Nothing Newsom

Keeping the progressive voter engaged is one of the few challenges faced by our current ruling class. Regardless, this is an important task as this “true believer” constituency are essential to reinforcing the soft power of the elites when it’s time for a headcount at the polls. One such effort recently appeared in an article on CNN politics. The writers of this dubious screed would assert that there is an ever-growing faction within the Democratic Party that are nervous of what will transpire when (or if) Governor Newsom is outed with the upcoming recall election.

The ostensible reason for this recall election is the growing amount of dissatisfaction with the austere measures implemented by Newsom to control the spread of the pandemic. This is an entirely plausible assertion as anyone who has been paying attention knows that California was subjected to some of the most totalitarian restrictions and continues to suffer under the yoke of Comrade Newsom. Of course, Newsom has explicitly stated that the evil white supremacists are, in fact, the source of the public outcry and signed petitions for his removal.

The source of fear, purported to be in the hearts of Democrats by this article, is that the successor of Newsom will potentially be a Republican and nominate someone of the Republican persuasion to replace poor Dianne Feinstein if she croaks during the remainder of her term. She is, after all, 88 years old now. This would upset the current disposition of the Senate and give power to ‘Cocaine Mitch’ McConnell.

The article goes on to insist that in the event of a recall, calls for Dianne to step aside would intensify. While it could be argued that some of Diane’s colleagues were less than thrilled with her performance in the proceedings of both Kavanaugh’s, and later Amy Coney Barrett’s, confirmation hearings, it’s difficult to envisage an outcry for the removal of someone who has been so instrumental in destroying California. The more probable explanation for this article is that it fits into the pattern of all the other narratives that are contrived for the sole purpose of keeping those progressive voters engaged. How else can the electorate in California, who are thoroughly enervated, be encouraged to get out and prevent Newsom’s removal?

The actual result of McConnell regaining power should be obvious to those who witnessed the January 6th debacle. Mitch was unsurprisingly not there for his chief executive when the cards were down. Mitch McConnell will only ever do those things which are allowed within the current paradigm set forth by those pulling his strings. Whenever a narrative like this appears that seems to suggest a fear of the GOP by the Democrats, everyone including leftists, would be well advised to probe deeper and reflect that the GOP is really no opposition at all.

-By Dixie Anon