The media has revived the story of Eric Garner’s death at the hands of the NYPD. For those not remembering the media blitz of reporting every black person’s death as a sign of systemic racism, Eric Garner was arrested for selling cigarettes in New York, allegedly resisted arrest, and was allegedly put in an unauthorized choke hold that led to his death. Garner suffered health issues of which the police were unaware. The police who arrested him have since been found not to be at fault in his death.
His death was unfortunate and deeply saddened the wealthy, globalists and media oligarchs living in their palaces above his street corner. They had been suddenly cured of their sociopathy. Never mind that they had no idea who he was until he wasn’t, his race and circumstances of his death made him a candidate for sainthood in Weimerica. They demanded answers, and none of them really looked that hard, so they shall be provided here.
Garner was busted for selling ‘loosies’ (single cigarettes at a time). New York City and New York State have jacked the cigarette taxes through the roof, both for revenue and to punish Deplorables who smoke. If someone wants to earn some easy money and doesn’t want to get into the dangers of dealing narcotics, he can connect with people who have access to smuggled cigarettes from Virginia and the Carolinas, states that have low cigarette prices compared to New York. The pack will often have a fake tax stamp, but not always. These people bring van loads of cartons to the North. If they avoid I-95, where the police traps are set up to catch the smugglers, odds are good they will reach New York City with their contraband.
Smugglers employ such methods as, for instance, swapping out the cargo to a different van and with different plate numbers. When they arrive to the smuggler’s residence, the guy now has a garage full of cigarette cartons. He then sells to people who sell individual cartons of cigarettes. The other guys, with individual cartons, will then sell 1-2 packs at a time to bottom-tier criminals like Garner, who stand on the corner underselling the legit merchants.

The legal merchants complain of lost trade – not just from the cigarettes, but smokers tend to buy other stuff at the convenience store. Store owners, who are members of various merchant associations, then complain to their city councilmen or state legislators, who then complain to the mayor and the governor, respectively. It’s worth mentioning that all of these people are liberal, woke Democrats who cried for the loss of “innocent” Trayvon Martin when he was attacked by the bloodthirsty, Hispanic (and also white supremacist) George Zimmerman. It’s also worth mentioning that many of the merchants will buy cartons of cigarettes with counterfeit tax stamps on them if it passes a cursory glance. These are, generally speaking, unscrupulous people, in case you weren’t following.
A police task force is formed to get the ‘loosie’ sellers off the street. Many cops regard this as a bullshit assignment, but they like earning paychecks even better. Garner is busted, resists and doesn’t want to take the bust because #reasons. He keeps saying that he cannot breathe. Cops are used to dirtbags and street hustlers making claims like this all the time. No one worries about it, including the black female sergeant supervising. Garner has an asthma attack and dies.
It turns out the white cop who took him down used an “unapproved” choke hold. The choke-hold technique in question was taught at the academy years earlier, but is now forbidden. NYPD never had a budget for formal re-training, so they sent out a flyer. Garner’s family, and the usual civil rights clowns, want justice; to be more specific, they want the cop fired, yet somehow no one in the city, state or federal level wants to pursue the case. Racism? Again, the police sergeant on scene was black. Or, was it too many political people did not want a trial where a cop can make his affirmative defenses in front of television cameras?
The Yankee will spin this as proof of systemic violence and white-on-black brutality, instead of realizing that they caused every single problem that culminated in a man dying in the street. Blue urban areas are not only welfare vote plantations, but martyr farms for their religion that enshrines petty criminals and demonizes Heritage Americans, along with Southerners. The runaway taxes in New York are driving away businesses and turning a pack of Marlboros into a lucrative and illicit trade.
For any Southern man, this should serve as a warning of the insanity the Northerners are bringing to the South, as they flee their wrecked utopias. They bring parasitic taxation that creates criminal enterprises like a sunken ship provides home for underwater monstrosities.
-By Andrew Saltire

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.