One of the fun things about our evil and insane system is that those who think some accommodation is to be reached with it through collaboration often find themselves burned worse than somebody like ourselves who never bought into it in the first place. For example, it used to be quite a thing on the rightwing internet about how female college students would make false rape allegations for social points.
For example, the infamous “mattress girl” who made up an absurd rape allegation and then carried the mattress she claimed to be raped upon around campus. Well, the bewildered guy whose life she destroyed described himself as a “male feminist” and was her boyfriend. It wasn’t even their first or last encounter, many such cases with this pattern. Someone like myself could point out, dude, like bro, that was why she did this shit to you.
Women don’t have the sense of personal accountability or remorse that a man does, enabling them to do this evil shit. In a man, this would be a sociopathic act, but women make up false claims all the time and in many contexts. This was one of those things which had always been known, everywhere, and remains true even if you consider yourself a male feminist. All you’re doing with that is preparing your own noose for the execution. I’ll quote Arthur Schopenhauer at length:
One must say that the fundamental defect of the female character is a lack of a sense of justice. This originates first and foremost in their want of rationality and capacity for reflection but it is strengthened by the fact that, as the weaker sex, they are driven to rely not on force but on cunning: hence their instinctive subtlety and their ineradicable tendency to tell lies … It is indeed to be generally questioned whether they should be allowed to take an oath at all.
Most of these young men who get accused describe themselves as male feminists. There’s a direct connection. Here’s why: these are the men in intimate proximity of these deranged harpies. A man like myself and a woman such as this would find each other’s company mutually repellent. This isn’t to say that women haven’t posed a threat to my life and physical safety or undermined my sanity, but not in this manner.
Moreover, what men such as ourselves understand is that we’re inherently the targets of this Jewish system of power. It doesn’t matter whether we serve it or not, or even that persecuting us will literally cause ships to take out bridges and planes to start coming apart in midair. If you understand this logic, it becomes clear that no deal is to be made for better treatment.
This sodomite thought he was a hero for being a system servant, and it went so much to his head that he was on the side of angels that he could protest against Israel for doing a genocide. Occupy space on campus, resist getting physically removed to protest racism. Sounds like it’s all good, right?
After all, just four years ago America was subjected to a campaign of looting, arson, and murder to protest against the racist treatment of black people, and nobody was even dropping 2,000 pound bombs on them all day for 6 months. Surely, heroes would be able to occupy some modest square footage in a campus building. Remember what happened to the University of Missouri over feces smeared on a wall?
In reality, protesting Jews, who control this system, is a red line. He ought to consider himself lucky that all he got was an expulsion from Vanderbilt University and being arrested. I wouldn’t be surprised if the FBI starts ensnaring these sorts of people in fake terrorist plots. They really don’t seem to know what hits them because they’re not racist, antisemitic, domestic extremist insurrectionists. It’s sad that January 6th happened to the MAGA folks but after that, everybody anywhere on the Right knows the game now.
These leftists don’t and that’s why so many of them now are paying prices for criticizing “racism” (which is a term made up by a Jew for malicious purposes) being done by Israel on a scale that only a Jew could conceive. Sometimes, they pay with their lives if they get too close.
World Central Kitchen coordinated their presence with the IDF, which then used a drone with precision optics and anti-personnel missiles supplied by America to murder them. One missile went right through the organization’s logo painted on the top of the car. Just like the genocide, leftists are bewildered that this is allowed to happen in the first place, and then stuff like this happens to them with no accountability whatsoever.
Then, when they point out this thing that the entire world can see actually happened, they’re accused of blood libel by irate Jews. Again, “blood libel” is a term made up by a Jew to describe what they do to other people, such as our Lord Jesus Christ. Something isn’t libel if someone actually did it although this is actually quite perplexing for someone conditioned to believe that being an “antisemite” (yet another term made up by a Jew) is the worst thing ever.
In reality, this is all part of the Rules-Based International Order which leftists support. Nobody is allowed to give food to the refugees in Gaza because, for one thing, it simply enrages Jews. For another, being fed keeps these refugees alive and disincentives them to flee into Egypt. They’re all supposed to be dead or gone, so contrary to what the Jews claim, there’s actually quite a reason for them to murder aid workers so food stops getting delivered.
Somebody on our side of the spectrum would understand you can’t go to an area where Jews can kill anyone they want with impunity, and give food to the targets of their current genocide without himself becoming a target. However, these people can’t do that because first you would have to acknowledge, at least to themselves, that Jews are evil and in control of the system. Still, Andres coming out and saying that Israel is waging a war on humanity is pretty much getting there, and driving Jews into hysterics.
On a lighter note, the ruining of video games and other male entertainment by injecting diversity, feminism, race-mixing, and LGBTQ+ into the content is probably what got a significant portion of our guys out of this content and into our content.
Well, one of the developers who was a part of this process hired a diverse team to help him come up with narratives for his content. As a White male, they of course turned on him using terms and narratives he’d probably never even heard about. He probably just thought he could spruce up his team with diversity and treat them the way he’d like to be treated.
This is pretty lol:
But when he was nice to his team, they accused him of “love bombing,” a manipulation tactic. They insinuate that he was coming on to female employees, although he is never alleged to have tried to date any of his subordinates or that he made any kind of sexual advance.
Have you ever heard of “love bombing”? Honestly, that’s what I’d expect to hear from a Jew about what they’re doing to Gaza. So, basically by being nice he turned the workplace toxic. But, if he wasn’t nice he would also have turned the workplace toxic. In other words, the workplace was toxic because he, the straight White male, was in the workplace. He is the enemy of the system, it doesn’t matter that he promoted this system. It never does. This isn’t how deals with the devil work.
Of course, the injection of diversity and ejection of White males basically killed this gaming studio. I’m wondering if this guy learned anything from the whole episode. What I do know is that those aid workers aren’t learning anything from 6 feet under and mattress girl’s victim will have to carry around allegations of being a sex criminal for the rest of his life.
I wish that people could learn lessons from things that happen and connect the dots to discern a pattern, from there draw conclusions, and then extrapolate. However, I know this is way too much of a stretch. Wishing for things is not how this world turns, so I try not do that and focus on other pastimes.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
love bombing is how the sexual degenerates manipulate children with gender disphoria. every crazy compulsion is promoted and worshiped/loved unless they disagree with the primary degenerate. standard communism.
You probably get tired of all the comment-encomiums, but that was great!
Yes, it is!
“Love Bombing” is a very real thing, although almost certainly NOT what was going on in the described scenario. Love bombing is one of the primary weapons in the arsenal of the Malignant Narcissist, and can also be used in groups (cults) to influence/recruit.
Well-said, Mark.
I was hoping someone wirh some knowledge (besides myself) on the topic would chime in.
Indeed: love bombing is a Narc strategy.
One popular culture example is what Megan Markle did to poor dimwit Prince Harry, to get him to marry her. (Plus a lot of “Spicy Poon-tang.”)
He is the captive of a Narc, in a cult of one.
Eventually he will wake up, but not before all his friends, family, ans any social relations in rhe UK have evaporated.
Don’t mean to go down a rabbit hole off-topic, but just want to illustrate or support what Mr. Shackleford has written: basically that these DEI hires are all brainwashed and nuts. Or nuts & brainwashed (chicken or egg?).
Indeed: let’s hope huwhyte man has figured out some things, based on that experience.
Mattress girl (if it’s even a chick) is one homely-ass creature.
There’s more to liberalism than it being just being a collective of dysfunctionals. Sure, they have deep psychological issues, we all know that. But I’ve become convinced their real problem is demonic. There are degrees of demonic vexation: oppression… obsession… possession. There are some others but those are the main ones. Some libs ARE clearly possessed. But ALL libs suffer from some degree of demonic oppression, obsession or possession. They’re not the only demoniacs in the World of course, but the unreasoning, demonic intensity found in liberals is inseparable from liberalism.
Wow Tom you outdid yourself.You touched on a number of important points.They all correctly lead us to the Synagogue of Satan.I had Youtube actually flag me for hate speech because I said Synagogue of Satan.They don’t want any of us to know how many agree.That tells me they are afraid their lies are crumbling.Thank you for making such efforts in each article.You are much appreciated.God bless all here.Christ is Master and Lord.And everyone should keep their eyes on God because all these things the Jews have done for thousands of years boil down to the Lord versus the Devil.We represent the battered but unbowed servants of the Lord and the Jews represent the prideful,murderous and lying army of Satan.Never lose the faith and never forget who is behind all our ills.
Excellent. They always eat their own eventually and it is quite amusing to watch. The tide is turning.