When the Irish Finally Fight Back

Last week, a fifty-year-old Algerian migrant to Ireland attacked a number of Irish school children with a knife. The brutal attack was suppressed quickly, but not before serious damage was done to children as young as five. Whereas the Algerian is to blame for the attack, the imported monster was the result of Irish policies for nearly a generation. Enough is enough.

For the past ten years, the Irish government has betrayed the Irish people in every possible way – from a demographically crushing importation of primarily Southwest Asian and North African migrants to sinister COVID-19 lockdowns that wreaked havoc on the social fabric of Irish society. The Irish government is at full war with Ireland. To say the Irish government is an outright enemy of the Irish people is an understatement. I am fully of the opinion that the only thing that separates the evil and vile governments of Dublin and Washington, DC, is the reality of the American geography and the sheer number of weapons the American public enjoys. Meanwhile, on the smaller, disarmed Irish population, the government has experimented with every Far Left, radical extremist positions fed to them by the European Union and the multinational corporations that call Ireland home for the sake of tax abatements.

Ireland is unrecognizable. This does not feel like the Ireland that fought for centuries against a foreign occupier. This is not even the Ireland that enjoyed swagger and pride regarding the ascension of the “Celtic Tiger” phenomenon – contrived as that ascendancy may have been. This is an Ireland that has been beaten into submission by a new foreign occupier: globalist deviancy. It was less than ten years ago that I stood and watched one of my five daughters baptized in Dublin before heading West to my mother’s birthplace.

I never saw a black face on the M4, M6, or M17. Tinkers were the issue less than a decade ago. Ireland was still a Catholic country covered with wonderfully pale faces. Yes, Irish society was changing rapidly, but “hook up” culture was largely a city thing. “Culchies” (the term for that which would best be described as an Irish redneck) were immune from the slow sprawl of Dublin degeneracy. Going to Mass in Ireland is often a shock for Americans. The speed at which a Mass is performed in Ireland is rocket fast compared to the slower pace of the United States. Still, the pews were filled. Older women still wore lace or kerchiefs over their heads in observation of the solemnity of the Church. But times have changed – as evidenced by the legalization of gay marriage, abortion, and the introduction of a homosexual prime minister who was not chosen by popular will. The wonderfully unique and beautiful Irish culture is under assault.

At what point do the Irish fight back? To be sure, last week’s protests that took place in response to the suicidal Irish migration policies that led to the Algerian knife attack were a start. An Páirtí Náisiúnta – The National Party – has been steadily growing, even after an attempt to undermine its messaging earlier this year. The NPs’s steady mantra imploring Ireland to “house the Irish” – a direct jab at the government’s policies that give preferential housing priorities to migrants over the needs of homeless Irish citizens – has resonated. The pittance of an Irish antifa have been beaten out of the streets on more than one occasion. In fact, it is my personal belief that Sinn Fein was elected to a second plurality position in the Irish Parliament largely because of the misperception that the party is a nationalist one. It is not. Sinn Fein would put the gayest globalist voices in America to shame.

All of this points back to the question of “when.” When will the Irish get fed up? When will the Irish stop the destruction of every facet of their very existence? When will the Irish decide to stand up to their oppressors – namely their own government led by a sodomite foreigner – and punch back?

I do not believe you will have to wait that long. There is a bubbling cauldron of intensity growing beneath the turf. In fact, the relative tranquility enjoyed by Ireland is an historical anomaly. What is important to remember is that the Irish still have an incredible capacity for organized, violent resistance. We are only one generation removed from the Troubles.

Approximately twenty-five years ago, the Provisional Irish Republican Army (PIRA) and the combined Unionist-Loyalist factions, signed a treaty through political intermediaries to come to terms that ended “The Troubles.” The thirty years of sectarian war that claimed the lives of more than three-thousand-five-hundred (3,500) people (mostly civilians) and claimed nearly fifty thousand (50,000) total casualties between 1967 and 1998 was merely another chapter in the violent history of Ireland. Well before the English “invitation” to invade Ireland in 1170, the Vikings had established themselves in bloody conflicts with the Gaelic inhabitants of the island dating back to the early 9th Century. Prior to that, the Irish themselves were known as pirates and raiders who preyed upon Roman merchant ships throughout late antiquity.

Ireland has known violence for as long as Ireland has been Ireland. It was, therefore, not a surprise to many when a bombing in Omagh threatened to disrupt the Northern Irish treaty – the Good Friday Peace Accords – less than six months after the signing. Thirty (30) dead and nearly two-hundred-twenty (220) wounded reminded everyone that peace was not what everyone sought, especially a group calling itself the Real Irish Republican Army (RIRA). Eventually, the RIRA would morph into the New IRA, with allies from the Continuity IRA (another breakaway group from the Provisionals). Both are active today with a combined footprint of approximately one thousand armed, trained, and organized men.

The complexity of Irish republican sectarian groups can be difficult for Americans to navigate. The groups have varying interests. Generally speaking, whereas the Provos were nationalist-Marxists with close ties to the Soviet Union and Irish-Americans, the NIRA/CIRA can better be described as nationalists and social democrats (i.e., economic populism). In effect, the policies they advocate are more closely aligned with that which would have been advocated by fascist parties throughout Europe in the early 20th century, even if they would not characterize themselves as such. It is not a stretch to believe that young, deeply angered Irishmen who are witnessing the disintegration of their country in real time eventually arise to fight.

This becomes more likely given the recent complexity of geopolitical events, the Irish Parliamentary democracy that is ripe for exploitation, and Ireland’s role as a political “go-between” for the U.S. and the EU. The Russian-U.S. rift is likely to spread and Irish neutrality will be tested like never before. All of the elements are there to witness American cultural exploitation to ensure Ireland remains a liberal democracy in the most diverse and exceedingly grotesque manner that only Americans can export in the 21st Century. Surely, the contrast between Russian conservatism and American lasciviousness will endear rightwing, nationalist groups to begin making overtures to their Russian colleagues – if that has not already happened. The Russians were there for the Irish before and they will likely be there again, as well, if not to simply disrupt American hegemony. The Chinese have already made inroads with Northern Irish groups.

Meanwhile, Irish democracy is messy and rife for exploitation in ways that easily deny a voice for the Irish people. If history has proven anything, it is this: when a people cannot “revolt” by means of a ballot, they choose guns. The importance of free speech and open elections is that they give an aggrieved populace an outlet. Ireland is crushing both. First, the current prime minister, the foreign homosexual, Leo Varadkar, was essentially put into power in 2017 and was the compromise candidate for 2022. Without getting into the weeds of the Taoiseach, Varadkar, a member of the marginally “right” of center Fine Gael, was chosen over the more popular Irishman, Simon Coveney (current Minister for Enterprise, Trade, and Employment). Coveney was the preferred choice of the majority of Fine Gael supporters, but thanks to some horse-trading and the unique method of Irish Parliamentary voting, Varadkar was installed. After Sinn Fein won a significant number of seats in 2020 and Michael Martin barely held onto a Fianna Fail (“center”-left) victory, the Taoiseach went to Martin. By 2022, Martin resigned the post as part of a coalition government, and it went back to Varadkar in a move that exemplifies the terrible options the Irish have politically.

It is my opinion that Sinn Fein did well because Sinn Fein was viewed as the nationalist party of Ireland. It is not. It is an extreme Far Left, global Marxist party. But their years of pro-Irish rhetoric led many voters to believe that Sinn Fein’s political platform was pro-Irish. For the struggling Irish working classes, the desperation for some kind of pro-Irish relief manifested in a victory for a party that is far from pro-Irish. It is the de facto pro-migrant, pro-homosexual party of Ireland – which says a lot, given that the center-right party is literally led by a homosexual child of migrants.

Regardless, this highlights the reality of the Irish domestic political landscape. With all but one option – the National Party – fighting against the interests of the Irish people, the Irish are bound to lose what little confidence they already have in the system. Guns replace ballots when that happens.

Finally, there is one thing that is genetically ingrained in the Irish: their sense of justice. For both good and bad, Right or Left, manipulating the keen sense of justice has always played a role in Irish political dynamics. This is a people who rise up when they feel someone or somewhere is wronged. It explains why they are keenly anti-colonialists and often side with leftist political viewpoints. It is the same reason some of the most ardent voices from the emerging Dissident Right are of Irish extraction. The firm belief that tearing down historical monuments and suppressing free speech is wrong underlies the same motivations of those Irish who believe monuments stand for oppression and speech is the catalyst for more oppression. I do not have to like that which motivates Irish leftists to understand the justifications they feel for their actions – even when I am personally the target of that vitriol.

In the same vein, there will be those Irish who ardently support migrants as part of a global commitment to equity. They will see their actions as “just.” Another set of Irish – myself included – will be motivated by the deep injustice to the Irish people if our culture, society, and heartland are ripped away from us after years of fighting to regain it. The tie-breaker will go to the broader population’s views as to the fairness of government actions.

Because the events of the 1916 Easter Rebellion have been lionized over time, it is hard to imagine a point whereby the event was deeply unpopular among the broader Irish population. It was not the actions of the brave Irishmen who stood against British oppression that inspired revolutionary zeal in 1916. It was the actions that the British took toward those men – many of whom were executed – that engendered sympathy for their cause and plight. It was that broader sense of injustice that led to 1918.

Similarly, most Irish nationals in the Republic were not pro-Provisional IRA, but they became sympathetic after Bobby Sands died of starvation due to a hunger strike that involved ten martyrs. It was not the actions of the PIRA or even the British military that inspired support. Rather, it was the cold, callous disregard for human life by then-Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher – a pro-American ally of then-President Ronald Reagan – that caused support to swell. I grew up in a very pro-Reagan household. I also grew up in a pro-Irish nationalist household that supported the original IRA, but not the “Provos.” We said Novenas (Catholic prayers) for Bobby Sands and the rest of the hunger strikers in the living room of our little Ocala, Florida home. Why? It was the just thing to do.

If the Irish government decides to suppress Irish dissident voices – which I suspect their European Union and American multinational corporate masters will require them to do – it will backfire. The Irish will not tolerate such suppression, even if they feel it is initially justified. If they go too hard, which I suspect they will, the Irish will fight back.

Rumors abound as to where the guns can be found in Mayo, Sligo, and Galway, and shovels are plenty. The government will push men to dig out old weapons. It is then that I believe fighting will resume in Ireland – a country that is well versed in the politics of the gun.


  1. I think we are entering a post ideological Era given todays threats. I could care less if someone was a Marxist,fascist, or even monarchist as long as they are for our people. What is important is protecting and sustaining our people and our nation . political ideology clashes by misguided civ nationals just serve our enemies. Our focus right now should be that We need a government and society which reflects our people.

    1. Mr. Reuben – I believe you are Wrong to think that political orientaion doesn’t Matter. It is, without a Doubt, the (((marxists))) who are the Root Cause of the government-organized Invasions of White Nations like Ireland, and the rest of Europe. As for ‘fascists’, I doubt they are the solution, either. Ireland, and most other White Nations would be better governed by a Monarchy that wasn’t an Inbred, Sclerotic and Corrupt outfit like the Saxe-Coburgs to your South. Someone like Conner McGregor would make a Good King of Ireland, and He might just be Popular enough to pull it off. He seems to have a good grip on the Problem, and what needs to be Done about it.

  2. A moving piece
    Take a look at Australia Ireland this is what you are about to become ,Australia has fallen , they no longer have the spirit to fight , the deliberate infantilization of its people has produced a generation who are afraid of their own shadow , they meekly watch the government teach their children to despise themselves while at the same time sexualize them to prepare them for a life of drug abuse and degeneracy , and do nothing , where brothers and so called friends spy on each other , cheer on as communist union thugs and Police smash the sculls of the brave few who are willing to stand up for their right exist where the corporate and public media daily belittles,humiliates and drums into their heads what selfish wretched beings all white people are. We need to rise up and rediscover what it was meant to be warriors. hopefully Ireland will be the spark.

  3. Irish push back will mark the beginning of the end to global hegemony, in my opinion. Our next election will be the catalyst that awakens the Southern people ( although they’ll just think they are real Americans) to the necessity of permanent political change. Hopefully, that will be a separatist path, a sectional path. Nothing is static, everything is dynamic.

    Very good article.

    1. Thank you for the compliment, Father Dabney.

      Yes, I agree. It will only take one country to spark a global fire. I think Ireland is the best candidate in the West to do this.

      God Bless,
      Padraig Martin

  4. Great read. Blood and Soil – it seems that we share both Padraig. Mine goes back to Sligo – my people are still there. I’m deeply connected to them even though I was born and raised in Virginia.
    Through the Dark Ages the island of Saints and scholars helped preserve Western Culture. May it again be so. Éirinn go Brách

  5. Its absurd that they ever allowed sub-saharan immigration. America has the Jewish slave trade in its past so its harder to take a hard line against sub-saharans, but what is Ireland’s excuse?

  6. It’s ok to fight back unless they are Jews correct? Funny they supposedly run the world but UN just sanctioned the country that is the size of New Jersey for defending themselves.

  7. I ache in my soul for the Irish to be free, both of the EU rubbish, and the Traitors amongst them. And I agree, about the ballots and guns. Socialism/communism can’t be voted away, so we know the road we’re on, Ireland and the US. Where ever it begins, or has begun, it will be a hard and bloody slog. And there will be no compromises.

    1. All White countries need a miracle to rid themselves of the evil ones who control us and seek to harm us and breed us out the picture. Ju know who our enemy is?

  8. You used the trem “migrant”, which that murderous is not, He, and most of “them” are invaders, please enumerate them as such.

    1. I hope you are correct that the people will stand up. However, my experience in spending time there (multiple trips totaling ~3 months in 2018 and 2019), is the Irish were constantly singing the praises of Socialism. No one I recall ever said a negative word. Granted, I was a tourist and avoided political discussions. The closest I came to politics was a group wanting to understand our “obsession” with guns. A few older people from the country I believe had quite a bit stashed. But the younger crowd was violently opposed.
      Good people at the individual level and I loved my time there.

  9. Padraig, I was born in ’69 on the Falls. I volunteered so long ago I forget the year. I voted against the ‘good’ Friday Agreement and promptly left the country for 15 years.
    I knew we needed an absence of war for all of us. I did not agree with undermining of the first Dail Eireann and its context and said so with my ballot then.

    So I left. I believe people are alive today because of the unchallenged decision/position – thank God.

    The GF Agreement destroyed the Authority of the original Dail Eireann. It was a complete replacement All Ireland Sovereignty. The IRA has no standing any more – much as we would like to help.

    I disagree with so many of your points I only can fail to address them in this brief repost.

    In the ‘60’s the Dublin Leadership turned Commie and sold all the guns to the Welsh – of all people.

    Modern Sin Fein is ‘occupied territory’. Fuck me – read their Manifesto. Do they stand for the Native or the Planter?

    There were murals of ‘I Ran Away’ on the walls of Belfast back ‘in the day’ I RAN AWAY – IRA

    The IRA cannot address this. The Dublin leadership are Hoors for BRUSSELS – not London. They hate us.

    Brown and Black do not belong here and cannot remain. If the white cannot live in Rhodesia or South Africa then turn about is fair play.

    I hate no one by colour but we are not compatible.

  10. Like much of the World, while the Irish were busy scouring the internet for porn, the usual suspects were busy too… stealing their country out from under their feet. I hold out less hope for them than the author does. And until they come back to their senses and Faith, things will continue to worsen there. But we’ll see. In any event, all dam bursts begin as a trickle.

  11. Interesting article. I had to read it twice to make heads or tails out of Irish politics. Hopefully, you’re right about the Irish sparking a greater revolt against the E.U. and NATO. It will only be a matter of time before the Zionists weaponize Muslims to ban hog farming throughout the E.U. over false pretenses and alleged environmental concerns. Then, the Muslims will try to ban the fermentation of wine and the brewing of beer. More and more farms will be seized by governments and repurposed as slums to house the endless hordes of primitive and savage invaders. Christendom along with European Civilization will perish unless Europeans fight back sooner rather than later.

  12. Padraig, I was born in ’69 on the Falls Road. I was very involved in the republican movement ‘back in the day’. I left and moved away after the ‘good’ Friday Agreement.

    Sinn Fein of my time was far more moderate in their politics. In addition senior positions in the movement were staffed by Northerners because we had all the ‘skin in the game’.

    In the ‘60’s the Dublin Leadership turned commie and sold all the guns to the Welsh – of all people. Hence we were left defenceless when Protestant mobs burned our streets in ’69. This led to the split creating the Provisionals. The title then was temporary until a new Ard Feis could be convened.

    Modern Sinn Fein is ‘occupied territory’. Feck me – I read their Manifesto. They now stand for the Planter before the Native. It really didn’t take long for their old ways to return. Typical watermelons – green on the outside, red inside. Typically pandering to virtue signalling victimhood ideology BS.

    Anti-immigrant protests have been going on now for nearly a year in the South. Tension has been building and after a long chain of offence and injustice the Irish people are showing they have had enough. It is up to the ‘establishment’ to see how they escalate – that’s all they ever do. Only burnt fingers teach the lesson.

    It’s not just the big cities but the most recent ‘arrivals’ are being forced out into the country. Country folk are a stronger breed and tolerate less crap. After the recent Covid hoax lock downs and oppression many folk are very anti-government. They just need a spark and it’s off to the races.

    Central Belfast now looks like London 30 years ago. Non-native faces are everywhere and in numbers. Interesting the Protestant community are more aggressive against the invaders. Nationalists vote Sinn Fein historically and instinctively and Sinn Fein have been rendered into a 5th Column.

    Interestingly there is an undercurrent of dissatisfaction and resentment that is increasingly non-sectarian – both communities are pissed. No connection between them as yet. Events may throw up some strange alliances.

    Spicy times approach. Every Irish generation feels the need to fight ‘the oppressor’. Rebellion broke out in every decade of the last century with varying degrees of success. It’s in our blood now and almost impossible to rationalise. We’ve been ‘stood down’ for 25 years!!

    Brown and Black do not belong here and cannot remain. If the white cannot live in Rhodesia or South Africa then turn about is fair play. I hate no one of colour but we are not compatible.

    I leave you with a quote from my favourite John Wayne Film – The Quiet Man;
    Michaleen Og Flynn: Well it’s a nice, soft night, so I think I’ll go and join me comrades and talk a little treason.

  13. Cut off the over glorified sports and replace it with real news and you’ld quickly have a whole new Ireland. That might work here too. There’s prophecies about Ireland not taking Antichrists BS when he makes his move. Supposedly they’ll be one of the main “thorns in his side,” to quote it.

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