Genesis, Egalitarianism and Pride Month

“Everything in existence is worth being destroyed.”

Mephistopheles in Faust

“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins — or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”

Introduction to Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky

In our previous article we discussed the biblical concept of creation categories and the connection between attacks on Biblical authority and the ongoing, ever progressing, madness of the sexual revolution. The thesis we mentioned in the last installment and want to develop further is that every front in the sexual revolutionary war is connected by the thread of egalitarianism. This common thread is nothing more than the fanatical drive for radical equality. It is fundamentally atheistic and revolutionary and has, as its ends, nothing less than the perversion, defacement, and destruction of the home, of biblical marriage, and the church of the Living God. In order to fully appreciate the evil of egalitarianism you must consider first it’s source and to do that, we must take a few steps back in time.

Equality in The Beginning

Scripture warns us that Satan prowls about, constantly looking for opportunities to spread lies, to falsely accuse, and to destroy. While human revolutionaries always have their own specific historical context, the Devil is the original usurper, the patient zero of anarchy and revolution. The Bible teaches us that Satan and his demonic horde rebelled against God and he sought to exalt themselves over and against the Most High. This was the very first unabashed, brazen assertion of equality as well as the most absurd – that of a creature claiming to be like that of the Creator. The devil instigated rebellion against God shortly after the world was created and he was punished and expelled from heaven. Not content to lead a third of the heavenly host into eternal destruction, Satan initiated a long campaign of deception shortly thereafter in the Garden of Eden. The seductive lie of equality was employed again by Satan as he gently whispered in Eve’s ear, ‘you will be like God’ as she savored the forbidden fruit in her mind. The fall of humanity from a state of innocence was a consequence of this rebellion- of humanity hearing and believing Satanic lies, of being tempted and transgressing the law of God. Yes, the atheist’s mocking question of ‘Did God really say?’ has a long track record of being coupled to revolutionary egalitarianism. Keep the origin of these lies in mind as we examine the journey of equality through the 20th century.

We will start off our survey of the egalitarian movement in the Progressive era. The Progressive era was a movement predicated on modern presuppositions that provided a fertile seed bed for decades of godless revolution, and we will examine two of them. First, the Progressives believed human nature could be improved through social reform, ideally realized through increasing amounts of legislation and regulation. It should be obvious to most that this belief is at odds with Scripture which teaches us that outside of Christ, human nature is static, sinful, and incapable of self-improvement. Secondly, the Progressives believed that government was a useful tool, particularly the federal government, to achieve their desired goals. Unfortunately, the Progressives established an impressive track record of bulldozing any opposing obstacles that stood in their way as they sought to create their own version of heaven on earth through social revolution. They were, after all, progressive. It is here that the deconstruction of the male-female creation category was initiated and one that ultimately resulted in the destruction of the very concept of male-female sexual identity. It all started with the ballot box.

From Households to Houses

The women’s suffrage movement began in the mid-19th century and culminated in the 1920’s passage of the 19th Amendment to the US Constitution, which prohibited states from barring women from voting. Before the passage of the amendment, broadly speaking, women were not allowed to vote. To the uninitiated reader, this may sound like a positive development. Why would we want our women politically disenfranchised and placed on an unequal footing with men? The question assumes several things, namely that unless women were able to vote, they would have no voice or representation. Historically, the ability to vote was a responsibility held by the male head of the household and traditionally the male, usually the husband, was to represent his family and their interests at the ballot box. The 19th amendment, in an insidious way, undermined the biblical social structure of the household, so much so that it’s extremely difficult to overestimate the impact that the 19th amendment had on American society. Now that women were voting, their political and social status “progressed,” and the blurring of gender roles was underway. It was not long before women were soon working outside of the home in increasing numbers. They were liberated from domestic duty as society continued to industrialize and modernize. The full weight of male-female equality was beginning to be realized at the expense of the traditional American household, reducing it to a structure occupied solely for eating and sleeping between work shifts. This transformation due to social and political egalitarianism was tragic, but it would not be the end of the revolution. It was merely the beginning.

The Desacralization of Sex

While the specific creational duties of male and female were being flattened and mixed together in the name of equality, it naturally followed that social protocols would need adjusting as well. After social and economic functions became blurred, intimate relations between the sexes were the next domino to fall. The destruction of the household followed up with the desacralization of the marriage bed. The 1960’s gave us the Pill and the 1970’s gave us abortion. These two modern inventions “empowered” women by removing the perceived sanction of pregnancy and deconstructed marital relations into “just sex.” No longer was it the mystical union of husband and wife that brought forth life. It was now a bodily function; a sterile act of self-oriented pleasure.

As society continued to modernize during the 20th century, relaxed attitudes emerged regarding sex out of wedlock. Fornication was no longer shamed, but received winks and nods from many quarters of society. Increasingly, what was whispered in the 1950s began to be heralded in the 1960s as free love reigned. Although our early 20th century Progressives faded into history, they were replaced by other revolutionaries whose visions for equality were far more radical. These anarchists were wildly successful in helping to normalize not only fornication and adultery, but through their efforts and the efforts of their minions, the destigmatization and normalization of homosexuality began. How could such an outrageous thing happen in a religious, conservative country? Through an emotional appeal for equality.

We will wrap up this series in the next installment as we take a look at Big Sodomy’s revolution against the created order and conclude with a few take-home points for our Southern brothers and sisters.

-By OH

One comment

  1. See Anthony Esolen’s excellent essay-length article concerning the self-destructive evil of Female Suffrage published last month at Chronicles Magazine, here:

    Here is a snippit to wet the ol’ appetite.:

    Once built, the way from the woman’s living room to the capital bears traffic in both directions, but not equally so. The woman beats a footpath to Congress, and Congress lays down a superhighway to every home in the land, subjecting it to surveillance from social workers, doctors, nurses, teachers, policemen, and evil-minded neighbors. It takes a leviathan to swallow a child and his family whole.

    And of course one must always consult the wise and far-seeing musings of R.L. Dabney on this important topic.:

    What then, in the next place, will be the effect of this fundamental change when it shall be established? The obvious answer is that it will destroy Christianity and civilization in America. Some who see the mischievousness of the movement express the hope that it will, even if nominally successful, be kept within narrow limits by the very force of its own absurdity. They “reckon without their host.” There is a Satanic ingenuity in these Radical measures which secures the infection of the reluctant dissentients as surely as of the hot advocates. The women now sensible and modest who heartily deprecate the whole folly, will be dragged into the vortex, with the assent of their now indignant husbands. The instruments of this deplorable result will be the (so-called) conservative candidates for office. They will effect it by this plea, that ignorant, impudent. Radical women will vote, and vote wrong; whence it becomes a necessity for the modest and virtuous women, for their country’s sake, to sacrifice their repugnance and counterpoise these mischievous votes in the spirit of disinterested self-sacrifice. Now a woman can never resist an appeal to the principle of generous devotion; her glory is to crucify herself in the cause of duty and of zeal. This plea will be successful. But when the virtuous have once tasted the dangerous intoxication of political excitement and of power, even they will be absorbed; they will learn to do con amore what was first done as a painful duty, and all the baleful influences of political life will be diffused throughout the sex.

    What must then become of us, according to Dr. Dabney’s foresight, once this absurdity of Women’s rights and the female vote is thrust upon us?:

    We must then make up our minds in accepting Women’s Rights to surrender our Bibles, and have an atheistic Government. And especially must we expect to have, presiding over every home and rearing every group of future citizens, that most abhorrent of all phenomena, an infidel woman; for of course that sex, having received the precious boon of their enfranchisement only by means of the overthrow of the Bible, must be foremost in trampling upon this their old oppressor and enemy. Its restoration to authority is necessarily their “re-enslavement,” to speak the language of their party.

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