Principled Business

In the age we live in, where everything revolves around the almighty dollar, it is of little surprise that virtuous principles and ethics in business have all but vanished. It wasn’t always this way. Younger folks may find this impossible to believe, but in the not-too-distant past it wasn’t common to be commercially “screwed over” on a regular basis. It also wasn’t routine to have advertisers blatantly lie about their services or products. And, finally, it wasn’t normal to have the average business (small or even larger companies) try to squeeze every last nickel out of you.

Don’t get me wrong, these sorts of unethical characters and enterprises have always been around; however, they were generally the exception and not the norm (again, as a general rule). At one time, businesses operated in harmony with their local community, where both grew and were successful with each other. These days, however, it’s the opposite, whereby many companies exist to suck as much capital, resources, and income out of a particular area and people. There’s a lot of very big companies, which you are already aware of, that operate this way, from major brands to large national chains. In the old United States, antitrust laws were vigorously enforced to prohibit monopolies from suffocating and destroying small business. If you look around today, you can see the almost widespread monopolization of the American economy.

When did this start? Where did this start? These are important questions that need to be asked, especially if we are to determine how we can return to the way things used to be. How many times have you heard or seen a posted position for some company that required a college degree? How many times have you observed (or even been told) the suggestion that if you want to be successful in business, you need a college degree?

There is a repeated trend you already observe, and it is something that needs to be set right because here’s the truth – you don’t need a degree to be successful in business. People have been fooled into believing that they need one, but it is not true. The ruling elite want you to have one because it forces you to attend their indoctrination centers, also known as an American college, which is where principled business ethics go to die. Or, I should say, the children of principled business ethics went to die. Even in the 1990s and the 2000s, businesses focused on upstanding operating practices were not incredibly difficult to find.

Don’t misunderstand me, it was not as abundant as it once was, but it hadn’t dried up like an abandoned lakebed by that point. As young adults were sent to Marxist brainwashing academies, at the behest of their parents, who were similarly instructed by society and television that you had to have a college degree to land a high paying job, the idea of extreme capitalism was programmed into their psyche, wherein things like offshoring, hidden terms in user agreements, transactional and parasitical enterprises, and other “concepts” were introduced, then additionally and more thoroughly reenforced in postgraduate studies. Instead of providing a tangible value or service (manufacturing, repair, production, etc.), we have entities with passive service charges, internet apps, call centers, brand management, data entry, paperwork, etc.

Throughout the 1980s and onwards, due to manufactured recurring crises, the reinforcement and need to change the old ways of doing business were increasingly discarded. As a result, the negative consequences slowly built up over time, as well as, wages stagnating with the rise in inflation and the strength of the Yankee dollar weakening. Piece by piece, the economy was (and still is) being dismantled to the detriment of Americans everywhere. Thus, the justification for higher taxes to support social welfare programs all naturally rode in on these coattails, and with it the necessity for more governmental control.

So, how do we “undo” this? How do we return? The unfortunate answer is there is no easy solution. Like the time it took for the present day took to arrive, it will take an equally invested amount of time to reverse course. How that starts is to return to something I have repeatedly preached and will continue to do so – localism and community. While on a regional and national level we cannot, as individuals, hope to impact large scale change, the area which we can have the most positive results are in our local communities.

Reintroducing principled business starts by starting our own companies, hosting community meetings where the matters of ethical commercial enterprise can be brought to attention and discussed. You, as an individual, can have far more success by interacting with your community than any lawmaker. It is for this reason why our political enemies attempt to utilize psychological tools to manipulate and control. It is why they doxx political dissidents and traditionalists – they understand, at least subconsciously, the threat to their existence and continued success if one continues to engage in outreach.

Collectivism is a tool which they used to obtain power and maintain it. As a result, they must gatekeep this tool, lest it be used against them. It is for this reason that they must also deny principled business, for if they do not, they might find it very difficult to maintain their current socioeconomic status. Thankfully, more people are realizing with each passing day the fear mongering they push is a bunch of baloney. If you don’t want to get “bent over” in every business transaction, it’s prudent that we work together, ethically and ethnically, in our own business enterprises – create, produce, and provide genuine value for our people. Let the Yankee Empire’s parasite economy create nothing and die from scarcity and its own unprincipled foundation.


  1. American “education” is a racket, bottom-to-top; has been since at least 1848. Indeed, while I will not contend that the WBTS would not have occurred without it or in its absence, I will contend that the Yankee state school system contributed greatly to it. We Southerners know that the WBTS was a huge criminal venture conducted by the Yankees for purely criminal purposes. And as Dr. Dabney states below, the regular result of state “education” (so called) is the propagation of criminality. That has always been the case, and ever shall it be. Speaking of Dr. Dabney, and without further ado:

    We often hear this apology for the State’s wholesale intrusion into education advanced with the exactness of a commercial transaction. They say: “It costs less money to build school-houses than jails.” But what if it turns out that the State’s expenditure in school-house is one of the things which necessitates the expenditure in jails? The fruits of the system show that such is the result, and hence the plea for the State’s intrusion is utterly delusive.

    The regular result of the kind of education which alone it can give is to propagate crime.

    Allison’s History of Europe states that forty years ago two-thirds of the inhabitants of France could neither read nor write. In Prussia, at the same time, the government had made secular education almost universal, by compelling parents to send their children to school from seven to fourteen years of age.

    Statistics of the two countries show that serious crime was at that time fourteen times as prevalent in intelligent Prussia as in ignorant France—volume V., page 15.

    Again it has been found from the official records of the 86 departments of France that the amount of crime has, without a single exception, been in proportion to the amount of scholastic instruction given in each.

    Again, we are told that much the largest number of the lewd women of Paris come from those departments where there is most instruction. In Scotland the educated criminals are to the uneducated as four and a half to one.

    M. De Toqueville remarked of the United States that crime increased most rapidly where there was most instruction.

    The ancients testify that the moral condition of the “Barbarians” was comparatively pure beside that of the Greeks and Romans, and that the most refined cities were the most corrupt. But let us bring the comparison nearer home.

    The Northern States of the Union had previously to the war all adopted the system of universal State schools, and the Southern States had not. In 1850 the former had thirteen and a half millions of people, and twenty-three thousand six hundred and sixty-four criminal convictions. The South (without State schools) had nine and a half millions, and two thousand nine hundred and twenty-one criminal convictions—that is to say, after allowing for the difference of population, the “educated” masses were something more than six times as criminal as the “uneducated.” The same year the North was supporting 114,700 paupers, and the South 20,500.

    The “unintelligent” South was something more than four times as well qualified to provide for its own subsistence as the “intelligent” North!

    But Massachusetts is the native home of the public school in America. In Boston and its adjacent county the persons in jails, houses of correction or refuge, and in alms-houses bore among the whites the ratio of one to every thirty-four. (Among the wretched, free blacks it was one to every sixteen.) In Richmond, the capital of “benighted” Virginia, the same unhappy classes bore the ratio of one to every one hundred and twelve. Such are the lessons of fact. Indeed, it requires only the simplest ocular inspection to convince any observer that the economical plea for State schools is illusory.

    In the South State school-houses were unknown, and consequently jails and penitentiaries were on the most confined and humble scale. The North is studded over with grand and costly public school-houses, and her jails are even more “palatial” in extent and more numerous than they. -R.L. Dabney, THE STATE FREE SCHOOL SYSTEM IMPOSED UPON VIRGINIA BY THE UNDERWOOD CONSTITUTION (italics & paragraph breaks mine)

    There’s a lot more on the subject where that came from, but I ain’t got time to look it all up this morning. Good article.

  2. Agree with the article. But remember, it isn’t just “Yankee” anymore. It’s satanist pedophiles in Brussells … and everywhere … and possessed Jews etc etc that are the new Yankee. The world has shrunk. The Yankee has expanded. The terms NWO or Deep State or Illuminati are more accurate now … which “includes” Yankee.

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