Ever since it began in earnest in 2015 following the Charleston shooting, the Fourth Reconstruction has gone through three distinct waves. The first wave began right after the shooting and was mostly focused on the Confederate Battle Flag, though other aspects of the traditional culture of Dixie were targeted as well. The second wave started after the UTR protests and was focused on Confederate statues. The third wave began after George Floyd was killed and has transformed into an all-out war to purge the traditional South from memory. And, during this wave almost anything and everything Dixian has become a target.
One of the casualties of the third wave is the Dixie Brewing Company, the manufacturers of Dixie Beer and the oldest brewery in New Orleans. Recently, they stated that they would change their name. A few days ago, they finally did just that and now the Dixie Brewing Company will be known as the Faubourg Brewing Company (the name means “neighborhood” in New Orleans). And if that wasn’t enough, they also released a new beer a few months ago called “Black is Beautiful.”
I predict the company will go under soon. To be honest, I was wondering if they were going to quietly backtrack and keep the name. The name, you see, is really all they have and not just because Dixians might want to drink a beer called “Dixie Beer,” but because this is the oldest brewery in New Orleans and has a lot of history behind it. All of that history is tied up in the name.
I’ve had the beer and it isn’t very good. It’s not bad, and if offered I wouldn’t refuse, but on the scale of the cheap domestic beer of the pre-craft beer era, Dixie Beer falls somewhere in the middle. It’s not as good as PBR, but a little better than Miller and is otherwise nothing to write home about. Nothing that is, other than the name, and that name is now gone.
Keep in mind that this is not like Star Wars going woke. I continue to argue that the new trilogy would have been more successful, both artistically and commercially, had they adapted the expanded universe rather than try to shoehorn in a poorly written Mary Sue and relive the glory of the ending to The Empire Strikes Back once more time. As much as I hated the new series, it was still Star Wars and there was no way Disney was ever going to lose money on that franchise. Disney could have let Donnie and Marie score the film and cast Richard Simmons as Darth Vader and it still would have grossed hundreds of millions of dollars. Star Wars, thanks to happy memories planted in the heads of millions of kids who grew up in the 70s, 80s, and 90s, can go woke because of its brand. Dixie Beer does not have this luxury.
And, they deserve it. They chose, by their own free will, to flush their history down the drain to satisfy a mob that will never be satisfied and now they can live with those consequences. It gets worse, too. Not only are they changing their name and came out with a brand-new beer just to pander the mob, they are, according to their website, keeping Dixie Beer around in limited quantities. But, do not celebrate that as some kind of small victory. They claim it’s to “preserve their past,” but we all know that is hogwash. If they really cared about “preserving the past” they never would have changed the name to appease a few leftists on Twitter.
It also stands to reason that if “Dixie Beer” is so dang offensive it must be banished, then it also is offensive in “limited quantities.” Nope, Mercedes to a mule collar that the real reason they’re keeping their former flagship brew around is because they know if they don’t, then some good ole boy entrepreneur will come along in a few years after they’ve lost the “Dixie Beer” copyright and make his own, better “Dixie Beer.” So, not only are the people who run the Dixie Brewing Company moral cowards, they’re also petty and are going out of their way to assure Dixie Beer does not rise again.
Never mind that craft/independent beer is as pozzed as it is, believe it or not “Black is Beautiful” comes nowhere near the top of cringey things I’ve seen. They must make sure that Dixie is left without a beer named after her. I’d be willing to accept this if it meant in a few years there would be a better Dixie Beer that was actually a good beer, but all we’re getting is another turncoat company.
I fully expect this will kill the brand, the brewery is actually owned by the same person (Gayle Benson) who owns the New Orleans Saints and the New Orleans Pelicans, but I doubt that will be enough. All this brand had was its name and history and they gave that away for peanuts. It’s not even like they were a big target like the Washington Redskins were. Despite its history and ownership, the Dixie Brewing Company doesn’t have a large national presence (even in Dixie) and is pretty hard to get where I live. They could have easily laid low for a little while, but they opted to surrender instead.
If you thought this was a case of a Yankee buying the company because they wanted the prestige and jumped ship as soon as there was a little pressure, think again. Gayle Benson is a native of New Orleans. In early 2012, Dixie Brewing Company will join Chick-fli-A and NASCAR as companies that threw loyal customers out to chase people that will never love them and they can join them in decline. It’s just too bad they’re also making sure someone else can’t use the name, because a name like that deserves a beer. And, a good one at that.
-By Harmonica

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
‘because a name like that (“Dixie”) deserves a beer. And, a good one at that.” I whole heartedly agree!
We have to start keeping lists of companies that are hostile towards the South and those that stand by us. Its too much to expect our people to keep track of so much on their own.
We could have an app with a search function simple bar code scanner that links to a database that has a master list of companies and their products and if they have been hostile towards us in the past. It could also have a list of companies that have been supportive, or at least neutral, as alternatives to the product they are looking for. Apps like that already exist for other purposes, there is nothing stopping us from repurposing them for us.
Punish our enemies, reward our friends, a concept as old as the concept of alliance.
“We have to start keeping lists of companies that are hostile towards the South and those that stand by us.”
What took you so long? I’ve had a boycott list for years. It doubled in size this year.
BTW, can someone tell me what UTR is?
“Is America disintegrating into anarchy and civil war among races, religions, and regions? Is the country more divided than ever before? The answer is no. The social and economic divides among white Northerners and white Southerners, Blacks and whites, Catholics and Protestants and Jews were much more intense in 1920 than they are today in 2020. What has happened is that the formerly unified, mostly Northern mainline Protestant American establishment has—perhaps temporarily—broken down, allowing the actual diversity of interests and opinions in the United States to be expressed rather than suppressed. If the emerging woke national establishment has its way, however, that diversity of viewpoints and values will soon be suppressed once again, in favor of an intolerant and exclusive doctrine that greatly resembles the old-time Social Gospel from which it is derived.
With the exceptions of Grover Cleveland and Woodrow Wilson, every American president between 1861 and 1933 was a Republican mainline Protestant from the North or Midwest. …
What we are witnessing is a power grab carried out chiefly by some white Americans against other white Americans. The goal of the new woke national establishment, the successor to the old Northeastern mainline Protestant establishment that was temporarily displaced by the neo-Jacksonian New Deal Democratic coalition, is to stigmatize, humiliate and disempower recalcitrant Southern, Catholic, and Jewish whites, along with members of ethnic and racial minorities who refuse to be assimilated into the new national orthodoxy disseminated from New York, San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and the prestigious private universities of New England. Properly understood, the Great Awokening is the revenge of the Yankees.” https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/revenge-of-the-yankees
“But the satanic deep dark state (empire) didn’t want anything to do with “independent” countries. They all had to follow the dictate from way above, from the Gates, Rockefellers, Soroses, et al elite, soon to be reinforced by Klaus Schwab, serving as the chief henchman of the World Economic Forum (WEF).
Most of this fraud – fraud on “robbing” national resources, passes unseen by the public at large, but countries become increasingly dependent on the western paymasters – peoples’ and institutional sovereignty is gone. There is always a corrupter and a corruptee. Unfortunately, they are still omni-present in the Global South. Often, for a chunk of money, the countries are forced to vote with the US for or against certain UN resolutions which are of interest to the US. Here we go – the corrupt system of the UN.
These institutions have no quarrels in generating dollars, as the dollar is fiat money, NOT BACKED BY ANY ECONOMY – but can be produced literally from hot air and lent to poor countries, EITHER AS DEBT or as grant. These countries, henceforth and for pressure of the international financial institutions will forever become dependent on the western masters of salvation. Covid-19 is the perfect tool for the financial markets to shovel assets from the bottom to the top.
In order to maximize the concentration of the riches on top, maybe one or two or even three new covid waves may be necessary. That’s all planned, The WEF has already foreseen the coming scenarios, by its tyrannical book “Covid-19 – The Great Reset”.
PCR BS and raw malevolence… podomatic.com/podcasts/tkelly6785757/episodes/2020-11-21T05_57_20-08_00
“It’s not as good as PBR”
I can’t imagine a beer that is worse than PBR and still deserves to be called beer.
Agree, ain’t as good as Hoosier Muessel-Drewry’s Brew…
This guy gets it.
We should make our own brand of “Dixie Whiskey”
Just rename it Schlitz malt liquor
Tanqueray and tonic for me.
It’s hard enough to find people who enjoy the taste of gin. They’d be wise to never fuck with this loyal, and very specific fanbase with a sanctimonious lecture about race relations or “drinking responsibly.” The only thing irresponsible is not having a couple of fresh limes or good tonic around.
It’s not like Dixie Beer printed “in a pinch, bottle doubles as a nigger knife” on the label. Sack up, don’t capitulate to Jew carpetbaggers.