Quantity versus Quality

Republicans and CPAC clowns often try to rationalize their support for unlimited immigration and these United States’ lack of border security by claiming that we need the economic migrants invading North America to replace our declining population. However, they never attempt to explain why we would need or even want to maintain the current population numbers. Most Americans would be better off if there were fewer peoples inhabiting these lands. In fact, the standard of living was much higher, and workers were more productive when the population was smaller. The younger generations of Y and Z are the first Americans to experience lower standards of living than their parents on average. This can easily be attributed to a simple matter of reduced supply due to increased demand driven by foreign-born aliens.

In 1940, the population of these United States was only about 135 million people and the great majority of them were of European descent. These Americans proved to be incredibly productive in building most of the ships, planes, tanks, trucks, and weaponry used with great success by the Allies during World War 2. Then, they built the interstate highways and much of the federal infrastructure, as well as the infrastructure of their home states during the 1950s. In 1960, the U.S. population was still only 180 million and the economy boomed. The U.S. led the Western world in manufacturing and the middle class experienced a high standard of living. Then came the immigration reforms such as the Hart-Celler Act of 1965 which allowed for third-world peoples to migrate to the U.S. en masse and become citizens. Civil rights reforms, such as the forced desegregation of states and counties combined with affirmative action quotas and welfare subsidies for blacks, greatly increased the cost of living and reduced the average quality of life for middle class Whites.

Democrats and Republicans alike try to reassure their constituents that the great demographic replacement of Heritage Americans is just an unfounded conspiracy theory. However, we have already seen the results of racial demographic replacement on a micro scale at the municipal level. Cities all across these United States have noticeably deteriorated as Whites have fled, and the numbers of blacks, Latinos, and Middle Eastern peoples have increased. Multicultural diversity always begets drastic increases in crime and reductions in living standards. If the migrants were really capable of enriching cultures, they would have developed and enriched their own cultures in their own homelands when they had the chance.

As more and more cities fall to the invading hordes of savage invaders, productivity is diminished, and the overall economy shrinks along with gross domestic product. Neither the blacks nor the invaders have shown any aptitude for building or even maintaining a civilization. All of which leads to insurmountable government debt and the inflation of currency, which in turn steals wealth and opportunities from the middle class. Slowly, the middle class is destroyed, and the masses share equally in poverty and misery while being subjugated by a small ruling class of rich globalists. These nefarious globalists are the ones driving the migration of third-world peoples to North America as part of a scheme by which international corporations lay their labor costs off on working class Americans. First corrupt congressmen pass bills granting generous subsidies to alien migrants. Then, non-governmental organizations set the migrants up with low paying jobs working for unscrupulous corporations whose lawyers aid the migrants to obtain U.S. citizenship. Ultimately, Heritage Americans are stuck with the costs of providing food, shelter, transportation, education, and medical care for the aliens.

Today, accounting for an estimated 30 million illegal aliens, the U.S. population has peaked at 360 million. That equals twice as many people as there were in 1960. Since that time, the Yankee Dollar has been inflated by more than 900%. That means that it will take more than $1,000 to buy the same amounts of goods or services today that someone could have bought for only $100 sixty years ago. The quality of today’s products is probably not even as good, either. At this rate, most young Americans will never be able to buy houses of their own. The prices of new vehicles and gasoline are also quickly becoming cost prohibitive. What’s even worse is that the cost of healthy food can be enough to put one into debt slavery these days as the U.S. government sends much of our wealth to foreign countries. Adding insult to injury, foreigners can then use our own money to buy our lands out from under our feet. All of these atrocities are multiplied exponentially by the infinite demand for our limited resources and supplies. Therefore, the best way to counter these negative trends and perhaps reverse the reduction in the quality of our lives is by working to reduce the outrageous demands made against us by the globalists and the other alien invaders.

The South has all of the resources we need to not only survive the coming collapse of the Yankee Empire, but to rebuild our civilization and thrive once we break free from Satan’s unholy Union. We have the best farmland, rivers, lakes, and coastal ports, as well as abundant energy sources such as natural gas and oil. Our climates are mild and accommodate year-round economic activity. Furthermore, our States are naturally protected by the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico along with the Appalachian and Smokey Mountain Ranges between us and the North. We just need the will to declare our independence and abandon the Yankees to die in their never-ending foreign wars of Zionist aggression. As was the case in 1861, we no longer have much to lose. However, unlike in 1861, we now have strong potential allies and trading partners in Russia, China, Brazil, and India.

Deo Vindice

-By John S.


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