens, of equal political and legal standing. Or even their “fellow Americans.”
The fact that these
beliefs, really a whole paradigm, run contrary to the Constitution, and to the ideals of a republican form of government, is irrelevant to them, and to their overwhelming sense of entitlement. THEIR “America” comes first. Even at the expense of the one founded in Virginia and Caroline.
That’s why they always say “We” can do this, or that, to the rest of America, and it’s our “right” as “Americans,” to do so. And if the other states cite the Constitution; or plead for their legal and political rights, as protected by that same Constitution; or object to the violation of their state’s sovereignty, or to interference in their state governments and political procrssess, by Northern activists; then that’s just “un-American,” “unpatriotic;” and “treason” and “rebellion.”
From what? Themselves and their nature?
Our project is Liberty and independence for the Southern people. Not the fate of our natural and eternal enemies. Just because some people are ostensibly White, doesn’t mean that they are necessarily our friends and allies. Far from it.
Mr. Owen:
Have you ever considered writing articles for Identity Dixis particularly concerning the subjects and subject matter you’re so apt to write about in comments under our articles? If not, I urge you to do so, sir; yours would be, in my estimation, a truly valuable contribution to our cause at this site! Think about it?…
I may consider it. But I’d haf to do a lot of thinking about it. There is a lot to consider on one particular point, or on any particular point.
@Bill Hill
Don’t count? … Many of these men literally gave up everything in life (some who survived the war were shunned by their families and countrymen) to enlist in a cause they believed was right, and you won’t even do them the honor to acknowledge them as confederates? Would you call them ‘useful idiots’?
I am myself a Kinist, but it seems to me you’re espousing a Southern variant of Talmudism. I’d submit that our time is in desperate need of men like James Beers, of Connecticut, who fell at Chancellorsville fighting for Virginia and the South. (ref. Robert Stiles’ “Four Years Under Marse Robert”)
Your the only one other than the author that sees things clearly in my opinion. Understand this. I hate what has happened to my country. I work everyday to fight the communist bastards. I will die doing so if necessary. I say this so you men, who I think I have more in common than not know where I stand as I say the following.
Heart and mind are what matter not what geographical location one resides.
South had men working with the north during the civil war. Now they, as the north have them working with the communist. Its whats in ones soul. I am amazed at how God is thrown into the conversation while at the same time they are pretending to be God and judge their fellow man without knowing him at all. No I am not interested in some cult like mentality that pretends to see a mans heart because he was born in a certain area. With all due respect it sounds quite foolish and trading one form of idiotic rule for another.
No one is doing that; it is a figment of your imagination. We all know all too well that birthplace, in and of itself, has next to nothing to do with it. And you must understand that we are speaking in generalities in any case. Every statement of a rule grants the exception to it at the outset. None of us has said or even implied that there aren’t exceptions to the rule in this case or any other; we all know that exceptions exist, for goodness sakes. But exceptions are exceptions, and that is all they are; the rule is what it is, like it or not. It would be idiotic and self-destructive of us to form a rule of the exception, and to base our opinions on it.
I should make plain as well that we’re talking about people not only born in Yankeedom, but also *raised and educated* in that environment. Surely you understand that e.g., someone with deep and broad Southern roots and also born, raised and educated in, say, South Carolina or Alabama et al, is not on the same plane, so to speak, with his “conservative” counterpart and fellow Trump voter, who was born, raised and educated in, say, rural Massachusetts, or even rural Ohio, for that matter? Am I making any sense to you, Griffin?
P.S. When you said above that “I hate what has happened to my country,” what did you mean by “my country?” If you meant by that phrase the “good ol’ US of A,” well, you’re likely not paying close attention to what my fellow contributors and I write here on a regular basis. But I will give you the benefit of the doubt on this and assume you haven’t been reading us long enough to know that we don’t consider the US to be “our country?”
I agree with you sir, (and with Southern nationalist readers) but would add a further qualification:
Robert Stiles wrote of his friend James Beers:
“It is well that there are not more men like Beers in the world. The bands of society are not strong enough to endure many such. … And yet, when every now and then God turns out a man of different mold, a man brave enough and strong enough not to be dominated in opinion, in conscience, or in action by his associates – we ordinary men, of average human stature and strength, realize how almost pitifully small and weak we are.” p. 48.
Robert Stiles, ‘Four Years Under Marse Robert’
Kinship and ‘the bands of society’ are a prerequisite of culture. Culture only exists in the world any more in insular families following the old paths. The rest of us are, to varying degrees, in thrall to the anti-culture of global finance. The bands of society have been snapped, and we need a few heroes to be used of God to set things right.
Exceptions have been the real difference-makers in history.
“How many dare to walk their path alone in life? How many dare to stand alone at the hour of their death? Only the strong man, to whom life does not mean the highest thing, whose personal self can take second place to an ideal. … To look death in the eye in the midst of comrades, in the midst of battle, is brave and courageous. To stand before death lonely and alone, yes, to look it in the eye, is heroic.” p. 21. -C. van Geelkerken, Deputy Party Leader of the NS Beweging in Nederland
SS Creed, Vol. 8, ‘Holland’, Third Reich Originals
“We all know all too well that birthplace, in and of itself, has next to nothing to do with it.”
It’s the cultural milieu into which they were born.
As an aside;
I recognised, as a young boy, in the 1970’s, that the country depicted on TV, was nothing like North Texas, or Southern Oklahoma, or Texomaland, as we call it. Especially since most of the shows seemed to be set in the Northeast, or in places like Indiana or Minnesota.
Mentally, I was, and remain, oriented towards the South and the West, especially the Southwest. I’ve had enough experiences to know that we don’t share a common culture with the North.
What’s called “American culture,” is really just Northern culture, shouted to the rooftops, by THEIR media, not ours.
I was raised in the Texas iteration of Southern Culture. I was taught by my teachers and parents to believe in and follow the ways of the Old South and Texas. And to believe in Jeffersonian republicanism and Liberty tempered by morality, decency and manners.
I can’t relate to people who call the police when their neighbour paints his house a colour that they don’t like. Or buries grandma, or a teenaged boy, killed in a car wreck, with full military honours, despite the fact that neither one served a single day in their lives. And I can’t relate to people who think that fried chicken, okra, and BBQ are foreign and strange.
I respectfully disagree. I see many on this board prioritize where they live and use it as some sort of virtue that those living farther north do not posess. I am from New Hampshire and there is not one thing I have read so far that I disagree with other than anyone north of a certain longitude is not welcome. One of the authors claimed my ancestors did tremendous harm to the south. I informed him they were in Ireland being oppresed by england at the time of war. He made that comment solely because of where I was born. If being educated in the south vs a more northern state is on a different plane and therefore puts them at some higher standard. How do you explain places like Atlanta(I went there and thought it worse than Boston) Austin Texas, parts of Florida etc, etc. Southern states lead in Murder rates and violent crime per 100,00 ( I hesitate to quote the FBI but here it is) Maybe thirty years ago there would be a far bigger difference but with TV and internet exposure, people and particularly kids spend most of their time on it changes culture and beliefs. I am going to bet the colleges down there are also infected with the same type of marxist prof we have up here brainwashing the southern youth. My point to listing the above is you cannot get away from evil in this day and age. No matter where you live its there. The source has to be erradicated. To do that will take good men to come together. We are outnumbered and outgunned. If we are to throw these bastards off I dont think you can glibly slap away the hand of man put out in friendship simply because of where he was born.
As far as what do I mean by my country. I do not mean the “good ol us”. I only believe in the constitution and states rights. So I guess you can call me a constitutionalist.
There are good men here. We are at fighting the good fight here though we are surrounded on all sides by marxist states who everyday seem to infiltrate more and more. We have made a move to secede from these bastards but have been struck down. We got at least 13 lawmakers to support it however. We will keep trying. Have any of your states done the same (curious not attacking)?
Anyway gentelmen, I respect every one of your opinions even if I disagree with them. Most here seem like honorable men who I would be proud to fight alongside with if it came to that. Like it or not I may move down your way one day. I know many on this board are repulsed by that no doubt but I dont give a damn.
It seems all the tough English came South, and the Puritan baby boomers puked out a mess up North, after the Declaration. I know the feeling unfortunately.
And Hitler had all the zog Babies in his Hand and let them go.
Biggest mistake ever.
I Think German Confederate is on to something here.
God Bless You All, God Cleanse US All.
I might add. I meant Dunkirk up above.
I really dislike the New Englanders out west and that’s being nice about it. When I’m around them I think, my ancestors went to war with these people in a silent rage, in a shame me twice kinda way.
With that said, I have witnessed a line of their most beautiful Maidens over an eighth of a mile long, going into the movie theatre to watch the ghetto filth movie “sex in the city”. I wanted to talk some sense into those girls, but I didn’t and have to live with that corruption in my Heart. They just ran the newer crop of Maidens into the experimental vaccine.
Those Girls certainly need liberated from this Yankee Hellhole.