At present, there is only one conclusion at which an honest strategic assessment of Southern Nationalism can derive: the movement
Tag: Current Affairs
So Called “Hate Crimes” Are Rising – But Not By Who You Think
So-called “Hate Crimes” – incidents of violence or intimidation that are reported to be motivated by some form of animus
The Opiate Crisis and the Slippery Blame Game Slope
I hear it all the time from well intentioned Southerners: “The opiate manufacturers are to blame for the opiate crisis…
As Goes California, So Goes Texas?
One long standing discussion on the Dissident Right, which is slowly but surely being picked up on by the mainstream
The Fifteen Dollar Disaster
The $15 Federal minimum wage is uniquely designed to harm the South. Padraig MartinThe son of a recent Irish immigrant
Christendom’s Last Stand
There’s a couple YouTube videos I think everyone should be familiar with. The first is a speech from the excellent
For the Sake of the Children
I heard recently about a mother facing criminal charges under the Data Protection Act for telling her neighbors a pedophile
Wrap My Hijab (Around My Fucking Neck)
“Wrap my Hijab. Wrap my Hijab. Wrap wrap my Hijab.” Oh, heavens. What fucking country are we in. This is
Give Us Us Free: A Story of Stupidity
In my life I have seen many things. Things, often times that I cannot help but ask myself “How?” or
When Dixie Goes, So Do the Founding Fathers
The attack on the Confederate flag and Southern monuments is an attack on the European people who settled this