Monkeying Around with Death, Again

Watching how the media has handled the development of the monkeypox outbreak has been fascinating because it shows just how brazen they are, how much they hate normal Christians, and how much they will do anything to defend the alphabet people. Though cases are just getting going in the United States, they are heavily centered on one specific group of people – homosexual men who have a compulsive desire to engage in extremely risky sexual activity, the consequences be damned. The media’s response has been to downplay this, frame it as not a problem or “everyone’s problem,” and generally try to ignore its root cause.

That this comes not even two years after they cheerlead for destroying people’s lives who just wanted to engage in normal activities. It really reveals the depths of their hatred. Trying to keep your family business afloat? Selfish bastard! Refuse to stop having gay orgies? Oh, that’s your call. I’m not even making this up, health officials will not demand homosexuals to stop participating in orgies, only to “take precautions.” It would be one thing if Covid was a death sentence, a real-life Captain Trips, but, in reality, monkeypox is far deadlier. I would not go as far as to call it a death sentence, but its mortality rate is nothing to sneeze at either, around 5%. That number becomes even more stark when one looks deeper into the context. Covid was really only deadly for the very old, but in the case of monkeypox, that 5% represents a young, or at least fairly young, population. Monkeypox and smallpox are similar enough to where the smallpox vaccine actually offers some protection (around 85%). But, because smallpox has been eliminated in nature, no one born after 1970 has had the vaccine, meaning they have no protection. Monkeypox is not killing the very old.

The fact that homosexuals are refusing to alter their behavior one iota should be no surprise. While I would not go as far as to call monkeypox a death sentence, AIDS certainly did qualify as one in the 1980s and still homosexuals refused to change their degenerate behavior. Though the Left’s explanation lays blame at the feet of Ronald Reagan for not speaking out soon enough, the facts do not bear this out. That homosexual men called efforts to get them to at least wear condoms an act of “sexual Nazis” is well documented, as was their anger at New York City Mayor Ed Koch when he shut down the bathhouses. They never would have listened to Ronald Reagan in this climate, especially when they almost universally despised him. If homosexuals would not alter their behavior for a disease that actually was a death sentence, they certainly won’t do it for a disease with a 5% mortality rate, especially considering how American society viewed homosexuality in the 1980s versus today.

That’s why so much of the propaganda around AIDS, especially in the late 1980s and early 1990s, focused on heterosexual couples and how AIDS was “everyone’s disease” – this was boosted by running with some truly tragic cases- i.e., hemophiliacs getting it from a blood transfusion. That was all a lie. The fact is AIDS, at least in the West, has been a homosexual and drug user disease. Still, the bad PR did force homosexuals to change their tune, at least in public. By 1989, homosexuals realized that thumbing their nose at convention and in the face of something like AIDS was a bad look, so they instead claimed that they were the victims of a bigoted society (this was the strategy laid out in After the Ball, and why they were so focused on homosexual marriage, they needed to make themselves appear normal after AIDS). Of course, as soon as they got what they wanted, the mask slipped. As it turned out, monogamy was never a high priority, but “bake the cake, bigot” was.

While monkeypox is not as deadly as AIDS, it has the potential to be very devastating. The climate of the 1980s compared to 2022 is radically different. There was no Grindr in 1984, which limited the spread of AIDS. Even more importantly, homosexual activists actually had to work (including threats of terrorism) to get the medical community and the media to downplay the link between sodomy and AIDS, hence the original name for AIDS was GRID – gay-related immunodeficiency. Today, practically everything is in lockstep with the homosexual agenda. And while society at large looked at homosexual acts with disgust in the 1980s, today it is universally celebrated.

Paradoxically, there are certain trends that make Heritage America better prepared to fight. For one, Heritage America no longer trusts the media or even the medical community, so the move to downplay the disease will have less success now. There was too much leftover good will in the 1980s. But, even more important, the degenerate Left cannot play the bait and switch anymore, no one will believe they just want to be let alone. And while they may have been able to convince Middle America they really wanted homosexual monogamy, mostly by keeping people from spilling the beans, that is no longer the case now. A quick search on Twitter will reveal that homosexuals have no plans to end their risky behavior, something that looks even worse to people who were vilified for wanting to go to work when the disease in question (Covid) was far less deadly.

Monkeypox may not be as deadly as AIDS in the 1980s (difficult to be deadlier than that), but the responses to both diseases, and from the people who have been hit the hardest, reveals the suicidal psychology at work. In essence, this is pure and simple hedonism. However, the difference is that the old scheme the homosexuals pulled is no longer viable, Middle America learned that lesson. In an odd way, despite having more cultural forces united against them, this gives Heritage America a better chance. Now, we at least know who we are facing and what the stakes are. That was not the case in the 1980s.


  1. It’s for pieces like this I’m glad I found Identity Dixie, revealing the ‘depth of their hatred.’

    White people around the globe would do well to remember those lines from the Terminator movie:

    “Listen. And understand. That terminator is out there. It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.”

  2. “If there is a memorial quilt for all the people who died of aids, why isn’t there one for all the people who died of syphilis?”–author unknown
    In the 1970s, there sprang up billboards during the gasoline shortage, featuring a smiley face and the words “We’re all in this together.” Dumb. And as far as diseases caused by dangerous sexual activity or self destructive drug abuse, we are not all in it together.
    Kary Mullis, who developed the PCR test, had serious reservations about using it as a diagnostic tool; it was intended for research. He was also suspicious of a viral origin of what we call AIDS thinking that the lifestyle of those who developed it had much more to do with it. RFK amplified this suspicion in his book on Anthony Fauci which devoted a long chapter to Fauci’s role in the AIDS debacle. Overlooked at the time as a cause of immune system collapse was the insane use of amyl nitrite ‘poppers’ to enhance anal sex. Better living through chemistry.
    So now we are told that monkeypox is a threat to all of us. Get vaccinated. Get boosted. How many will that kill? How many have died of covid vaccines? How many AIDS sufferers died of being treated with AZT? John 8:44 tells us exactly what we are up against: “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”

  3. That’s why so much of the propaganda around AIDS, especially in the late 1980s and early 1990s, focused on heterosexual couples and how AIDS was “everyone’s disease” – this was boosted by running with some truly tragic cases- i.e., hemophiliacs getting it from a blood transfusion.

    Induced, by the way, by the purposeful (and with malice aforethought) tainting of the general blood supply by way of holding of blood drives in the “Castro District” of San Francisco. Dr. Lorraine Day exposed this in her groundbreaking book, AIDS, What the Government Isn’t Telling You. I read her book not long after it was first published (1991). Having grown up in rural Oklahoma, Dr. Day’s expose’ was … eye-opening to me re: homosexual degeneracy in more ways than just a few. In any case, there is no doubt, at least to my mind, that the “Folsum Street Degenerates” of the late-80s purposely tainted the general blood supply with AIDS infected blood. No doubt whatever. I highly recommend Dr. Day’s book, to those who have not read it.

  4. “The media’s response has been to downplay this, frame it as not a problem or “everyone’s problem,” and generally try to ignore its root cause.”

    They did the same, in the late 70’s, and into the 80’s, with AIDS. They made the entire heterosexual public afraid of catching a disease, that in reality, they had little chance of catching, through normal behaviour and activities. Which included fear of public restrooms, or of any physical contact, with anybody. Even shaking hands. Or kissing a cute girl at school.

    This time, however, they’ll simply cover it up, in an attempt to head off any research that indicates that monkey pox is strictly, or nearly so, a “gay disease.” Or that it’s the result of Black Africans having sexual relations with primates, and with each other, regardless of their sex or species.

    What I truly fear though, is the spreading of Ebola, and other terrible African diseases, to the outside world, because of a misplaced sympathy for Stone Age primitives. And an obsession with “Racism” and “Fairness.”

    Rigid adherence to political ideology can get us all killed.

  5. Time to round up the infectious deviants and ship them to leper colonies until the monkey pox pathogen burns its way through their population. It’s not as though the deviants are reproducing or doing anything positive for society in general.

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