The Problem with Covid Vaccines

Personally, I do not believe any of the hype around Covid-19.  I had it.  Covid lasted about two days for me, in which I felt very tired, ran a fever, and had a chest cough.  Hot toddies and sleep cured my Covid.  The most annoying thing about Covid was the loss of taste and smell for about two weeks.  Otherwise, it was a brief, bad cold.  I knew that Covid was not nearly the killer it was when a relative of mine, who was not in good physical shape, caught Covid and shook it off a week later.  When Donald Trump caught Covid, another individual who is not in relative good physical shape, he was back on the election circuit in a few short days.  Thus, the farcical nonsense of Covid as a killer is just that – nonsense.  The fact is only ten percent of the recorded deaths related to Covid were actually due to Covid.  Most of the deaths attributed to Covid by the mainstream media miss the CDC caveat that states “Covid present.” In other words, the person died of something else, but also had Covid.  If you do not believe me, look at the U.S. Center for Disease Control’s own reporting guidelines.

Now, all that stated, if I really bought into the Covid-19 narrative peddled by global elites and their mainstream media lapdogs, obviously I would want the soundest way possible to control and/or defeat the illness.  Thus, it would make sense to push for vaccines, if vaccines worked on survivable airborne pathogens.  The problem is, they do not.  If our elites really wanted to stop the virus, they would not press those with natural antibodies to get vaccinated.  In fact, they would offer an antibody exemption to any passport program, because unlike the vaccinated, those with the antibodies are better suited to handle and kill future variations of the disease, such as the Delta variant.  The following article explains “why.”

Coronavirus is the technical term for the common cold.  It has been identified for decades.  Covid-19 is just a SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) variant of coronavirus identified in 2019.  What we know about colds is that they spread and mutate from person to person.  The best way to defeat the common cold is to catch the cold, tough it out, and build the natural antibodies to that latest iteration so that you cannot catch it again.  Human beings are introduced to the common cold almost daily, due to basic behaviors, such as going to the store and grabbing the handles of a shopping buggy.  No amount of sanitizer or mask wearing can keep human beings from catching the common cold.  Nor, for that matter, will it keep them from catching Covid-19, which travels the same way.

When you build natural antibodies, your immune system no longer becomes a hospitable environment for coronavirus variants.  Some are tougher to shake than others.  The range of symptoms fluctuate based on the body’s own immunity condition and the virus itself.  If you are immunocompromised – such as those on chemotherapy or those who have Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) – the common cold can be deadly.  Consequently, such individuals need to take special precautions to ensure they lower the risk of contracting a cold and if they catch one, they need to take immediate mitigating steps to treat the illness.  Others, due to age, physical health, weight, etc., are at varying risks for complications related to a cold. 

SARS is a cold that attacks the lungs, therefore, it can be even deadlier to those with compromised immune systems.  The best defense for such individuals is to quarantine them (the immunocompromised) and allow those with stronger immunities to contract the disease.  Once natural antibodies have developed throughout the broader population (herd immunity), those antibodies can eventually be replicated through genetic manufacturing and, ultimately, used as a treatment.  This is the foundation of Monoclonal Antibody (MAB) therapies.  Once the individual has the antibodies, they are not only better suited for surviving the disease, their now inhospitable immune system kills the variant before it can mutate and spread.

Vaccines, on the other hand, act differently.  Vaccines target specific variations of a disease and prepares the body to similarly make an inhospitable immune system for the disease.  However, unlike natural or manufactured antibodies, which are able to internally mutate to conquer future versions of the same disease, vaccines are static – meaning that they address only one type of the disease (that which is studied in a lab).  By the time most vaccines are released to a given population, coronavirus variants, like influenza, have already mutated.  They can help fight off the disease, but they cannot stop it.  Consequently, future booster shots become mandatory in order to fight off mutated versions of the same disease.  But, there is something even worse about vaccines. 

Because vaccines are entirely synthetic, there is an additional risk of mutation.  Diseases learn how to survive.  Vaccines that address a specific variant effectively teach the virus how to bypass that treatment.  Consequently, we get mutations. 

When your natural antibodies come into contact with a disease, they begin battling and finding out how to kill that given viral invader.  This is one of the reasons we become tired when we are genuinely sick.  Our bodies are working overtime to fight off an ailment.  Vaccines, on the other hand, do not teach the antibodies how to fight anything but the synthetically introduced virus.  When the real thing comes along, the chances are hit-or-miss that the vaccine will work.  What we are finding out about the Covid-19 vaccine is that it is largely not working.

Worse, still, is the introduction of a synthetic variant of Covid into those with the natural antibodies.  This is the reason so many individuals are having severe, adverse reactions to the vaccine.  Essentially, a person’s antibodies are deployed to fight something with which it has already learned how to kill, but instead they come upon a synthetic version of the disease.  Whereas someone may choose to get the vaccine (although I do not recommend it based on that which we now know), they should really avoid the vaccine if they already have the antibodies. 

In sum, the vaccine push – through mandates, passports, etc. – defies science.  Natural immunity is the best method to combat any variation of coronavirus, especially Covid-19.  The federal and state mandates, both here and abroad, that do not allow for an antibody exemption at a minimum are either derived from pure stupidity or pure evil.  Our global elites are not stupid, therefore it is the latter. 

Whereas I would be inclined to believe that “Big Pharma’s” greed is the driving force behind these mandates, it seems far too convenient.  I am sure they will make money, but that cannot be the sole purpose of discarding thousands of years of human evolution and hundreds of years of democratic principles to mandate the injection of a synthetic disease.  The hyperbole surrounding the virus, the shutdowns, the vaccine mandates – all of it – smells Satanic to its very core.

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

Revelation 13:16-17 (KJV)

Do you recall what happened to those who received the mark? 

And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.” 

Revelation 19:20 (KJV)

Note, in Revelation, it is the deniers of God (blasphemers) who lead the charge toward getting the Mark of the Beast.  Does this not sound like the modern Left? 

Do not get the vaccine – it is neither worth your physical health nor your eternal soul.


  1. Working theory is that lefty was summoned demons in order to get trump out of office. See “magical resistance”. This vaccine thing is blo back. Notice the more religious you are, the least likely one is vaccinated.

  2. Best summary of this madness in one article that I have seen. I would only add that this is not a temporary episode of insanity like y2k. More like 1914 but the lamps are going out around the world.

  3. It’s not a vaccine in the strictest sense of the word. It’s a gene-altering death or immune system-destroying concoction. Dr Peter McCullough (investigate his credentials) says all these jabs should have been halted in February. The so-called swine flu vaccine was pulled in 1976 after 32 attributed deaths. This one has killed in the tens of thousands. Unfortunately I have many close relatives who have received the Fauci/Gates/Trump/Biden jab, ignoring my pleas not to. Oh well, as Mel Gibson recently said, ‘Nobody cares what the hell I have to say any way’ so they won’t hear from me on this matter again.

    1. Unfortunately I have many close relatives who have received the Fauci/Gates/Trump/Biden jab, ignoring my pleas not to. Oh well, as Mel Gibson recently said, ‘Nobody cares what the hell I have to say any way’ so they won’t hear from me on this matter again.

      I, too, find myself in your predicament, and, like you, have warned people against getting the jab until I’m “blue in the face.” Although my friends and relatives have mostly resisted getting it so far, the scuttle between them reveals that they will succumb in due course, and in spite of my warnings. I can only control what I do, so there ya go. Besides, I’ve had it “up to here” with COVID madness, so I am at the point that when someone raises it, throwing up the latest statistics or whatever the government and the MSM is spoon feeding them, I simply tell them I do not want to hear anything about it.

      One of my younger brothers was recently fired from his job (of 24 years) for refusing to take the vax. Fortunately my business is booming at the moment and for the foreseeable future, so I was able to take him on and put him to work until he finds another job closer to him. He lives 70 miles away, so it is a long commute for him working for me.

      Excellent article, Mr. Martin. Glad you took the time to put all of the points in one piece.

  4. Thank you for that compliment, Mr. Morris.

    It is good to see your name grace these pages, again.

    God Bless,
    Padraig Martin

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