When the World Needs a Hero, Some Men Don’t Wait

A human asteroid belt devoid of agency drifts aimlessly around America. Just as gravity places no burden on floating rocks, it’s unconstrained by abstract thinking that would project a sequential set of actions and consequences unfolding over a span of time. It’s going to smash anyone unfortunate or unwise enough to avoid proximity.

I follow Chinese language media, and I’ve noticed that this is a principle they can’t seem to grasp unless they’ve spent time enjoying America’s diversity. In East Asia, the notion that someone would bludgeon an elderly person on the street for fun is inconceivable. It’s probably never happened a single time in one of those countries.

When their media replays clips from the U.S. hysteria, many assume that there must be a campaign of hate directed against Asians. It’s deeply shocking for them to watch an old lady get pummeled in a wheelchair, while one of us would shrug and say, “just another day.” This is what black people do to each other, and any other targets of opportunity passing through.

There’s nothing any of us can do about it except avoid danger as best we can. Unfortunately, there’s nothing black people can do about it either. I noticed that Ethan Ralph was hosting a debate between an Israeli rabbi and Captain Tazaryach, some sort of high-ranking Black Hebrew Israelite. I tuned in because I think these people are hilarious and I fully support their right of return to Israel. Also, this is to blacks what Q-Anon is to MAGA types. It would be naïve to discount the popularity based on its abject stupidity.

Obviously, the rabbi won. The main thrust of his rhetoric was that this guy was clueless, and he repeatedly challenged him to read something in Hebrew if he claimed to be fluent in the language. The captain constantly complimented himself like a rapper, along with “you ain’t even on my level” unsubstantiated put-downs of the rabbi. The more nonsense he spouted, the more confirmation bias he provided of his own genius.

The sad truth is that the captain might not be the sort of hero that Black America needs, but he’s what it got. He can legitimately say that he is a black man espousing a black ideology because he wants to further his people. Obama could never make that assertion. Black politicians receive a freer hand in racial rhetoric and legal misconduct, but not when it comes to criticizing who’s really in charge. Just ask Cynthia McKinney, for example.

All their mainstream advocacy organizations are pretty much as astroturfed as the GOP. If they went off script, doors would close and the money would dry up. By contrast, the captain funds himself with a “body butter” business, as best I can tell.

Blacks who are smart enough not to get into this sort of stuff still harbor affinities and antipathies, but they collect the diversity checks and go on with their lives. There’s too much money available to functional blacks for them to toss all of that away on a fool’s errand. Google’s chief diversity strategist recently learned that the hard way. Thus, it falls on the likes of the captain to provide Black America with an authentically black sovereignty movement.

There’s been a lot of hype about Tulsa’s “Black Wall Street” that was supposedly destroyed by a white firebombing raid 100 years ago. There’s no Wall Street but Wall Street. While I suspect they had more going on than a dice game, they sure didn’t get invited to send a delegation to the 1910 meeting on Jekyll Island either.

That was once the case with places that didn’t exist and events that didn’t happen.

Years ago, I got hired to do a research project on a Southern city’s prominent deceased blacks from around the time slavery ended until the Civil Rights Movement. They had demonstrable success in developing a black community with shops, newspapers, physicians, etc. It was structured around the leadership of various churches.

Currently, it’s the most dangerous part of town. It’s always been the black area, so it was probably always the most dangerous one. However, it was clearly less dangerous and far more functional than it is now. Most of it is dilapidated and subsidized by taxpayers. It mainly generates revenues for corporations and businesses run by Koreans and Subcontinentals. In the past, it generated revenue for a black middle class that helped supervise the rest of them.

If Black America is ever going to get back to being something other than a decrepit warzone, that process would be predicated on a few things:

  • Protection from outside business competition;
  • An end to diversity dollars that disincentivize higher IQ blacks from useful economic activities in their community in favor of easy checks for doing nothing; and
  • The imposition of a cultural model that fundamentally rejects their baser instincts.

Unless these preconditions are implemented, they’re stuck with Captain Tazaryach blathering about how they’re destined to rule the world as the bullets wiz by. I doubt this would ever happen, I’m just listing them as a means of quickly conceptualizing why the situation is unfixable.

Best of luck, captain. You have my respect.


  1. Business puts me in regular contact with a well educated (mechanical engineer) 50+ successful conservative black guy with a large family living in an affluent white enclave.

    He struggles mightily with the train wreck of amped-up black America. He sees it for what it is and correctly diagnoses why it is dysfunctional and the obvious steps (stronger families, enforce the law, behave in public, etc.) to self-correct.

    And yet…he (and probably all even moderately self-aware blacks) is trapped in massive cognitive dissonance. Whether it is believing in a Black Israelite or Kangz/Wakanda-esque mythology, or a less embarrassing but equally untrue story of a “time not so long ago” when black America was healthy, strong, and innovative, it is all unbelievable and they know it.

    I hear it in his tone and see it in his face that the deep truth about racial differences, group potential, and inevitable destiny is too much to confront. You either quietly sustain the myths to simply get by or double down and aggressively act-out because the growing sense that a reckoning is coming is both humiliating and threatening.

  2. Completely ridiculous, laughable. It’s a great troll , but the Captain is an imbecile. The Zionist cleaned his clock. I’ve listened to two of these conversations with the Captain, and I have lost time and brain function.

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