As I write this, it looks as if Joe Biden will become the 46th President of the United States of America. While there are questions to be had about this electoral process, I also think it is a distraction for the Right when paired next to the big picture. First off and as an aside, don’t whine and pitch a hissy fit for losing an election. I have very little tolerance for whining, I dislike it when the Left does it and I don’t like it when the Right does it, too. It is unmanly and un-Anglo. Keep a stiff upper lip and prepare for the next fight (especially for those in Georgia – to what extent we will be able to have any resistance against the Left hinges on the upcoming run-offs).
More than that, complaints about voter fraud clouds the larger and bigger picture. Remember, even if the allegations of voter fraud are true, we are only talking about a few thousand ballots here and there, not millions. And, even if there were a few thousand fraudulent votes cast, this still means that to several million people, the following is, at the very least, not a dealbreaker:
- Dragging nuns into a decade long lawsuit to get them to pay for birth control and threatening to keep up until they give up.
- Children getting sex changes.
- A woman who wants to drive the Knights of Columbus out of polite society is one heartbeat away from the presidency. Not the SSPX. Not even Opus Dei. But a group of old men who want to make pancakes and sell life insurance, a group that was so concerned with being liked and not rocking the boat that Ted Kennedy was a member, despite their own bylaws declaring he was ineligible.
- Threats to pack the Supreme Court for the expressed purpose of protecting infanticide.
- The destruction of the icons of Heritage America, from Robert E Lee to Teddy Roosevelt.
- Literal communist revolutionaries marching in the street, destroying property, while ordinary citizens are railroaded for defending themselves.
- A foreign policy built upon destroying the last few nations that have held out against the “rainbow plague.”
And, I could go on.
Even if Trump really lost due to voter fraud, millions of Americans still think the above is acceptable and it’s a problem that has grown in the last decade and will, baring divine intervention, only get worse. Had Al Gore ran on this in 2000, he would have lost in a 50-state landslide. Today, these points are the mainstream of one of the major political parties. By focusing on “voter fraud,” the Right misses the far darker implications of what is really going on, as if to say “there is no way millions believe in that, there most be some cheating going on.” But they do, and they will likely grow even more numerous (and more radical) in the coming years.
They are increasingly moving to Dixie. Let’s just say, for the sake of argument, that Georgia really voted for Trump and it was only voter fraud that gave it to Biden. Okay, but that raises the question as to why this was even close enough that they could rig it. Why was Georgia close to begin with and did not look more like Alabama or Arkansas? The reason is, of course, Yankees are moving to Georgia in far greater numbers than they are in Alabama. Import Yankees, get Yankee problems (see Virginia and North Carolina).
I warned several officials in the Georgia GOP about this a few years ago. I told them that Georgia was well on her way to becoming a swing state, and then eventually a blue state. I was ignored. The Georgia Republican Party, caught in the rhetoric of the cult of the job creator, kept on truckin’. They were far more focused on making “job creators” (translation: a bunch of little antichrists in Hollywood) happy, than they were protecting Georgia, her traditions, and her people. Now, not only are we looking at the possibility of Georgia going for a Democratic president, but also not one but two liberals representing Georgia in the Senate. Talk about “voter fraud” all you want, millions of “Georgians” are now willing to vote for this. As soon as they are finished, they will move on to the next state, and then the next state.
None of this is to say we should uncritically accept these results (or in any other election) and I think talking about this to normies can be a useful strategy to get them to lose faith in the system enough that they start supporting secession/balkanization. But, what the Right must avoid is using talk of voter fraud to ignore the larger issue – just how insane the U.S. has drifted, especially in the cities. Had Al Gore ran on the current Democrat’s platform in 2000, it would have made the Mondale and McGovern races look like nail biters. That was just 20 years ago.
Can anyone say with a straight face that the points outlined above won’t be a part of the dogma for the “respectable Right” in 20 years?
More than the voter fraud that may or may not have swung this election to Biden, this is the larger issue, that millions of Americans are now willing to sterilize children so their mothers can get likes from their fellow cat ladies on social media, destroy the history of this country, and punish religious groups that want to opt out. That’s the forest. A few thousand illegal votes are the trees. Prepare for that fight, because regardless of what happened in this election, regardless of what the outcome of 2020 is, that fight is still coming.
-By Harmonica

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
The issue is when you present it as fraud it implies modern democracy or the majority who participate in it ever really had the standards to dictate these activities as fraud. You could call the 1965 immigration act electoral fraud through demographic change, just stating it won’t do anything and it never worked for any other group in America.
However, I do think it’s worth pointing out the media gas-lighting that no organised fraud can ever happen in a modern liberal democracy is retarded. You’d almost say they’re bating people into the debate on purpose because it’s an endless sinkhole. The entire thing just seems to be an extension to the four year media narrative on Tango Hitler “Look, see right wing people are all authoritarian and hate democracy!”. Which is just an extension of earlier critiques of men people should have picked up on after 50+ years.
No matter what, Massachusetts and her fifteen minion states still rule America.
No matter who wins the election, Dixie still loses.
Far too many Southerners have stars(and stripes) in their eyes.
The election is just a formality to decide if the political machines of Boston and New York, or that of Chicago, get to govern us for the next four years. Furthermore, none of their political platforms contain any plans or potential legislation that will benefit anybody but Yankees and their political allies on the Left Coast. And mostly not even them, either.
We lost the election in 1860. And have lost every one, since. Politically, the South is irrelevant. So too, is the Interior West.
We’re the ones who are going to pay the price, not the Northern People. They never do. They’re a scapegoating people. Guess who the scapegoats are?
At best, the 2020 election was going to be a speed bump. The future is already set, demographic displacement of White people from our own country ensures that. There was obviously widespread vote fraud but around 80 million people still voted to eject Orange Man Bad as a proxy for White People Bad in general. To me, what this reveals is not that Trump is going to somehow pull out the win, he isn’t, but that if this election with extra scrutiny was this corrupt, it is almost certain that every election I have participated in since I started voting in 1992 has also been corrupt.
The question for the Right now is what we are going to do in a new “America” as political outcasts. That should be our focus right now.
Welcome aboard.
This was the most overtly rigged election in the history of the world. We must not counter signal this point. We must agree and amplify. Tell the Normie: ” Every election since 1860 has been rigged. ” Don’t call them sore losers, as does Zioclops and Shekelpiro.
No, actually we’re talking about several millions of votes that miraculously appeared out of thin air, not a few thousand scattered about here and there. Z-man ran the numbers yesterday in his post at his blog. I recommend you check it out.
As a Floridian I can’t help but chuckle a bit at the knowledge that Peach Tree State is more left wing than Orange Tree State. Haha…Turns out we win yet again!
This is the best post-election article I have read and I read extensively. Thank you for your insight.
Spur in the Occupied South
agreed. it’s a bigger cope to pretend that Biden/Harris will be just fine, while also showing weakness to normies, by allowing the media to propagandize that the left “win” was decisive and everyone’s onboard with the zio-ccp future. there’s enough proof of the fraud and support of Trump’s reelection, that it would seem like cucking to the lying establishment to back down; accepting the loser label, rather than proving the “soreness” is legitimate grievance.
besides, a win through lawfare for Trump may still accelerate the split up, while also giving some margin to breathe too for WNs, both national and regional. the latter, including Dixians specially, may get their longed-for divorce. but only after winning; and whites, when winning wars, have usually done so in coalition. IF Trump loses, the margin to breathe thins out, and the dissidence will need catacombs; let’s hope either way it can have a path forward to retake power, easier if having a man in power but not impossible otherwise. the vanguard must lead either way; if not, the sheep will scatter and beg the traitor GOP for ever-dwindling scraps.
Nice to see a fellow Catholic posting here. While I share the depths of your disgust with the Democrat mainstream, you can’t really say Trump was “our guy” either. Trump was Wall Street’s guy. If Trump had stayed with the platform that he was elected on in 2016 and actually appointed people to cabinet positions who were aligned with his policy positions instead of appointing the same old Deep State stooges and expecting different results, then he would have been preparing for his second inaugural today.
Having said that, I did vote for Trump and worked for his reelection because the Dhimmicrats really are that vile. I remain a GOP PC because there just isn’t any alternative.