Faux Families at the Border

In April of 2021, we were informed that the cruel separation of children from their parents at the border had ended, that the policy of intentionally separating thousands of children from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border was finally over. These were not considered horrifying acts of individuals, but rather the official policy of the tyrannical U.S. government under the orders of the evil Orange Man. Therefore, the current American regime considers it their responsibility and they are accountable and responsible for providing full relief. To the parents and children that have been separated at the border, while crossing illegally, this means the U.S. government must take official action to reunite these families and offer permanent protection. This must also include restitution and mental healthcare. The grievous acts that these poor individuals have witnessed is so traumatic that there is just no possible way this can ever be corrected. I mean thousands of families ripped apart. This is the narrative that we have been fed. This is what the propaganda tells us. The truth, however, is far different.

Non Governmental Agencies (NGOs) will say things like: there is never a reason that children should be separated from their parents (unless, of course, they’re advocating for state-approved infanticide). Additionally, NGOs will argue, first and foremost, they are children regardless of their immigration status, and the child’s welfare should be the first thing that everyone should consider first. However, it is my argument that separating children from adults is exactly what is in the best interest of the child illegally crossing the border. Why do I say this? The first thing we have to acknowledge is that we are separating children from adults, not necessarily children from their parents. What is the difference you ask? The difference is that children that are crossing the border are not biologically related to the adults they are crossing with. These are fake families crossing the border, not real families.

A quick once over of the Customs and Border Patrol website tells an entirely different story than the one peddled by the liberal media. Fake families are crafted to get illegals across the border. Not only are kids being trafficked for sex, kids are being trafficked for fake families. Children and adults are given colored wristbands so that they know which child is supposed to be theirs. After the parents/adults are across the border and through customs, the child is then recycled to the coyotes and returned to Mexico again to start the process all over again. It’s a situation Border Patrol Agent Hermann Rivera faced often: an adult illegal alien approaching him with a child in tow, seeking asylum in the United States.  The linked CBP article goes on to tell how the agents are fathers and they comfort these children as best they can, which is probably the only consolation for the kids since they are treated as nothing more than an accessory, a means to an end, or something far worse (sex trafficking).

Government agents are literally being honest about the situation, and about not receiving any support. In this case, we have a first hand account of a border crossing. From the same linked CBP article:

“He initially stated that the child was his kid,” Rivera said. But after carefully checking his documents and pressing the issue, the man admitted the truth. “I’m not sure whose child this is,” Rivera said the man told Border Patrol agents when he finally revealed the truth.

One Texas investigator found a telling anomaly in the cases she was investigating. Monica Maple, an HSI Special Agent, who has an extensive background in investigating human smuggling and child exploitation, has coined the phrase: “faux families.” The anomaly that she noticed is that males rarely had children with them previously while crossing the border. In 2019, that had changed though, now 50% of males crossing the southern border had children with them. ICE had instituted a rapid DNA test, this alone in six months showed that nearly 30% of families crossing the border were fake. That is 3,000 fraudulent cases of families.

This is all old information from a couple years ago (2019), so why is it important now? Because now the southern border is seeing hundreds of thousands of people crossing it every month. Haitians are pouring over the border, and if they have families they are not even given a notice to appear. They are simply asked to start the immigration process once they settle. While most of the individuals crossing the border will receive a notice to appear, they’ll simple ignore it. If the group looks like a family, they are only asked to go to the local immigration office when they arrive, which won’t happen, either. The majority of them will go get fake identification and start their life in the declining American Empire.

The imperial southern border no longer exists (in any meaningful way for the legal citizenry). And, the fact that the government has “stopped separating families” is really just an open door policy and a tacit endorsement of child trafficking. Finally, the time for Texas secession was yesterday. Get to it, or expect more faux families and sex trafficking at the border.

-By Dixie Anon

One comment

  1. Wow! Eye opening amount of coordination that goes on. I knew it was sophisticated, but arm bans? That’s like the Fast Passes and Disney World.

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