The last three years and beyond have made it abundantly clear that the American Empire cares nothing for the future of young White men. This is especially true for young Southern men who are exceptionally hated and viewed with extreme suspicion by the American Empire. Numerous consequences are at play due to this antagonism, such as the decline in military recruitment and the rise of the American “competence crisis.”
The first issue, and one most easily understood by young White men, is regarding economic troubles. On the surface, the last three years of inflation have touched everyone (who isn’t rich). However, it has been particularly tough on young White men. This is related to how Corporate America operates (particularly the hiring process), as well as immigration. Young White men, for example, can’t check off any of the boxes that Corporate America desires. They want “people of color,” women, and sexual deviants. Most hiring agencies are filled with woke millennial women who will frequently overlook “cis-men,” and their corporate overlords will noddingly approve so they can brag about diversity and DEI initiatives. To make matters worse, unlike older men (Gen X and Boomers), we have little to no professional experience, as well as limited connections. Thus, aspiring young White men often remain unemployed (underemployed, if they’re lucky) and many are now giving up.
The Empire makes things worse by encouraging massive visas for foreign workers (Asians and Indians). This, of course, creates more competition that would have been unimaginable to older generations whose main competition was other skilled (American) White men. The problem also harms young White men without college degrees. While many of them can find blue-collar jobs easier, consumer price increases are eating into their earnings and damaging their ability to build up personal savings. Here, too, age hurts, as unlike other generations, we have almost no savings. Many younger guys live paycheck to paycheck. I’ve seen this firsthand with a friend, who is having to skip meals because inflation and taxes are gobbling up his paycheck. In short, if you’re a young White man, you’re entering a job market against unparalleled competition when compared to decades prior. Paired with racial and age discrimination, it’s making it nearly impossible for a young White man people to keep his head above water with the rising cost of living.
Another issue for young Southern White men is the Empire’s brutal domestic culture.
Modern media and shows demonize young White men. Everyone else is celebrated, while we’re being condemned as “racists” and “incels.” As someone who’s recently been on one of the big college campuses, in a liberal mecca, I can tell you how alien it feels to be in these progressive zones. We have no support networks beyond family, which a good deal of our generation also doesn’t have. Many young men are becoming socially isolated and cut off, especially after COVID. American “Cancel Culture” has become especially vicious to our young men. In this current environment, a guy could merely make a locker room or off-color joke and find himself doxxed, fired from his job (regardless of his proficiency and standing in the company), and permanently unemployable. Young men, at least the ones not ruined by soy and leftist nonsense, crave adventure and purpose. Modern America provides nothing but meaningless degeneracy and hedonism. Young White men take the brunt of the consequences of this. In many cases, it leads men into drugs, excessive gaming, fast food, drinking or even suicide. In some of the worst cases, it has led to mass shootings and other acts of senseless violence.
Modern America really doesn’t let young men be “men.” For example, if someone disrespects you as a man and you decide to call them out (verbally), you could be “canceled.” This is especially true if the offending party is a minority. Fisticuffs will land you in prison under hate-crime charges. If a woman is involved, expect various false charges, police reports, etc. Any altercation will be filmed via phone; and then you’ll be apprehended by the police and put on trial. In any event, you’ll likely end up economically bankrupt and/or in prison. In more sane times, young men fighting to settle a dispute was commonplace. Older generations often talk about fights they had when they were younger. However, in modern America, one physical altercation, no matter how minor, will end up with both parties being incarcerated.
The most personal challenge facing young White men is the dating game. According to the Pew Research Center, 63% of young men (18-29) are single. For young women, it’s only 34%. In this, there’s already a clear disadvantage to young men. Now, add on the end of traditional social networks designed to encourage community, dating, and courtship for young men (and women) and you have many men falling through the cracks. Churches, for example, direct most of their messages at women, older people, and younger couples/young parents. In many circumstances, the idea of just walking into a church as an outsider and thinking you’ll find a “good girl” is laughable in practice. You’re an outsider, and despite outward friendliness from most churches, the reality is that the young women in that church are already married or dating another member they already know.
Things only get worse outside the Church. In the real world, it’s practically the Wild West for dating. The churches, at least in theory, claim to practice abstinence and traditional values, but in the outside world “hooking up” is the norm. In the dating world of young men, we are dealing with non-virgins who still have attachment issues to their ex’s and/or former hook ups. In Gen Z, you also have many women who are homosexuals, whether lesbian or “bisexuals;” in either situation, they aren’t looking for a man nor should they (bisexual women) be considered girlfriend material. That 34% listed above also has numerous issues. Many guys with girlfriends will chuckle at these issues until it bites them in the backside, and it turns out their girl has been “talking” to other men. Social media, feminist propaganda, and dating apps have effectively produced a massive female population brimming with narcissistic, neurotic, liberal jezebels. While the dating pool isn’t entirely off-limits, it’s likely many of the good ones are off the market (married or have a serious boyfriend). To make matters worse, instead of providing useful and practical advice, young men are often mocked when they bring up these issues. This is downright shameful, considering just how new and unprecedented this issue is.
As a Gen Z Southerner, I can talk from personal experience that the modern world hates me. Sure, this doesn’t always boil down to the personal, I’d argue I get along well with people across the board in day-to-day interactions. However, the institutions of this country despise me and my ilk. In 2024, we are the ones disfranchised, abused, and considered as the societal pariah. Hollywood villainizes us, jobs refuse to hire us, and women, by and large, ignore us. “Our Democracy” is openly taking measures to make all of these civilizational poisons much worse. The ruling elite, a mixture of Yankees, Jews, and other degenerates, have opened our borders while taking a buzzsaw to traditional social networks like family, religion, and culture. For us, we won’t ever gaze upon the heroic monuments and statues of old. We won’t ever get to buy our own homes. Many of us will likely never be promoted due to our skin color and sex. We will be overlooked by judgmental, mediocre, self-worshiping young women ruling HR departments. The modernist society we live in today views us with suspicion and hatred.
In short, we, Young Fire-Eaters, have no reason to remain loyal or invested in the current regime. We should hate them, and we should be angry. We must work to see a day when that evil empire on the Potomac and its genocidal culture is gone. We must fulfill the dream of our gray coated ancestors by defeating the Yankee leviathan. Things have changed for the worse, but that doesn’t mean it’s permanent. When any empire collapses, new countries and peoples rise up. The 20th century is filled with many examples of this. Thus, while we face struggle now, we should rally around the fact that no empire, especially one so spiteful toward its own young men, survives indefinitely.
By rallying around the flag of a Free South, we can find hope in implementing a healthy Christian Southern society. When we get the chance to build a new country, we will clean away the moral rot, debauchery, and filth of the modern American Empire. We must work together to see to it that this happens. Our future Free Dixie will value, invest in, and better our young Southern men rather than treat them like the American Empire does – the reviled bottom-rung of a despicable caste system.
-By A Young Fire-Eater

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
The writer did a good job on this!
Hear ! hear!
So are there any political parties that are worth voting for in the mean time? Is the Constitutional Party worth anything? Reason I ask is, because I just can’t make myself vote for Trump, and especially the demoshits.
Stop wasting your time and mental energy thinking about voting!
We are NOT voting our way out of this.
Rather than your mental masturbation about some non-existent “Constitutional Party” go build something.
Learn a(nother) new skill.
Throw seeds in the ground and try guerrila gardening.
Learn to make a small table with your own two hands.
Also check out “Minimaliat Gardening”, a book by David the Good. (Recommended by Vox Day.
Only by looking inward and bettering yourself, and by extension our Southern land (maybe literally) will you help to move our movement forward.
Get moving, man! And stop thinking about voting.
Another Dixie zoomer here – things are looking pretty bad for us right now. We must never lose hope, though. It took Spain 800 hundred years to rusticate the Moors, and we may be lucky to do it in 300.
In simpler, gentler times, young whites- both urban and rural- had informal institutions like church youth groups(i.e. the ‘Royal Ambassadors’ for Southern Baptists and the EYC (Episcopal Young Churchmen) for Episcopalians)where shy and bashful teens and young adults could get together and begin pairing off and looking for a mate. I don’t know if these and like organizations are still around but I doubt it. There were also church sponsored sock hops and “teen towns” that served the same purpose. Unfortunately such organizations would today probably be swarming with non-white interlopers seeking to prey upon young white girls-things were so much simpler and better under racial segregation!
Get yourself an absolutely necessary skill, and then parlay that into consulting or your own contracting business so you can take the world on YOUR terms.
STEM degree with application to a job of real value, especially engineering, or skip college. It isn’t worth it.
Network security is a booming field that requires IQ points that can’t be faked. You have to work around a lot of liberal tech types, though.
Otherwise, skilled trades, especially those that require a license. These are the jobs that keep the lights on and the infrastructure running and there are no DEI HR departments (except in some unions so be careful) just hard men who work hard. People who learn, are willing to work hard, and understand the concept of “zero defect” advance easily and the career payout is better than most degreed occupations, and that’s if you don’t start your own company.
Don’t worry about women, put that energy into making yourself the man that the type of woman you want would want to be with. If she doesn’t show up by the time you are ready for a family then go headhunt one from a traditional culture. Forget about these modern hoes and their body count, they aren’t worth any of your time.
I’m GenX and I wished somebody had told me these things when I was in my early 20’s, and it goes triple for today.
Great comment by Max Wiley. I’m a Gen X skilled tradesmen.
The best advice I can give to you, is to do right in the eyes of God, the father of Jesus Christ, you will receive manifold Graces no matter what the need, situation or the future holds. He will be there for you. Our struggle is eternal.
God Bless you younger men and God Bless the Southland!
Max Wiley- The trouble with engineering jobs is that our elites are giving those jobs to Chinamen and men from the subcontinent of India- that’s why we’re getting so many “immigrants” from those areas- they’ve got the low-paying manual labor covered with mestizos, and the higher paying jobs covered with Chinamen and wogs. All of this is specifically antiwhite- they want us to be unemployable. For those with entrepreneurial skills, set up your own business. For those not entrepreneurially inclined?-good luck!
Excellent and I agree on all your points.Very well thought out and stated.I have experienced all this in the 70’s till now.The Jews have total control and have chipped away at our beautiful White Christian South till it is no more.I remain steadfast and do nothing to support the Jew run U.S.Christ will return soon I believe and all will be made right.Trust in the Jesus keys and the White race.All those White females and many White males who cared nothing for our people(sometimes vocally)are traitors and the coming times will crush them.I doubt they will reflect on how they helped bring about our/their demise because they are too stupid.The Jews only want perversion and death because their father the Devil commands it.But we are made in God’s image and must always love Him and ask for his help.Keep up the good work and never lose faith.Christ is coming.