Pity and the Pitiless

Over a decade ago, I watched a movie about Jeffery Dahmer. He was a homosexual serial killer who worked in a chocolate factory and spent his off hours murdering gay black guys. One of his victims was a young Laotian man who got lured into Dahmer’s lair and had a hole drilled into his skull into which acid was injected in some sort of sick experiment.

Horrific and disgusting,” I thought to myself. I’ve never really given it any thought since then. Apparently, some researchers at the NIH saw the same damn flick and decided: “Wow! We should try this same experiment on some helpless monkeys.”

I have no idea how they wrote up that grant application, but Uncle Sam has been shelling out over 100 million for monkey torture since 2007. The monkeys receive the Jeffery Dahmer treatment, then get locked into a tiny cage while scientists attempt to scare the shit out of them with rubber snakes and spiders. By contrast, the Japanese simply use macaques to deliver beer bottles in bars in exchange for bananas.

The procedures under question resulted in no harm to any of the animals tested” asserts the NIH in a press release. Acid injected into his brain, subjected to psychological torture, no harm no foul. Curious George is feeling better than ever. Walkin’ on sunshine…which he’s probably never seen in a lab. It all makes perfect sense in the parlance of our times. However, espied from moral and humane lenses, it’s straight out of horror movie.

If human children aren’t feeling so straight, then wise people of science and medicine will give them the monkey treatment, too. Worse in fact, because I’ve never read anything about these macaques having their genitals mutilated or getting pumped full of hormones nature produces for the opposite sex. They’re much more fortunate than I suspect they deem themselves to be while having a panic attack in those tiny cages.

Furthermore, these mad scientists just melted their brains and tortured them. No attempt was made to convince them that they were something other than themselves. That’s a severe form of cruelty reserved exclusively for humans. The complete lack of compunction with which the moral and sophisticated members of our society inflict such vicious torments on the most vulnerable is a definitive feature of our times.


  1. I learned a new (to me) term in reading your post. Namely Macaques. And I’m always happy to add a new term to the ol’ vocabulary. So, thanks for that.

    Otherwise, I could (and perhaps should) “wax eloquent” on the cause of our current situation. It isn’t as though, for instance, we (in the form of college-educated white cat ladies representative of our “purest” desires) aren’t filling the empty heads of our youth with unnatural ideas as to their sexuality and so forth. There’s more than one way to drill holes into the head, and pour acid into the orifices, if you know what I mean.

    Never allow your kids to attend a public school if possible; if not, get them out asap! That’s my best, simplest advice to parents. I can elaborate if needs be.

  2. If you’re aware of the Japanese heinous Taiji dolphin drive hunt which was documented in the film”The Cove,” you wouldn’t give the Japs too much credit for their treatment of intelligent and sentiment animals. Of course, this certainly doe not excuse Uncle Scholmo’s shekel funded torture of monkeys in “research labs” in America.

    “Man’s inhumanity to man is only surpassed by his cruelty to animals.”

    Dr. Albert Schweitzer

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