“If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.”
We do not need to beat around the bush on this one. Hyperbolic language has its place, of course. However, there really is no other way to describe a “performance” at the 2023 Grammys other than Satanic. The performers were Sam Smith, an overrated chubby homosexual, and a surgically castrated monstrosity named Kim Petras (born “Tim”). As you can likely deduce from the lead image, the performance was clearly Satanic in presentation and nature. We will spare the readership from embedding a video of the ritual, but it also included a couple of transvestites (Violet Chachki and Gottmik), fire pyrotechnics, a cage, and overtly demonic and Luciferin imagery. Sam and Tim’s song, central to the perverse production, is called “Unholy.” Not very subtle, to say the least. And, evidently, it was a major hit, debuting at number 3 on the Billboard Hot 100 in October of last year.
All of this truly is a stark reminder as to how far this nation (and culture) has fallen. That’s an almost overly clichéd commentary within the Dissident Right. However, when juxtaposing this recent abomination to earlier Grammys, it hammers the point even further. For instance, it would have been inconceivable for such a demonic performance at the 7th Annual Grammy Awards in 1965 – where Roger Miller’s Dang Me/Chug-A-Lug won Best Country & Western Album and Mary Poppins won for Best Recording for Children. This most recent Grammy iteration for Best Children’s Album went to the Alphabet Rockers and their album called The Movement. As you can probably guess, The Movement is, “written for the whole family to understand their power, break biases, disrupt systems of oppression, and find community care.” It includes a track called, “Junteenth.” Identity Dixie does not endorse.
Back to the issue at hand, though. While we will not provide a video of the unholy “Unholy” performance, below is an excerpt from the aforementioned song:
Mummy don’t know daddy’s getting hot
At the body shop, doing something unholy
He’s sat back while she’s dropping it, she be popping it
Yeah, she put it down slowly
Oh-ee-oh-ee-oh, he left his kids at
Ho-ee-oh-ee-ome, so he can get that
Mummy don’t know daddy’s getting hot
At the body shop, doing something unholy (woo)
We would not call this a lyrical masterpiece. But, obviously, there must be enough simpletons or non-Christians that find this number entertaining, or it would not be so popular; then again, they might not be listening to the lyrics. And mentioning lyrics, we would be remiss if we did not point out a rather interesting portion in “Unholy.”
Mmm, daddy, daddy, if you want it, drop the addy
Give me love, give me Fendi, my Balenciaga daddy
Balenciaga. Where have we heard that name before? That’s a fascinating inclusion. In case y’all needed a reminder: in November of last year, Balenciaga included children holding teddy bears with bondage harnesses in their holiday ad campaign. In a separate advertisement that dropped later that month, a bag from the fashion house was photographed atop copies of what appeared to be documents from the Supreme Court case United States v. Williams, a ruling that upheld the PROTECT Act (protections against child pornography). There are, of course, no coincidences.
One might argue that the lyrics to “Unholy” revolve around a married man having an affair with a gold-digging floozy. At least, that’s how it’s been described, and one might ascertain that from only reading the lyrics. Nonetheless, watching the official music video is more aligned with the Sam/Tim Satanic ritual. The music video includes a husband visiting some lurid “body shop” staffed with androgenous creatures, bearded ladies, and demonic-looking transexuals. There’s a great deal of snarling, girating, licking, and thinly veiled orgies. It’s a mixture of Cabaret‘s debauchery and despair and paired with the deformed freaks of Xerxes’ court from 300. In other words, it’s nightmare fuel for normal people – just like the Grammys recent Satanic celebration.
The Left, and even some on the Right, enjoy accusing normal people of engaging in a national “panic,” or a “Satanic Panic.” But, there is a major difference between 1980s heavy metal, Dee Snider, Dungeons & Dragons role-playing games, and what we’re currently watching in the media. In 1985, children were not being castrated and given hormone blockers. In 1985, the United States was still very much a Christian country; it never would have tolerated this current filth. Twisted Sister may have been a goofball, slapstick glam metal band with a couple of hits, but they weren’t obsessed with this unmistakable Satanic symbolism and sodomy. This is not a rightwing panic, a hysterical witch-hunt to shut down freedom of expression. This is clearly something else, and it is easily observable and explainable.
Current American culture is so utterly rotten and disgusting that Satanism is really the only rational explanation. It’s right there in the open.
This doesn’t pass the sniff test. We smell the sulfur.

Yup. To the argument that all the more serious metal bands from the 80s and 90s were doing this “better” and more extremely (true), the obvious difference is that the more intense end of the spectrum (Venom, Slayer, Morbid Angel, etc.) was underground and fringe. They were trying to be off-putting and unattractive. What we’re seeing now is mainstreamed, prime time and endorsed by the establishment. It is the supported art to reinforce the new morality.
“Musical innovation is full of danger to the State, for when modes of music change, the fundamental laws of the State always change with them.”― Plato, The Republic
Would seem “they” took this truth to heart and have decided to be the agents of change rather than the victims of it.
Slayer isn’t fringe, my friend. And metal was not nor is not satanic. This Grammy ritual crap (which I didnt know of and find abhorrent) can NOT be compared to metal.
Sorry, old hesher writing this 🙂
America’s Yankee Empire – 2023: Makes heroes of George Floyd, Kamala Harris, Bruce (caitlyn) Jenner, Sam Smith, David Petraeus; disparages, demonizes, and maligns Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, A.P. Hill, Nathan Bedford Forrest. America’s Yankee Empire -2023: celebrates ‘gay pride month’ in every federal agency, including the department of ‘Defense.’ I’ll end with two relevant scripture passages for the current era: Isaiah 5:20 – Woe unto them that call evil good and good evil; that put darkness for light and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. Galatians 6:7 – Be not deceived, God is not mocked; for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
This is a classic Motte & Bailey tactic used to silence all serious opposition to their lurid schemes; the left employs this strategy (and many on the “right” go along because they’re, well, stu-pid beyond belief) with everything it touches that meets anykind of serious-seeming resistence on the right. E.g., Motte & Bailey Feminism; Motte & Bailey Occultism, etc. It’s easy to spot the tactic, and in fact to anticipate it, ‘from a mile off’ if one knows what to look for. I for one enjoy slapping it down with feminists and their male lackeys who retreat to the safety of the Motte and claim that all they’re after is equality with men, pure and simple, while their unsexed sisters and brothers are out in the Bailey demanding state-sanctioned and state-funded abortion on demand, equal pay for unequal work, no fault divorce, and so on and so forth. Of course they all alternate back and forth between shouting their unholy demands from the Bailey, to retreating to the safety of the Motte when they’re challenged and begin to feel like they’re losing their grip. And that is when relentless pressure needs to be put on them.
I agree with this as far as it goes. However, there is something to be said for “gateway drugs” and “one thing leading to another.” The only way to prevent the downward spiral is to identify the source and “nip it in the bud.” But, speaking to the Christianity of yesteryear and its battle against spiritual wickedness in high places, I’m old enough to remember (and vividly so, since it made such an impression on my adolescent mind) when Christian organizations would come to our school and give presentations in our gymnasium about satanic influences in much of ’70s and ’80s rock music we were listening to. Play “Hotel California” forward or backwards, and tell me they weren’t onto something way back then.
Gone are the days of Metallica playing at the Grammys.