
If you’re reading this and you don’t work for the SPLC, you’re most likely a dissident. What makes you a dissident is that you notice various existentially important things and you also notice the contradictory beliefs that other people hold about these things. Probably what you also have is an itch to point these things out since they’re obvious.

This often leads to the misguided conclusion that by confronting someone with the staggering contradictions in their beliefs, they will then have to reexamine how they can entertain such contradictions or perhaps feel ashamed of their hypocrisy and thus reform their line of thinking and begin interpreting evidence within this new context.

I used to be afflicted such delusions, but my experiences since 2017 have cured me of them. As a result, I’ve begun thinking about everything in an increasingly biblical context, which I’ve written about before in terms of the Calvinist concept of Double Predestination. While it certainly doesn’t impart a sense of optimism, I think it’s an important intellectual evolution that has to happen if you’re going to have a realistic sense about where all of this is headed.

I’m not saying you should shrug your shoulders and tell yourself “Of course the world is going to burn, it was made to burn, it’s right there in the Bible and it also says that lots of people are going to be willing participants in that process” and just go on about your day awaiting the apocalypse. That’s not constructive thinking and the end isn’t for us to know. It also says that if you’re worried that the hour is late, maybe it is and maybe isn’t, so don’t let that hold you back from pursuing your life.

What I am saying is that you shouldn’t waste a second of your time hoping that some evidence will come along that will finally change these people’s minds because the contradictions between their beliefs are simply too staggering to maintain or that morality will finally restrain them. By these people, I’m referring to White liberals / shitlibs / libtards / The Cursed of the Earth, whatever it is you’re accustomed to calling them. No pejorative is really too severe.

The January 6th thing seems to be driving conservatives insane because they were bombarded for four years about how Putin stole the 2016 election. Then, they were forced to watch the Mostly Peaceful George Floyd Summer of Carnage culminate into them being harangued about how the violence of the “insurrection” was horrific and that elections are of unquestionable integrity and to question their outcome qualifies one as an insurrectionist.

They have a desire for fairness and objectivity that they can’t accept will never be gratified in this lifetime. That’s why a traditional trope of the conservative media, and one we’ve been making fun of for years, is the cringe “what if the races were reversed?” or “why is it okay when the Democrats do it?” type of arguments.

It’s probably true that you need to engage people where they are intellectually and politically, rather than where you’d like to get them. So, I always wonder about what the entry dissident content would be for the average conservative, something like this principle perhaps.

The problem is that I’ve always been an “extremist” since I was a child and noticed that the blacks all around me were incredibly stupid, violent, and dysfunctional (which was the same thing going on everywhere). All of the hallmark contentions of a current era dissident I’ve held since I stumbled upon They Dare to Speak Out went down the literature rabbit hole when I was fifteen.

I’m quite a bit older than I was back then and I still haven’t encountered any evidence to counter these contentions, but rather decades of confirmation bias culminating with everyone around me injecting themselves with poison and condemning me as a nutjob for refusing. What goes on in a normal person’s head is clearly beyond my comprehension.

So, all I can do is speculate about the faculties of someone who believes that we must judge people by the content of their character, that the Constitution is a sacred document or that America is some sort of basically positive force in the world. By a certain age, you should know better than this nonsense. Maybe they’re just as damned as the libtards.


  1. Man, I’m in such a weird place. On an intuitive level, I find Eastern Orthodoxy to be the most legit because of how holistic it all is, but on an intellectual level, the only way I can really wrap my head around Christian teaching and actually accept it is via (hyper)Calvinism.

    Things like Double Predestination make total sense if you’re looking at the religion from a naturalistic POV.

    Like, if you just swap out “God” for “nature”, it makes senes that certain people would be created expressly for the purposes of being saved or condemned via no real “fault” of their own. Same way that some Humans or animals are born with severe congenital health problems that basically condemn them to not be able to survive and live anything resembling a long life for their species.

    Its just like… self-evidently true if you look at the issue without any pre-conceived notions.

    Can any of you Johnny Rebs recommend some kind of like Complete Idiots Guide to Calvinist doctrine? You should definitely do more articles on the subject of theology, they definitely have more mass appeal than Southern Nationalism– I’m not even a Southerner, but I come here for the articles because (1) they’re so good and (2) very few dissident right outlets are still doing essays these days

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