Leftists: A Breakaway Species

A friend of mine told me a while back about a book he had to read in college. Biologists were struggling to determine why some animal slept on one side of the river but spent all their waking hours on the other. I asked, “were the predators and the food on the other side?” He was a little shocked I knew the answer without ever having heard of the book, but it seemed the simplest conclusion.  After all, that’s the explanation of the suburbs. The money is in the city, but so is the crime, so people spend their days in the cities but nights in the suburbs.

Pattern recognition is vital for survival. This is true not just for humans, but even arachnids like the East African Jumping Spider use pattern recognition to pick female mosquitos as a food source, rather than males.  A key component of survival is being able to see a berry and realize “Grug died after eating that berry” or seeing an animal and saying “that animal bite Barney and he died” and realizing “I should stay away from that.” 

For some reason, people on the Left try to point to exceptions to disprove the rule.  This is an example of the NAXALT fallacy (not all x are like that). We have all seen examples of unlikely animal friends or peaceful predator animals. However, we are not expected to believe that just because two homosexuals tamed a jungle cat, that all other jungle cats are friendly.  In reality, neither was that one. Roy found that out the hard way.

The fact that there are some tame bears, as these people demonstrate, does not change the fact that bears in general are dangerous and should be avoided.  Had Tim Treadwell recognized that simple fact, he would still be alive today.

When I say men are stronger than women, I don’t mean that all men are stronger than all women. I have no doubt Ronda Rousey could beat up any of the guys who work for BuzzFeed, but that’s comparing the 99th percentile of women with (generously) the 15th percentile of men.

The updated crime rates are up and reveal the same trends as every other year: blacks commit an overwhelming amount of violent crime and homicides.  This is true whether you look just at 2019 or expand the timescale.  13 do 50 is an old meme but checks out.

Interestingly, black criminality is true in every country they live in.  Blacks are three times more likely to be arrested than white men in the UK.  This ratio would likely be even greater if not for the draconian speech laws targeted at white people, like the 12 year old boy arrested for an edgy post about a black Premier League player.  Anyone with a triple digit IQ can recognize these patterns but they’ll be punished for acting on them, so they don’t.

Leftists will alternatively say these stats are meaningless or these stats are untrue because they assume there is over policing of nonwhites.  This is a provably false statement, as arrest rates correspond on an almost 1:1 ratio with racial identification based on 911 calls.  The reality is black people, even controlling for income, just commit more crime.

Leftists say that pattern recognition is “another name for racism and sexism.” It seems unlikely that the people at the top believe these things, but the foot soldiers of the Left take this propaganda and absorb it unquestionably.  They absorb it so deeply that they reject evolutionary instinct and instead eat the flower their instinct tells them is poisonous. 

It’s unclear if leftists are incapable of seeing patterns or just have a selective blindness.  They don’t seem to struggle with pointing out the dangers of smoking, but there are rising cries about criticizing high fat/high caloric diets being fatphobic.  Likewise, when someone says something about white women who date black men ending up as single moms or blacks committing more crime, leftists get in an uproar. They can’t understand that the speaker is not saying every black man will be a bad spouse or every black will end up a criminal. Even though the Left are atheistic and assert humans are just animals with bigger brains, they still pretend that what is true for every other species, plant, and even natural phenomenon is somehow not true for humans. They use exceptions to demonstrate the rule isn’t true 100 percent of the time and is therefore invalid. This also ignores the fact that there is almost no rule that applies 100% of the time, as the exceptions mentioned above demonstrate regarding jungle cats, bears, and women. 

We see this time and time again where leftists are killed by the very people they pretend are nonviolent, rather than just avoiding them. This rejection of a basic evolutionary survival strategy indicates that leftists may be diverging into a different subspecies of man. If so, they need a new name.  Rather than “homo sapiens” a more fitting designation is “homo sinistram” (left men).  When you look at the physiognomy of leftists, particularly some of the mugshots of antifa, it certainly seems possible that they have diverged into a different biological group.


  1. We’re still waitin for these degenerates to come to the woods in Mississippi and start trouble. So far, the wait continues.

  2. And I don’t lose a minute of sleep when a white leftist is a victim black crime. Hell, I know the leftists won’t show any sympathy to a redneck who suffers tragedy after saying “hold my beer and watch this!”

  3. The dysgenic monsters in the mugshots above are mostly various kinds of Anglo-mestizo, assorted Mischlings, a few ostensibly White ne’er-do-wells, and the Kosher Kommissars who control both AntiFa(K) and them.

    They’re not even as White as the original Yankees who fought in The Great Patriotic War of 1856-65, to secure the superior rights and authority of the Northern People, and presumably them, over the Constitution and laws of the formerly United States.

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