We are men in service to God.

Southern Nationalism
We are men in service to God.
While the modern educational system seems like a bleak and useless indoctrination ground for new generations of NPC hordes, a
From 1946 to 1964, the United States experienced a massive increase in birth rate. During this 18 year time period, 76,000,000 children
There are no coincidences.
Ah, yes, fall is here. With the clear blue skies and the crisp nip in the air, I can hardly
Here you sit, a model consumer, free to make any decision inside the Overton Window that your handler’s heart permits.
In the last entry to this series, I covered the arguments for why I feel we should take steps to
Diversity + Proximity = Violence
Change isn’t progress.
Ever since I was a boy growing up in the ‘burbs, I’ve dreamed of being out in the country and