A Strategic Assessment of Southern Nationalism

At present, there is only one conclusion at which an honest strategic assessment of Southern Nationalism can derive: the movement is failing – but it need not be.

I am focused on one goal: the establishment of a free, Southern Nation-State. I seek a collection of countries, now known as “states,” to form an enduring confederation predicated on culture, traditions, heritage, and a shared Christian faith. To achieve that goal, it is critical to occasionally make a strategic self-assessment as to where we are, as Southern Nationalists, in relation to the goal of a Free Dixie.

The key component that binds all successful freedom movements is the popular will of the people to seek independence.  If only five percent of the South seeks independence, the movement will never take off.  There needs to be a concerted strategic effort to bring around at least a majority of Southerners to determine secession is their best option.  That requires strategic communications. 

A lack of investment in building a Southern national consensus throughout the South is the number one reason that the movement is failing to meet its objectives. 

No such widescale effort has been made to win the hearts and souls of the Southerner.  That is certainly not the fault of those at Identity Dixie.  Identity Dixie has worked to expand Overton’s Window, while simultaneously hammering home contrasts between our past (good) and Marxist modernity (bad).  We work to show that the Federal Government is a failed enterprise, from its indoctrination of our children to the futility of relying on a New York businessman to achieve our goals.  In essence, the current path is destruction; it is time to retake everything.  But, we cannot do this alone.

It is important to note, some organizations are doing their best to keep Southern identity alive, even if that is not their intended purpose.  Groups like the (CSA Battle) Flaggers, the Sons of Confederate Veterans, and other such organizations play a role in contributing to the broader understanding of a unique Southern ethnicity.  While they can be frustratingly multicultural and terrified of their own shadows on occasion, they still play a role in the strategic narrative.  However, none of these organizations are Southern Nationalist. 

At present, there are only two prominent Southern Nationalist platforms, and one of them is not an organization at all: the League of the South and Identity Dixie (ID).  ID does not exist as an organization.  It is a collection of dissident authors seeking to prep the Southerner for an embrace of his own liberty through conservative Christian values, an embrace of heritage, traditionalism, and ultimately, independence.  In many ways, ID is a fraternity of writers not unlike those who spread independence tracts throughout the colonies prior to the American Revolution. 

The League of the South (LS), by contrast, is more of a militant organization. Its members, of which I was once one, reject the notion that independence can be obtained through cultivating a Southern populace into a popular will for independence.  Rather, the argument is one in which war is inevitable and the opposing side will be led by Jews with Negro foot-soldiers. 

I am not entirely in disagreement with LS.  Simply put, I believe the organization puts the cart before the horse.  In fact, there is no horse – there is just a cart.  Three dozen guys making a Pickett’s Charge at military drones makes no sense.  The investment in the Southern normie must be made.  In order to make such an investment, you must know your people and, most importantly, you cannot hate him for being a Southern normie.

Southerners are experiencing unprecedented economic growth and with that growth comes comforts.  For both good and bad, every company that flees Marxist Yankeedom is likely to find a home in the more business friendly Dixie.  On the weekends, our Southerner loves NASCAR, college football, golfing, fishing, or hunting.  He likely has a mortgage, with two kids getting ready for college, two car loans, and a loan for a boat or some other toy.  His life is good. 

On Sunday, he attends a local church where he is taught the joys of Christian salvation and, of course, a healthy dose of Israel worship.  He watches FoxNews. He believes the Constitution will protect his comfortable lifestyle.  He tells some off-color racial and gay jokes at the country club.  He finds transgenders disgusting.  Above all else, the Southern normie loves the United States of America.

And yet, the Southern normie is the key to winning Southern independence. 

You need his support.  You will not get his support shoving JQ memes down his throat and calling him a cuck because he finds the mass murder of unarmed civilians abhorrent.  He is never going to ideologically align with the Nazis – ever.  Grandpa fought the Nazis and he loves grandpa.  In fact, everyone in the South loves grandpa!  He is certainly not going to be seen hanging out at a local diner with guys who have “1488” tattooed on their necks, throwing up Roman salutes to the waitress.

If you call Jesus a “zombie Jew” or “kike on a stick,” you will never win over the South. Nor, for that matter, will worshiping twigs and berries. Any message you strategically send to a Southerner needs to reinforce Christianity as a core of your movement, while simultaneously dismantling dispensationalism.  You may not like it, but the South is defined by its unique relationship with Jesus Christ.  Breaking down dispensationalism has to be done biblically, not through condemnation and Himmler memes.  Fundamental Baptists, like Pastor Steven Anderson, are making extraordinary leaps toward this important obstacle.

Paganism?  If you tell a forty-something year old Southern businessman that you worship Thor, you will lose him forever.  They barely accept Catholics for their deification of Mary, and she was Jesus’ mom.

The reality is that we have no Southern Nationalist organization that enters between Identity Dixie and the League of the South at present.  We lack the garden party entry point for the Southern normie to feel comfortable.  The good ole boy network that made things happen in the South for generations needs a place at which the discussion of secession is not grounds for expulsion from polite society.  Those networks make everything else possible and we need them to win.

At present, we have no Southern educational institutions to invest children in their unique Southern identity. We have no charitable groups that are Southern focused.  We have no broad religious support from the pulpits.  We lack robust financial resources, institutions, and networks.  We lack a strong legal infrastructure to protect our right of dissention. We lack a political platform to manipulate democratic outcomes. We rely on technological platforms run by our ideological enemies to spread our message.  We have done none of the things necessary to provide an alternative for the Southern People to the Federally managed status quo.

This movement is failing because, unlike every other successful Nationalist Movement in history, we have not invested our people in an alternative outcome by which their self-rule is preferable to the Federal alternative.  Southern Nationalism is seen as a fringe movement.  On one side, edgy young authors make not so-subtle jabs at modernity.  On the other side, Sweet Tea Skinheads talk about RaHoWa. 

That need not be the case.

The fact is, the American Empire is a dead animal.  The decomposing carcass of the federal entity is covered up with rose water to hide the stench.  The rose water is wearing off.  Wild negroes assaulting Whites in the streets with impunity, Marxist bandits beating up conservative Christians without consequence, boys who hate being boys so much they want to chop off their penises, wars lost, a media that depicts White men as feeble, cheap Chinese imports, illegal brown hordes pouring over the Southern border, men who pay half of their salary in child support to a whore… all of it is the cumulative sign that the United States is dead. 

Still, the vast majority of the South has been lulled into sleep. Southerners love BBQ, college football, dispensationalism, and America. They do not smell the carcass upon which they stand.  They are literally standing in the pathway of the rose water perfume.  Pointing out that the country is dead is a strategic imperative, but to do that, you must get them to listen. A receptive audience is the best audience. 

A communications strategy that accepts the facts about our own people is a necessity. One must tailor our messages and then build organizations that will resonate with the Southern normie.  Putting parenthesis around Jewish names will not do it.  Rather, sharing videos of feral blacks running amok in city streets while Jewish Congressmen investigate both Trump and White dissidents helps hammer home our point.  Every time a Muslim Congresswoman who hates America complains about White men, show them the 52/3 (not 13) statistic.[1]

In other words, invest in a combination of constant reminders as to how well we used to have it before 1965 and how bad things are now, without pushing away the normie for his Christian values or socially acceptable normative behavior.  Hammer home alternatives to the status quo.  Point out that the Government is failing him and it is getting worse.  His children will drown in this quickly sinking Titanic. 

Then, create institutions at which he can feel comfortable discussing his misgivings about the status quo.  At a garden party, discuss secession in a meaningful way.  Be prepared to offer genuine, thoughtful alternatives to Washington, D.C.  Make sure to serve good scotch, great cigars, and tasty steak… wear boat shoes.

The Irish Republican Army was not successful in 1922 because it beat the British in combat.  On the contrary, they were fully incapable of going toe-to-toe with the world’s most powerful army of the time.  Rather, they won because they took decades to cultivate a fraternal network (the Irish Republican Brotherhood), worked aggressively on propagandizing an Irish independence alternative to the masses, and built parallel institutions to show the people that they had no need for London.  By the time the Irish began fighting for their independence, the matter of national liberty had already been adjudicated in the minds of the Irish citizens.  Consequently, the IRA eventually won its war because the citizens saw them as the “good guys.”  This has been true of every successful independence movement, from the United States to Poland.

Even Weimar Germany was saved, not by the Brown shirts, but by ordinary conservative German citizens who voted for a change.  They were fed up with immigrant hordes, transgender lasciviousness, and drug fueled debauchery.  This can work here. 

The first step is to get our Southern brethren to open their hearts and minds to our Southern Nationalist alternative to Weimerica – then build upon it.

[1] NOTE:  It is not 52/3.  Fifty-two percent of all murders are committed by Blacks, but not all Blacks are statistically prone to murder.  Black women rarely commit murder and yet, they are more than half of the 13%.  Approximately 6.5% of the population are Black Males.  Of that group, the vast majority of murders are committed by only half of them: Black Males between the ages of 18-44.  This results in a very real fact that 3% – Black Males between the ages of 18 and 44 – commit more than 52% of the murders.  That number resonates far more than 52/13.


    1. A great institution, David. They certainly play a great role, but they are not specifically Southern Nationalists. Still, they are important regarding strategic communications.

    2. So you’re saying that there is basically no forward strategy for Southern Nationalism as you describe it.

      It’s one thing to decree that we need to have all this infrastructure in place, the lawyers, the platforms, the finances, the blahblahblah.

      It’s another thing to either do it or lay out HOW to do it.

      What successful (and trustworthy!) lawyer in his right mind will take up our cause?

      What preacher? They have to say how much God hates us because raycizzem.

      What website? Our sites are shut down on an almost weekly basis. Shall we go ahead and pull a new internet out of our collective ass?

      All those things you named that we need are simply not going to happen. The time for crafting them was decades ago.

      The problem we face is, as you have said, one of comfort.

      Yes, the Southern Normie, particularly of the Boomer variety, adores his hunting, football, barbecue, beer, and being told on Sunday that he’s a good Christian because he puts the well-being of the assassins of Christ before that of his own children and their future.

      Of course he does; those things make him comfortable.

      Change does not occur when people are comfortable. “If we are comfortable,” they reason, “then why rock the boat? Why should I risk being uncomfortable when things are fine the way they are?”

      And so the pot boils and the frog swims, and the little dog in the little hat sits in his little burning house, smiling and saying how fine and dandy it all is.

      The time for gentleness, of crafting infrastructure and support, is past. The cruise liner is two toots of the foghorn away from the iceberg, and there is no way it can turn in time to avoid collision. Calmly convincing the other passengers to get off because they are about to die was the strategy for thirty years ago.

      If any of this is going to matter, then now is the time to slap some faces and begin forcing redpills down people’s throats.

      Those who swallow and accept the revelations are the ones we can save.

      The ones who won’t or can’t need to be left behind, friends and loved ones included. They are worse than dead weight; they will struggle and fight to get back to their comfortable cabin so they can drink beer, eat a burger, watch football, listen to John Hagee, and ignore their impending doom.

      They are either on the lifeboats or they are on the ship.

      The time has come to admit that the strategy of gentle chastisement and convincing others of the worthiness of our cause has come to its logical end.

      When the collision happens, those left behind will do one of two things: die with the ship, or swim for it and hope that the water doesn’t kill them.

      If they make it to us, they will have to prove their worth for the room they take, and realize that they need to sit down, shut up, and stay the hell out of the way of those of us who were ready.

      No more gentle words. Time for quiet, and most importantly non-aggressive, action.

      Make your way to safe, rural places, homestead up, and get ready for the storm.

      Take this black pill, and find the white pill in it.

  1. Time to just give up. The South is not going to rise again, and it’s defeat is permanent. You’re living in fantasy land and it’s time to get into reality.

  2. I agree with this post and have been thinking of something similar. What about a Dixian advocacy group? Just craft the talking points for the website and start sending out friendly emails (with carefully crafted talking points) from a .org address to “raise awareness” of “culturally sensitive issues” in high schools, colleges and many other offices and it will carry more weight than a Pepe meme. Of course we would need to have some lawyers on our board. We can work just like any other advocacy group and do not need to be all that well funded to be effective. The strategy I have in mind is one where “even when we lose we win”. Even if we never win a single court case, we will still be pushing the idea of Dixian ethnic identity to the masses and when it is framed as an advocacy group with a smart website then it becomes something that can be talked about in polite company. Millions of our people have a vague sense of Southern identity but it needs to be ramped up by having it well articulated and get a little media buzz. And if we do our job well they won’t be able to ignore us for long. That site and those .org emails will be hard to deplatform and get away with it if we use the right talking points. Also, as a 501c3 we would be able to get reduced rate postage for bulk mailers.

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