The Marjorie Taylor Greene Question

First off, let me say that I do not like Marjorie Taylor Greene (MTG), the newest Republican representative from Georgia. I think QAnon is stupid for one. At the very least, it’s a 4Chan prank meant to dupe people who have just started to realize how bad things really are but desperately want to believe there is someone at the top fighting for truth and justice. More than likely, I think it was just a psyops campaign. Ever since the crimes of Epstein were revealed, no one can claim with a straight face that we aren’t ruled by people depraved beyond all measure. Thus, QAnon serves as a way to muddy the water.

Now, anyone that raises these questions can be waved off as a nutty conspiracy theorist. It is also extremely foolish for her to make any kind of comment about killing an elected Democrat. Doing so is a good way to bring down the wrath of the federal government on you. Yes, I know that many people, including some high profiles ones, did this to Trump (which might be why MTG thought she would get away with it) but it is abundantly clear that there are two very different rule books for the Left and Right. Try to escape a horde of commies attacking your car and get convicted of first-degree murder. Burn down almost every major city for months on end and get nominated the Nobel Peace Prize. It’s something the Dissident Right learned a few years ago that the Normie Right is learning now.

That being said, she has also been accused of saying things she clearly has not said. “Jewish Space Lasers” comes to mind here. Not only in the most literal since that she did not use those words, but rather because she almost certainly doesn’t know of the significance of the Rothschild family. Remember, when normies criticize the Rothschilds or George Soros, they likely don’t know that they’re Jews, and if they do, they don’t think about it. Much like the vast majority of those who criticize the Kennedy Clan don’t really think about them being Irish. They are criticizing them for supporting leftists causes, which they obviously do. They don’t understand the connection between Jews and their support for leftists causes. I seriously doubt MTG has read The Culture of Critique or The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit.

Currently, there is a growing call to expel her from Congress, something I reject and is part of something far larger than one woman who fell for Q. Expelling members of Congress has been done before, but only for crimes and in the case of several representatives, siding with the Confederacy. In the case of MTG, the focus is on her political views, which no matter what one may think of them, are not a crime. The reason there is a push to expel her is because the Establishment is deeply worried that they will not be able to suppress the growth of rightwing populism. Part of the reason Trump floundered badly is because he had no firm allies in Congress, just a bunch of normie Republicans who put up with him because they thought they had to. The fear is that another rightwing populist will become president again, only this time with stalwart allies, thus allowing him to do more. The goal here is to get rid of MTG and replace her with someone more conventional, so if there is a Trump-like figure in 2024, they will have the same problem Trump did.

This is why I think she will be expelled, and may very well already be expelled by the time this is published. The Republicans want it, too. They want this off of their necks. They don’t want to be asked questions about her. They don’t want to see her appear in attack ads for Democrats in Colorado. More importantly, they want to make sure the next Trump, should there be a next Trump, has the same problem the last one did – he only has GOP-approved politicians that keep the base pacified. Plus, there is very little chance that a Democrat wins MTG’s district, so the GOP has nothing to lose by expelling her. The district is among the most conservative in the nation and Republicans frequently win elections around 3-1. It would take a near complete collapse of Republican turn out, and very good Democrat turn out, to flip the seat. And, that’s why it’s important to purge her.

It is a perfect seat then to test the waters. If MTG is expelled, then the precedent has been set and they can go after someone else. This time, without nearly as much baggage and, more importantly, in a district the Democrats can more easily win under the right conditions. Then another, until all the potential problems are gone and Congress is Democrat-dominated with a handful of gelded Republicans offering token resistance. The mask is off now that Trump is gone, and they will do anything they can to make sure that not only is there not another Trump, but that we are beaten down. Expel a few members of Congress for their ideology and the rest will get in line quick. Democrats and Establishment Republicans know what they are doing. More sober-minded populists must be careful not to walk into this trap. At the very least, I suspect she’ll be primaried in 2022, and if that happens, I predict she’ll be replaced by someone the Establishment likes, rather than someone like Pat Buchanan. Even if she is primaried, at least then the voters have some control over the matter. That will limit how far the purge can go.

If she’s expelled, the Left will know blood is in the water and will start pushing for more. It’s something we must brace for, until they expel Mitch McConnell. Then, we should all have a good laugh.

-By Harmonica


  1. What needs to be done is take down of the 17th for a return to true republicanism and 10th amendment sovereignty. The RINO’s are democratic communists (aka democratic dictatorship and al for global “messianic” Ceasarism)
    …Seventeenth Amendment to the United States Constitution
    The Seventeenth Amendment to the United States Constitution established the direct election of United States senators in each state (ie. answering to the temple of globohomo usury money power). The amendment supersedes Article I, §3, Clauses 1 and 2 of the Constitution, under which senators were elected by state.

    1. How can republican communists be RINOs, when the first republican president was a communist?

  2. Regardless of what Mrs Greene’s views of ‘Q’ are, I applaud her for going to the Putrid city to stir things up, and to try to do her part to cut the size of the federal leviathan. But given the fact that 99 percent of Republicans are fully in bed with the equally despicable Demonrats, she’s wasting her time. As George Carlin said, ‘Washington is a big club, and you ain’t in it.’

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