A Need for Strategic Symmetry

In February, James Carville, the political strategist best known for teaming with Paul Begala in 1992 to get a previously unknown Arkansas Governor and political lightweight, Bill Clinton, elected to the presidency, lamented the state of the Democratic Party:

“There is a certain part of the Democratic Party that wants us to be a cult. I’m not interested in being in a cult. Some people in this country want a revolution, they want disruption. You know, I don’t know what — they scream at people. They go and bully people. And I don’t know how you want to lecture them — 78 years old standing up screaming at the microphone about the revolution. But you’ve got to give people an alternative.”

The same can be said for the Dissident Right.

It is time to unite behind a coherent strategy. We – all of us – are in a existential crisis for survival. I do not mean the survival of a political movement. The Left can never obliterate the Nationalist Right no matter how hard it tries; tribalism is an innate facet of the human construct. Rather, I mean the survival of our entire race and way of life.

While the Bolshevik Left seeks to empower, dismantle, and destroy the very societal conditions within which humanity uniquely thrives – European culture – it empowers other peoples to our complete destruction. Every diversity quota is a weapon by which a sub-80 IQ walking quota replaces a plus-110 IQ White decision maker. The consequences are obvious and disastrous. One need to only look at Detroit, Baltimore, or Johannesburg to see the future of the Left’s chosen path. The irony is that the same political movement that invented the #MeToo movement is actively empowering the one race which, according to statistics from the Department of Justice, is uniquely prone to commit forcible rape. In fact, the Black Power movement even endorses rape. Such is the mental deficiency of self-loathing, Leftist Whites, easily exploited by Bolsheviks.

If we want to survive as a people, regardless of sectionalism, we must unite around certain strategies and effective tactics, while respecting our ethnic and regional variations. To do so, we must first recognize that very deep differences exist amongst Whites. Whites from the Midwest, the Northeast, and the South differ in outlook, perspective, language, and heritage. What works in Germany does not work in Italy; what works in Illinois does not work in Alabama. Still, we have some common interests, as well. We need to see where we can cooperate without tearing each other apart.

I come to this conclusion through a different lens.

I am a former member of the League of the South (LS). I do not disavow the League’s stated goals of a Free South established upon its unique Anglo-Celtic Cultural and Christian foundation. Rather, I disagree with its tactics and strategy to achieve that goal. I have a great deal of respect for Dr. Michael Hill and other members of LS leadership; I simply believe a different strategy is necessary to achieve those stated objectives. For the good of a cause bigger than ourselves, we should all be willing to set aside ideological differences on specific tactics to come up with a cohesive strategy that transcends organizational ties for the good of effective cooperation. At a minimum, we should see areas where we can avoid getting in each other’s way.

Petty squabbles over personalities also need to be set aside. Genuine disagreements over strategic focus and roles should be recognized. United purpose should form a glue by which we cooperate for the good of our peoples. This does not mean we surrender the deeply held principles of our various groups. It means finding actionable symmetry.

This movement is packed with narcissistic personalities who believe they are the next Savior because they have more than three dozen Twitter followers and two emo chicks fighting over them. These personalities will get us nowhere. We need some level of dissident direction that sets aside edgy social media personalities. We need something bigger than the sociopath who thinks he is the reincarnation of Hitler.

This movement needs strategic clarity.

Such clarity begins with strategic cooperation in the areas within which we can find common ground. No more charges of “cuckdom” because one group’s goals are designed to change the zeitgeist of a Nation… no more charges of stupidity against another group that believes street demonstrations are effective… no more demeaning White Nationalists simply because they are White Nationalists.

I am a Southern Nationalist, first, and a White Nationalist, second. I want all White Nations to survive and thrive. I want to help save our world from the Bolshevik onslaught. To do so, it is time to recognize that we are in a fight. In any fight, a fist is stronger than a single finger… and two fists are better than one. To quote a brilliant tank combat theorist, “You hit somebody with your fist and not with your fingers spread.”

It is time to find symmetry where it can be found across group boundaries. We will not agree on every goal. We certainly will not agree over all tactics. But we have to agree the Bolshevik is the greatest threat and we need to see where we can jointly subdue that vile beast down.

All of our children depend on it.


  1. Every diversity quota is a weapon by which a sub-80 IQ walking quota replaces a plus-110 IQ White decision maker. The consequences are obvious and disastrous. One need to only look at Detroit, Baltimore, or Johannesburg to see the future of the Left’s chosen path. The irony is that the same political movement that invented the #MeToo movement is actively empowering the one race which, according to statistics from the Department of Justice, is uniquely prone to commit forcible rape. In fact, the Black Power movement even endorses rape. Such is the mental deficiency of self-loathing, Leftist Whites, easily exploited by Bolsheviks.

    This is why I personally have no problem with white supremacy, or ‘systematic racism and white privelege’ for that matter. The real question, as you iterate, is whether one should rather have his society governed by persons possessing an average IQ of 110 and are disinclined to feral savagery, vs. whether he had rather it be governed and ruled by persons whose average IQ is only pushing 80 and are less inclined to civilized/Christian behavior.

    Inasmuch as ‘systematic white privelege’ is a real thing, it has been before, and can be again, utilized for the best good of the whole of society including the maladaptive POCs among us. As Pastor Manning once advised his black compatriots: ‘You like your cars and jewelry and being able to give nice things to your wife and kids, black man? Then don’t vote for black people to rule or you’re gonna lose it.’ That is a paraphrase, but perfectly in the spirit of what he was advising. Manning at least understands his own kind and the reality of their incapacity to govern a society well, or even remotely well; albeit he was really just preaching to the (black male) choir with the references to providing nice things to their women and children. So there ya go.

    There is also that famous saying of General Washington’s addressing the problem with a certain kind of faction under Republican government, who will invariably, if not checked by the better elements of the society in question, “destroy the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.” That’s from memory, so if I mucked it up a little I hope not too badly. “If you can keep it” indeed.

    Of course Dr. Dabney nailed the problem of the (then future) diffusion of the baleful influences of political life throughout the entirety of the weaker sex, and the various ways in which this could have no other possible long term effect than to destroy our civilization, a century and a half ago. That is a thing – perhaps THE thing – that we’ll eventually have to deal with directly and effectively, or everything else will just be a wash. This seems like an impossible task on its face, and it damn sure won’t be easy by any stretch of the imagination. But I can only say that I’ve been at this for a long time now, and I can tell anyone who has not and is therefore ignorant of the facts to that extent, that this is a subject a fairly significant number of us were talking about seriously twenty years ago and more; and that it is a subject that is talked about seriously a lot more now than it was then. So there is hope, even when it seems there isn’t.

    Good article once again, Sir. I agree that the infighting is pointless, counter-intuitive and self-destructive overall. That’s another ‘biggie’ we’re going to have to figure out a way to solve.

  2. Just has to be white men waking up. Seems impossible, but it happened to me, so maybe there is hope for a homeland.

  3. “For the good of a cause bigger than ourselves, we should all be willing to set aside ideological differences on specific tactics to come up with a cohesive strategy that transcends organizational ties for the good of effective cooperation. At a minimum, we should see areas where we can avoid getting in each other’s way.”


    The problem is that in political groups there are those for whom the cause and organization are principally vehicles for their unconscious desire to ‘air’ themselves upon others.

    And these people are not just a few, but a sizeable minority that presents grevious challenges to being constructive.

    You have stated the solutions, but, the problem is that more than a few are incapable of executing them. Many folks on our side are not psychically aware enough to know that blowing hot air and pure-tee venom, to alleviate frustrations at feelings of impotence, can be very very expensive, or, at least, from the point of the view of the movement.

  4. I might just be stating the obvious, but : No more in-fighting+ immoral leadership. Simplify the message- our guys are all over the map, from race crime stats to the Kosher U labels on foodstuffs to everything in between.
    Our side has done a miserable job at lobbying. Lobbying policy makers has been how the enemy has been able to get to the point that they have today (of course, this goes back to educational and media systems that create the climate for such actions).
    We need at bare minimum a halt to the anti-white-ism. Call it out at every turn. We must make it socially unacceptable. Just as blacks organized their civil rights movement and demanded respect (and more) we need to do the same- TV hosts, journalists… must fear a backlash if they say anything derogatory about whites, etc. We pick one individual or company and target them for a boycott, after success there then we go to the next one.

  5. “In-fighting” may be the wrong word to describe it, if those with whom you are arguing are not really part of your group but outsiders. Any sort of mass movement should be an organic development of the extended kin/social network that one already has. But we shouldn’t be seeking to organize individuals into a mass movement to gain successes in elections (though that may be a goal worth pursuing at the local and state level); rather we are seeking to organize extended kin/social networks (or even our towns, if they are still a true community) and seeking alliances with other networks and communities. Mass movements that rely upon publicity from the mainstream media and the normal tools of mass politics can be quashed. But decentralized networks work around their opposition.

  6. Great article Padraig.Well said.As I stated all along,final victory is ours.We must believe.The good Lord will awaken all Whites to the threat of the Synagogue of Satan.Like you all I have racked my brains for decades for some way or solution.I felt like I was losing my mind at times when Whites just seemed complacent about our dispossession. I knew that somehow God would never let his children(us)down.To me it matters not if we win or lose on Earth but that we unite for this final battle(After all our real home is in Heaven),and that we do not allow them to ever disgrace us again as we have been the last 50 years.

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