A commentator on a recently published ID article asked the following question in rebuttal to the article’s thesis: “Sacrifice for what? The Dissident Right has no concrete goals and objectives.”However, I assert this is a mistaken viewpoint.
In this article, I outline what are, in my humble opinion, the most critical objectives of Southern Nationalism (“SN”), which also overlaps some with objectives of the Dissident Right (“DR”). I outline them in the form of rights, as done previously by our Founding Fathers, in the Bill of Rights.
5. The Family
We believe the nuclear family is the fundamental building block of society. Therefore, we assert the right to enforce public decency in our communities, if for no other reason than the fact they are our communities, and we desire to have our children raised in a positive, wholesome environment. The right to enforce public decency includes the right to legislate prohibitions, restrictions and proscribe anti-family policies and practices, and the right to legislate and enforce decency in the public domain, including, but not limited to, television, radio, cinema and the internet.
We support liberty, not libertinism.
4. Freedom of Association
We believe all people have the right to freedom of association. Therefore, we assert that local communities, businesses, homeowner associations, schools (public and private), civic organizations, clubs and many others, have the right and freedom to engage in exclusionary practices. In addition, we assert that local governments have the right to override any state or federal mandates regarding settlement of refugees, immigrants, or other matters pertaining to freedom of association.
If an African-American community wishes to engage in exclusionary practices, they have the right to do so. The same right applies to Dixians and Heritage Americans.
3. Christianity
We (SNs/DRs) are, by and large, Christian people. We assert the right to exercise any and all Christian faiths freely, for all citizens. We support legal protections for our religious rights, as needed. These codified protections can (and should) apply not only to a national government, but also to any and all state and local governments, and to any and all businesses or corporations, expressly including social media corporations.
2. Self-Defense
We believe liberty can only be maintained when governments are kept wary of their citizenry. Therefore, we assert the right to keep and bear arms. Militia membership is not required to exercise this right.
This right must have only two exceptions. First, I agree with the exception of NFA firearms categories. Many readers will know ‘NFA’ is shorthand for the National Firearms Act of 1934. I suspect this may put me in opposition to a few of my Identity Dixie brethren. But I included NFA firearms because of my concern for the safety of law enforcement officers (LEOs). In my opinion, NFA 1934 hasn’t been materially significant in compromising our nation and culture.
The brave men and women who serve their communities as LEOs have a right to outgun the criminals they must apprehend, and this was a significant part of the original intent of the 1934 law. In other words, we should prohibit possession of automatic machineguns and grenades by MS-13 and similar dangerous criminals.
Second exception: The right to keep and bear arms should be open to restriction for persons who have received a felony conviction for murder or voluntary manslaughter. For persons so convicted, the several states should legislate any limitations, or none, as their legislators see fit. Again, this is my opinion. Feel free to try to convince me otherwise in the comments.
Most importantly, federal, state, and local governments must be expressly prohibited from legislating any limitations for reasons other than those outlined above.
In addition, any politician speaking, or voting, in contradiction to our right to keep and bear arms is committing an act of sedition, and we must assert the right to impeach and legislatively remove him from office and bar him from holding any public office in the future (I am thinking of Governor Coonman of Virginia).
1. Free Dixie
SNs are separatists, and some DRs may also be. We assert the right to form an independent Southern Nation separate from the soon-to-be failed state that is America. Feel free to secede in your mind, as of today.
Thank you all. I am under no illusion that this is an exhaustive list. It is merely my personal view of the “Top Five” objectives, the critical foundation necessary to shore up our society against the erosion being perpetrated by socialism, Cultural Marxism and the American Empire.
We must remember that we are not a movement defined by what we are “against.” We are a movement defined by what we are “for.” And, this list contains some of the principle ideas we support as Southern Nationalists.
-By Kentucky Gent

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
Regarding Number 3 above who are of pre-“Revolution of 1776” , pre Articles of Confederation, and pre-Constitution Southern Heritage and do not believe in form of Yahwism, Messianism global or otherwise, or any of Yahwism’s daughter “faiths” and it;s global political monarchic messianism, ie. Christianity, Templar-Masonry, Islam, Judaism, Talmudism, … will such of another belief system/religion/science, the one’s of their ancient ancestor’s be sustained the same “right to exercise any and all of their ancestor’s pre-christian ANCIENT belief’s and faiths freely, for all citizens. We support legal protections for OUR religious rights also, as needed. These codified protections can (and should) apply not only to a national government, but also to any and all state and local governments, and to any and all businesses or corporations, expressly including social media corporations.”
We agree with the other points as there are part of the 9 Noble Virtues. The worship of the foreign deity Yahweh to our ancients we do not abide.
You’re rambling again. Try to avoid doing that. I realize it is hard for you, but try nevertheless. It makes it so much more interesting for the reader!:
https://youtu.be/JIwhjp_c1d0 (beginning at 3:48)
Ivar and Rollo, You may want to spend some time contemplating what makes a culture, and what makes a nation. Thank you for reading.
Indeed, this is the essence of the Right of Freedom of Association!!
just dont keep your funny stuff on “samhain” to yourself…
This is a pretty good start. Well done. I was on board almost 100% until I read this:
I’ll be perfectly honest: the “women” part is the part that gives me pause. Not that I think for a second that women can’t be brave (of course not; what kind of an inexperienced fool would I be to think such?), but specifically that women (bravery notwithstanding) should never be gun-toting LEOs.
T. Morris,
I understand your point of view. In fact it gives me pause as well. But that debate is outside the scope of this article.
You might have noticed that I left out “and women” in Objective 2, when I wrote “we must assert the right to impeach and legislatively remove him from office and bar him from holding any public office in the future…”
I think this simple statement is hugely important and bears emphasis.
“We must remember that we are not a movement defined by what we are “against.” We are a movement defined by what we are “for.””
A worldview based on opposition to a thing or a specific group, is doomed to a nerotic cycle of mental gymnastics to associate everything that happens with that thing it is anti to. I am thinking specifically about two tendencies that definitely separate SN from alot of the DR’s and all of the DR’s from the Altright, that is the issue of the JQ and support of Donald Trump.
The pervasive extent of the obsession with the JQ has forced the DR and Altright into such a cul de sac of myopia as to render them utterly irrelevant and incapable of accomplishing any of the above objectives.
The toxicity of a worldview based on a negative cannot be overstated. Contrasted with one that has clear positive objectives like above, its night and day.
This issue bears more in depth discussion. The JQ is an albatross around the neck of the DR.
I would add that the 14 words are a good starting point as a list of goal. These 5 objectives are tactical policies to accomplish that goal.
The Sock approves.
Thank you for reading, ISA.
I’m a West Virginian spreading the word on WV HCR 8. We are inviting certain VA 2A sanctuary counties to join us. I’d also like to stimulate discussion of a possible Appalachian Nation (parts of PA, WV, western Virginia with an eastern panhandle to the sea, eastern Kentucky, eastern Tennessee, etc…) as a worthy goal. Our strong cultural & ethnic homogeneity (well over 92% founding stock), wealth of natural resources, plus the momentum from the fracas in Virginia & the game changer of HCR 8 all feel like a good start. What say ye?
I would wait and see how this lobby day thing pans out before we start planning an ethnostate.
Just saying its premature is all.
If it all goes sideways, you might get your wish. If coonman caves, it’ll take the piss right out of the idea.
Lets see what happens
Thank you Kentucky Gent for post this.
Charlie Prime,
It was my pleasure to write this. Thank you for reading.
Firstly, great piece. While I’m not 100% on board with all of it, I appreciate the general direction and the majority of the specifics. I think what “Ivar and Rollo” was getting at is a legitimate point. While many of us are Christian, some of us are not. We would be as wrong to force them to do as we believe as public schools are for forcing our children to pray towards Mecca when discussing world religions. The text under the heading, applied equally to non-Christians, would probably be fine, barring religious practices that infringe on the health and safety of others.
Right of Atilla,
It will be impossible to codify a set of objectives/rights for SN that will be agreed to unanimously. As for Christianity, we Christians should not seek to compel you non-Christians to adhere to our faith.
However, cleansing our society’s institutions of Christianity has been the road to ruin for America. For example, the abolition of school prayer by the SCOTUS in 1963 (IIRC) was a great victory for Cultural Marxists in their assault on American culture. Reversal of this destructive decision, in a future independent Dixie, should be a very high priority. Otherwise our efforts will be in vain.
Thank you for reading.
Kentucky Gent,
You are absolutely right about trying to eliminate every trace of Christianity from our Christian based culture. The lack of a supreme moral force leads to the arrogance of thinking one is infallible, which inevitably leads to the rot we stand against now. Allow me to rephrase my point and hopefully better explain. I do not support a complete separation of church and state, as many of our enemies imagine is enshrined in the Constitution. I propose a recognition of the importance of religion and strong morality, to include school prayer. Who the student prays to is their option. While the importance of Christian values should not be ignored or shied away from, we can’t force people to worship Christ either, or we’re no better than those who try to keep us from worshiping our God. For the record, I am also Christian, though I can see how you might think I’m not.