Considering the Consequences

The Fog of War is a documentary featuring Robert McNamara that I highly recommend. Here’s a key bit of dialogue between him and Kennedy during the Cuban Missile Crisis:

McNamara: Mr. President, we need to do two things, it seems to me. First, we need to develop a specific strike plan. The second thing we need to do is consider the consequences. I don’t know quite what kind of a world we’ll live in after we’ve struck Cuba. How do we stop at that point? I don’t know the answer to this.

Kennedy: The chances of this becoming a much broader struggle are increased as you step up the…uh….talk about the danger to the United States….

This sort of conversation clearly doesn’t happen around the tables of the malicious parasites who’ve consolidated a stranglehold on America. They don’t ponder their actions and objectives in morally and strategically responsible terms. This character flaw has been noted and resented for millennia.

Let’s take two of their initiatives and consider some consequences. First, waging an unrelenting campaign of vilification and demographic displacement against the peaceful and productive white majority that the country requires to function. Second, using dishonest propaganda to enrage blacks by convincing them that they’re being subjected to wanton murder at the hands of white people and law enforcement.

An obvious consequence is that it becomes impossible to lull enough citizens into a sense of complacency to prevent a general questioning of the nation’s illegitimate power structure, particularly after a senile man was installed as president through fraud.

A second is that the black population has successfully been incited to rage, with a series of extreme precedents set for how illegally it’s acceptable for them to act upon this rage. That comes with repercussions for the economy, public safety, and the ability to field competent law enforcement personnel.

A third is clear to us but not to them. More and more whites have become alienated as they watch blacks commit mayhem while their very existence is being condemned as evil and they suffer pervasive discrimination. The parasites think initiative #2 puts another nail in our coffin, but in reality, it’s fueling growing opposition to initiative #1.

For hypothetical purposes, let’s assume they wanted to stop at this point because they’ve realized this will eventually be a disaster for themselves. They don’t know the answer to that one because none they’d find palatable exists.

It’s impossible to demobilize an army of anti-white crusaders who’ve spent their whole lives getting imbued with hate. They can’t reverse migration policies, thereby making the implicit admission they were wrong all along. Blacks are never going to suddenly believe that they’re misinformed about whites and start behaving. Whites are never going to stop noticing in ever-increasing numbers that they’re the targets of a deliberate offensive being waged on multiple fronts.

The people who stole America never considered the consequences of this offensive because it was launched through malignant instincts and emotions. If Kennedy was one of them, we’d probably be mutants dwelling in an irradiated wasteland.