As the Old World sees its true sunset, and we live in her fading light, we should remember the lessons of our ancestors in such terrible times. I don’t mourn the death of the Empire. I mourn the death of civilization. As we continue forward, we will most likely see the mega-corporations take real, hard power, compared to the soft tyranny they’ve employed so far. The Empire can no longer control the masses and has decided to abdicate its duties of upholding basic law and order. In turn, the Weimerican Cult, with its members having spent the last several months destroying the cities, will gain control of the old system.
This can only be accelerated by the Empire’s terrible decisions involving budgetary and economic matters. Currently, we see nationwide unemployment above 10% (and as high as 17% in some states) due to the politically driven lock-downs. I’d prefer the citizenry not need to live on the government dole. But, it seems that’s a pipe dream for a large population of the Empire. As we look at eviction rates looming on the horizon, while the stock market skyrockets for the elite, the potential unrest is beyond what many can possibly comprehend. When your average person is thrown out into the streets, you can expect despair, drug use, violence, and suicide deaths to follow.
The American Empire and its peoples are at a serious turning point. We have the Weimerican Cult and its great martyrs: George Floyd, Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and MLK. This is part of the greater State Religion of Secular Science – worshiping atheistic, trivial consumerism for the low information denizens. This new religion, along with its zealots, demand you worship. If you do not kneel for it, you are anathema and must be cast out. As we progress down this terrible path, we will see this develop further. Already, we are witnessing blasphemous idolatry and depictions of George Floyd as a saint, as well as, the iconoclasm that comes with new heresies.
The displaying of holograms of George Floyd, plainly demonic in nature for the casual viewer, over the sites of desecrated Confederate monuments is a disturbing sign of our decline. Removing or cleaning up cultist graffiti is considered a major offense in Weimerica. The Empire is either too weak, incompetent, unwilling, or blatantly complicit in this punishment of Heritage Americans. If local governments or municipalities fight back against it, those in power must be targeted by the woke cult. Modern democracy is now cult (mob) rule.
I’m not an economist. I know how to balance my own checkbook and personal finances. However, I can tell you the situation we are experiencing is what comes before serious civil unrest. The progressive cultists are overjoyed with the developments. The economic hardships imposed on the citizenry is the perfect recruiting for them to push over the old system. When the entitlements dry up, we may very well see “demonstrations” and “civil unrest” in any city with a population over fifteen thousand.
The cultists running about now are committing a very real victory lap. Anything done to them is considered true violence. If they kill or harm someone, it is only the act of an individual, not the Cult itself. While the cultists would almost certainly shun the idea of tribalism, they know their fellow cult members. They provide cover for them in practically every facet of the media and news.
This level of indoctrination has not yet spread to your average member of the polis. Most of these cultists consider their families akin to rocks or bugs. The agenda matters. The woke progressive ideology of the Weimerican Cult is their family. They may have parents, siblings, children, or even a husband or wife – but they don’t care about their well-being. They care about the mission, the transformation of the nation.
How do we survive the very real crumbling of the Old World around us? I’m not entirely sure, but I have a decent answer. Pushing for self-reliance and creating real communities will keep you afloat. What will it morph into? I’m also unsure, but I do see something coming afterwards. We do not live in an ideal world, so I wont make any predictions thinking we are approaching something better. I’m assuming as our infrastructure crumbles, evictions rise, and multi-national conglomerates continue to asset control that we are going to face a terrible reckoning when the short-lived world they build collapses.
Trust in God for your salvation and not the temporal and material. Pray and love your families and neighbors, they may be all you have to rely on.
-By Dixie Anon

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
“Trust in God for your salvation and not the temporal and material. Pray and love your families and neighbors, they may be all you have to rely on.”
I appreciate your essay. I truly do.
But what if everyone in your family is a “woke” Hillary-voting cultural Marxist? Now what do I do?
OK, so one single solitary family member of mine is NOT that, but he is still a registered Democrat.
let the dead bury their dead.
What’s up with the cryptic picture of the ghost white lady next to the red face masked dark brown guy?
Yes the old world is dying, in Nevada and California not to mention other states whites are now the minority. Global elites only consider an economic perspective, no concern for traditional communities and culture. Here there is no community , no one knows or talks to any one. Moving towards a total state.