Time for White History Month

As of this writing, we are approaching the mid-point of the most sacred of months, Black History Month. This is the only month during which anything remotely historical is discussed at length and the veracity of most claims is dubious at best. The progressives and media/industrial complex has been using more overt than usual onslaught of anti-white talking points and images of brown faces engaging in activities foreign to most Whites. The topic of this article is redundant, perhaps even blasé, to most of us in dissident circles, but elsewhere, in the hinterlands of Dixie, a myriad of politically-aware Whites enter the month with a sense of melancholy at having been set adrift by “their man” Trump.

These Whites find themselves, some for the first time, waking up to the realization that they are now foreigners in their own country. These Whites, beset on all sides by hostile actors, cry out for someone to shine a light and point the way forward. As the embers of a dying fire may be reignited by a strong gust of wind, so too must we breath new life into the embers of the White soul and promulgate the history of our people. We must call for a White History Month. Much of the foundation has already been laid in the hearts and minds of our people. Constant deluges of equality rhetoric have conditioned average people to believe in something like racial advocacy, and White Christians know they have been left behind in identity politics, despite their sensing they have a legitimate claim to advocate for themselves.

I understand that a Negro preacher has already assigned July to Whites, but Whites, and especially Southern Whites, need to break the habit of only acting when given permission from non-whites. For a number of reasons, a few of which I will discuss, August is likely the best candidate. During the month of August there are no other major holidays to suck the energy out of the discussion or be capitalized upon by a neo-liberal marketing campaign. August’s namesake is Emperor Augustus of ancient Rome; admittedly Rome persecuted Christians but later went on to become a heavily Christianized empire. When Pope Gregory was revamping the Julian calendar, he saw fit to leave August named as it was. There is much history baked into the name alone.

Now for the tricky part. How to get the word out? This is not a call for a rally, this is not a call for a sticker campaign or even a newfangled “Facebook group.” This is a demand that Whites wake up and consciously and intentionally discuss their heritage. Come August 2021, get on the phone and call your family and talk about it with them, the next time your at the local watering hole with your buddies tell them about the accomplishments of White inventors like Edison and Ford or statesmen like Jefferson and Calhoun, sneak fliers into church bulletins if you’re feeling brave, block your number using *67 and call into local radio stations under some other pretense and shout “Happy White History Month!” The good Lord said go forth and multiply, not divide.

Let me reiterate, do not attend a rally. If someone tells you there is a White History Month rally or social media campaign, they are lying. Do not attach your name and face to this unless you’re talking to close friends and family in privacy, do not produce tangible materials in relation to White History Month; it’ll only be used as evidence against you in your show trial.

Good luck, God bless, and Happy White History Month!

– By Hugh Glass


  1. Now let’s get those markers/statues of Honor for our American Southern ancestors back up for such as Forrest, Lee, Stonewall, Davis, Stuart et, al
    and Belle Boyd (aka “La Belle Rebelle”) , Rose O’Neal Greenhow (aka “Wild Rose”), Varina Howell Davis, Mary Boykin Chesnut, and to The United Daughters of the Confederacy (UDC) who put up the markers for us so as to honor our ancestor … https://dixieoutfitters.com/2015/04/04/confederate-ladies/

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