The Right Cannot Win a “Civil War”

There is one factor that hovers above all others when determining what side will prevail when a nation descends into civil war – which side the military aligns with. The historical record shows that no other factor is as important as this single aspect. But before I go any further, I must first explain what is meant by “civil war” – it is a war between two or more factions fighting for control of the central government. So, despite what the Yankees say, the “American Civil War” was not really a civil war but a war for independence, similar to the Irish Revolution. Back to the issue at hand, it is exceedingly difficult to overstate just how important the military is in determining the outcome of a civil war.

An overwhelming reason why the French monarchy fell so quickly during the Revolution is because, following a string of defeats, France lost its position of global hegemon to the United Kingdom. In turn, the French military lost all faith in the ancient regime and were no longer willing to defend it. However, when a once in millennia military genius, in the form of Napoleon Bonaparte, came on the scene, the French military quickly regained its faith and became one of the best fighting forces ever assembled. We can observe this in the Spanish Civil War as well. Though the Republicans held the best positions in the country and had massive international support, the Nationalists controlled the army. And even though the Republicans controlled the Spanish navy, in a land war, the Nationalists had a significant advantage and prevailed against all other odds. Again, we see this pattern emerge in the Russian Civil War. The unexpected defeat of a European power against an Asian nation in the Russo-Japanese War seriously damaged the Tsar’s prestige with the military. When Russia performed poorly against the Germans in the Great War, it was enough to make sizable portions of the military lose faith that the Tsar could maintain Russian greatness.

Iran is another example – for a while, it looked as if the Shah would maintain his throne. But he had one major problem, the Iranian military despised him, viewing him as a playboy more interested in sportscars than actually governing, this was in stark contrast to his spartan, warrior father whom the Iranian military revered. Thus, the military was unwilling to support the government, and as a result the monarchy fell. An even more recent example, the fall of Mubarak’s Egypt, also qualifies here. Depending on who you ask, the 2011 overthrow of long-standing Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak was either a cry for Egyptian democracy or an attempted takeover by the Muslim Brotherhood. But neither of these interpretations are true. In reality, the Egyptian military, in control of the country since 1952, was furious with Mubarak for grooming his son, a businessman with no military experience, to be his successor. When a crisis hit, the military stayed back while the government fell. All they had to do was wait for the completely predictable victory of the Muslim Brotherhood in the next election as a pretext to stage a coup, thus neutralizing U.S. opposition and reinstating the status quo.

The Chinese Civil War is the most pressing counterexample, but this is the exception that proves the rule. While it is true that the military sided with the Nationalists, it is important to remember that the Nationalists had the communists all but defeated when the Japanese invaded at exactly the right moment. The Nationalists, viewing the Japanese as the bigger threat, turned their focus on them, allowing the communists to regroup. The Nationalists proceeded to take the brunt of the Japanese conquest while the communists reformed and prepared for the opportune moment to take China as soon as the Nationalists were strained.

Considering this historical trend, we should understand why the Right is in a poor position to win a civil war – the American military is thoroughly leftist, especially in the high command. It was not always like this. The U.S. military, long disproportionally Southern, was traditionally and staunchly rightwing. Had the United States fallen into a civil war in 1968, the Right would have certainly prevailed. But that is no longer the case. Just look at how the military changed when Clinton tried to allow homosexuals to serve in the military to Trump’s limited ban transexuals. The military had to be dragged kicking and screaming to even accept Clinton’s eventual “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” compromise. Flashforward to the Trump presidency and the military worked to openly undermine his ban on transexuals. It’s a shift that goes back to Obama. Using the disaster of the Iraq War as an excuse, Obama sacked rightwing officers and replaced them with leftwing ones. In a mere eight years, Obama transformed the United States military; and while it has diminished the Empire’s ability to win a future foreign war, it has increased the Left’s ability to win a future civil war. The Right cannot win a civil war. But there is hope based on the distinction I made at the beginning of this article.

Dixie can win a war for independence. Although control of the military is paramount when the question is over who controls the central government, this is decidedly less important when a nation is fighting for independence from a foreign foe – hence why the Irish were able to win the Irish War for Independence. Wars for independence and civil wars are different beasts, and different factors matter between them. To “take back American from sea to shining sea” is a fool’s errand at this point.

What is possible is the liberation of Dixie, this is our advantage – in a people who know their land and are fighting to save it from foreign rule. Contrary to what many on the Right believe, the Left holds the single biggest advantage in determining the outcome of a civil war. But as past generations of Southerners knew when they avoided the term “Civil War” for “The War Between the States,” the spirit of 1861 was not a civil war, but one for independence.


  1. I’m sorry but you sound like a fool. You state how important it is for the military to be right wing for the right wing to win a civil war… but then say this somehow doesn’t matter if Dixie tries to secede and win independence? You realize how huge and disparate the firepower and manpower difference is now compared to the 1860s right? Especially cause Dixie will have little if any international support. What can Dixie give Russia or China that’d interest them in risking blood and gold?

    1. Always be suspicious of anyone who tells you that all outcomes other than the very specific one that they personally favor are impossible.

  2. Yes.
    The pivotal line is the one about “from sea to shining sea”.
    It’s already divided, we’re just waiting for the divorce to be finalized.

  3. Your article put me in mind of the last words of Septimius Severus to his sons: “Remain united, pay the soldiers, and take no heed of the rest.”

    There are many more problems though faced by the present-day South that may not have been so much in evidence in 1861. None of us like to have all that it means sink in, but the army of the enemy today is multinational. You can’t secede from a nation or fight an army directed by a union of Northern states. They are themselves in thrall to a global financial system and take their orders from it.

    As individuals and families I think Solzhenitsyn offered some of the best advice as to what we should do: “Live not by lies.”

    That, and pray for Divine Intervention.

  4. When was the last time this vaunted US military actually won a war clean? 1991 doesn’t count – if you find yourself fighting the exact same enemy ten years later, then you didn’t decisively beat him the first time. Vietnam was a humiliating loss. Korea was a draw. WWII? Maybe – except that 1) the Red Army was responsible for 85% of Wehrmacht combat casualties and 2) it was Oppenheimer’s wunderwaffen, not American military superiority, that finally brought Japan to surrender. WWI? America entered the fight when the war was already 4/5 over, with Germany hanging on by a thread. Or perhaps our stunning victory over the creaky Spanish Empire in 1898? Or successfully stealing the land of Stone Age Native American tribes?

    And that was the US military at its height, before the political and diversity hires. Let’s just say that I’m not entirely convinced that their involvement in any conflict is a guarantee of victory.

  5. To many variables. The examples you gave were of Nations that were not diverse racially.
    I think there would be more chaos within the military than you are accounting for, but who knows. If the Country descends into chaos the best move might be to let the diversity
    destroy one another along with much of the military and then re-evaluate.
    Survive until a later date. Withdraw if necessary, you can always reclaim land.

  6. Interesting. A famous painter, Bob Ross I think, said that the U.S. does not have much of a future since there are so many negroes and jews here. In our struggle for independence, we can use yankee multiculturalism against them and set them up to destroy their own union. While we may be outnumbered and outgunned, we have the enemy surrounded. Most of those loyal to the union brood in large cities dependent on supplies to be brought in from the outside. By concentrating firepower against enemy supply lines, we can besiege their population centers. Then, the savage negroes and other aliens will riot and turn on the yankees and jews. The U.S. armed forces will be preoccupied with trying to secure their cities and deal with the chaos and won’t have time to worry about us.

    1. Numbers and statistics don’t support your stance on yankee multiculturalism. Unfortunately, Dixie is far more “multicultural” percentage-wise than any other area of this banana republic of a country (save for Southern California). You better check your math.

  7. Great article,I learned quite a lot from reading it.My only thought is that in 1968 the Armed Forces of the U.S. surely would have followed orders from Jewish controlled political figures.When the 101st Airborne forced integration at bayonet point against their own people and meekly integrated the Armed Forces of America in 1948 among other examples then where is the right wing tilt?If military men will force their own White girls to be ruined in settings with Black brutes then there is nothing they won’t do for their master.The Jews have an otherworldly Satanic control unlike any other in history.All politicians bow before the wailing wall with their sick little skull caps on to show who owns them.And the military does whatever they say.This is a Satanic control and it is precisely what the Bible tells us.I believe God,if it is His will,is the only force that can alter the terror and soul wrecking demons who orchestrate events.Thank you for a worthy piece which I hope to see more of.God bless you and the other readers.May God deliver us from the Satanic Jew.In Christs precious name I ask this.

  8. The past 60 years has conclusively proven that the Murican Right is overwhelmingly comprised of cheap, selfish, unorganized, unintelligent cowards who desire nothing more than to be saved by somebody or something other than themselves. Molon Labe my ass.

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