Some More Ramblings and Whatnot

It has been a while since I have posted anything. I have had quite a good bit going on this year, so I may as well take advantage of some free time and tell y’all some of my thoughts on things I have been pondering lately. It is pretty wild having the opportunity to be born during one of those horrendously dark and macabre periods of history when a massive empire in total freefall is tripping over itself to become exponentially worse with each passing day. Plenty of excellent essays exist on this pathetic excuse for a country’s decay, so I will instead talk about horrible things I see daily.

Why are names so awful and cringeworthy now? I honestly do not believe middle-class White women and suburbanites can give their children actual names anymore. No, Braylin, Brysten, Tayley, Kinsley, Noli, Nova, Kaibryanna, and other suburbanite nonsense are NOT real names. People are so disconnected from the past and their heritage that they have to make up obnoxious words to give to their kids as names. Your children should have names that they can be proud of and have actual meanings.

Wew boy, this makes me sound like an old codger. Young’uns have no manners anymore. There is not much to say about this one. Parents, especially White parents, spoil their kids too much. In fact, our youth are literal shells of what constitutes a human being. It is existentially worrisome and even a bit uncanny. This is very much a result of the spoiling, social media, degeneracy, depravity, and lack of character developing experiences. They have no unique personalities of their own and only seek to drink and live vicariously through TikTok. None of their mannerisms or speech patterns are organic in nature but come entirely from that godforsaken app. The way they speak is annoying; especially the girls. Somehow, they always seem to get decent jobs despite having no work experience or marketable traits. Lot of them end up in managerial positions and never seem to work any meaningful job. Weird. These traits define this generation of American women. I have gone into more detail about their behavior in other articles, but it cannot be overstated that they engage in levels of depravity that would make a Mötley Crüe roadie blush. This is resulting in them being viewed very negatively by young men, and as can be seen among many of them in their mid-to-late-twenties, they are ending up miserable, alone, and physically very unhealthy. The evidence is out in the open and not simply a Manosphere topic anymore. TikTok and bad parents have done a number on our youth.

There is no feasible way in any reality or dimension in which Gen Z and the generation after them will be able to sustain American civilization. On top of being a bunch of dullards with no social skills to speak of, these people are woefully incompetent. They are also listless and lackadaisical people with a horrendous work ethic. Considering how intensely America persecutes Caucasian men, the laughable job market, shrinking prospects for a future, the collapse of dating, and no incentives for young men to work hard to sustain anything, I am hard pressed to believe America is going to survive another 30 years; these immigrants are too inbred and mentally stunted to keep this going.

I could go on and on into detail about my thoughts on the Squatemalans and Pajeets flooding into and taking over everything, but I will keep my thoughts on them brief. In fact, I am only going to talk about the Squats. We were bombarded for eons with propaganda purporting that these Hispanics were the hardest workers in North America. “They’re doing the jobs Americans won’t do.” Not sure about y’all but when I pass by a Squat dominated job site, I see far too many of them, for whatever the task is, and half of them are standing around not doing anything. It takes 30 of them to do the job that would normally take 10 local men, and the product is often mediocre at best. There is also the phenomenon of hiring them to do the pointless job of dilly-dallying around with a leaf blower all day. Do not even get me started on the retail experience when these people need to buy something. For the sake of brevity, I will cut it off there.

“Oh, but they’re such beautiful people.” M’kay. This is something which has become the common vernacular of the White female hive mind the last few years regarding mulattoes. It is a laughably false statement. Furthermore, they are genetically unhealthy people. This is simply the next phase of the propaganda. It went from sexual liberation, to not telling people what they can and cannot do, to a sexual fetish, and now a full blown eugenics argument in a very short amount of time. This sort of stuff is why I am so critical of White women; they are the arbiters and social enforcers of introducing diversity and White genocide into White communities and organizations. Men are too weak to ever tell them no or call them out on it, especially their fathers.

One thing I have noticed very few people address when discussing America’s downfall and the death of empires is the degradation and bastardization of the language. I was discussing this with a family member the other day who also happens to appreciate history as a hobby. He made note that, based on his readings, language and vocabulary rapidly decline in a period of downfall. Most people lack a developed vocabulary now. I am sure all of you readers have noticed how increasingly difficult it is to speak to some people because they do not understand half of the words you use in regular, normie conversation. Furthermore, I would wager a guess that the average American probably knows somewhere between 100 and 150 words. In fact, I have a drinking game for you. Take a shot every time you hear the words “like,” “f**k,” “literally,” “just,” or “I feel.” How long can you make it during your day before the alcohol poison sets in?

I hate developers and development companies. This is a sentiment I have noticed even normies share recently. Aside from the fact that they make everything ugly and spread McMansion suburbs across the landscape like a malignant, late-stage cancer, they are buying up all of the land in the most discreet of ways. I know an elderly couple who received and offer in the mail from a Texas development company for some rural land they own. How could that company have possibly known about the couple’s land? Furthermore, these sorts of shady offers have skyrocketed in my area recently. It is impossible to make an offer on someone’s assets if they never go up for sale to begin with; the same thing is happening with local Boomer businesses being bought up by Pajeets. These companies are circumventing the competition. Being that this is a national epidemic everywhere, young couples are finding it increasingly difficult to purchase affordable houses. Even better, this constant state of development projects keeps the absurd amount of Squats occupied, well in my area at least. It would not surprise me if some sort of political movement catalyzes in the future to combat these developers in the near future. The unfathomable amount of damage they have done to the futures of the young has not gone unnoticed. All of this is on top of the fact that we live in a financial system which necessitates that we stay in a perpetual, unremitting seller’s market; at no point is the buyer to ever have an advantage.

I know all of this is simply preaching to the choir, but I believe it is important to point out the obvious things. Politics and history are interesting, but everyday experience should not be neglected. Also, I know this stuff comes off as black pilling; however, some positives can be gleaned from this. By far the foremost of the white pills, there is no way America will survive another 30 years.


  1. Great point on the language piece. Our language really has been bastardized to the point that it probably shouldn’t even be considered English. It’s like Ebonics but for white deracinated normies. I haven’t really thought about that but have definitely noticed it.

  2. The only thing I could have added to this was how, when you have family over for the holidays, etc. now, the kids spend most of the time with their noses in their cell phones. And I drove a school bus thirty years ago and can testify the fix was in even back then. What little personality the kids had was often directed towards evil, and the slutty girls were worse than the boys. Good article.

    1. They’re also not taught that children are to be seen and not heard or how it’s rude to interrupt adults when they’re speaking.

  3. This was my day Mr. Wasp, I drove slowly by a group of northern european construction workers and the way they were talking reminded me of your article, then I went to a box store to buy some supplies and the Halloween display had an iconic mother Mary holding baby jesus statuary, but instead of mother Mary, it was a skeleton face, holding a time capsule, you might see it, I don’t know,.its out west here, I’m in Globo-homo central right now.
    I go grocery shopping and there is a planned parenthood right across the street, a pile of liquid death (beer?) stacked up in front of the store, I get to thinking, those protesters at pp ought to be at the college, Loving on those young woman there! A little late for those girls at pp!. I hope to tell them next time. I’m glad I’m not a woman. God Bless them all.
    I use to chuckle to myself about building statuary of the three Southern Christian snake handlers that Blessed me to High Heaven, and what you all would think about it, i soured on the idea after seeing that Mother Mary.
    I’m about as Catholic as Adolph Hitler.

    God Bless you always Sir

    1. Edit: Holding an hour glass.

      Adolph Hitler was a Catholic that went Protestant as far as I’m concerned.


      God Bless You All

  4. The texting phenomenon has undoubtedly been a major contributor to the newspeak of which you complain. I hate texting. My brother loves it. If you go back and read some of the letters (people used to write letters) of Robert E. Lee you’ll be forcibly struck by how much we’ve lost.

  5. Great piece Joe.I agree on all points.Our White women are useless and have absorbed every trait the Jews desire them to have.A great many of the young men are also unworthy of our ancestors.The Jews destroyed Germany and Europe and the U.S. so completely that I see no coming back.It truly must be the End.The Jews pray upon sinners weaknesses and will burn in eternal Hell for that and much much more.But Whites must also bear some blame for not being united,for giving women power(which always serves the Devil/Jews)and embracing materialism.We can also say that many many Whites resisted heartily and for a long time,and this is the truth.So my conclusion is that the power of the Jews is from their father the Devil and the game is rigged against us.We never win.But God has a plan and we must be assured that He loves the White race He created in His image and He will not leave us.We Whites alone have been Christians.We alone have done good things in the world.They hate us because they hated Jesus and it is that simple.We should be proud that we are despised by such ugly creatures as the Jews.Stand firm and do not give in.Our day is coming and it will not be denied.God will preserve those of us who remained true to Him and our race.The stupid Whites who allowed themselves to be so compromised will not receive His protection.Remember all one needs is the White race and the Jesus keys.Nothing else.God bless all you great commenters and Joe Wasp.You are the real chosen.

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