Pit Bulls & NAXALT

Statistically speaking, the most aggressive dog in the world is the chihuahua. It will bark and “attack” anything within its reach that it deems a threat. Still, death by chihuahua is extraordinarily unlikely. With the exception of a potentially uncomfortable bite, a normal person can easily dispatch a chihuahua with their hands or a well-placed boot. Pit bulls, by contrast, are not so easy to dismiss. As of 2019, 91% of all fatal dog attacks were committed by a pit bull. The logic is therefore written in reality: chihuahuas can be annoying, but pit bulls are, by nature, a genuine threat.

Now come the pit bull apologists. For sure, the pit bull fans will tell you about their great pit bull. They will tell you about the docile pit bull they once knew. They will explain as to why some pit bulls are more vicious than other pit bulls. That all may be true, but it does not negate the inherent threat of a fatal attack likely to be committed by a pit bull.

No one really fears the more aggressive chihuahua because they are not known to kill people. Pit bulls, by contrast, should be feared. They can attack for no reason and when they do, there is a genuine chance of death.

Extrapolate this more widely. If a particular race of people were statistically less likely to be apprehended for certain violent crimes than other races, it would be reasonable to assume they were less dangerous. But if that same race of people was responsible for 60% of homicides, it would also be reasonable to observe and treat that race with caution. In other words, just because a race may be less likely to engage in lower levels of violent crimes (such as, simple assaults/mutual fights), the fact that they often kill when they do engage in a violent crime, makes them a greater threat by nature.

These reasonable deductions should drive decision making. Unfortunately, NAXALT bias determines the flawed logic of so many Americans. This is where logic has been subverted by social-political concerns.

Avoiding black males is just as logical as avoiding the black males of the dog world – pit bulls. Are some nice? Sure. Are some mild tempered? Of course. But are both statistically the largest killers within their respective breeds? No doubt.

Making generalized excuses does not negate reality. Wanting to find the one smart black guy or the one cuddly pit bull does not immediately discard the broader fact that both are genetically designed threats. They should be treated accordingly, not encouraged to interact with our families or friends. Doing so invites the potential for a deadly outcome and shameful regret.

As the old adage goes – never relax in such circumstances.


  1. So very true. There’s a certain type of person — almost always a female — who virtue-signals by seeking out and adopting pit bulls. “Oh, he’s a big baby” is the second most common statement by these people. The most common, of course, is “I don’t understand why he attacked that elderly woman…he’s always been so gentle!”

  2. I (unfortunately) lived in a household that consisted of two pit bulls. My cat (and I) lived in a large room that was secured by a steel security fence (to let the air flow through but keep the murderous dogs from attacking and killing the cat). These POS had killed animals in the past, including one cat.

    My cat and I escaped from that hell-hole – but not before we put a HEX on those animals and their owner. I fecking hate pit bulls.

  3. When yours truly, your 45th and favorite President, is elected once again and takes office as your 47th and greatest President, I will secure our borders stronger than ever before. We will then DEPORT ALL ALIENS. Even the nice wetbacks. We will also implement a NEW PLATINUM PLAN for our cherished AFRICAN-AMERICANS by which colored males can earn bonuses of up to five thousand dollars each for volunteering to get vasectomies provided free of charge by the best Indian doctors Medicaid can afford. Furthermore, all able bodied blacks will be able to earn generous bonuses upon enlistment in SPACE FORCE and deploying to colonize Mars and plant our GREAT U.S. FLAG on the mineral laden red planet. Diversity is our greatest strength and together we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. Thank you. I love you all.

    Donald J. Trump

  4. When I was a kid, pit bulls were not as popular as they are now, and it was common knowledge that they are a very dangerous breed of dog. This wasn’t a debate; everyone simply knew it is a fact.

  5. Those dogs are an Achilles of rural whites. One of the many overlaps with the urban ghetto I suppose. I escaped joggers and the barrio in the city where there were plenty of chihuahuas and pitbulls only to move rural and be literally surrounded by pitbulls.

    The whole culture has gone jogger. They are absolutely everywhere around here. The “rescue” has a tent at every public event. Always plenty of puppies. People will go out of their way to get one. I don’t get it. It’s one of the reasons I carry when even just walking my dog through the woods.

    Some, I understand, get them for security. But you are spot on about the NAXALT. Like clockwork the apologists start talking about pitbulls like the urban sharks talk about black guys. So misunderstood!

    Massive self-inflicted blind spot to the very corollary you use here. These people would have a whole conversation about the 13/50 but then fail the same math with the bulls. Nature/nurture is another favorite defense, i.e. “there are no bad dogs, just bad people.”

    Meh. I’m pretty sick of all ghetto culture and ghetto people, urban and rural. And all their stinking muscle dogs, littering, junkyard homes, fast and furious cars and trucks, and vape-juice and energy drank crackhead life in general.

    A lot of underbrush needs to burn.

  6. “My pit bull is such a sweetheart! She’s like a nanny to my kids!”
    If by nanny you mean like Casey Anthony, then yeah.

  7. Reminds me of the story of the lady in Texas that was illegally raising Lion and Tiger cubs. When those cute little cubs began to grow up she started having a hard time financially keeping up with their voracious appetites, eventually having to resort to searching the rural Texas highways for deer roadkill. A month passed and when the lady’s relatives could not reach her by phone and the local Sheriff did a welfare check he found bits and pieces of that lady in the lions cage. Lesson: Nature does not care about your opinions, intentions or beliefs. Start being realistic about that fact or prepare to be Supper. Simple as that.

  8. TH,

    You just laid out a near perfect metaphor for the importation and adoption of vibrancy in every city in FUSA.

    The cost to keep them not just fed and satiated but also in that level of hindbrain contentment that resides just beneath the surface of their raw nature is too much to bear.

    There are also too many now, the quaint little cages of multiculti have grown so large they no longer have the buffers of civilization between but rather rub against each other further igniting their feral instincts and emboldening them against their “captors” who are abusing them by forcing them to live among the upright.

    But unlike your example in which the stupid and selfish female is consumed by her own bad ideas, we have an entire culture leashed to crazy women and weak men who obsess over their various dangerous pets.

    Our path, unfortunately, is playing out more like the pit bull stories.

    The kids always get eaten first. And the chorus of feral women and weak men will see this happen and spend all their days manufacturing reasons why it happened other than the truth and ways to punish those who can see while forcing solutions that always involve more pitbulls and less truth.

    We used to be able to avoid both feral women and the pitbulls. No longer. So if there is a silver lining to the monoculture of decay painting the red dirt with vaxxed up blue blood it is that it means the time is near.

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