The GOP is Not for Me

It is time to face a tough fact: the South has no political home in the United States of America.  The Democratic Party long since abandoned the South.  Its strategy is clearly aligned with (largely urban) minority constituents, sexual degenerates from across the LGBT+ spectrum, and Marxist indoctrinated cat moms.  However, the Republican Party was supposed to be the conservative option.  It was the retooling of a Dixiecrat bloc that shared some traditionalist ideological camaraderie with Yankee elites.  That was a happy fantasy that has long since died.

Today, as monuments are torn down, our heritage is vilified, and politicians race to out-virtue signal each other on the backs of our deceased kin, the Republican Party – from Trump down – has proven that the South is on her own. It is time to walk away from that party. It is time to show those within the party that our loyalty to them comes with a price: loyalty to us.

Since the Republican Party has broken its agreement with the South, no self-respecting Southerner should vote Republican.

I am not suggesting you vote Democrat.  They are in full-blown Bolshevik mode. I am suggesting you do not vote for any of them – period.  Walk away.

For a long time, I have believed that the best path forward is a free and independent South.  The South is the last Godly Nation-State in the West.  Her people are overwhelmingly Christian.  Her people have a rich heritage that is distinct from the rest of the United States.  Much of that heritage – for good and bad – is often tied to a war for her own independence in the mid-19th Century and the post-war oppression of Reconstruction.  These unique attributes and cultural idiosyncrasies define a unique ethnicity.

Southerners are not generically “American,” Southerners are Southerners.

The Irish Nationalist in me recognizes these beautiful people for what they are – a people worthy of her own destiny.  She deserves better from a country to which she has given a disproportionate amount of her native sons to the beaches of the Pacific, the jungles of Vietnam, and the mountains of Afghanistan.  Now, as monuments to her departed kin are defiled and destroyed, she deserves protection from the one voice to whom she empowered to be her protector through the vote: the Republican Party.

And how has the GOP honored the South’s unwavering commitment to the party? Silence – at best.

The recent riots throughout the United States, perpetrated by Bolshevik extremists and antifa terrorists, are an indication that the country is lost forever. It is hard to imagine that anyone can re-piece this jigsaw puzzle together.  The best we could previously hope for was that our political leaders – the Republican Party – would stand their ground in the wake of the insane and obvious attempt to weaponize race to achieve systemic changes that are basically Marxist in orientation.  That clearly is not happening.

Instead, we got Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott groveling to the family of a man who was robbing a pregnant woman weeks before he was killed.  A Republican Senate that has its majority because of the South, just voted to rename historic bases that honored Southern heroes on Southern properties.  We have a Georgia House Speaker, Republican David Ralston, is now spearheading “hate crime” legislation that would effectively make it illegal to voice an unpopular opinion. The list of anti-Southern actions by Republicans grows daily.

At almost every turn, Republicans are betraying the very Southern voters who put them in power – all to placate a mob of violent radicals in the hopes that they may be able to hold onto approximately 10% of the Black vote in future elections.  

It is time to walk away.    

I still believe Southern independence can be achieved through a peaceful separation of states – but not with the GOP as the vehicle to implement that change.  Conservative, Godly legislation throughout the South on matters such as religious liberty, abortion, and pre-pubescent transgenderism would stand in such stark contrast to that of ungodly, leftist degeneracy in the North and West.  Such a stark contrast would eventually force an amicable divorce.  Even Bill Maher seemed to agree.

Of course, such a strategy requires a political will to do Godly acts with more fortitude than those we have today.  It is very clear by the actions of the GOP that the Republican party lacks such fortitude. If it can stand idly by while young boys in Republican Texas are encouraged to chemically castrate themselves, it should be no shock that it would surrender monuments to our brave ancestors.  

Florida Republican Rick Scott did something no previous Democrat in Florida had ever done.  He removed a statue commemorating Florida General Kirby Smith from state grounds.  Why? Because he wanted to win a seat in the federal Senate.  That is the same Republican Senate that just voted to strip the South of its military heritage from bases occupying Southern lands.

It is clear that the Republican Party has no interest in standing for the very constituency that puts it into power.  It is time to walk away from them.  I know what this means. A “no-vote” is a Democratic vote.  So what?  Our entire society is under constant barrage, anyway.  Perhaps, if the Republicans are forced to suffer a massive election defeat it might wake-up a new class of elected official.  Those elected officials may realize that the only way to stay in power is to support the very people who gift them such power with their vote.  

Do I believe the Left will take advantage of such an opportunity if we gift them a super majority?  Yes, I do.  Might some believe I am a political accelerationist?  Probably, but images throughout the country indicate accelerationism is already here, and the GOP has done absolutely nothing to stop the country from being destroyed by antifa terrorism or state sanctioned anarcho-tyranny.  In such an environment, I would rather we face the devil in front of us than the one stabbing us in the back.  And the Republican Party stabs us in the back at every turn.  

It is time to walk away from the Republican Party and show them that we can no longer tolerate their betrayal.  Walk away.  We will eventually be better for it.


  1. Unfortunately, the Republicans have us by the short hairs. Not to vote for them means a Democrat/Marxist majority and the imposition of a maoist/marxist dictatorship. Not to vote for them means the spread of Portland’s CHAZ/CHOP/CHOD to your own town.

    1. Relying on a government that hates you to save you seems like a pretty sorry position to be in.

    2. @Bob…

      Actually, Republicans do not have us by the short hairs.

      No, Sir, we have ourselves by the short hairs, this because we have spent decades in the hanging-off-the-cliff-by-our-fingers’ mode.

      Let The Democrats take over everything – because they will do something our sleepy-eyed brethren will never let us do – make our points for us.

      Let’s not keep tamping down this fire, but, instead, let it blaze.

      Let our fellow Southerners, and Smalltown and Rural cousins throughout this country, see what this really is.

      Then, and ONLY THEN, can progress begin to be made.

    3. Voting for Republicans assures a steady acquiescence toward the left. New American Magazine publishes a “Freedom Index” wherein every legislative bill is quantified for content that is either consistent with Constitutional principles or not so. All it takes to understand how we keep sliding to the left while steadily winning elections is to study the list provided that scores every single legislator with the percentage of the time they vote in favor of Constitutional principles. Honestly, I haven’t added them up and done the division but I’d guess the average sitting Democrat votes for our Constitutional principles 20% of the time; and the average Republican 60% of the time. Sounds good right? Not so. The average GOP office holder is voting against the Constitution almost half of the time. How long do you think it takes to reach Communism at that rate? Well; here we are, and it is obvious how we got here, the left had no real opposition. Johnny Isakson (GA), just stepped down but he and the other Georgia Senator, David Perdue are poster boys that illustrate the problem. Isakson maintained a “Freedom Index” score of 50% and Perdue, 53%. All conservatives in Georgia think these guys are like “us”, conservatives; but they are not, and GOP office holders all over American have been getting away with this bad act for decades. Internet search “New American Magazine – Freedom Index”.

  2. It 👏🏻 Is 👏🏻 Time 👏🏻 To 👏🏻 Form 👏🏻 A 👏🏻 New 👏🏻 Party 👏🏻

    1. I agree. A Southern Nationalist Party. It’s also time for the Texas Nationalist Movement to become an active political party, as well.

    2. Remember the Tea Party? The Repubicans will just try to subsume the new party. There is no voting our way out. There,sadly: the first time I have said that.

  3. You’re not alone, Padraig. Over the last few weeks I’ve come to terms with the reality that the GOP despises me and every other man of who loves his family, his history, his heritage and his homeland. To continue to participate in this charade is a waste of time.

    Our rulers have no stake in our future, have relatives who work for Big Pharma and in the media. One of my Senators (R) voted in favor of federal gun registration during Obama’s 2nd term. My Congressman (R) is a carpetbagger from another state who uses Conservative Inc. funds to buy his office every 2 years. He constantly votes for increased government funding of leftwing projects/orgs and to subvert the 1st, 2nd and 4th Amendments on regular basis. These people aren’t just indifferent to us, they hate us.

    We cannot even speak with them anymore, they don’t host ‘town hall’ meetings because they say ‘protesters’ show up. They only have private conference calls and unless you are a big donor, you can’t participate. The last time I called my congressman in DC, one of his operators answered the phone. I told him the name of the town I was calling from (the 2nd biggest in his district) and he didn’t know where it was, had never been there, didn’t care. Representation? No, just hostile, alien occupiers.

  4. You will never free the southern states without open warfare. I do not oppose the idea, hell I would be moving south from formerly conservative Colorado. The republicans are just as big a group of whores as the democrats the difference being the democrats put the knife in where you can see it. I figure one of the flash points will be when they stop with the monuments and go after the actual graves of the fallen.

    1. @Foot…

      “You will never free the southern states without open warfare.”

      Then let it be that.

      War is always better than living under subjugation.

      That said, I am not so convinced as you that violence will be necessary.

      Most revolutions in The West, and, as well, national reorganizations, in recent decades have occurred in a largely bloodless fashion.

      What is necessary, however, is the will to stop being abused – come what may.

      1. Sadly, violence will be necessary, considering how violent and evil the likes of BLM and ANTIFA are. They’re twice tried to trap people in buildings before setting them on fire. They nearly succeeded at killing a child if not for police dispersing them when they tried to block the fire engines.

        1. @Paul…

          “Sadly, violence will be necessary, considering how violent and evil the likes of BLM and ANTIFA are. ”

          Yes, Dear Paul – BUT, please let us not forget something you left out of this equation – none of this could come to pass is were not at present a one-sided application of the law.

          If those in charge of the law would merely be even-handed, the coming unpleasantries could be totally avoided.

          Most people are blithely unaware how life was in this country just a few generations back, those times when farmers and smalltowners had to be constantly alert for savage Indian ambushes, and, as a result had to sit in church with muskets in their hands.

          As someone who is descended from 3 Colonels, each of whom commanded various different militias in Colonial Virginia, I am keenly aware of the luxuries of the law and how great it is to have our guys in blue doing the heavy lifting for us, each and every day.

          Indeed, I live in the oldest part of the Southern Confederacy, it a place that was settled in the 1660s, and which did not see an end to Indian wars until the early 19th century. Even in 1781, as Cornwallis came through here, Indians were still acting outside of the law, and killing Whites, at will.

          And so it is that, as I once told a Black candidate for our town council, who queried me as to changing our local policing habits, I told him – ‘Sir, no policing, or hardly policing, is not an option for us. That leaves 2 options : —– #1. Our police continue on unmolested, as is, or #2. There will be a White militia. Which would you prefer?

          To my query he did not say anything, and the conversation quickly moved onto other more agreeable topics.

  5. I cannot walk away because I never was with the GOP.

    That I voted for Candidate Trump was unusual, and, as he has been largely feckless, that won’t be repeated again.

    In the end, The GOP is the party of New England, and, as such, it is not very suitable for a Southerner.

    Many Southerners just drifted there because we were not successful at defending our own party, The Democrats, from being taken over by Northern Jewry and their Leftist Gentile allies.

    No, as much as I would like to have a major party to support, I do not have one.

    I agree with Mr. Owen, as per usual, it’s long been time for a Southern Nationalist party.

    Even if it can only garner 5% support in the early years, it will tip the applecart, and that is better than nothing for us at all.

    We, Southerners, have to rebuild our lost structures – no matter how daunting the task looks at first.

  6. States’ Rights Republican Party

    States’ Rights Party

    Southern Party

    Southern Nationalist Party

    Just spitballing some ideas here. It may also be wise to form a party alongside the Texas Nationalist Movement.

    1. @Joe…

      I think a better party concept would be ‘The Ruralia Party’ – the reason being that Rural and Smalltown existence is inherently the Southern Nationalist way of life, and way of looking at life.

      Southern Nationalism (the Southern concept of Americanism) has existed under many many titles – in Jefferson’s day it was known as anti-Federalism.

      Let us form a party that opens the door to as many friends and allies as can be.

  7. I have lived north of the Mason-Dixon all my life but if it comes to secession I will have to sell out and move south . As for voting , it does seem to be a waste of time. The GOP is no different than the DNC . Time is not on our side . Hopefully we can get this moving and I can get out of this lgbt+ paradise called Ohio . Half the cops and courts are faggot or lesbians up here . 90% of public teachers also . It is Sodom revisited . I am searching Tennessee where we have kin right now for a homestead property . May G-d bless the South !

    1. @Robert…

      The Southern Nationalist concept of America has always existed in this country – and it has never been limited to The South.

      No, Sir – everywhere you find smalltowns and rural areas you find people who think this way – even people up in rural Maine.

      Your state is a case in point – I know so many Southern Nationalists and Confederates in your state, it’s just that they don’t call themselves that.

      Does not matter, though, because how they live and think is The Southern Way.

      In any case, we would welcome you down here and be grateful for your support.

      That said, you can do a lot of good where you are, by organizing working to organize your community, where your repute is long established.

      We don’t have to give up Ohio, when 90% of the terrain of The Buckeye State is inhabited and controlled by those who think and live like us.

  8. This country boy has washed his hands of the country-clubbers. And, no, I’m not hookin’ up with the Dixie-hatin’ Marxist Dim Dems, either. They can both go to hell, since most are likely headed that way any how.

  9. All these political solutions are fine, except that that time, is passed. The communists running the GOP and Dem Party do not care about anyone’s input, only power. Communists always murder their way to total power, and all these things, Covid, riots, monuments, lgbt rubbish,all of these are but implements preparing the ground for that murder. They are coming for you and your family, and no one is coming to save YOU. Ladies and Gentlemen, prepare to defend yourselves.

    1. Right on Sean, your average democrat or republican is way to naive to realize this. For some they won’t know till it’s to late.

  10. Padraig, unfortunately I feel the same way as you about the republican party. Slowly over the past couple of years I’ve further an further moved away from the party even before Trump came into the picture . Since about mid/late 2017 to early 2018 I haven’t called myself a republican. In 2016 I did vote for Trump an intially was a fairly decent supporter of his as he was my last chance with the republican party an I was very excited by what he would do when he was in office. Even then I was wary that he would actually do anything rather than run his trap all day or even have a chance at winning, but like everyone I was suprised when he won an felt like this was a huge victory that would be the key to ridding ourselves of the marxist takeover at the time.

    Although he really hasn’t actually done all that much except create somewhat of a disruption with all the drama he brings an wake up people who were asleep to what’s really been going on in this country for the last 50 years, and thats come with some consequences as we well know.

    Trump has handled the china virus terribly, an yes I do realize that china didn’t exactly tell him everything about it, but standing there an calling it a complete hoax for 2 months doesn’t exactly make it any better. I also dislike how he allies with communist Russia wether they actually hacked the election or not along with North Korea instead of our allies.

    You may say he got the economy way up, but that was only for the 1% through his tax cuts for the wealthy. You may say he created millions of jobs, but he also bailed out some of the major corporations with our tax dollars that are moving to china not to mention his poor handling of the virus has now put thousands an thousands of them out of work putting us in what’s looking like another Great Depression.

    Are we better off than we were in 2016? Heck no, if anything this virus has made it worse than most imagined. Democrats are the party of big government communism, and the republicans are the party of big corporation lobbyists an neither are for the average person, and especially not for the white southerner.

    Johnny Reb

    1. Correct me, Johnny Reb, but haven’t you written numerous times before since first ‘entering the fray’ and posting comments at this site that you are only 18 years-old? If that is so, how is it, pray tell, that, to quote you above, “In 2016 I did vote for Trump an[d] intially was a fairly decent supporter of his as he was my last chance with the republican party an[d] I was very excited by what he would do when he was in office.” The math doesn’t add up there, slick.

      1. Yes Im 18, but I went with my folks to the voting booth so technically I voted unofficially. In 2016 I was a freshman in highschool at the time. I was still paying attention to politcs then, people who are underage can still have political opinions. I am a registered voter now.

  11. I think you and your readers would love my book “Crimes and Cover-Ups in American Politics: 1776-1963,” which features a Foreword by Ron Paul.

  12. First time here from Verns place . I fully understand your desperation of being abandoned by our elected representatives because your concerns ring true.
    We need not forget or abandon all of those in the north that are our brethren in our quest for a civil and moral return to our republic. I have met good honest real Americans from every state but they all lived in rural areas . People raised in the country are nothing like the feral humans found in the blue areas. Those rural northern folks will end up on the front line due to the concentrated evil near by and will need help. The boundaries are already laid by right against wrong , Civil against uncivil , moral against immoral, good against evil , red against blue . Check any US election map , you will see vast expanses of red with small pockets of blue. Why abandon all the good fertile red land and people and or continue to buy from and sell goods to the blue? The uncivil seem to enjoy their boycott toy so it needs to be employed every day and every way against them. They need US many times more than we need them. We would only need to sequester the blue vermin were they are then watch as they destroy each other in short order. They have spent the last few weeks shitting in their own kitchen with riots and looting over the death of one of their own. How will they react when there is no more food or clean water supplied to them from the outside? It will be a terrible ride but we stand to lose everything if we do not stand up for what little is left of the soul of our republic. Remember there are no more new worlds for the Civilized if we lose this one .

  13. I agree with you 100% Padraig.I have been basically doing this for years by voting in GOP primaries but not voting GOP in the general because they block any conservatives from getting through.Now I will write in Dixiecrat in ALL elections.Bye bye traitorous GOP.I’ve given them all the chances they deserve and gotten screwed for decades.Great article.I will be encouraging my friends and kin to do the very same.God bless.Till the final victory may all here be safe.

  14. Is there anything we can do to acquire the Confederate monuments and relocate them to private locations to be restored rather than having these bastards like the governor of VA haul them off to be destroyed. I would donate to the effort.I know there are many of you who would too.

    1. James your in luck, fortunately there actually is an organization that is trying to relocate monuments to private locations with a fair amount of success to the privately owned Confederate museum.

      Check out your Sons Of Confederate Veterans (SCV) state branch, they’re spread throughout the South to protect our history an heritage. They also take donations for their work.

  15. “At almost every turn, Republicans are betraying the very Southern voters who put them in power – all to placate a mob of violent radicals in the hopes that they may be able to hold onto approximately 10% of the Black vote in future elections. ”

    They aren’t doing it for that reason. They are doing it because they are owned by the donor class. They do what the donor class tells them to do.

  16. After Trump I am never voting Republican again and we will se if he vetoes Warren’s Defense Amendment, if signs off on the law, I don’t think in good conscience I would vote for him, but he might wait until after 2020 and signet anyways. In all respects the Democrat Republican era is over for me, they are two sides to the globalist and new world order coin.

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