This year I have spent a lot of time studying the Holodomor – the deliberate murder of the peasanty in the USSR during Stalin, during which the Ukrainians took the brunt of it. The communists hated the peasantry, seeing them as a bulwark of religion, tradition, and nationalism that could derail their planned utopia. They especially hated the Ukrainians because they saw everything they hated about the Russian peasantry in the Ukrainian peasantry, but even more pronounced. A similar concept can be seen in how Globohomo hates Heritage America as a whole, but hates Dixians even more because Southerners have even more pronounced traits of what they hate about Heritage America. Studying this has been eye-opening. Even I, ever the staunch anti-communist, a man who counts both Francisco Franco and Larry McDonald as two of the greatest men of the 20th century, was shocked by the cruelty displayed by the Soviets. To take grain away from already starving peasants truly boggles the mind.
In my studies, the one thing that has particularly stood out is how many peasants were turned in by their own children. You see, the communists ran the school system and brainwashed their students into hating their own parents. Pavlik Morozov, who, according to the official Soviet story was murdered by his family, is the most famous case, but there are others. These children became heroes of the Soviet Union, children who had seen that a class enemy must be destroyed, even if it is one’s own family. It was the Marxist notion of subjecting all other identities to class taken to its logical conclusion. Class, which meant in practice alliance to Marxist dogma, must take precedence over race, nation, religion, and family.
The Right must understand what happened 90 years ago in Ukraine and Russia, especially as it relates to children turning in their parents, for this is the goal of Critical Race Theory (CRT). CRT seeks to undermine the White family by telling White kids that they are evil, as are their family. Everything that White people have built is tainted by racism and therefore is unjust and must be brought down. The whole world is divided between the oppressors and the oppressed, but unlike the bourgeois and proletariat of classical Marxism, in this neo-Marxist dichotomy the ultimate oppressors are White, Christian males while the oppressed are a whole rainbow of differing identities. To be an oppressor is to be a villain, and one must be cleansed of his villainy to have a place in the new order.
So, how then does a White person cease to be a villain? By rejecting Whiteness and turning against his own people. This can take many forms. We saw one of these forms in the summer of 2020 when statues of great men – mostly related to the Confederacy, but by no means exclusively so – were torn down by mobs. Yes, in many cases, the mobs were black, but not always. In many cases, they were White. It was White people, who by tearing down the statues of great men, hoped to cleanse themselves of their Whiteness. Much like communism is a perverse parody of Christianity with the communist utopia taking the place of the kingdom of Christ on earth, so too does CRT function in the same way. In the case of CRT, the notion of original sin is replaced with ancestral guilt and White privilege. While Christianity teaches that all are guilty of original sin, CRT puts its notion of ancestral sin exclusively on Whites. The existence of non-White empires, such as the Arabs, is ignored. Only Whites are capable of oppression and all that Whites do is oppress.
The ultimate way that one can be cleansed of Whiteness though, is by turning in one’s parents. After all, though Robert E. Lee and Christopher Columbus are oppressors, they are still historical figures. Turning on them does not radically alter someone’s life and does not show that one is fully committed to the cause. But to turn on one’s very own parents, especially for a young child, does radically alter a life. Thus, one can show complete dedication to the cause and show that they, much like their child predecessors in early 1930s USSR, are fully dedicated to the cause.
Already, children are being taught that their ancestors are evil. This is why we have full grown adults who believe that American Indians lived in harmony with nature until evil Europeans came (in reality they were in near constant war with one another) or that the Crusades came out of the blue (again, in reality it was a response to centuries of Islamic aggression against Christendom). Much of the damage has already been done, the purpose of CRT by the Biden administration is to standardize this process. Children are already being encouraged to turn on their parents. I think a major reason why there has been an unprecedented amount of social change since 2010 is because children will make one tweet about how racist their family is and cost the parents their jobs, or even get a mob to show up to their house.
It’s common for the Right to worry about smart devices being used to record people without their permission, something that will be used to punish dissidents. And while that concern is completely valid, it overlooks one thing. If you send your children to public school (and more than a few private schools), they are already being trained to do this very thing. The aim of CRT is to formalize and standardize this process to make sure it becomes all encompassing. Much as in the case of the peasantry and the Soviet Union, Globohomo sees Heritage America as a threat and is willing to use their own children against them.
For as long as there has been a union, Dixie has been the bulwark against radical leftism. With Dixie gone, or at least a shell of herself, there would be no way to stop the leftist destruction of Heritage America. And they know it, just as the Soviets understood that if the Tsarist Russia and the Orthodox Church were to survive – it would be because of the peasantry. Normiecons who call CRT “reverse racism” or call it some kind of betrayal of Martin Luther King’s legacy are again missing the point. CRT is an attack on the family. It is an attack on the nation. It is an attack on Christianity. It is an attack on everything you love and respect. It is the formalization of the creation of an army of informants inside the homes of Heritage America, with Dixians as an especially important target.
Much as the children of some Russian and Ukrainian peasants reported their parents to show that they were good communists, and communism mattered more than family, so to will this happen unless serious measures are enacted. Instead of “communism,” the word will be “anti-racist.”

Scary because I know the danger is real. I have not studied the rise of SU but I take the claims of this article at face value. There are two key lessons I can point out in this article after only reading it once.
1) the enemy will probably attack our food supply, so prepping in that regard is a good thing. (Food supply could always be disrupted by plague or natural disaster anyway.)
2) We have to come up with a way to outsmart CRT. Homeschool is an option for now but may not always be. Having clever ways to expose and unpack CRT for our children as they are being exposed to it may soon be the only option.
Regarding #1 I can say it is plain negligent not to have a stash of white rice and pinto beans. They are very cheap and can be stored for 30+ years in airtight, rodentproof containers with oxygen absorbers (which are dirt cheap).
The Nazi Party did the same thing. A German Father was called a Radio Traitor because he listened to Foreign radio, and not German broadcasts. He was informed by his son. Also in Orwell”s 1984 there was a group called the Spies, which I believe consisted of Children.
After watching my stepchildren and oldest daughter slip away into this Marxist nonsense, I made my three younger children do a “skipped in school” book and movie session where we read and watched entertainment that highlighted the REAL history of the world which the schools no longer teach. I have a Russian friend whose father was persecuted for being a “kulak” (Ukranian peasant-farmer) and when she first said that, I had no idea what that MEANT and had to look it up because it hadn’t been taught in school. The movie “Bitter Harvest” is about the Ukranian Holodomor. It is quite suitable for middle grade and up with parental supervision and explanation (which means you better beef up on your history first).
Here is my complete list of OTHER movies and books that you can casually watch with your non-red-pilled normie friends and kids to teach them the REAL history of communism, feral tribes, and other important topics without triggering all of their defenses. I am constantly adding to this list: