We are coming to an end of the age of internal economic migrants in the Yankee Empire and forming into full-on diaspora and gypsy-ism. Entire families find themselves uprooted and living hundreds of miles from, what was and is, their homeland and all occurring on a relentless and routine basis.
Economic migrants follow the money. Their motivations aren’t too difficult to follow. This is dramatically different than migration patterns from a generation ago. Rather than being a tradesman and following the financial roadmap within his field, we now find large populations that just pick up and move every five or so years, regardless of their financial status. It makes sense in a morbid sort of way -as the Empire’s citizenry has devolved from skilled trades and professions to consumerism and retail. In the end, this homelessness, and it is homelessness, is bizarre and unnatural in a greater and general sense.
Nothing holds these people together properly or gives them genuine roots. With the strip mall America has become, they find themselves comfortable anywhere they wish to settle down for a few years. They’re no different than desert nomads in this respect. Instead of traveling from assorted waterholes, our modern neo-nomads migrate from location to location based off various flippancies such as state taxes, the “food,” corporate culture and prime shopping. Like locusts, they flutter off to a new victim after the damage has been fully completed.
We can poke fun at the Indians, or even the Zulu, for their association with lands they actually never settled but claimed. Yet, these peoples were still more grounded and held a firm, and very real, grasp of their identity. Hunter-Gatherer cultures are primitive, but they recognize their own flora, fauna, terrain, people, and weather. They also have genuine traditions and propagate their own history. They don’t, and didn’t, hate themselves or their ancestors either. That is more than most American citizens will ever recognize.
These modern American gypsies move across an entire continent and expect it to be identical to their former residence. Why wouldn’t they? No one is from anywhere, other than America now. These drifters have no care or understanding of what makes a place unique since Wal-Mart, McDonalds, and Lowes will always be in town. The only difference these homeless vagabonds experience is the weather, how long it takes Amazon to ship, or the speed of their internet connection.
A near complete disregard and lack of respect is directed towards flora and fauna. Take, for instance, the recent incident where a young girl from Florida was attacked by a bison. This wasnt just a random attack, animals rarely just randomly attack people, but a direct result of the disrespect of the dangers of what is essentially hostile fauna. Or, look at the people who, with the world’s knowledge at their fingertips, fail to see if that pretty blue octopus they’re picking up isn’t going to kill them.

This isn’t a “lol look at the dumb dumb” image. This is someone who moved somewhere and is completely unaware of anything involving the region. It may be funny because of their obliviousness, but it’s a near perfect example of the rootless America gypsy.
This isn’t me pointing, laughing and calling this person stupid. They are idiots, but more for choosing to live in a place they know nothing about. This person complaining about crop dusting has no frame of reference and never researched the area, minus stats on home values and taxes. They know nothing of the people who live there, what they do for a living, how their ecosystem works or anything of the sort. Without the modern world propping them up – they are homeless. They have no foundation and neither will their children.

Notice the directions in which people are travelling, it’s away from the diversity centers, away from the Empire’s hubs and towards those who never sought that in the first place. They are locusts looking for their next meal and since the Old Dominion has been thoroughly picked over, they have migrated to North Carolina and from there to South Carolina and Georgia.
Fulwar Skipwith, an Identity Dixie contributor I respect immensely, is well educated, well read and pointed out the migration patterns from Yankeedom are very similar, and in some cases near identical, to the Yankee invasion during The War. The difference between this invasion and others is the people from Yankeedom, the normal ones, don’t realize they are part of it. Some do, they will announce they are moving somewhere to impact elections, most don’t realize the interference they create in local policy and decisions.
How do we solve for this issue?
My pipedream: interstate visas for trips longer than 6 weeks. If it’s business related, the employer would have to supply the reason why and provide accommodations. Voting would be restricted for two full presidential election cycles and home purchasing would be blocked, until petitioned by the alien wishing to be a citizen of that state. Petitions would first be approved by the state, then sent to a regional office and then, finally, a county office. If the county refuses, the applicant would need to find a different county to live in. The application could be vetoed by any of the three offices (state, region and county). Migrants originating outside of a particular region could not become judges or law enforcement for a decade and they could not be state employees for a minimum of five years. Finally, states could enact a moratorium on any new immigration at the discretion of their legislature.
The Islamic system charges more taxes to those they consider foreign or alien to them, I do not see why we cannot do the same. The Yankees in New York do so already with cigarette tariffs on Southern tobacco. We should look to these for inspiration, but not for direct emulation.
How would you solve for these regular issues? Let us know in the comments.
-By Dixie Anon

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
Excellent piece. As a recovering “Economic Gypsy”, now with family, I see the lie that was my pursuit of salary over roots. I’m in the 14th city of my middle-aged life. I hope to die here (or nearby), mostly so my children can put down roots. Keep them coming.
“The Yankees in New York do so already with cigarette tariffs on Southern tobacco.”
The North has always acted as though it were it’s own country, distinct from the U.S. It’s essentially organised for war and political and economic conflict with the rest of the U.S., and has been since the beginning.
However, When a Southron, or other non Yankee type, points this out, the Yankees reflexively start babbling about Treason® and disloyalty, and whining that “we’re all one country.,” or “One people.,” “We’re all ekulz.,” We all have the same rights.,”etc.
Then they go back to pushing their own national interests, which they conflate with “America interests,” and treating the other thirty-four states like they’re colonial possessions, and the citizens of those states like they’re subordinate subjects. Or vile enemies standing in the way of their unique rights as Yankees.
As long as our Southern political leaders never figure this out, we’ll always be at a disadvantage. And we’ll continue to suffer the erosion of our culture, history, identity, Liberty and Rights.
How would you solve for these regular issues? Let us know in the comments.
Form a Southern Nationalist Party that is cognisant of the real nature of Yankeedom and the American Left, and is prepared to defend the South and her interests, collectively, as a distinct nationality, culture and polity.
I call em economic tumbleweeds.
Solved by independence and border security.