Calamity – The Yankee Way

Recently, I’ve been reflecting a lot on history, given the current state of the country, and doing my usual trend of searching for patterns and other déjà vu moments that makes one pause and think, “wait, we’ve been here before.” Of course, the history I reflect on is through a much different lens than that of a normie; however, I do take into account what are considered normie-tier history events, albeit from a much different angle.

In doing so, one thing has stuck out to me repeatedly in regard to the Yankee. It would seem that with each passing decade there is some sort of new crisis. In fact, it has been a hallmark of the Yankee’s history. Their history is replete with calamity and crisis – an ongoing cycle of disjointed emergencies. Others have pointed out the hypocrisy of one who has ambitious and imperial intentions, yet cannot keep their own affairs in order. And, that level of calamity sums up the Yankee well – the petulant child.

We see this behavior reflected in the Yankee to this day, with their crude, foul mouth and indignant behavior affixed to those who refuse to toe the line of the Yankee (whatever it might happen to be at the time.) In truth, I would go so far to say that the Yankee is so underdeveloped and unrefined that they are arguably too moronic to see their own folly at play before their very eyes. There is a sort of astounding ridiculousness of it all.

The only thing that has miraculously kept them in a position of power has been their brutish and unethical behavior, wherein every problem is “solved” with a great application of force. In turn, it magnifies and exacerbates the problem even more significantly.

Financial problems? Just print more money, says the Yankee!

Someone not abiding by your perception of morality? Invade them, screams the Yankee!

Your citizenry is criticizing your tyrannical government? Implement the Sedition Act of 1798, declares the Yankee!

Want to coax another nation into a deadly world war (and wipe out 88% of their imported oil, all but guaranteeing conflict)? Embargo them, cries the Yankee!

Don’t like a former war-time ally and conservative country’s domestic policies? Just impose economic and political sanctions against them, shouts the Yankee!

Yes, it is very clear when we take a stroll back through history that it is the Yankee who has been perpetuating problems. The Yankee, on a fundamental level, is incapable of minding their own business – which is why they have such an incessant desire to tell you how to run your life, society, nation, etc.

Alas, do not be fooled by the Yankee, because in his mind he is great regardless of the fact that his success was bought and paved on the backs of others. Ironically, those same others who the Yankee once welcomed with open arms (so as to subjugate others under imperial rule) would also be those responsible for bringing about the policies which have ultimately led to the downfall of the Yankee. Think about the Yankee-introduced immigrants that have supplanted the old New England order.  

In return, we are reaping the fruits of this rotten tree which has been growing for decades. It is my greatest hope that just like a Florida wildfire scorches the pines and a new forest springs up in its place, a similar result occurs for Dixie. The only thing we must remember to do is to not let arrogance and our own eventual success get to our heads.

God bless you and God bless Dixie


  1. “Implement the Sedition Act of 1798, declares the Yankee!”

    In their minds, America® and her government, and themselves, are one and the same thing. Which places them above the Constitution and laws, and therefore, makes them the only important people in America®. Even the lowest ditch digger in Michigan believes this. Which is why Southerners who expect the people in the so-called “Midwest,” to join us in “taking back America®,” from the Northeast, will be sorely disappointed, and betrayed.

    1. No lie detected. It’s important to remember most midwesterner’s are of Germanic descent specifically from the 48er’s who were kicked out of the German Empire by Bismarck for being communist agitators. Later once they did settle in the midwest states after Germany was ferociously attacked by the Yankee propaganda machine as a result of WW1 they quickly shed their German roots and culture to invent a new one many may be familiar with but not where it comes from – American. In fact a lot of what was once popular culture at the time stems directly from them because the Yankee and jewish government recognized the advantage of detaching other groups it had brought under imperial rule from their roots so as to subvert them and redirect what they once supported to the American empire.

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