First, definitions.
1. Implied rather than expressly stated: an implicit agreement; absolute: implicit trust; inherent
1. To relinquish possession or control of (something) to another because of demand or compulsion: surrendered the city to the enemy.
2. To give up or abandon: surrender all hope.
We all know what explicit surrender looks like. Waving the white flag publicly on the battlefield; rapidly smashing the floor in a martial arts ring.
What is less obvious, but even more damaging to dissidents, is the almighty implicit surrender.
The surrender still occurs, but without the grandiose imagery attached. We still lose hope and relinquish control of something, but without the obvious cowering acts.
But we still have lost that control.
Many right-wingers fall for this one. You won’t often see a true right-winger explicitly abandoning something, but once you’re paying attention, you’ll see implicit surrender occur constantly. Especially among your average conservative, but even dissidents get caught up in it.
I sure have from time to time. But I’m trying to be better, so here we are.
Once you see it, you can no longer get through nearly any comments/articles on major right-wing news publishers without seeing it.
It is everywhere.
Here are just a few examples of the forms it takes:
- “Don’t go to college.”
- “Just build a new x.”
- “Escape the city and let it burn.”
- “You work for the enemy in academia, so you are the enemy.”
- “Every government employee is an enemy.”
- “Just homeschool your kids.”
And on and on.
Take note: I don’t necessarily disagree with any of these above positions. I myself have escaped the city and happily written articles encouraging others to do the same. Homeschool is all I will do for my own kids. I’ve trashed on certain federal employees—such as FBI agents—at least once a year for every year I’ve had this website (since 2016).
It is not the statement that is the psyop. It is what underlies it.
“Just abandon x and do y instead.” That is the root of each of these statements.
I get the appeal to these arguments, but they are all emotional, not rational. They do not benefit us. Two examples:
- If we all homeschool our kids, great. But that does not mean we should fully surrender the schools to the leftists and trans nutjobs. The majority of people cannot homeschool, so then our kids will still be forced to grow up around those who do go through the twelve-year indoctrination camp fully ran by the worst leftists imaginable with no oversight. This does not benefit us.
- If we all get private, parallel economy jobs, great. But then the leftists and climate change cultists will be the ones writing the laws, enforcing the laws, controlling the government who regulates the economy (i.e. our jobs), and fulfilling every academic function. This does not benefit us.
As much as we may prefer to run, that is not a pathway to victory. It is an easy path to defeat, because each time we run from a battle arena it is an implicit surrender. We give it up to go create something new; which will more than likely also be surrendered in the future for the same reasons.
Let’s say all dissidents and right-wingers give up going to college or university, or fighting for it. It becomes a fully centralized leftist hivemind. We don’t benefit from that; the enemy does. It is a complete surrender of academia and an essential gatekeeping institution to many fields of employment. That means no sane doctors, lawyers, engineers, or other fields that we do and will need.
While we do not trust “the science”, the average person does. If we fully surrender this field, we can say goodbye to any counter to the leftist research. That will not help us.
The universities are not a good institution to lose, even if they are currently majority-compromised. But you hear the mantra all the time, nonetheless: “Don’t send your kids to college”, and whatnot.
Why? So then there is no one fighting back in the classrooms? So the leftists can indoctrinate the grey masses completely unopposed? I even argued back in 2017 in my newbie days that this was a foolish approach.
I will be blunt here: I now firmly believe these arguments are psyops, purposefully placed online and then erroneously picked up by well-intentioned but misled individuals.
Each belief stinks of demoralization, a process that the ruling class has been using against us for decades.
“It’s lost, so don’t even try to fight back”. Um, no, thanks. I will continue to fight.
The same logic applies to the city argument. I whole-heartedly encourage people to leave the cities, but that does not mean to abandon them. Continue to fight for them in other capacities outside of them—Cities are important civilizational regions. We need them, whether or not any of us likes that fact.
If the enemy captures every city, do any of you honestly believe that rural areas will be safe? You can try your best to make a parallel-economy Waco or Ruby Ridge in the rural lands, but they’ll just come snipe your wife in the head or set your entire community on fire.
Perhaps the most famous is the employment argument, most common to libertarians: “If you don’t like x, just build your own”. Building your own does not work in the age of globalization. The elites have made sure of that. If an actual competitor or threat arises, it is quickly infiltrated.
Project Veritas booting James O’Keefe is a great example of that. You can build your own anything, but if you do not defend it, it will likewise be lost. We should not keep surrendering private institutions that have been corrupted from the inside-out; we should be reclaiming them.
Especially influential ones. Even if we cannot retake it, it can still be a battlefield.
Then we have another common belief: “If you work for the government, you are the problem / Every Fed is evil.”
But let me respond with this: What is the alternative? That every government agency is solely staffed with nutcase leftists? That will surely turn out well for us. I’m sure they are going to totally leave your parallel economy alone, because why not?
They certainly won’t tax you out of existence or regulate you to death. And there won’t be any whistleblowers or insiders willing to counteract this breach in your interests.
“You want to know what sounds great!? If there were no conservatives at all in any of our teaching institutions, in our government, in our military, in any influential political spot, or in our law enforcement! That would be just dandy!”
Says the completely insensible, empty-headed dolt. And the centralizers.
Yeah, let’s just surrender all the important institutions to the leftists. That’s a great plan. We’ll hide out in the woods with our small businesses that the full-leftist government regulates, law enforcement protects, and politicians make decisions on. They will surely just leave us alone in peace.
If you cannot tell, this is sarcasm. They will not leave us alone. They will try their best to destroy us, as we would be a risk to their power. And their power would be absolute, solely because we willingly surrendered all of ours.
The craziest part about this psyop is it makes our guys give up these influential positions voluntarily. Isn’t that something? The power of the psyop.
Implicit surrender is a major problem on the right. We need to stop encouraging abandoning essential areas of the fight.
It is my belief that we need more of our guys in government—they can be benefactors or infiltrators. The recent IRS whistleblower has done more good for us this year than most. We would not have those revelations on Hunter Biden if we did not have good guys taking bad guy jobs.
We also need more of our people in education and in academia to fight the brainwashing and help people get through it. How great would it be if we had more contrarian research being done to combat the 90% leftist-trash that is being pushed out?
We need more of our guys in local law enforcement and business regulations positions, so they can take it easy on our parallel economy participants.
[Sidenote: The only one I still hesitate on is the military. You won’t die working a 9-5 government office job, but the military can send you to war for GAE interests. I do not want our guys to get sucked into that machine, but I am also unsettled about letting it be fully enveloped by leftists. I will openly admit I do not have a solution to this particular dilemma.]
Regardless of that one exception, inside-the-system jobs are needed and essential. While they are not the most glamorous for our guys, they are important nonetheless. Our outside-the-system guys cannot survive without them.
The realization is obvious: Implicit surrender is a form of psychological warfare being used against us.
It is a demoralization attempt by distortioners to make us flee the fields we should be most actively pursuing.
They do this to encourage us to give up every essential arena so we have absolutely no power, influence, or say. To relegate all our guys to zero status in the current system, so they can destroy us easier.
Our task is to stop falling for it. The enemy is inside the gates and wants us to abandon everything and everywhere. Do not let them.
We are in a war for our nation right now. In what other war would you willingly secede everything of importance to the enemy?
Go to college, but fight your professors. Go ahead and build an alternative platform, but keep sh*tposting on the others. Become a cop, but keep a close eye on your “brothers in blue”. Sign up for a government gig, and climb the ranks while keeping them honest. Escape to a rural area, but support the remnant that remains in enemy cities. Start your own parallel economy business, but give encouragement to your local rightwing PhD candidate. Homeschool your kids, but don’t let leftists take your local schools.
Do not give up the fight anywhere. Do not fall for implicit surrender. It’s all a psyop.

A Christian, husband, father, and American dissident. Join him in seeking truth and sipping sweet tea during the collapse of the American Empire. You can find more of his work at Eph. 5:11.
It doesn’t surprise me that no one before me has commented to this article; it’s mostly nonsense from a true Southern Nationalist perspective, and I say that with the utmost respect to Kaiser, but it is what it is. E.g., the idea that most of us (Southern Nationalists) are incapable of homeschooling is absolute nonsense, plain and simple! That people don’t want to do a thing (any thing) is no indication that they can’t do it, for whatever reason (name one). Truth is, *most* true Southern Nationalists could homeschool their kids, and should; that they choose not to is a whole ‘nother story unrelated to whether they’re prepared or not. And etc. Homeschool your kids! Period!
Hello T. Morris, thanks for the comment. No disrespect taken. Regarding this:
“E.g., the idea that most of us (Southern Nationalists) are incapable of homeschooling is absolute nonsense”
That was/is not my intention with this article. I know pretty much all Southern Nationalists are capable, and most are willing. I also homeschool in my own family, so I’m obviously not against it.
My point was regarding the average person-the normie-who may be (slightly) capable, but completely unwilling. I homeschool and encourage all others to do so. I just don’t agree with surrendering the public school institutions in the process.
But it would be better if everyone homeschooled, certainly. And our types are some of the best suited to do so.
Certainly our sentiments would incline us to separate from and then leave our enemies to perish, but we’re called to be salt and light in the whole world. God may still have reserved to Himself 7,000 among ‘them’ who have not bowed the knee to Baal.
“While you refrain from the suggestion of revenge and despair, and give place as of necessity to inexorable force, resolve to abate nothing, to concede nothing of righteous conviction. Truckle to no falsehood and conceal no true principle; but ever assert the right with such means of endurance, self-sacrifice and passive fortitude as the dispensation of Providence has left you. If wholesale wrongs must be perpetrated, if wholesale rights must be trampled on, let our assailants do the whole work and incur the whole guilt. Resolve that no losses, nor threats, nor penalties, shall ever make you yield one jot or tittle of the true or just in principle, or submit to personal dishonor. And let us remember, young gentlemen, that while events, the successes of ruthless power, the overthrow of innocence may greatly modify the expedient, they have no concern whatever in determining the right. ”
R. L. Dabney, ‘The Duty of the Hour’, Discussions Vol. 4, pp. 108-122.
Create your own thing and defend that. Previous generations gave up the legacy institutions and there’s currently no path to retaking them.
Some are absolutely lost. I live in rural NC but work in Greensboro; it’s “majority minority “ and even the blacks are from up north. Greensboro is lost for the time being.
College education is a waste of time and money with a few exceptions like STEM, medicine or law. I’d suggest going out of country if you want to go that route until there’s friendly colleges able to grant accredited degrees locally.
In short, everything is pretty much lost, but winning and losing in politics is temporary, winners eventually weaken. All we have to do is hold on and try to lose as few as possible until that time comes.
I disagree, we do not need more of our people in government, or in government sponsored re-education camps. The more support we feed the USG the stronger it gets. There is no – NO – reforming the USG. Even if every Southerner worked in government, the north would still control the institutions of government and education. We need to stop feeding it and build our own. Building our own institutions, refusing to censor ourselves, refusing to feed the beast is the opposite of surrender. It’s resilience. We need strong institutions WE own so that when the USG falls apart, or people get fed up enough, we can arm and support resistance to build a true independent South.
“We need strong institutions WE own so that when the USG falls apart, or people get fed up enough, we can arm and support resistance to build a true independent South.”
I definitely agree with your above point. My main concern (in this article) is losing the fight in the areas that regulate and oversee our parallel institutions. It will be much more difficult for us in building and creating alternatives if we have no resistance present in the dominant USG institutions while we do so.
Provoking article, thank you.
“We need to stop encouraging abandoning essential areas of the fight.”
That’s the key to the argument.
What is essential and what is not?
Essential: Food production, medical professionals, scientists, engineers, teachers( higher education for sure), even some bureaucrats are totally necessary. The nuance is having our people in strategic positions, influencing society.
A balanced approach to everything is usually the best course.