Devastating Military Recruitment in 2024

The United States military is a product. That is something that is hard for Baby Boomers and most GenXers to comprehend, because they see the military as a constitutionally enshrined (and constricted) governmental service. That is a legacy of a pre-volunteer military mindset coupled with 1980s nostalgia. While it is true – the military’s core function is supposed to be the defense of these United States – the “employee body” is comprised of young volunteers and it requires a fresh crop of recruits annually to survive in its present form. Correspondingly, this places the military into a unique position of competing with alternatives for that said crop of recruits. In essence, the Department of Defense must find ways to make itself the more appealing alternative to its top competitor – universities. In this regard, U.S. military recruitment is like any other product as it pertains to marketing and advertising.

To remain relevant, the military must continue to attract “consumers”: impressionable 18 – 24-year-old young adults, primarily males. It is failing. This is an incredible opportunity for our movement.

The purpose of this article is not intended to help the U.S. military. It is intended to further exacerbate that failure. Our most important mission is to break a degenerate United States in half, such that a Free and Independent Dixie can arise from the ashes of that former empire. To do so, the easiest way we can target and accelerate the collapse of the U.S. is through exploiting the option likely to have the greatest impact on the current regime in power. Devastating military recruitment is the most readily available, legal opportunity presented to us.

A core component of the failing ability of the U.S. military to recruit in the 21st Century is that the U.S. military has a marketing problem. That is not to say that it has an advertising problem – in business sciences, the two are separate disciplines. The core of marketing is data collection and subsequent quantitative analysis related to consumer insight. The result of those analytics should dictate the methods used to attract consumers (e.g., advertisements, promotions, etc.). Whether or not the military understands that which drives its consumer is debatable. Regardless, it is clear that even if the military rank and file within the recruiting commands of the various services understand what helps and harms recruitment, the policy directives of both civilian and senior military leadership within the Department of Defense run in direct opposition to the needs of recruitment.

Although they will never admit it, the fact is, the U.S. military has become a social justice petri dish. That is not unique to Presidents Obama or Biden. Many of the social justice elements that are deeply interwoven into the modern military’s operating culture went into hyperdrive throughout a Trump Administration that never really understood the nature of a military brass that simply ignored Trump’s sporadic civilian leaders and ham-fisted approach to policy. That which senior leaders liked, they embraced. That which senior leaders did not like, they placed on the back burner – betting there would be no second term for the Trump Administration. The cumulative result will be sixteen years of a constant leftwing orbital shift that is way out of touch with ordinary Americans. For recruiting commands that have no power over strategic policy, they have been forced to attempt to override a damaged brand reputation with greater incentives, such as more money for college and/or larger recruitment bonuses. Decades of marketing research, however, has proven that incentives do not work when the brand’s reputation is damaged, and the damage is not addressed. In effect, you can offer coupons for free cheeseburgers, but if the reputation of those cheeseburgers is that they give the consumer E.coli, and no one has addressed the E.coli issue, then the coupons will go unused. This is especially true if there are alternatives to be had, a lesson that Bud Light learned. For the military, the alternative is often college.

In an environment whereby student loans are easily obtained and there are no consequences to non-payment of those loans (except a bad credit score), the U.S. military has had to find other ways to inspire voluntary enrollment. After all, one of the key benefits of joining the military was a “free” or significantly subsidized college education. From the G.I. Bill to the Army College Fund to various state university programs that offer free veteran education, joining the military was a way in which lower-to-middle income children could advance their socioeconomic status through higher education. With subsidized loans and the perennial promise of some kind of mass student debt forgiveness, the higher education benefit simply does not have the same appeal it had in the 1950s – 1990s. That makes one coupon down.

The alternative to the military higher education message was that of “job skills.” It is not an accident that the elimination of technical education programs in the United States occurred at about the same time as the introduction of the all-volunteer military. The military-industrial complex is its own beast with its own needs. Never underestimate the power of self-serving interests, even when those interests dovetail with the interests of other actors or elements.

Returning to the topic, if you were an early twenty-something who joined the military with a reasonable Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test score, you could learn a number of lifelong, professional skills, such as data entry, plumbing, electrical work, aircraft maintenance, etc. Forgoing college and joining the military provided an opportunity for the less academically inclined to emerge with a career or journeyman status within the trades. Better yet, such a tradesman had the potential to exit the Army with a significant bonus and no student debt – placing him financially well ahead of his peers. However, the messaging of the military has largely moved away from its previous blue-collar marketing for a number of reasons, but the short answer is presumed interests. Young people do not seem particularly interested in learning “dirty” labor skills. Thus, another coupon down.

Finally, one of the key drivers of military recruitment was an appeal to patriotism. This was the bread and butter of the military for decades. Impressionable young men – especially Southern White men – were driven to join a military that they saw as honorable. They joined to defend the Constitution and these United States. To these young men, who often derived from families comprised of an enlisted lineage, the pinnacle of their lives was their willingness to die in battle to defend against enemies foreign and domestic. But patriotism is not that cool anymore for a myriad of reasons. Unlike the incentive gimmicks of college funds and signing bonuses, this driver is not an incentive built by recruiting commands, but one that is built from within a broader society. Not only is that crumbling outside of the military, but senior level policy makers have also targeted those few who would likely join the U.S. military for patriotic reasons.

Potential black recruits have been fed a steady diet of anti-American vitriol for the last five decades. It has gone into hyper-drive since the emergence of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement approximately ten years ago. Everything about the United States has been portrayed as an outgrowth of White supremacy and the protection of those institutions and principles – to include the Constitution – are now seen as elements of systemic White imperialism or reactive fragility. Why would anyone volunteer to join a military designed to perpetuate their oppression? Even more importantly, why would anyone join a military whereby the black leaders within the military have complained that the institution is racist to the point whereby they felt personal harm? After all, if the racist military can impede the promotion of an educated officer (soon to be the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs), how can a young black male with a high school diploma expect to receive fair treatment? The cumulative impact of anti-American, social justice rhetoric amplified by messaging from senior military officers of color will suppress recruitment.

More importantly, however, is the cumulative impact of anti-White and anti-Christian rhetoric from the United States government, media, academia, and elected political leaders. Non-Hispanic, black citizens account for approximately 12% of the population, and they are shrinking rapidly as a demographic cohort. The recruitment demographic that is most critical to U.S. military recruitment is the much larger pool of White teenagers and early-twenty-somethings. At present, Non-Hispanic Whites constitute approximately 65% of the total American population. That, too, is shrinking rapidly. Still, nearly 56% of potential recruits are Non-Hispanic Whites and the vitriol levied against them has divorced them from a United States that not only openly hates them for being White, but they are also no longer actively recruited.

If you look at current recruitment content, the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) push has effectively forced White males out of recruiting content. There is almost no representation of young White males in advertisements any longer. Long gone are the Marine Corps videos of “The Few. The Proud. The Marines.” Rather, Marine Corps recruiting attempted to embrace popular terminology of the political Right by appealing to “nation,” while depicting everyone other than Whites as part of that nation. The messaging from the United States military has been crystal clear: we do not want White recruits. Unironically, groups like “Patriot Front” have done a far better job enticing White teenagers to equate patriotism and nation to race versus the military’s ham-fisted attempts at DEI inspired anti-racist/anti-White marketing strategies centering “nation” as a post-White America.

The military’s anti-White shift in advertising may have been justified if the military still had White veterans imploring their White children to join the military. That is no longer happening. Veterans are not only far more conservative as a group (that may change in the future), but they are also statistically more politically engaged then the average American. Consequently, while average American citizens may be less likely to notice the definitively anti-White vitriol of the modern military, White veterans are speaking openly about Critical Race Theory (CRT) and the politically weaponized Covid vaccine to their children. This is all having a suppressing effect on recruitment potential.

The cumulative impact of the American recruiting landscape is further exacerbated by a U.S. military that spends a lot of money on urban marketing professionals to assist its recruiting endeavors. Contrary to popular beliefs, the vast majority of military service members are not country boys. While it is true, there are disproportionately more rural and exurban recruits then urban ones due to sheer volume (i.e., there are less rural citizens then urban ones), the happy hunting ground of American military recruiting is found in the suburban pockets that surround larger cities, especially in the South and Midwest. The U.S. military needs successful marketing campaigns that target the suburbs of Cleveland, Dallas, St. Louis, and Nashville. The problem is that most of the major marketing firms have very little insight into these markets. They are generally geared toward nationalized campaigns with a high focus on urban and major market (i.e., Los Angeles, New York, Chicago) consumption. That is a problem for the U.S. military, but it gets worse.

At the exact same time that urban based marketing professionals are guiding military advertising to achieve recruitment goals, the U.S. military is engaged in a massive social justice experiment. Even if the social justice experiment is minimal, it does not matter. It has an immediate impact on perception because social justice initiatives are inherently unstoppable and always have a snowball-avalanche effect. If the military is embracing CRT – which it is – this will only reinforce the importance of social justice marketing to their service providers – the advertising community – who will seek marketing biases to justify advertising campaigns that comport with the views of decision makers. In other words, if senior military leaders want confirmation bias in marketing data, marketing professionals will give them confirmation bias. The snowball (i.e., policy du jour) is compounded by more snow added to the snowball (i.e., manufactured marketing data), until such time that the messaging begins to accumulate an out of control, unsustainable messaging campaign that wrecks its target market like an avalanche. Here is where this gets great for us.

Despite mountains of anecdotal assertions that Generation Z (born between 1997 – 2012) are the most liberal demographic cohort in generations, polling data has shown something very different. Whereas it is true, the generation is more broadly left of center, that is because females are overrepresented in almost every poll that has been conducted. When “Zoomer” males are polled and analyzed, they turn out to be one of the most hard-right generations ever analyzed. In effect, females are becoming more leftwing, males are becoming more rightwing. We can delve into the reasons why young males are becoming more rightwing, but that will have to be a topic for another article. More important is how this impacts U.S. military recruitment because it exemplifies the cumulative impact of leftwing policy decisions on recruiting and gives our movement incredible opportunities.

Policy makers will often encourage the promotion of DEI pronouncements and excuse these promotions as part of some cool attempt to connect with young Americans. The problem is that they are not connecting with young Americans. They are much like the old guy trying to be hip. They are actually pushing them away. A case in point would be the horribly mocked cartoon commercial of a young female Army recruit with two lesbian mothers out of San Francisco. Mocking did not originate from GenXers (the other hard-right demographic that happens to be the parents of GenZers). Mocking originated from Zoomers who found the commercial cringy and pathetic. Within minutes of release, the ridiculously leftist cultural mishmash was compared to Chinese and Russian recruitment videos featuring hardened men training constantly. Even if the military put out more inspiring promotional material, no one remembers those commercials. They remember the woke social justice warrior recruit who is now a junior NCO impacting promotion decisions.

Demographic and generational voting trends provide even more unique data because they show a hardening along fault lines. One comprehensive data set on GenZ voting was conducted by Murmuration, with contributions from SocialSphere and The Walton Family Foundation. The data set, conducted in December 2022 shortly after the midterm election, showed a sharp division built into the data. The number of Evangelical Christians rose among GenZers, while mainstream Protestantism fell. As a whole, however, faith did not take that much of a dip overall. It dropped four percentage points as a self-identifier, which is not nearly as precipitous a drop as anecdotally reported in mainstream media outlets. More striking was the fact that 75% of GenZers considered faith as “Very Important” or “Somewhat Important” to their own life. That was nearly identical to adults over the age of 26, who stated it was 77% very or somewhat important. Noting that GenZ is young and people tend to grow more religious as they get older, this is indicative of a generation that is more conservative than thought. But it gets better for the Dissident Right.

Sexual identification has clearly changed. Only 75% of respondents claimed to be heterosexual versus 92% of older cohort respondents. The largest difference was in the self-identified “bisexual” category, that rose 300% (from 3% to 9%). Self-identified “gays” accounted for only 2% and lesbians stayed at 1%. The vast majority who did not identify as heterosexual answered, “None of the Above,” “I Don’t Know,” “Prefer Not to Say,” or “Refused.” The largest overall category increase was a sexual self-identifier entitled “queer” – of which 4% claimed some label within a catchall category that ran a broad gamut from so-called pansexual to asexual. In other words, the Far Right incel who has never had sex could easily find himself in a sexual category that is lionized by the political Left. The reason this is important is because modern identitarian discourse has tried to weaponize sexuality as a tool for political exploitation. The U.S. military has embraced this whole heartedly, as evidenced by their over-the-top promotion of LGBT propaganda during so-called Pride Month. What this study tells me is something very different. Generation Z – the U.S. military’s core recruitment demographic – is hardening on one side of the political spectrum or the other, while the increasingly smaller middle is refusing to give a clue as to how they feel about certain societal topics.

The beauty of this kind of research is that it enables the Dissident Right, and especially Southern Nationalists, to target the elements of GenZ that are more likely to be inclined toward military recruitment in ways that make military recruitment undesirable for the hardening 50% of GenZ. In essence, we do not have to worry about transgenders, homosexuals, or left leaning females – all of which the major recruiting commands are required by force of policy to concentrate upon. With the exception of leftwing females, the outlier population cohorts are not growing to any meaningful effect. They are certainly not growing at replacement levels whereby the military can offset heterosexual White Christian males with sexually amorphous atheists. We can focus on the majority of potential recruitment pools while recruitment commands are forced to concentrate on minority pockets of the population.

More importantly, the other larger recruitment pools – such as Hispanic or black males – may not appreciate being tied to the sexually amorphous atheists that the military is now required to elevate. Whereas recent racially motivated cultural antagonisms have them hating White males, that does not mean young black males will be drawn to a military that is pro-homosexual simply because it deters White males. The same can be said for Hispanics.

We simply need to focus our messaging like a laser beam on two groups: GenZ White Christian males and GenX veterans. Our strategy should hyper-inflate perceptions that the military is anti-Christian, anti-White, and homosexual. While these are substantive facts – the military is anti-Christian, anti-White, and disproportionately homosexual – these need to be the three most important elements of social media engagement. Memes, videos, and other entertaining methods of engagement should serve to educate GenZ on various anti-White and pro-LGBT military initiatives. They need to be truthful, deriving messaging from actual military policy. In this regard, recruitment commands cannot compete with our ability to remain nimble and factual with our communications objectives.

Meanwhile, for Generation X veterans – the various recruiting commands’ force multiplier within the population – the message has to power down on the fact that this is “not Reagan’s military anymore.” The most important message to GenX veterans is the following: Do you know the consequences of a dishonorable discharge? Do you really want your White Christian son to join a U.S. military in which he can find himself with a dishonorable discharge on the basis of an accusation of racism, sexism, genderism? Even if he escapes that fate – what are his chances for promotion in a military that now embraces Critical Race Theory as the core of its senior leadership operating culture? By appealing to both the nostalgia of GenX for a once pro-American society, as well as its sacrosanct belief in meritocracy over “equity,” we can dismantle the desire of veterans to promote military service to their sons. This gets more poignant when we consider the myriad of anti-Southern initiatives led by the current U.S. military.

In an environment whereby the U.S. military is renaming bases and tearing down monuments to Southerners – to include peace monuments at cemeteries – one simply needs to hammer home the innate animosity toward Southerners held by the current Department of Defense. Ask the following of a GenX veteran from the South: Do you honestly believe that your son with a Southern drawl will get a fair shake in a military that today openly hates Southerners and the South? The minute he says, “y’all,” he is a marked man. Again, appealing to nostalgia, meritocracy, and in this case, indignation, has to be the core of our messaging aimed at GenX.

This is a golden opportunity for Southern Nationalists. Military recruitment continues to fall year-over-year. Senior military leadership and civilian policy makers are incapable of looking beyond their ideological blinders to address perceptions of anti-White bias. The recruiting commands are powerless. They are forced to work within the restrictive confines of policies made outside of their control. Marketing companies that serve the military are simply doing their best to keep a client, reinforcing policy biases with disastrous recruiting results.

The U.S. military is on the ropes – ropes of their own making. It is time we do in 2024 what we were not able to do in 1865: finish them.


  1. It’s really amazing watching the downfall of the Washington Regime happen in real time

    In Ancient Rome, this same process took, at a minimum, decades if not 100+ years

    For those who find themselves in the “far right incel” category, the political orientation of young women isn’t something to worry about. The last two women I’ve dated and one whom I’m currently dating are/were both leftist Berniebro Reddit types

    Women’s states political orientation is basically irreverent— even more of feminists like a man who makes them feel safe and is also a good listened

    Just be cool around women and don’t give away your power level too fast— don’t be a sperg— and they’ll glom onto you like flies on pie 🥧

  2. The young men who would have been attracted to military special ops units like the Army SF, SEALs etc should seriously look at becoming a electrical power company lineman. This takes a similar combination of brains, brawn, and guts. Power companies will pay trainees to learn the trade. Young fit linemen often get their ticket and don’t even work for a company, they just wait for the call to go out after a natural disaster, be it a hurricane or a big freeze. Men in their 20s are making six figures working six months per year. The rest of the time they are surfing, touring the country on motorcycles, hunting, whatever they want. As the approach 30 and might want to settle down and have a family, they can take their pick of major electrical power companies and get the steady salary and full benefits. Any kid who asks me about becoming a SEAL etc, I tell them to look this way. Their are tons of YouTube videos showing fit young men climbing the power poles for big bucks. So, instead of learning to snipe a foreign “Haji” at 1,000 yards, you’ll learn how to restore electrical power after a disaster. Which skill do you think will be more valuable in your county and state in the next decade?

    1. Lineman1776 and myself are both in the line trade.
      Bracken is correct; it’s a wonderful career

    2. Good choice. There’s also “mobile RV repair,” for the slightly less macho. School’s 7 weeks. After about a year they can live anywhere and make 6 figures, and it’s not fixing engines etc it’s light stuff … a/c, water leaks etc.

      Regarding recruiting, you have to sort of think tank it through. As (((they))) go down we need a strong new militia to carry us through the “transition!” Small independent militias must be “coordinated,” and able to communicate with each other. Supposedly Doug Hagmann and Randy Taylor are working on this at

      We can’t have NO military protections during transition. Maybe formal militia recruiting & training could be created … where they’re paid part time and helped into a skill? Emphasize to them what a joke college has become and how that’s not the answer anymore.

    3. Brilliant idea from a retired Navy SEAL who has sailed all over the world in the 48 foot sailboat he built himself. Our military today is run by Communist Trannys who do not have any concern for their troops.

      Bracken knows what he is talking about. Did you see his Post Script: [PS and FYI: You don’t need to join the military to learn to put a projectile into a ten-inch circle at 1,000 yards.]

    4. Good points. We had a big storm role through town two months ago. Talking with one of the linemen, he told me the lowest paid guy on their crew made $120k last year. He was 20.

  3. I recently had an idea about how to legally and peacefully break the back of the federal leviathan, and I would love to hear other opinions on it. This epiphany came based on the realization that we can never have the independence our forefathers left to us because we have become entirely dependent upon the system for our Earthly sustenance. Whereas in the founders’ era likely 90% of what they consumed was produced within 25 miles of their homes, we are today dependent on global supply chains to provide that which we need to survive.

    I grew up in an area where there was a significant population of old order Mennonites, and even today when visiting I’ll still get stuck behind a horse and buggy on the road. It was common to mock them for their adherence to the archaic, until I recently realized how little they contribute to the system which seeks to destroy or enslave all of humanity.

    So the idea is this; what if, on the occasion of the 250th anniversary of the Declaration, Americans were to begin a combination general strike and general boycott? By that I mean voluntarily dropping out of their economy to speed its collapse. Obviously not everyone would do it, but even a 5% participation rate would substantially slow the velocity of money an shrink revenues to governments at all levels and corporations.

    For my part I’ve been trying to reduce my participation in their economy, and encouraging others to do the same, because mass non-participation is the only non-violent way to collapse the corrupt system, or more accurately to remove the support and allow it to collapse, and the occasion of our Sestercentennial seems like a glorious time to kick it off in earnest.

    1. Excellent idea Gimpy,I’ve been living minimally for years.And in reality we do better without all the useless junk items and brainwashing entertainment so many waste their hard earned dollars on.For me,no vacations,no movies,no bars(don’t drink anyway),no dining in restaurants,minimal clothing and furnishings,and older vehicle.I still buy books and a few Southern heritage items because I enjoy them.Once again great idea and I’m on board.I would also suggest people live in smaller houses.Its become absurd when two or three people live in a home that is five times as big as houses our kinfolk raised large families in.And this deprives the beast of the high property tax on big or expensive houses.

  4. In Russia, since the beginning of the Year, over 240,000 Volunteers have signed up for at a minimum, two Years’ of ‘Contract Service’ – Not a Draft. This is on top of the 3- 400,000 Reservists (Veterans) recalled to Duty in the last Year.
    These are Men who know their Leaders are focused on Defending their Nation and People, not trying to Destroy it by judeo-bolshevik ‘social engineering’ and Perversion.

    Mr. Martin is correct in saying that the Way Forward is Through the Collapse – this Nation is no longer Functional, and is being Run Into the Ground by greedy, amoral ‘people’, most who have no Ethnic Connection or Loyalty to their fellow Citizens. You Know who they are.

  5. The main theme of Ayn Rand’s book, Atlas Shrugged, was a small group of people trying to hasten the demise of a failed United States. We are beyond repair. When my computer is acting up, I unplug it, count to 10, and start over.

  6. I am a Boomer veteran of the Navy, having served aboard five ballistic missile submarines from ’78 to ’03. I spent two years as a recruiter during my time in. For a long time after retirement I would encourage young people to join the military. It’s been probably ten years since I’ve done that, and for the last five have actively encouraged them not to go in the military. I ask them if they are willing to die for Raytheon and General Dynamics and George Soros. I ask them if they want their commanding officer to be a man in a dress. That question gets some opened eyes. Instead I encourage the skilled trades. Like my 33 year old daughter who is a journeyman Low Voltage electrician and is a year away from completion of the five year apprenticeship for Inside Wireman. $60 an hour with fringe benefits on top of that. No student loan debt.

    The author is right, normal Americans, especially whites need to stay out of the US military.

  7. Matt is 100% correct on his advice to today’s young guns. I know of one such ‘youth’ who is a lineman and lives the highlife exactly as he states. BTW Matt, we served on the same ship on the Beirut Tour of 83′-84′. Semper Fi.

  8. Recruitment is a construct of the white male patriarchy.
    Wunderwaffen, Magic Soil and the replacements will proceed on a world conquering tour with the Baizuo Karens of the faculty lounge HR department.
    Forward, si se puede!

  9. Why any self-respecting Southerner would ever consider joining the military representing the most wicked entity on planet earth – the U.S. government, is beyond me. And furthermore, I might add, this government has been the most wicked entity on earth since 1861. And it is now arming its revenue-stealing agency, the Independent Robbery Syndicate, to the hilt. (Also, the USDA….what are THEIR plans…..kill my dozen laying hens and my rooster right before they take me out?)

  10. MATT: I was on Shreveport LPD-12 (among other boats) and am pretty sure that’s where I saw you and your team always doing PT on x-lant. I remember you from your mustache and long hair 🙂
    Good memories, mostly but for…

  11. Great article. More info for helping with recruitment targeting:

    This was used to discredit the growth potential by claiming someone had to have all 3 answers in order to be open for recruiting by the A-R. But a positive answer to any of the 3 meant they were open to the message, and could be influenced towards the other 2 Qs.


    The data I’ve seen on GenZ is similar to what you posted. I’d add that it seems like GenZ isn’t so much more left or right, but more radical in both directions. They have far more wacko progressives than GenX, but also far more Angry Right. Especially when controlled for race, as GenZ is very non-White with predictable results on their average political stances.

  12. I was talking with a Marine recruiter from Monterey. He got a day off for meeting his monthly recruiting goals.

    This goal was to identify five (5) possible prospects who might pass physical and background (i.e. not fat, no obvious criminal record). This was not signing them up or getting them to take the asvab. It was more the equivalent of getting 5 phone “leads” for a call center.

    For this goal, the Marines paid this guy a monthly salary, benefits, and off-base housing. What is that? Like $5k-8K?

  13. Thanks for this interesting pov on America’s recruitment shortfall problem. I do believe that TPTB will simply reinstate the draft before things go Defcon 3. But we’ll see.

    Anyway, nice writing!

    1. They can also recruit from the Dominican Republic and other foreign countries. They’re more ‘reliable’ anyway. THEY won’t have any qualms about taking out the white native citizenry.

  14. God bless you Padraig.A man after my own heart.Yes we must pray to the Lord to finish them.They only deserve eternal Hell.I tell every young White man I talk to,do not join the military of our oppressor,they despise Christ and His children(Whites).We are persecuted because we are made in God’s image and our White nations were the only Christian places.That is why the demonic Jew seeks to destroy us.It is all easy to understand all that happens once that premise is in one’s thinking.I try never to miss one of your articles and gain much from your wisdom.God is collapsing the tools and means of our oppressors(Synagogue of Satan)and we must only have faith.It is sad to see our South slip away(I have watched this for 50 years)but we must thank God for allowing us to see the Bible fulfilled.Christ is coming soon and everything will be made right.The Jews don’t want money,they want to see everyone murdered.They love misery.Be happy,be resolute.Foil their goal of making us miserable.Defend your rights wisely but firmly.God gave us the internet because He wants truth.He despises the lies.You and all here do His will and I am proud to be part of this community.Keep up the great work and God bless and keep you and all here in good faith.

  15. I was a “push button” tin can sailor from 85-91 and am forever grateful for the wake up call provided by the USN. However; I would encourage the trades before active duty military to any young person asking me in 2023. Sad to say.

  16. If the mighty US military is scrabbling around to find one of its fighter aircraft then it gives a lie to the idea that patriot guerilla forces would be hunted down in no time by the all seeing eyes of the. satellites and killer drones. NATO is struggling to match the military supplies and capability of the broken down Russian Federation economy that’s under international sanctions, what a joke. Everything points to US military becoming a broken paper tiger whose only important function is money laundering for the globalists

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