A lot of articles cover what we, the contributors to Identity Dixie, dislike. Despite what our detractors may think, you will not find articles within ID that discuss Jewish or black people in some demeaning way. That is not who we are – although, we will never bend the knee to political correctness. We will always speak the truth. We focus on a variety of topics, from historical events to religious matters to challenges with modernity. Those articles are important because they help form a base of logic that ultimately forms what we are. This piece discusses the goals of a Free South envisioned by the contributors to Identity Dixie.
To begin, the one unifying bond among Identity Dixie contributors is that we believe the South has a right to be an independent Nation-State (or collection of Nation-States). We advocate a Dixie that can determine her own future. The United States experiment was never supposed to be one predicated on the armed compulsion of states to remain within a union by means of violence. Consequently, regardless of the peripheral arguments related to the War of Northern Aggression, a truly free people have a right to self-determination. The South voted to free itself from the Union. That Constitutional right to secede should have been honored. It was not, and therefore, everything after 1865 that is occurring in the broader South is really a manifestation of an illegal occupation. The South has a right to be free.
In conjunction with that freedom to secede and form our own Nation-State, is a shared recognition among Identity Dixie contributors that “Southern” is a unique ethnicity. The South is predominantly built upon an Anglo-Celtic culture with some regional influences from continental ethno-linguistic groups: French (Louisiana), German (Texas; Carolinas), and Spanish (Florida). This heritage has led to the formation of Dixie’s own language, mannerisms, foods, and societal point-of-view. Furthermore, whereas that which the North calls the “Civil War” does not fully define the South, the South was clearly impacted by that war in a myriad of ways. Surviving the invasion, post-war Reconstruction, and prolonged occupation had a definitive impact on the South. This has formed a bond within the South that is hard to understand by other Americans who have never experienced a generational reminder of federal power.
As an extension of this unique ethnic identity is a traditionalist point of view. We all have our faults. Identity Dixie contributors are normal human beings. We have all committed sins. But unlike our detractors, we do not revel in our sins. As traditionalists, we reject the ease of modern divorce, the replacement of male heads-of-household, and the state’s monopoly on child rearing. We promote traditional male-female marriage, responsible masculine values, and the importance of both parents and extended kin in the development of children. The nuclear family is the core of a functional society. It should be promoted and supported as best as possible. Consequently, Identity Dixie will always promote wholesome, family-oriented content whenever possible. Fatherhood is an especially important focus of our content in a hyper-feminized world. This works in conjunction with our Christian values.
The South and Christianity are nearly synonymous. Any organization that is not Christian focused will fail to resonate among the broader Southern people. Identity Dixie’s authors are Christians. We have our theological differences as it pertains to means of worship. Southern Baptists, Presbyterians, Catholics, Anglicans, and Episcopalians – among other faiths – fill our ranks. Despite our disagreements on matters of faith, we all agree that God is our Father, Jesus Christ is our Savior, and the Holy Spirit resides in the hearts of those who invite Him in. This translates into matters of morality.
We reject transgenderism, homosexuality, and other forms of lascivious sexual activity. Pornography is not simply immoral. We view pornography as having a distorting view of women in general and a deleterious corrosive societal impact. Reduced to objects of sexual exploitation and abuse, pornography makes young men believe things about women that ultimately leads to unrealistic expectations at a minimum. At its grossest, pornography harms the potential for a loving partnership with a female and leads to addictions that are only satisfied with greater degeneracy.
The South that Identity Dixie promotes is chivalrous, orderly, and kind. It is a place within which families can grow and nurture interwoven secular and Christian values. Unborn children are protected from the harm of butchers. Fathers are encouraged to be active participants in the growth of their children through gainful employment, church attendance, and outdoor activity. Women are free to live without fear of sexual deviancy lurking to satisfy pornographic fantasies. Men hold open doors, pull out chairs, and when necessary, collectivize for the justice of a woman who has been harmed.
We reject the fact that modernity is good. That so-called progress is positive. We see the architecture of our forefathers and compare it to the Marxist-inspired, utilitarian block masses of buildings in today’s world. We look at modern art and compare it to the artwork of the 16th or 19th Centuries and know that which they call art today is the product of adult-children who have never been told, “No.” The South we would like to see emerge would reembrace traditional artwork and grace.
We do not seek the physical harming of others. We do not promote violence or hatred. We support a peaceful separation from the federal leviathan that is now called the United States. Any expansion of a definition to pull our words into an orbit of “hate” is simply wrong. Identity Dixie is not a “hate group.” Identity Dixie’s authors love the South. We seek to keep the South “Southern.”
In sum, Identity Dixie’s contributing authors seek a Free South, built upon a shared ethnic heritage and Christian values. We seek a Free South that is not afraid to impose law and order. We seek a Free South that makes decisions that preserve and conserve our norms and morality. We seek a Free South that is not afraid to declare a cause for our most Holy God.
The South we envision is one that was once had and can be had again. We need you – the reader – to help make that possible. By reading, following, and sharing content to the broader Southern populace. We can retake our future one heart at a time.
Deo Vindice
The son of a recent Irish immigrant and another with roots to Virginia since 1670. I love both my Irish and Southern Nations with a passion. Florida will always be my country. Dissident support here: Padraig Martin is Dixie on the Rocks (buymeacoffee.com)
Aimed at the corporate “dandy” effete Cavalier Tuckahoe’s:
Is there room for them
of Southern heritage who believes in it’s traditional values but who does not believe in the extra scriptural and false translations designed toward a Doctrine of Christian dominionist universalism and it’s global political quest and goal for a global dominionist messianic tyrannical monarchy (Rev 2:7, excluded by the Orthodox east’s bible who practice ethnophyletism) … a dominionism of, by, and for the global universalizing surfdom/slaving extra-national private usury oligarchy?
Ah!; you’ve gone and outdone yourself again, Sir! I came to the article a bit late this morning to be able to write something more significant and pointed in its favor, as I’m about to walk out the door and begin a day that will not come to a completion until late this evening. At which point I promise to get back to it and write the aforementioned lengthier and more pointed comment.
P.S.: to the commenter who goes by a thousand names and as many faces, and in this case by “A Serious Question,” I should like to answer in lieu of Mr. Martin’s response should it be forthcoming. Without further ado, here is my short, sweet and to the point answer:
There is room for anti-Christian people such as yourself in a free Dixie; but don’t expect to be given any political power or say, and certainly do not expect to be treated as an “equal” to your betters. In a free Dixie Christians will rule for the best good of the whole. If you and your ilk cannot come to grips with that state of things, then you should look to move thyself elsewhere; to a place where your twisted understanding of what Christianity is and what it’s all about is more acceptable to the polluted godless minds of that place’s inhabitants.
As always, Mr. Morris, thank you for the compliment and the continued support. It is greatly appreciated. I also agree that a free Dixie should deprive power from those who are anti-Christian. Have a great weekend and God Bless you and your family.
Padraig Martin
@Morris & Martin…
Yes, we must return to the original premise of my state, and indeed, most of the original states that, to play any part in government or the academic system, one must profess Christ.
Whats this about heading out the door? Dont you have a curriculum to be working on? 😉
As to your response to that guy I agree. When people ask me about being agnostic in the South etc. I explain to them the importance that we place on free will and choice, a fact that is echoed from our founding way back in 1776 all the way to now, I tell them that is rooted and stems from the understanding that God bestowed upon us. Then, I go on to explain to them that our choice, our long search for truth in essence, led us to God. Thats our choice and it has been made, its inseparable from us and if they wish to live in the South then we would never require them to be Christians (as if that is something that could be compelled, it HAS to be a choice, freely made, which while obvious to us is often not to them). I tell them that you dont have to be a Christian but we are a Christian nation and they must accept and respect that fact to be welcome here and that any attempts to undermine that will be met with a metaphorical firey cross (and maybe a not so metaphorical one as well).
Lastly I tell them its just plain rude. Be respectful if you want respect, we are a Christian nation.
If they then start to bring up burning witches at the stake and all of the other played out classics they seem to think are so smart I go on to explain that it was that very thing we rebelled against. America had a sound when it was born and that sound was that of a hammer striking a Church door. Martin Luther kindly explaining that we need no kings or worldly churches to speak with our father and to bow to them is a grave sin. We are mostly Baptist for a reason and the further from the river bank in God’s creation our church is, the further from him we are. Even where i’m from in Louisiana where there are many Catholics, even they are a different breed of Catholic, they will not ever blindly follow a Pope’s decrees. So while we are a Christian nation, we do not tolerate worldly Churches or demagogues which since our occupation began have they have become more numouros, as soon as we are free of these chains they will have a lot more than a nail going into their doors.
Thats usually enough to help them understand without becoming overly defensive and making witnessing more difficult.
Michael, you wrote:
Ha, ha. Yeah, I suppose I do. Just as soon as I’ve threshed out all the raw materials at my disposal and made all of it into lots of useful things to better the lives of me and mine. Your little jest, coupled with our recent exchanges, put me in mind of this little (Hollywood) gem, btw:
Ain’t that a hoot?!
Anyway, you further wrote (more seriously):
Quite. It was that very fanatical Yankee spirit the South were rebelling (re: trying to peacefully separate from) against in 1860-65. I hope you’re elaborating upon the point, pointing out to your interlocutors as well that no alleged “witch” was ever burned at the stake South of Mason and Dixon’s line, anymore than any African man, woman or child, was ever captured on his native continent, purchased for kegs of New England Rum at a ‘rate of exchange’, as though they were just another article of exchange, and transported across the Atlantic and a different hemisphere by any Southern ship; that the notorious Salem Witch Trials happened in, well, Salem, which is in, well, Massachusetts, not Virginia or South Carolina, et al.
Not that a significant number of the alleged Northern “witches” who got burned at the stake in Salem, Mass, weren’t of the same fanatical female temperament and character that their progeny display in spades today, but that’s another discussion for another day, I suppose. …
Thanks for reminding me of that movie!
About the Salem witches, the type of people we are talking about dont usually refer to them, more the Joan of Arc, Inquisition type that the “church” that was really the state, were carrying out.
You see most of these people know the story of the fungus that grew in that climate and spored on their bread and rye. It was when eaten a fairly powerful hallucinogen, LSD basically.
So that is what they all think about that, because it makes for a cooler story, so thats why I did not feel the need to mention it, along with the fact that its a northern state.
Ok, now get back to work, breaks over. 😂
In b4 Richard Spencer starts discussing institutional southern racism
Well put sir!
I struggle sometimes to quantify what Southern is to outsiders, to me it is just what I am, so much so that nothing they did to us as children in their camps or the gaslighting from all media changed it, not even a little. Any real knowledge of our history, or even being raised in a Southerners natual habitat (I was left behind in white flight) was required at all for me to remain Southern in my soul, I was just born with it. Something I also see in others when they post in Southern groups, they might not be able to quite articulate it, but you can see that they get it and are ready to fight for it
So when translating it to others who did not have that soul and very much had been mentally conditioned by our enemies, it was hard due to the fact that they did not have that thing inside of them to resonate with, with the occasional exception of northern copperheads, sometimes they got it.
What you have written puts it quite nicely for people that I find struggle when I try and explain it from the spritual standpoint, that which saw me through due to lack of the historical knowledge that was taken from us. I find they need something more secular sometimes, something you would read out of a text book, as they have been conditioned to think and learn from the institutionalized settings that leads to their minds requiring that format to think, they in effect have been institutionalized. People like that dont quite get spritual understanding, for comparison, some Christians who grew up in ridgid “religious” as opposed to spritual upbringings obsess on the dogma and church history, endless theological debates etc. as opposed to the pure simple truth that even a child can fully grasp at the riverside, no golden chalice, dogma or history required. But to those who have in essence been institutionalized by a church, I find they would argure in circles with John the Baptist if given half a chance. They require the dogma. Thats what I run into when trying to redpill normies on the South. They requrie dogma in an institutional format in order to approach the spritual aspect of being Southern. They always balk when I tell them moving here will never work, we share a soul.
This will help me bridge that gap between my spiritual understanding and their institutional requirements and I thank you for that.
So I will share this article (you are banned on Facebook though) but I do have a Parler account that is strictly dedicated to redpilling the world on the invasion and occupation of the South. (TheRougarou@Parler if you are interested or care to contribute to the commentary)
One last thing, if I am being honest, I am always hesitant to share from this site. Me and so many others crave a place just for us, that I am reluctant to expose this to outside influence. All of our groups are full of, while well meaning, people outside of the South, globally even. So when stumbling across sites where its Southerners among each other, I am always reluctant to dilute that. But I guess, as in the past, we will just have rely on our spritual bonds to see us through. I will be posting this to Parler shortly.
Thank you for another great post sir.
Thank you for the compliment and sharing the article on any forum by which it can gain an audience. It is greatly appreciated. I would add one thing – I believe, in some ways, it is harder to explain to Southerners “Southern ethnicity” because Hollywood and New York have spent generations defining the South with gross cultural distortions. Fighting against such distortions is a tough fight.
Best regards,
Padraig Martin
The shortest way I have found to explain what is being southern is thus –
“He who, having either been born on, largely raised on Southern soil, or lived long on it, believes that his individuality is not correct unless it is negotiated through the crucible of faith, family, and community, and that the local people ought rule local communities.’
Yes, that is what is called “magic dirt” and its pattenly false.
If accorrding to you, I moved to Japan, put on a bath robe, started waving around a broom handle and followed the bushido code, POOF now I am Japanese.
Of course that would not make me Japanese, no more than moving here and sipping sweet tea and going to a mega church would make someone Southern. If the Japanese even adopted your mentality the they would go extinct within a week and that is excatly what the yankee marxists are doing to us.
Thats the whole point of flooding us with outsiders. If what you said were true in anyway “Southern” would be the vast majority of Americans and we would all be free right now.
But its not true and our home is overun. If what you said were true then they would close our borders and shoot anyone trying to get in, they would save us the trouble, because they would know the magic dirt would help us rather than destroy us as it is doing.
What you are advocating is embracing the very tactic that our enemies are using to genocide us.
Yes and no, Sir.
If Chinese or Koreans moved to Japan and wholeheartedly adopted their customs and values they would soon be Japanese.
By the same token, if others of European blood come here, and adopt our culture and values, we can see them as Southern, even if they are not as ‘Southern’ as others – because not all Southerners are equally ‘Southern’.
One thing we cannot do, Dear Michael, and that is consider those who are born and raised here, who come from generations of blood and soil Southerners, as Southerners, IF, they do not actively stand with the values and actively defend The South.
No credit to any man who is Southern by blood and mannerism but, not in politicks, faith, and fight.
In the end, The South is like every other country – a blend of blood and spirit.
That so, if I had to rate which one is more important, after 6 decades of watching my fellow Southerners choose not to defend Dixie, it has become abundantly clear that it is the spirit of being a Southerner, which is far more important.
So, i return you to my original definition – that which, by the way, explains how the South was founded by Anglos who, at that point, were not at all ‘Southern’.
All the best to you and yours, Sir!
No, in Japan they and their offspring will always be gaijin and if that were not the case Japanese would be as meaningless a term as “American”, believe me, my generation has grow up on Japanese culture because all of our culture outlets are marxist controlled. If what you said were true then their people would go extinct within one generation. Instead, God bless them, you are not even allowed to have a drivers licence, Gaijin.
That is necessary for their survival and OURS. Besides that has has been discussed here before, we share a collective soul, you cant adopt or buy into that, you just cant. No. Magic. Dirt.
One last thing, you did not watch Southerners not fight for 6 decades, you watched a people under generations of systemic genocide and oppression make choices not wholey their own. They are not free and bear scars and chains, they were born with them. You cannot fairly judge their actions without looking at them through that lens. They were not doing things with eyes wide open, far from it. Can you imagine what it was like to have your identity stripped from you and replaced with one meant to kill you? No internet, relying on TV news from New York city and thats all you know? Pledging allegiance to the flag of your enemies every day believing its your own? Jedo-christian nonsense that only exsits because the men that protect you from it are in chains? Every time you stand you are attacked, you trying to make America work instead of understanding it never will and the people running it dont want it to. Not knowing they are mostly not even Americans…. just a million things. Systemic, it means its in everything.
I watched a KGB agent talk about the cold war and how they spent 80%, yes 80% of their time just changing preceptions of things, that once they could make someone precive a thing their way facts no longer would matter to them and they would fight to protect the lie they had implanted in their minds. 80% of their time. Do you understand that has been done to us? There are consequences from that.
You cant look at any Southerners since this vicious occupation began without looking at them through the lens of systemic oppression at the hands of very evil people for generations. Your judgement is false, they were in chains and wearing a blindfold.
Your time would be better spent not victim blaming them for it, but instead writing down what you saw and developing counter measures for us to pass down to the future generations. Something only we can do and only we even care to do, look around you, nobody cares for our plight, 200 years and not one sanction of these monsters for their actions. Dont do their work for them, you took the first step in seeing the results on your people, the next step should have been fleshing it out and protecting them from it as much as you could, not blaming them. If we dont love them, no one will.
Propagating the idea of genocide by magic dirt is about the worst thing you could do to us at this point and even if you never agree with me, could you at least refrain from spreading that cancer, believe me, yankees do enough of it for everyone. Thank you.
“ If Chinese or Koreans moved to Japan and wholeheartedly adopted their customs and values they would soon be Japanese.”
Ah NO, this is typical universalist nation destroying “judeo-islamic-masonic-christian” thinking, the Koreans cannot become Chinese anymore than the Japanese can become Korean or Chinese, nor the Korean the others. If they miscegenation with each other, they will no longer be any Chinese, Japanese, or Korean’s!
“One last thing, you did not watch Southerners not fight for 6 decades, you watched a people under generations of systemic genocide and oppression make choices not wholey their own. They are not free and bear scars and chains, they were born with them. You cannot fairly judge their actions without looking at them through that lens.”
I can fairly judge my own kind, when they turn tail and run for decades at a time, particularly when I look at our ancestors, my ancestors, by the way, and see how fundamentally different their behavior was from ours.
Southerners are responsible for Southerners.
Let us make no excuses for ourselves in choosing to be dominated, downtrodden, submissive, and defeated, as a whole.
We pray that will change, but, at this point, the pattern is so etched in, we are in danger of disappearing, in every sense but the elemental physical.
Thank you for your thoughts.
“The South has a right to be free.’
Yes, as does every other people, no matter how they define themselves.
Yet, the sole arbitre of who gets to have sovereignty over themselves is whether or not that group of people are prepared to make all the sacrifice it takes to take a land, build a nation on that land, then defend it against all comers, in perpetuity.
This is always how I respond to people, both on the Left and Right, when they ask me : —— ‘Do you believe, Ivan, that Israel has a right to exist, or not?
Again, the only way we determine this is a way as old as Mankind itself – whether a people have the nerve to put it all on the line to do the business of being sovereign and, thus free.
Unfortunately, The South was losing it’s nerve during my childhood, and it has completely lost it, since.
So, we may have the right to be free, but, we cannot enjoy it, because, alas, we do not earn it.
I hope that changes one day, because our present circumstance is extremely lamentable, for all the reasons, and more, that the author of this article states.
Wrong on several points, but most notably saying “we have not earned the right to be free”.
What? We have earned it and then some, we earn it for others who dont even deserve it. The only reason we are not free is because of the cancer that is consuming the earth came after us first, precisely because we were free and earned that right, if that was not the case then there would have been no invasion.
Southerners did NOT lose their will to fight, if you were a Southerner you would understand this.
All of the generations of memory erasure, systmic oppression, inflicted poverty, carpetbaggers, gaslighting and the thoundsands of acts of cultural genocide notwithstanding, we did not lose the will to fight.
Let me break it down for you yankee. We are the only reason you have any freedom left at all. If not for us you would have fallen into abject subjugation long ago, a fact we are well aware of. Its just as at the moment we “surrendered” which is not even true, we just quit that field of battle to win later. We looked at what the yankees had done to themselves, allowing themselves to be replaced and enslaved and realized that they were self defeating, what they did does not work and was only sealing their fate.
Sure it gave you a bottomless sourse of cannon fodder, but it also effectively erased your identity. Go watch Gangs of New York for a taste of it, that was only the beginning, look at them now, they are utterly unable to define themselves, they could never write an article remotely like the one that you are reading here. To write such a thing would invalidate their very premise of having a right to call themselves “American” whatever that even means, saying “I am an American” is a non-statement in any context other than geographical. It MUST be that for them or their claim to it is invalid. Replacements are not allowed to be indignant about being replaced, as if the monster they constructed to invade their peaceful neighbours cared for their opinion on the matter, which it does not.
So after 200 years of fighting with the end result always being at great cost to us and great benifit for them, the extension of THEIR freedom from the Frankenstein they created to oppress us, then why continue to spare them from it while we are slowly being killed and subjugated by them? Why? We did not lose the will to fight, we just refuse to fight for them.
We are not yankees. We are unique in God’s creation, we are finite, there are just so many of us and thats it. So why would we stand alone in the face of a monster with no bottom, our precious few, to spare the people that were using it to kill us? The consequences would not be ours alone, we knew that. Look at Europe, Australia etc., do you think they regret not stopping those boats now? It was never our fight alone, the world supplied that thing with infinte numbers, now they pay the price.
They have spent 200 years siding with the yankees and patently ignoring our occupation and genocide, hell, they joined in.
So why would we continue to fight for these people’s freedom? For what reason? So that they may gain a little more time to complete their genocide? Even now as they make half-hearted attempts at “freedom” its not that which is the primary motivation for them as it is for us. They simply see that monster they created is coming for them and they are scared. Its fear, plain and simple. Yankee does mean coward after all. If it was not also consuming them, if was only killing us, then you would not hear a sound from them. They dont care about freedom in the least.
How can I motivate a Southerner to lay the last of his meager belongings and the last drops of our precious blood to save people who have no intention of ever releasing the chains on us and our families. What reason could I give him and why would I?
As you say, they dont have the right to be free, they have never chosen freedom, not once. If they had we would not be having this conversation.
“Southerners did NOT lose their will to fight, if you were a Southerner you would understand this.
All of the generations of memory erasure, systmic oppression, inflicted poverty, carpetbaggers, gaslighting and the thoundsands of acts of cultural genocide notwithstanding, we did not lose the will to fight.”
Again, Sir, you are making excuses for us. Generations of our Southern forefathers earned the right to be sovereign and free, but, alas, the last three generations of us have not…
as the bills of sovereignty and freedom must be kept up one day, one month, and one year at a time, just as one does the upkeep on a home, we cannot look to centuries past, when the bills were paid, and expect our current bills to be paid.
While there still is a very small minority of Southerners who would wish to pay these bills, sadly, the overwhelming majority do not, something i have encountered over and over again, for decades, talking to people, listening to people, reading and things.
Outside of members of The League of the South, the UDC and SCV, I cannot find Southerners who identify as such, speak as such, and act as such, beyond quotidian mere social mannerisms.
In fact, Sir, when I talk to my fellow Southerners, they identify as anything but Southern – Christian, KFC-eater, Shriner, Republican, Harley-rider, American, Mason, Cowboy’s fan, Conservative, etc ,etc.
It’s indicative of a people that are dead to themselves.
Yet, if I were not as old as I am, and had not grown up in a society of Southerners that still had a sizeable amount of people who really were Southern, I never would be able to recognize how dead we are today – nothing left but a patchwork of graveyard-connected zombies.
Your pride, and my pride, in our Dixie, does not change our larger reality.
“How can I motivate a Southerner to lay the last of his meager belongings and the last drops of our precious blood to save people who have no intention of ever releasing the chains on us and our families. What reason could I give him and why would I?”
As you know, you, yourself, nor could any one person, say anything to motivate a people, unless you were in a position of great leadership.
Probably, both you and I have worked many years to try and buck this great truth, though, in the end, it has been to no avail.
We, as Southerners, have shifted how we see ourselves, in my lifetime, and our original sensibilities, those which girded and guarded us for centuries, have been usurped by those which do not.
We used to have an ego-oriented culture based on the pride of honour, whereas nowadays, our culture is largely based on the exigiencies of pragmatic-consumerism, and thus, consumer-identification.
Even if we could get our fellow Southerners to agree that we exist, and that we ought think of ourselves as such, there still remains the fact that our strongest enemies (not Yankees or Jews – but ourselves) are unmotivated to act upon it, in any organized way.
Not that we don’t have enthusiasm for organizing, nowadays, for you only have to look at what great lengths we go to for college football to know that the desire and skill are still in us, but, they are no longer directed towards anything not frivolous.
This is why, after a great fight for nearly a decade, Imperial Wizard Asa Carter gave up in the late 1960s, fled Alabama, made up a new persona, and began to write books : —— he knew that the spirit necessary to fight was no longer there in sufficient numbers, and, alas, in 2020, it is way way down from even then.
It’s the same up here in Northeastern North Carolina – almost all the klaverns that were in every town are now defunct, no other patriot White Southern organizations having risen in their stead.
Unless, of course, you count the organizations that plan the festivals for Azaleas, Brim and Bass fishing, and Crape Myrtles as such.
But, I doubt you do, as i certainly do not.
No, Sir – we’ve done our best for our Dixie, but, now it is in God’s hands to provide us with the events that might spark a Southern Renewal.
Short of that, we are gone – as the lynching of our stone ancestors in Raleigh, over a month ago, demonstrated, while our governor looked on.
No, actually our governor, a 100% blooded, raised, and educated White Gentile Southerner from one of the very best Eastern North Carolina families was actually the one who arranged for the event to occur, this when he called the capital police off the lynch mob, and then, the very next day, used the possibility of renewed violence as a pretext from removing the bases of our statues.
“If Chinese or Koreans moved to Japan and wholeheartedly adopted their customs and values they would soon be Japanese.”
That is one hell of a false premise.
I respectfully disagree, Sir.
The Orientals are linked by blood and much common culture, which, in many ways, is analagous to how our Dixie was built – Anglo, French, Celtic, and Saxon merging together to build one spirit.
This is it! This is the well defined narrative that we are promoting. This is what we build on. Amen and Amen!
@Ivan Turgenev states:
“The Orientals are linked by blood and much common culture, which, in many ways, is analogous to how our Dixie was built – Anglo, French, Celtic, and Saxon merging together to build one spirit.
Ah, no…I respectfully disagree, Sir.
The corporate Yankee, and the Southern corporate Tuckahoe and the Southern Cohee do not have the same spirit sir!!
The sectionalism of American politics as the conflict between “yankee”, “tuckahoe” and “cohee” cultures: representing, respectively, mercantile corporate Anglo New England; the slave-owning Southern corporate Anglo agriculturist, and the western self-reliant Scots-Irish/German pioneer’s.