Miscegenation Accelerant

I have been chewing on this one for a while. It may be easy for you, the reader, to believe I am pushing a black pilled message. I am not but am simply describing thoughts and observations I have made. Not only have I witnessed numerous alarming trends taking place across Heritage America, due largely to the influence of social media, but I cannot address it without calling out and harshly criticizing a certain demographic within Caucasian circles. With that said, let us begin.

I find it impossible not to notice the astonishing and inordinate influence TikTok has on Millennials and Gen Z. It far exceeds the success of any social engineering attempted by generations of film, news, and education in years passed. Every single social trend and push comes from that damnable app nowadays, and Facebook and YouTube have begun incorporating TikTok-style videos on their platforms. It is inescapable.

I have observed that TikTok has been pushing miscegenation heavily over the past few years. Whereas I do not have the app myself, it is difficult not to see videos from that app posted all over YouTube and social media outlets. From Manosphere videos on YouTube commenting on the depraved state of modern American women to random videos to funny gym skits, I have noticed what appears to be a heretofore unseen spike in White female/black male couples. Most of these videos I come across have this trait. Furthermore, many videos, even if not that specific pairing, have a mixed couple of one sort or another. This seems to have taken over TikTok what feels like overnight about a year ago, two at most, and has expanded to other platforms adopting these style videos. In fact, it is so common and was so instantaneous that I am beginning to wonder if these are not simply paid actors. Ever since TikTok started doing this nonchalantly, I have witnessed a huge real-world spike in miscegenation among Millennials and Gen Z, alongside an assortment of other annoying and obnoxious social traits. The demographic I am noticing the most striking change in their breeding patterns as a result of this is, of course, White females. It is actually quite astonishing, even for someone as jaded and disillusioned as myself. I suppose it caught me off guard because generations of this propaganda did not have this level of an effect, and these are supposed to be videos everyday people make themselves, kind of like Vine was but way more cringe and sexualized. Not all that long ago, White women were the least likely group to miscegenate.

Before delving any further into the female capitulation and support of race-mixing and anti-Whiteism, I will first briefly mention the negative effects of race-mixing. There is quite a good amount of evidence to suggest miscegenation is a grievously dysgenic breeding practice to adopt, despite the fact that findings will forever and always be suppressed by the mainstream. From bone marrow transplant issues, to fatherlessness, to emergent genetic deficiencies, to rootlessness and identity crises among the mixed children, to sickle cell anemia, the negative impact is staggering. One of the best essays on the topic with an absurd amount of data is “The War on Whites in Advertising” on Counter-Currents. I cannot recommend it enough. Furthermore, American Renaissance also has an excellent essay on the subject. Links will be posted at the end of this article.

To provide some final thoughts on the breeding and mixing topic, the Holy Bible has some things to say, or imply, on the matter, just read the Old Testament, the passage about the Tower of Babel, Jesus’ and Paul’s own views on who they chose to preach to, Acts 17:26, Zechariah 9:6, and Genesis 10:5, just to give a few examples. Take a look at Latin America, the Middle East, or your average American mulatto today. According to Dan Roodt, an Afrikaner and author of Raiders of the Lost Empire: South Africa’s ‘English’ Identity which is reviewed and discussed on AmRen, the creolized Coloureds have arguably the worst substance abuse and existential issues of all the South African races. Lastly on the subject, dysgenic breeding even within just White couples, from my observation, appears to have run rampant since about the 1990s as it seems like everyone born during and since is remarkably uglier than their forebears. The physiognomy of many born after 1990 is incredibly bizarre, if not outright uncanny. Take a look around and tell me you do not see it.

The following is an excerpt from that aforementioned Counter-Currents essay. All is not as it seems.

“A 2017 study in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology looked at insula activity in the brain when participants viewed images of interracial couples compared to same-race couples. Insula activation is responsible for a variety of emotions. Evidence shows that insula activity is present when a person experiences disgust and is thought to be a reliable marker of both disgust and aversion. The study found statistical significance between insula activation of participants looking at same-race couples compared to interracial couples. Despite a minority of participants explicitly stating they disagree with interracial dating and marriage, the electroencephalogram (EEG), told a different story.

This study also used an implicit association task (IAT) to measure response times of participants in categorizing interracial couples and same-race couples with either a silhouette of a human or a silhouette of an animal. Participants were placed in two conditions, one primed with disgusting images, the other with positive images. Researchers found that all participants showed an implicit bias towards matching interracial couples with animals, and the condition primed to be disgusted was even faster, showing a greater implicit bias against interracial couples. There was both a neural reaction of disgust and an implicit reaction of disgust, to interracial couples. The authors write in the abstract of this paper that ‘These findings are particularly concerning, given evidence of antisocial reactions (e.g., aggression, perpetration of violence) to dehumanized targets.’

Before I continue, I would like to address that I am not referring to every single Caucasian female ever and everywhere at all times on planet Earth, so bring those absurd NAXALT arguments and accusations elsewhere. White female capitulation is something everybody sees and notices. It is no secret. We can all clearly see that White females, typically of Millennial and Gen Z extract, are the loudest mouthpieces of the current American anti-White male propaganda created by the Left. We can also see that many of these females are from suburban and/or affluent, middle-class backgrounds. Everybody can very obviously and clearly see that the White girls have heavily embraced rootlessness, promiscuity, and melanin chasing as a standard practice. I have yet to meet a single dude who has anything good to say about young White females, as a whole, due to the previously stated and the spoiled, degenerate behavior the average White girl exhibits now. The behavior of these girls is so awful that White males are now very noticeably beginning to date black women in increasing numbers, something once very uncommon and compounded with the increasing pursuit of Hispanic and Oriental women. White men seem openly resentful of White women these days.

This is not a positive development for Caucasian women in America. It is unwise to alienate and turn against the one and only demographic to historically protect them and keep them safe. Each and every scenario in which White males are not around ends badly for the women. Take a gander at every major American city, South Africa, immigrant filled European cities, and the Barbery Slave Trade to name a few. Furthermore, we all know that a lot of their current behavior, aside from lust and no impulse control because of a lack of strong fathers, is a result of pursuing what is perceived methods of increasing their social credit scores. In reality, the Left hates White women, too. A cursory search of Google and YouTube will reveal the American Left’s true feelings about White women. Considering murder and rape rates of White women today and historically from a demographic perspective, it is no surprise to know how the Left really feels. It is not a good idea to side with those who hate your existence. Good luck.

Look, I know this is just a rambling stream of consciousness about observations I have made, and I hate to come off as black pilling and have no intention of doing so. However, we cannot deny reality in front of us. If trends continue the way they are, non-Slavic Caucasians will be all but extinct in 100 years, and pure blood North European stock in the U.S. will not exist 200 years from now, much less in Northern Europe itself.

Some articles on the negatives of miscegenation and the White girl discussion:













  1. I am from the Gen Z generation and while I do not use TikTok because of my anti-Chinese sentiments, I am in disbelief that it made miscegenation rise to such degree that puts to shame every other method before.
    I used to have mild support for miscegenation when I was naive, and even then I didn’t like the idea that everybody should do this. Now with all the cancers I see, bitterness increases alongside my hatred for almost everything.
    I have a horrible feeling about the future which isn’t helped by the fact that other users express statements such as “Britain is doomed beyond repair because everyone is a cuck and non-White”, “Nothing can reverse this calamity” and so much more. While I bitterly accept that millions of us will be lost in the century, the mere thought that entire populations will be lost to History due to all of this is one of my biggest fears as a man.
    Also my views on all non-Whites is reaching a new low to the point that I don’t even believe benevolent non-Whites even existed in the first place.
    It is quite the statement!

  2. Excellent and sober article.

    The one thing you know about a White woman that does not date/marry within her ethnicity is that she hates her father, and counts her mother’s beauty as an abomination. A love for your people is not hatred of others. Don’t let your enemies destroy your people because you may be called names.

    Also, it’s disobedient to the 5th Commandment.

    1. I’ve always pointed to Lev. 19:19. If God forbids cattle gendering with a diverse kind it’s a cinch He doesn’t countenance human mixing of the races. Also, people seem to stop short at Acts 17:26 without reading the verse that follows. Of ‘one blood’ doesn’t preclude there being many races with ‘bounds to their habitation.’

  3. If democracy has led us to this then of what use is democracy? The majority of White women still prefer White men but the numbers of coal burners do seem to be increasing disturbingly. Making matters even worse, nearly all of the miscegenaters are single mothers on welfare who expect the middle class to provide for their mulatto bastards.
    The younger generations also do seem to be becoming more dysgenic. Many of the vaccines the government pushes on children can lead to dangerous side effects and chemically lobotomize the recipients. There is also a problem with blacks inbreeding in the housing projects and subsidized apartments. Promiscuity among the fatherless colored bastards produces generations of stud bucks and sheboons breeding with their own cousins and siblings. Add crack, methamphetamines, opium, and cannabis to the mix to create a new race of zombies. Man-made horrors beyond belief and stranger than science fiction.

  4. It is shameful that someone would breed out what makes them so special and unique. Every time I see a white man/woman dating a non white it gives me quite a disgusting feeling and one of feeling sorry for the dumb bastards that that partake in such a shameful behavior ,yet I also feel a sense of hate and shame. Hate ,for knowing there ancestors spent thousands of years putting in their part to make you just for you to end your blood to a septic tank. And shame for seeing how far our people have fallen. It is a international travesty plaguing white nations throughout the world that unfortunately does not receive enough attention let alone condemnation. I will when it is my time to have kids have it instilled in to them that they are not to mix with the other races

  5. On the other hand every White girl I knew who dated Black guys in high school eventually ended up marrying White guys when it came time to settle down.I have always wondered whether they told their White husband about their previous interracial past. What would you do if you found out the girl you married and had kids by slept with several Black guys?

    1. I’d dump her. Once a white girl goes with a darkie she’s damaged goods. VERY damaged.

      The white girl with darkie trend started in the 80’s when deep state killed rock and raised up hiphop. Then we saw quick clips in commercials. Then of course every sports flunky celebrity who’s with a dumb white girl ( think Tiger Woods ) is plastered all over controlled media because destroying whites IS their agenda.

      What can we do about it? EDUCATE. Teach every white girl you know … even if they balk, it’ll be in their otherwise brainwashed mind. Also, get the “restructuring / Balkanization / secession / creation of an enlarged all white super south” conversation spreading like wild fire.

      Of course that would have to include unbrainwashing ourselves. Sometimes in order to move forward we have to take a couple steps back first to reestablish our footing. Somethings are TIMELESS, like never considering voting for or even caring about what women and darkies say or think while running for offices they shouldn’t even be allowed to seek. In some areas we need to move forward … in others we need to get back to our common sense roots. One of the main problems with todays supposed southern patriots is almost none of them are “streetwise!” They’ve not been out in multiple trenches of society to clearly understand what “is so,” and this makes them vulnerable to brainwashing.

      You want a “free and independent south?” 1. Take a few steps back in time. 2. Get streetwise.

      1. None of my children have ever attended the godless public schools. As such, their exposure to “social media” and all the degenerate crap that naturally and profusely emanates from those platforms and their (dimwitted) users is extremely limited during their formative years. By purposeful design of their father. Indeed, my strict policy with them has always been that they cannot have a cell phone until reaching the age of 14; and, furthermore, that they are utterly delusional if they think for a second the newly-acquired privilege of having and using a cell phone at that age is some kind of a “right” or that the term “privacy” applies to their usage of same, so long as they live under their father’s roof and his supreme authority. I believe that, as he so often did, Dr. Dabney hit the nail square on the head when he wrote the following to (then) Virginia State Superintendent of [Public] Schools, Dr. Ruffner:

        Every experienced teacher knows that pupils educate each other more than he educates them. The thousand nameless influences—literary, social, moral—not only of the playground but of the school-room, the whispered conversation, the clandestine note, the sly grimace, the sly pinch, the good or bad recitation, mould the plastic character of children far more than the most faithful teacher’s hand.

        But this has all happened primarily because parents have created dysfunctional homes, having systematically shirked their spousal and parental responsibilities and gradually having abdicated their God-given authority over their own children. As Dr. Dabney also wrote in another place,

        But now, what will be the character of the children reared under such a domestic organization as this? If human experience has established anything at all, it is the truth of that principle announced by the Hebrew prophet when he declared that the great aim of God in ordaining a permanent marriage tie between one man and one woman was “that He might seek a godly seed.” God’s ordinance, the only effective human ordinance for checking and curbing the first tendencies to evil, is domestic, parental government.

        When the family shall no longer have a head, and the great foundation for the subordination of children in the mother’s example is gone; when the mother shall have found another sphere than her home for her energies; when she shall have exchanged the sweet charities of domestic love and sympathy for the fierce passions of the hustings; when families shall be disrupted at the caprice of either party, and the children scattered as foundlings from their hearthstone.—it requires no wisdom to see that a race of sons will be reared nearer akin to devils than to men. In the hands of such a bastard progeny, without discipline, without homes, without a God, the last remains of social order will speedily perish, and society will be overwhelmed in savage anarchy.

        Sound familiar? It should! This is the ungrateful world we all live in in the here and now, God help us all! Dr. Dabney saw it coming ‘from a mile off’ and then some.

        Anyway, ask any one of my (8) children, and (s)he will tell you straight up and without hesitation that a very good and sure way to get himself/herself disowned by their father is to lay down with a member of another race. They will also tell you that, equally as effective to the same ungrateful end would be to engage in homosexual or lesbian behavior. Every last one of them knows their father is firm – immovably firm – on those points, and therefore, if even one of them was ever tempted to do such things, fear – deathly fear – of being disowned {and all that that implies} would serve as a final and decisive check against the impulse. And, yes, I’ve been called every name in the book for holding firm to those positions all these years, but it all rolls off like water off a duck’s back as I simply “own the insult(s).” “Racist?” Yep. “Bigot?” Yep. “Homophobe?” Yep. “Misogynist?” Yep. What else ya got? To borrow from Sgt. Toomey in Biloxi Blues,

        ‘I’m trying to save these kids’ lives, you silly women and sexual deviants; get in my way and I’ll pulverize you, into chicken droppings!’

        Good article, Sir!

      2. Once a white girl goes with a darkie she’s damaged goods. VERY damaged.

        Yep. “Polluted” is more like it. Within the circles I fly in, the common saying is that ‘no self-respecting white man would ever have her now that she’s gone black.’ Blacks say more than they know when they boast that “once you go black you’ll never go back.” That is at least partly true due to the fact that, as I said above, a decent white man would never touch such an one with a ten foot pole. These poor white girls who do such things carve out quite the miserable lives for themselves! But I only feel for them to the extent that I know in many (perhaps most) cases they were raised and “educated” by mostly absentee fathers and infidel women.

        1. Well bust my buttons! For once I wanna high 5 you! Despite our differences we all mostly want the same thing.Let’s GET that thing.

          A free and ( white ) independent south.

          1. My only real difference I have with you on the white thing is that, I personally believe it is unrealistic to think an all-white CSA II is possible, at least to begin. I’m, however, very content with a CSA II that recognizes the inherrent differences between blacks and whites, or between hispanics and whites, etc. If you mean by an “All White CHA II,” that the inferior (POC) races are subject to white authority and rule, then, yes, we are on the same page. Later down the road perhaps we can rid ourselves of these hostile races for the most part. One effective way of doing so is in enacting and enforcing laws restrictive enough against their natural impulses that their discomfort amongst us turns into a “the grass is greener on the other side” scenario. But I don’t even think that would work with most (Southern) blacks; they’d fall into line, as they should, if only whites would exercise and enforce authority over them. ….

          2. Wouldn’t work because they’d riot, scummy judges would rule in their favor and most of all, way too many white “sheeple” have been brainwashed to have white guilt.

            The best strategy will be to restructure into new Republics … ours being all white but with an all black one for the militant blacks that want one. Most sheeple subconsciously want an all white mayberry / 1950’s America but won’t publicly admit it. However once the “a Republic for everyone” conversation gets going they’ll feign reluctance … but vote YES.

  6. Excellent article dispite the utter black pilling, the truth should never be shunned no matter how dark it be but you should always be optimistic as their are others that think and believe like you. Never get depressed over such matters as time will tear out the weeds and show us the strength our people have to overcome such challenges.

  7. I live in the Black Belt and I see miscegenation and its fruit every time I go out in public. I am by nature an extremely stoic individual, but nothing gets under my skin more than seeing the ultimate genocide happening right under my nose. Miscegenation is our number one problem. Everything else is fixable. I hate to see our monuments come down, but they are made of stone and bronze. Easily replaced some day down the road. I personally like the idea of making them one inch taller than the ones that got destroyed. We can add new monuments for new heroes. Easy work, but if our race is destroyed we are done forever. There is no recovery from that. I have no interest in giving my time or money to any organization that wants to save our “culture” while it pussyfoots around on the topic of saving our race. Take care of the biology and the rest will mostly fix itself.

  8. The most memorable of my father’s words of wisdom were, “If you ever marry a black man, I’ll disown you.” This was said during the years inter-relationships were becoming quite commonplace. Daddy dear needn’t have wasted his breath. I found then and still do the mere idea completely repulsive.

    1. Sounds as though you must’ve had a great father. Many today are weak and allow their children to eradicate their bloodlines and family histories. I was fortunate to be blessed with a good Christian father, and mother for the record, who sent the message to all five of us siblings at an early age that race-mixing was a non-negotiable no-go.

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