Germany is one of the most remarkable nations on earth, if nothing else for the sheer number of times it has appeared as if the country would completely perish. Yet, Germany managed to arise from the ashes and rebuild. The Thirty Years’ War is one of the most important conflicts in all of human history, laying the foundation for the rise of the nation state and splitting Europe into Protestant and Catholic camps. It was also one of the bloodiest events in history, with a death toll ranging from 4.5 to 8 million. A high number even today, but when one considers the much smaller European population at the time, the death toll becomes even more staggering. In 1600, at the eve of the Thirty Years’ War, Europe, excluding Russia and the Ottoman Empire, had a population of around 78 million. That means, if the higher end numbers are correct, Europe lost about 10% of its population.
The war was particularly devastating for Germany. The war started there and, because of Germany’s position in the heart of Europe, it was quite common for foreign adversaries to march across it. Some areas even suffered a population decline of 50% or more. To make matters worse, while most nations in Europe emerged from the war more or less religiously united, becoming either overwhelmingly Catholic or Protestant, Germany was badly split, creating long-term barriers for unification that would continue for another two centuries. By all good reason, Germany should have died then, joining the ranks of other nations such as the Aztecs or Babylonians. Rather, something remarkable happened. By 1740, less than a century years after the end of the Thirty Years’ War, the Germans were once again powerful, with its two chief states, Austria and Prussia, serving as the Continent’s respective diplomatic and military powers.
Once again, the Napoleonic Wars should have heralded the end of Germany. The Prussians were badly crushed by the French at the Battle of Jena, reducing them to a French puppet state. Yet, the Germans refused to die. They rebuilt, were able to finally unite, and quickly became a behemoth. The fact that it managed to take an alliance of Britian, France, and Russia, three nations with long histories of hatred towards each other, shows just how formidable Germany had become a mere century after being under French rule.
Even after the World Wars saw Germany defeated, humiliated, shackled with a ridiculous war guilt, reduced in size, and divided again, the Germans would not die. Even 40 years after the end of World War II, many very serious minds in the United States were deeply concerned that West Germany would overtake the Yankee Empire as the world’s economic engine. Now, some ID readers may balk at me using post-1945 Germany here, considering its sorry condition as a de-Christianized society being demographically replaced, but there are a few things to consider. As with most of Europe, with the expectation of the UK and France, the demographic transformation of Germany did not really take off until the 1990s, meaning that its miraculous rise is largely separate from its demographic transformation beginning a few decades ago.
Even on the matter of Germany guilt, the reality is not as dire as it first appears. In the 1950s, there was a large acceptance of Wehrmacht veterans sitting down over a few beers as the reminisced over their war service; it was not until the late 1960s that the notion of Germany as a “guilty nation” was really imposed on them, largely thanks to a cowardly U.S.-aligned government refusing to stand up to Far Left agitators. Either way, the good news is that Germans, especially those outside the major cities, are far prouder of World War II than they are typically given credit for. The only catch is that, because of their vehemently anti-German government, they just need to trust someone before they can say something about it. If any nation in the West can rise up and overthrow the globalists that rule them, it will be Germany. Their track record proves it.
The secret to these recurring national rebirths hinges on a certain trait of the German character – hard work. For a German, laziness is one of the worst traits a person can possess. They may have experienced devastating defeats, but no one could break the German work ethic. It is this drive, this sense that hard work is a positive good, that has allowed Germany to bounce back from humiliating defeats that commonsense suggests they had no right to.
Southerners must look to the Germans for inspiration in saving our land. If we are to save Dixie, which will mean freeing Dixie, we must be willing to work like the Germans did time and time again. We must roll up our sleeves and get to work, knowing that our ancestors once did the same. Dixie came very close to death in 1865, but because her sons refused to give up, she was saved. Though Dixie cannot claim to have arisen from the ashes as many times as Germany has, she has still arisen.
It’s time to get to work and do it again.

I’m German Confederate and I approve this message. … Seriously though, how could I help but love it? Thank you Harmonica.
Germans don’t regard work as a curse of the Fall, but as the necessary foundation on which civilization is built up. They called it “Pflichterfullung”, i.e., the fulfillment of duty.
John Murray alludes to the contrary bondservant psychology [that’s come in the wake of Enlightenment thinking and only concerns itself with eye service] in his ‘Principles of Conduct’ in the chapter on the ordinance of labor:
“There are few things more distasteful to modern man than subjection to authority and the demand for obedience to authority. Obedience to God or man, the keeping of the commandments of God or man, runs athwart his conception of freedom. Too often it is not because he has a well-defined conception of freedom that is alien to objective authority; it is because he has lost touch with the moorings of honesty, integrity, and industry. He is out to do the least he can for the most he can get [what Albert Jay Nock called Epstean’s Law]. p. 104.
We could not conceive of a more revolutionizing force in the direction of reforming economic conditions than this transformation of the bond-servant’s psychology. And no consideration is more relevant to our modern labor situation, from whatever angle it may be viewed, than the necessity of having the laborer imbued with this attitude of soul.” p. 103.
John Murray, ‘Principles of Conduct’, ‘The Ordinance of Labor’
I hadn’t thought of that about Germany before. But yeah, they do seem to possess an extraordinary ability to bounce back from defeat. Kinda like the Irish, but with more grandeur.
A few too many Germans came over in 1861-65 to help kill Rebels – this prevents me from giving them much credit. That, and the fact that Yankee emperor Biden blew up the Nordstream pipeline – destroying Germany’s cheap natural gas delivery from Russia. And did one hear a peep from the Germans about this? Not that I’m aware of? As far as I know, they’re still kissing Uncle Sam’s behind.
Sadly, there were no small amount of ‘Germans’ in the Yankee army and the Lincoln administration, and the accepted narrative gives their place there a heavy emphasis. However, the same might be said of almost any ethnicity. Little known (or perhaps conveniently forgotten for the sake of subsequent wars by the Yankee Empire) were those Germans who served with distinction in the Confederacy:
Nah, Germany is super gay. Germans are providing funds, legal and organizational help to subversive leftist political parties and activist groups in every single EU country. None of the insane social and environmental transformation plans the EU inflicted upon its unfortunate member states would have been possible without the massive, monolithic German support.
They’re an occupied government today – just like us. We can always hope there’s life in the root of the blasted tree.
Hello German Confederate, didn’t more Anglos sell out the hard won war of independence from England during the WBTS? To be upset with German Yankees seems silly to me at this point in time. Granted I’ve never lived in the South or am imbued with her history and culture, to my detriment.
I followed the ‘rabbit trail’ of George Von Schonerer to wilhelm 1 whom made Jews equal to Christians/Catholics in 1867 Austria, by WW 1 Vienna became a central European melting pot akin to N.Y city, the German character of the place was gone. Hitler rose out of it.
My search engine sucks and am having trouble looking into it further, a German Confederate you linked to above fought in the Austro-prussian war in 1866, it seems to me Germany had it’s own civil war at that time, even fighting the German Confederation,
So many trails.
God Bless and keep you Sir
Hi Outside Looking In,
The point I was trying to make is that after the WBTS the puppet-masters of the Union wanted to keep Confederate veterans in their good graces so they’d have the best gene pool from which to enlist fighters in subsequent foreign conflicts. Accordingly, they began their smear campaign against Germany during WW1. Lord Balfour actually made a speech to a gathering of Confederate vets saying that the imperialistic aims of Germany were just like those of the Yankee Empire so they had common cause to fight Germany. Of course it was all lies and misdirection, but it served their purposes for both WW1 & WW2: the world population of Christian whites has been drastically reduced. Here’s one reference from CV magazine. I’ll look further for the one about Lord Balfour if you’re interested:
Matthew Page Andrews, ‘Fighting for the Same Principle’, Confederate Veteran, June 1918, Vol. 26, No. 6.
German Confederate
I have found the confederate veteran archives. Thank you very much.
I misspoke up above, I should have said instead of …..’it seems to me Germany had it’s own civil war at that time’…. into- ‘it seems to me that there was a civil war between factions in Austria and Germany, including the German Confederation…..’. This is all new to me. Pardon the error and late reply, having trouble collecting my thoughts at the end of a tough work week.
My Iberian ancestors were on the front lines of Christs kingdom on earth, going so far as to burning down the first Jewish synagogue in the New world (brazil) and running the merchants out, I have mentioned this before about how our Portuguese King, John the fourth, sold out to the new stock markets and basically the fight for Christs Kingdom on Earth.
The reason i bring this up is because, in my mind, there were no greater and more graceful champions rising from the wreckage of the Holy Roman empire than the National Socialist Germans of the 1930s.
God Bless you German Confederate.