The non-stop mixed-race couples in advertising and entertainment is so over the top that even the most moderate of your neighbors not only recognizes the game but openly mocks it.
But recognizing propaganda doesn’t mean it’s not working. Though overtly in our faces (media, education and anything the State touches) remember that race mixing targeted at Whites has been a decades long effort.
Shortly after Reconstruction formally ended, the constitutionality of anti-miscegenation laws was challenged but upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in the 1883 case Pace v. Alabama which ruled that the Alabama anti-miscegenation statute did not violate the Fourteenth Amendment. The court ruled that both races were treated equally because Whites and Blacks were punished in equal measure for breaking the law against interracial marriage and interracial sex.
After the Second World War however, cases in multiple states tried to change the laws in spite of the will of the wide majority of the country. Anti-miscegenation laws prohibited Whites from marrying not just Blacks but in many cases Asians, Filipinos, and Native Americans. The repeal of the laws was a state by state slog that continued well into the 1970s with Alabama not changing their constitution until 2000.
The usual suspects agitating for these changes appealed less to emotional arguments but instead pried wider the gaps in the Constitution that the Framers would never have imagined to be areas vulnerable to breeching.
In 1958, author and political philosopher Hannah Arendt, a Jewish refugee from WW2 Germany, wrote that the free choice of a spouse was, “An elementary human right…Even political rights, like the right to vote, and nearly all other rights enumerated in the Constitution, are secondary to the inalienable human rights to ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’ proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence; and to this category the right to home and marriage unquestionably belongs.” This became the basic and ultimately winning argument adopted by progressive reformers.
So, with laws passed and public and private institutions firmly behind the new Enlightened understanding of the races, why the exaggerated push right now? Why hasn’t the world already become a soothing shade of light brown like coffee with too much milk?
It’s Kinda Working
Pew research has an enormous amount of data on racial intermarriage with so many variables colored by their biased conclusions that it’s challenging to understand exactly what’s happening. Compounding the problem is the somewhat recent phenomena of people declaring mixed or even different races to virtue signal or game the system.
Regardless, the bad news is that overall interracial marriage has increased. But this includes all races and again, details matter. In 1967, only 3% of marriages in the U.S. were mixed race. In 2015 it was 17%. But in 1967, America was almost 95% White. Not so in 2015.
Blacks with a spouse of a different race or ethnicity has more than tripled, from 5% in 1980 to 18% in 2015. Among recently married Whites, rates have more than doubled, from 4% up to 11% (again, as a percent of marriages, not of the total population of the race).
Other factors like income and education had strong correlation. Higher education increases the percent of interracial marriages, especially among Asians and but least of all among Whites.
Whites, when they do intermarry, choose Hispanics more than Blacks with about one in five interracial marriages being a Hispanic man and a White woman.
Location was another strong predictor. One in five people in a metro area are in a mixed-race marriage. When you look at the cities where there is the most interracial marriage as a percentage, metro areas where there are military bases are overrepresented.
Finally, the data shows that mixed race people are the most open to marrying any other group as they don’t easily identify with a single race even if outwardly looking like one. In spite of the propaganda and disproportionate effort to make this very small minority feel accepted and normal, multiracial children still don’t fit into either parent’s race and are alone with often very low self-image. The commitment to the mixing in spite of the sad results betrays the cynical and wicked agenda of those pushing for this. It is similar to trans advocacy and the blind eye turned toward the ruin of the body and spirit of the victims.
If They Weren’t Losing, They Wouldn’t Need the Propaganda
The unsurprising reality is that all races still overwhelmingly marry within their own. Outside the Western world, interracial marriage is especially rare, prohibited if not by law then by strong cultural expectations. The multi-generational effort to mix races is having an impact, but as a terminal strategy, it is clearly not working. There is little doubt that once the messaging stops, everyone’s normal biological preferences will assert themselves.
As to the fate of Whites in the world, depending on who is included, (exclusively European, Persian and Turkic, ancient blue eyed blond and redheaded Aryan rootstocks, even the Ashkenazi, etc…) the percentage of what a reasonable person would recognize as a White person in the world is not the false and intended black pill number of 8% but closer to 20%. In spite of wars, experimental vaccines, and the enforcement and protection of all bizarre perversions, we’re not dying out. And while we may not be thriving, no one else is either.
Don’t be discouraged. Instruct your children well. This too shall pass.

‘Cause down in Alabama, you can run, but you sure can’t hide.
Watching football on TV gets more and more difficult every season. I don’t know what the advertising wizards agenda is but don’t think they will stop until Whites stop buying what they’re selling and let them know exactly why we are boycotting.
The U.S. Government enables miscegenation through the welfare safety net. Every mudshark I have encountered in the wild is a single mother with mulatto mutants receiving government assistance. Many work part-time at Walmarts.
Until the nineteenth century race was synonymous with nationality. The French were considered to be a different race than the British and Germans. Now, Republican retards tell us that “there is only one race, the human race”. Therefore, we Southerners must endeavor to instruct future generations that Africans, Asians, and Latinos are in fact different species. We must also have the discipline to disown coal burners and cast them out of Western Civilization.
Great article … but it to shall not pass, unless we DO something. Note also that even though blacks are barely 14% of pop, they take up 80% of media home pages! Look at any ISP etc etc and see TV app’s – as you browse movies no matter the genre … look at the faces on movie posters. Black, black, black.
Then we have the history rewrites! Amazon, Netflix and Apple are famous for it. It’s a fancy ball in 14th century England. The camera pans across … and yes, there they are! 3 or 4 BLACKS dancing with the whites! 🙂
At this time in history we can’t afford to banter without at least tossing out a solution or 3.
You know. An enlarged all white CSA II.
My hometown is a front row seat to our demographic replacement, miscegenation and generally dysgenic fertility.
I don’t see it on tv because I don’t watch it. I see it every time I go out in public.
What’s more, by the time the propaganda gets stopped, there will be millions of quadroons, octaroons, etc that won’t be all that detestable to thirsty young Whites. It’s a ratchet that will just keep clicking unless we see some serious changes in the near future.
We won’t “see” changes. We have to “make” changes.
I’m all ears…
Great piece Lamar,as always I like your opinions.I will say that Whites are not 20 percent nor even 8 percent.What counts as White in America disgusts me,such as swarthy Italian-lineage people(aka North Africans)and Spaniards and Jews and on and on.Its absurd.And Turks are a filthy Asiatic,despot race which raped millions of White women and turned millions of Christian men into slaves not to mention perverting Christian boys into fanatical Janissaries who fought for Satan and in turn burn in Hell.Jews are well said to be of Turkic-Mongol lineage and this is all anyone needs to know about that.Our salvation will not come from numbers but from God’s will.Whites are the direct line from God and that is why we are targeted for miscegenation by the Jews(aka Satans children).I thank you for your efforts and may God bless and keep you.
I enjoyed this piece as it made me actually have to reason through- a rare event indeed.
So, instinctually we’re predisposed to gravitate and support our tribe. What folks might call ‘natural’. This is healthy.
Individual liberty and freedom of choice are also good and healthy—to the individual. If one finds a fetching eggplant, have at it. It is no more my concern what color you choose than what’s done in your bedroom. A sovereign human being, imbued by God’s natural rights, makes choices as they see fit. As do we all.
There is a responsibility though, greater than oneself, when your choices reverberate throughout the energetic and perhaps historic disposition of one’s time and place.
We should note, ugly fat white Sally thinks she’s edgy; virtue signaling her black beau at every opportunity. The broad rule, as in the multitudes of these, well, race traitors, never even considered the idea of tribal health. It’s only after raising the unfortunate zebra alone, after the 4th black eye, does it dawn on them that the bathroom mirror reflects a bonafide idiot.
One can ignore reality til heart’s content. What they cannot do is ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.
BTW, the same (((Kazarian))) edicts given to undermine and destroy white society focused the propaganda on women. As with the outdated left/right narradigm, dialectic conveyance uses reason and logic to suss out the truth and reality of a particular topic. Men employ this almost exclusively.
Women, and the left are only swayed by rhetoric. To awaken these mind-controlled entities, one’s appeal has to be emotional. G’head, present a bunch of facts and reason to your favorite lib—well, most already know.
If they’re to nod in agreement after exhaustive AND conclusive evidence via dialectic approach, do well to remember: a man convinces against his will is of the same opinion still.