The Statesman and the Super Predators

Athens had Solon, a statesman and intellectual adamant about the need for reform. Atlanta’s equivalent would be Antonio Brown. Last year, he led a push by the city council to chop the police budget down by a third and redistribute it to social services. While that narrowly failed, the situation has deteriorated so drastically that the current mayor isn’t going to bother trying to get reelected.

He’s running to replace her on a campaign platform of “reimagining public safety” to fully complete Atlanta’s transition from municipality to warzone. He doesn’t want that fighting to be done in an urban food desert, though. That’s why he was attending a ribbon-cutting ceremony for a Dunkin’ and Baskin-Robbins combination store on Wednesday morning.

As that was wrapping up, he had an unpleasant encounter with 4 kids “somewhere between 7 and 11 years old” working on their super predator apprenticeships, which are generally completed around age 13. One of them acted as if he had a gun. They stole his Mercedes and dragged the recalcitrant councilman about half a block before he let go in order to avoid further injury.

‘This is a generational poverty issue. These kids, it’s 12:30 in the afternoon. Why aren’t they in school? Why aren’t we enforcing systems to ensure that if they are not in school, they’re in recreational centers?’ Brown said. 

First of all, poverty is no impediment to attending school. White people pay taxes to fund schools, free food at schools, and transportation to and from these facilities. On the subject of “enforcing systems” the primary one is called a father, which can safely be ruled out in this case.

The next system of enforcement would’ve been known as the police department. One of their own will be going on trial for his life after being forced to shoot an armed black man who tried to kill him last year. Which one of them in his right mind would patrol the streets to proactively find black kids with guns?

They’re well aware that if a confrontation occurs, the chances of talking sense to a young combatant are low, and the chances of having to act decisively in a split second are decent. So, while the police department hasn’t been defunded, crime has gone through the roof:

The councilman told WSBTV that he was on hold with 911 for five minutes after the incident. Brown also claims it took 45 minutes for police to arrive because it was assigned as a low-priority dispatch.  

Yeah, when murders are up 59% your car becomes a low priority. The defund the police thing is so transparently idiotic that it’s burning itself out already. The police actually doing their jobs in black communities, that one might never be coming back.

He’s also facing federal fraud charges. I bet you’re shocked.


  1. Keep in mind that this is not funny, the death cult does not care… they would rather let the world burn than admit that they are wrong.

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