In an article written by Paul Craig Roberts and published on 2/1, Mr. Roberts stated, in part, “Museums are custodians of a culture’s history and art, as the United States was settled by white ethnicities from Great Britain, Ireland, and Europe, the history and art in museums reflects the culture of white people. The problem is that half a century of nonwhite immigration has racially diversified and multiculturalized the United States into a tower of Babel, and the Eurocentric tradition did not take into account ‘racial equity.’ In short, the collections are white and white is racist.”
He also observed: “New requirements for law schools amount to institutionalizing dogma and requiring instruction, such as Critical Race Theory, on subjects that are unrelated to any distinctive legal skill. So you will go to law school to learn how to be an anti-racist. This suggests that the future of law will turn on sentiment and emotion…In the repositories of our culture whiteness is under attack. In the legal profession whiteness is under attack. In the medical profession whiteness is under attack. Where is whiteness not under attack? Notice also that it is whites who are attacking whiteness. The cancellation of a civilization is well underway.”
The African continent is a great example of this. It happened there before here, but we don’t seem to have learned from it. Whites built thriving economies in places like Rhodesia and South Africa. These countries not only supported themselves, they even exported food to other places.
Now that black rule has taken over in these places, with even the white farmers being terrorized and replaced, these countries have been turned into hellholes that can’t even feed themselves anymore. White farmers have been replaced by black “farmers” who don’t bother farming and so people go hungry. And remember, it’s all the white man’s fault! Black farmers who won’t grow food are always the white man’s fault and don’t you dare forget that! Everything wrong in the world is the white man’s fault.
Another question comes to mind after reading Mr. Roberts’ article, which I was only able to quote in part. He noted that some whites were also attacking whiteness. The question arises, to me, and others, might it not be informative to check on the ethnicity of those whites who are helping to tear down their own civilization? Lots of folks might find the answer to that question quite enlightening.
I have yet one more suggestion. If white folks are all so evil and racist, why not let those who so roundly criticize them learn to do without all the terribly evil things whites have invented – things like automobiles, airplanes, telephones, indoor plumbing, electricity, air conditioning – you know, all that “evil” stuff that makes people’s lives more livable and comfortable. I’m sure those who hate the white races so much would be much more content if they just gave up all this “evil” stuff, don’t you think? But, as the man says, “Don’t hold your breath waiting for that.” These people want to enjoy all the modern conveniences with having assumed almost no responsibility for having created them. It’s great to criticize what you never created, but then try doing without it!
-By Al Benson Jr.

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
Small family farms are the future once again in the South. He who controls food, controls everything.