Globalism requires that the interests of the nation take second place to the globalist world hegemony. It creates a world where all nations are to work as cogs in the international supply chain and morph themselves into a culturally blank entity to fit the globalist economic reality. All for the benefit of the centralizer classes that exploit each country and wring them dry through market manipulation.
Globalism is, at its root, debt slavery and cultural annihilationism.
However, this is not inevitable. Globalism does not have to win. In fact, I’d argue it has no hope of winning.
Should a few key countries reject this hegemonic world order, then globalism as a fiscally viable strategy immediately disintegrates. This occurs naturally. But it is also an imperative of nationalists. We are to create viable, culturally sound nations without massive foreign cultural interdependence.
We only need a few countries to start this chain of disintegration to begin a return to reasonable nationalistic approaches to foreign relations. A few cogs malfunctioning will bring down the entire machine—This is clearly seen with the rabid response by the U.S. to the Houthi trade disruptions and the BRICS formation. They know if the globalist ecosystem is even slightly thrown off, their system loses all of its purported benefits. The nationalist nations benefit by the world’s “free trade”, while the nationalist nation’s protectionism gives them massive internal advantages.
It’s a win-win for nationalist states, and a lose-lose for globalist ones.
The end goal is for a nationalist world. When all nations seek their own self-interest, all will work to find a reasonable benefit among one another. This is contrasted with the globalist system that we currently reside under where some benefit at the expense of others, and all the world’s culture is annihilated for the benefit of a few GDP points.
Globalism, much like all legacy governments, is an unsustainable system. It will eventually centralize to an extreme point or disintegrate. I’d argue it already has. But this is good for us, as it means we are nearing the end of the cycle.
As I said before, once a few key international players (independent states) drop out, the benefits of the globalist system begin to negate themselves. We see this with power-players in modern economic sphere such as China. They have positioned themselves as the globalist supply center, bringing in insane levels of currency, trade, and foreign reliance. While internally, they fully reject globalism. Instead, they practice strong nationalism with their trade and currency strategies. They have “dropped out” while simultaneously exploiting the larger system. Russia does this too, which is why the West hates both and is likely to go to war with them at some point in the near future. Other countries are just barely catching on, but countries like China are using the globalist international system to their strategic advantage, while negating it at home. For a double advantage. The globalist system cannot sustain like this.
I am not against this. Nationalist states should abuse the globalist world order. It is good for us when this happens.
Should more countries follow suit, it will become immediately apparent that the failing globalist system is massively to the benefit of these sly nationalistic countries. No other countries truly benefit, regardless of the false economic models that purport otherwise (read: Free Trade: The Failure Still Loved By All).
Even if we were to take those fiscal benefits at face value, minor economic gains do not offset the costs of foreign reliance, degeneracy, and threats of international centralization. The supposed fiscal benefits also never account for other nationalistic countries gaining significant power, which they will certainly use to their own advantage as history has shown and as China/Russia are showing today. The materialists only look at the GDP benefits with free trade, never the unsustainable nature of the globalist system in the long-term (Hilariously, they are even wrong about the GDP part, but that is besides the point).
Globalism simply cannot sustain itself. Nationalism will always rise from the ashes to overcome it. No amount of wishful thinking or arguing about the fiscal benefits of free trade will change this.
But this is a great thing.
With the collapse of globalism comes a return to national sovereignty. Self-governance takes precedence over foreign commerce. Nationalist nations protect this sovereign focus.
Additionally, with the antiglobalist approach, we reduce the strength of international actors. Foreign actors, such as the United Nations and World Health Organization are unaccountable to any particular domestic citizen. They have no room in a nationalist world, nor in any sane world.
The world with a few key nationalist countries would then be far more protectionist, self-dependent, and self-reliant. There is no reason in the modern era not to strive for majority independence given technological advancement and renewable resources. All nations could eventually reach this goal. It is not far-fetched.
While nationalism may seem selfish at first glance, if all countries acted in this nationalistic manner, peace could actually be achievable. There would be no need for foreign involvement. We know the risks of empire building or subjugation of other nations and would seek to avoid it. This framework reduces the likelihood of a war-mongering state and encourages different nations to exist in peace, rather than the globalist approach of forcing cooperation with the hegemonic world order. There has been no lack of wars in the past fifty years when globalism reigned.
Most importantly, there would be nothing to gain from foreign confrontations because everything demanded can be satisfied mostly internally. If every nation respects the right of other people and cultures to peacefully reside within their own region, international violence would never have a reason to break out. That only occurs during the conquest of people or land, which is internationalism or foreign conquest. Both things are useless to truly nationally minded states.
Globalization leads to the destruction of human unification. It cannot unify us all. That is an impossible task. We are far too different. What globalization does is try to destroy this uniqueness and create a blank economic slate in its place. It unifies nothing; it only destroys. Globalism attempts to force all people to become cogs in a hopelessly inhuman economic system that only exploits them. This will naturally be resisted, as it should be.
Still, I do believe that meaningful human unification can be achieved. But not through globalization. Only through the independent nation-states coming together and recognizing that each unique people have a right to live peacefully in their own regions. And each unique people recognizing that others deserve that same right. That is true unity. Without conquest, destruction of culture, or subversion. Just independent nations, existing in their own land.
A nationalistic country desires that all other countries have national sovereignty, success, and prosperity. But on their own accord, through seeking their own interests. They want it not just for themselves but for others as well. For if others are successful, then they are happy, peaceful, and nonthreatening, which benefits the home nation. No migrants, refugees, violence nearby, or power struggles.
Every nation deserves their own heritage. It should not be tainted by globalist overreach.
Globalism cannot last forever. Its system is one that will self-destruct on its own. That much is promised.
This ridiculous period of humanity will come to an end. When it does, the traditions of old will return greater than ever before. When that time comes, we need to be ready and waiting to put them into practice.
But until that day comes, we need to actively fight for a nationalistic system that does not shy away from exploiting the idiocy of the globalist system.

A Christian, husband, father, and American dissident. Join him in seeking truth and sipping sweet tea during the collapse of the American Empire. You can find more of his work at Eph. 5:11.
You write:
“If every nation respects the right of other people and cultures to peacefully reside within their own region, international violence would never have a reason to break out. That only occurs during the conquest of people or land, which is internationalism or foreign conquest. Both things are useless to truly nationally minded states.”
You’ll get no argument from me (or probably any other dissident) on this point. There’s so much to like about your article I hate to bring up the point that the reprobate globalists are not motivated by reason or self-interest, any more than the evil spirit being that possesses them. They’re only full of blind hate and the lust to dominate other ‘nationally minded states.’ Damned souls are useless to Satan, since the kingdoms of this world now belong to the risen Christ, and He will not lose any one of His Elect, but it hasn’t checked the adversary’s wrath one whit.
The second-most hated man in history understood the mechanics of this very well:
“In the capitalistic-democratic world the most important principle of economy is that the people exist for trade and industry, and that these in turn exist for capital. We have reversed this principle by making capital exist for trade and industry, and trade and industry exist for the people. In other words, the people come first. … In Germany, the people, without any doubt, decide their existence. They determine the principles of their government. … On the other hand, that other world says: ‘If we lose, our world-wide capitalistic system will collapse. … If the idea that work is the decisive factor spreads abroad, what will happen to us? … Our whole claim to world dominion can then no longer be maintained.’… These are the two worlds. I grant that one of the two must succumb. … But if we were to succumb, the German people would succumb with us. If the other were to succumb, I am convinced that the nations will become free for the first time.”
December 10, 1940
All of this said, I still hope that you’re right and I’m wrong.
You make a great point, as usual German Confederate. I will have to meditate on this one. Thanks for the thoughtful rebuttal.